IRC log of bulletchat on 2019-09-18

Timestamps are in UTC.

01:43:39 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #bulletchat
01:43:39 [RRSAgent]
logging to
01:43:43 [wseltzer]
rrsagent, make logs public
02:07:06 [nigel]
nigel has joined #bulletchat
02:56:02 [inamori_]
inamori_ has joined #bulletchat
03:04:38 [nigel]
nigel has joined #bulletchat
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inamori_ has joined #bulletchat
03:17:46 [yjc]
yjc has joined #bulletchat
03:18:37 [Guest19]
Guest19 has joined #bulletchat
03:58:31 [inamori_]
inamori_ has joined #bulletchat
04:08:15 [inamori_]
inamori_ has joined #bulletchat
04:15:55 [lilin]
lilin has joined #bulletchat
04:23:39 [Guest19]
Guest19 has joined #bulletchat
04:30:07 [koizuka]
koizuka has joined #bulletchat
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suzuki has joined #bulletchat
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nigel has joined #bulletchat
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yuyin has joined #bulletchat
04:34:27 [xueyuan]
xueyuan has joined #bulletchat
04:34:37 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #bulletchat
04:35:21 [xueyuan]
Zakim, this Bullet Chatting - TPAC 2019 Breakout Session
04:35:21 [Zakim]
I don't understand you, xueyuan
04:35:44 [zhaoxin_bilibili_]
zhaoxin_bilibili_ has joined #bulletchat
04:35:44 [xueyuan]
rrsagent, make log public
04:36:17 [msw_]
msw_ has joined #bulletchat
04:36:19 [Mek]
Mek has joined #bulletchat
04:36:41 [nmooney]
nmooney has joined #bulletchat
04:37:03 [takumif_]
takumif_ has joined #bulletchat
04:37:48 [nigel]
Meeting: Bullet Chatting - TPAC 2019 Breakout Session
04:37:58 [Chunming]
Chunming has joined #bulletchat
04:38:01 [nigel]
Present+ Nigel_Megitt
04:38:15 [Chunming]
04:38:36 [huangzhihao]
huangzhihao has joined #bulletchat
04:39:06 [shimazu]
shimazu has joined #bulletchat
04:39:25 [xfq]
xfq has joined #bulletchat
04:42:35 [Chunming]
04:43:35 [xfq]
scribenick: xfq
04:44:00 [xfq]
[demo of game broadcasting with bullet chatting]
04:44:11 [xfq]
song: @@
04:44:27 [xfq]
[expalining the allowOverlap attribute]
04:44:35 [xfq]
04:44:54 [xfq]
[explaining the bulletchat element]
04:45:12 [Bowen]
Bowen has joined #bulletchat
04:46:12 [xfq]
song: we have several demos
04:46:14 [xfq]
04:46:25 [xfq]
[presenting the simple-demo]
04:46:54 [xfq]
song: we can change the color, the font size
04:47:11 [xfq]
... put it at bottom
04:47:11 [xfq]
... or top
04:47:56 [xfq]
[presenting the bulletchatting-proposal-demo]
04:47:56 [xfq]
song: this demo implements the proposal
04:48:30 [xfq]
... you can put the content of the bullet chatting in 'innerHTML'
04:49:09 [huangzhihao]
huangzhihao has joined #bulletchat
04:49:12 [xfq]
... you can change the duration, the delay etc. of the bullet chatting
04:49:18 [yaochangli]
yaochangli has joined #bulletchat
04:50:00 [tanzhaoxin]
tanzhaoxin has joined #bulletchat
04:50:15 [xfq]
... you can change the area too
04:50:52 [xfq]
... the demo is implemneting the API in the proposal
04:51:12 [xiaoqian]
xiaoqian has joined #bulletchat
04:54:47 [TakeruYamada_]
TakeruYamada_ has joined #bulletchat
04:55:28 [xfq]
[debugging the projector]
04:55:28 [xfq]
michael: @@
04:55:28 [xfq]
... we're fortunately to be invited by Mr. Song to this breakout session
04:55:28 [xfq]
... Japanese companies are also interested in this area
04:55:28 [xfq]
[debugging the projector again]
04:55:46 [yigu]
yigu has joined #bulletchat
04:56:26 [inamori_]
inamori_ has joined #bulletchat
04:56:29 [xfq]
michael: we're dwango
04:56:30 [xfq]
... 10m monthly active users
04:56:30 [xfq]
[showing a demo of a video on niconico]
04:57:16 [xfq]
michael: users can even create artwork using comments
04:57:16 [xfq]
[showing a demo image of artwork]
04:57:16 [xfq]
michael: this is part of our culture
04:57:18 [Chunming]
04:58:21 [xfq]
plh: there was a demo that a dancer is dancing and masked
04:58:21 [xfq]
04:59:22 [xfq]
song: we listed it as an use cases, but not in the technical proposal
04:59:22 [xfq]
... it's mostly server-side computation
04:59:49 [xfq]
nigel: a11y @@
04:59:50 [xfq]
michael: we're currently not working on it, @@
05:00:42 [nigel]
s/ally @@/How do you make this accessible? How do you meet the needs of users who cannot read the text?
05:00:56 [nigel]
s|s/ally @@/How do you make this accessible? How do you meet the needs of users who cannot read the text?||
05:01:03 [nigel]
s/a11y @@/How do you make this accessible? How do you meet the needs of users who cannot read the text?
05:01:36 [xfq]
song: we considered using WebVTT when designing bullet chatting, but there are several differences
05:01:36 [xfq]
... the bullet chatting is not necessarily connected with videos
05:02:00 [xfq]
... e.g., the Interactive wall use case:
05:02:38 [xfq]
michael: yes, we have similar services in niconico systems as well
05:02:48 [xfq]
05:03:41 [xfq]
chris: @@ comment sync with video playback
05:04:06 [xfq]
... some people may want to watch video slower and see the comments slower
05:05:26 [kaz]
kaz has joined #bulletchat
05:05:33 [xfq]
nigel: i didn't see sync of media events in the proposal
05:05:33 [xfq]
... do you have these in other documents
05:05:33 [xfq]
song: currently not
05:05:33 [xfq]
... but it sounds interesting
05:05:33 [xfq]
... we'll develop one
05:05:56 [nigel]
s/other documents/other documents such as a requirements document
05:06:40 [plh]
plh has joined #bulletchat
05:06:40 [xfq]
michael: for dwango we currently don't have specific opinions on how this is standardized
05:06:40 [xfq]
... we're interested in participating in the future
05:06:40 [xfq]
... currently it's developeed in the chinese ig
05:08:33 [xfq]
nigel: your overall goal here is to have a format for sending danmaku to the server, but you're ok with whatever the final format is?
05:08:33 [xfq]
xiaoqian: i think that's the consensus of editors from chinese ig, not sure about our new participants from japan
05:08:43 [xfq]
michael: @@
05:09:17 [nigel]
s/to the server/to the player
05:09:49 [xfq]
plh: immersive use cases?
05:10:42 [wanming]
wanming has joined #bulletchat
05:11:14 [plh]
(Benjamin De Kosnik)
05:11:36 [yeaphone]
yeaphone has joined #bulletchat
05:11:39 [xfq]
Benjamin: @@ multiple rendering of bullet chatting
05:11:39 [xfq]
song: in the demo, you can try changing the allowOverlap attribute
05:11:39 [xfq]
05:12:04 [xfq]
Benjamin: another question
05:12:04 [xfq]
... how much exploration is still going on in this area?
05:13:30 [xfq]
song: the implementation is already ready in the market
05:13:31 [xfq]
... the standardization depends on process and other factors, like new scenes (VR/AR etc.)
05:13:38 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
05:13:38 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
05:13:52 [xfq]
nigel: how do captions/subtitles and bulelt chatting interact?
05:14:42 [xfq]
michael: we currently don't have a CC system in our player
05:14:42 [xfq]
... but if we develop one, it will be a completely different system
05:14:56 [xfq]
... they won't probably interact
05:15:34 [kaz]
rrsagent, make log public
05:15:35 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
05:15:35 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
05:16:12 [xfq]
michael: this might be worth mentioning
05:16:12 [xfq]
... some users use our comment system (bullet chatting) soemwhat as subtitles
05:16:45 [shimazu]
shimazu has joined #bulletchat
05:16:52 [kaz]
present+ Kaz_Ashimura
05:17:48 [xfq]
nigel: @@ standardization
05:17:48 [xfq]
... before the playback, or real-time?
05:18:59 [xfq]
michael: in our impl, when live streaming it's real time
05:18:59 [xfq]
... in videos and videos on-demand, it's @@
05:18:59 [xfq]
nigel: do you have a delivery model in mind?
05:19:28 [jun]
jun has joined #bulletchat
05:20:40 [xfq]
kaz: the system includes two network models
05:20:40 [xfq]
... one (video) through http interface
05:20:40 [xfq]
... the live service uses websocket connection
05:21:10 [xfq]
plh: webrtc is also interesting
05:21:11 [xfq]
... it's useful for real-time text as well
05:21:22 [kaz]
05:21:34 [NJ__]
NJ__ has joined #bulletchat
05:21:40 [nigel]
s/@@ standardization/Are you looking to standardise delivery of this
05:22:20 [xfq]
plh: webrtc WG mentioned that the US has requirements for transferring real-time text when using webrtc as well
05:22:31 [kaz]
s/websocket connection/websocket connection. they're still wondering which part should be standardized within W3C./
05:22:50 [xfq]
ack kaz
05:23:10 [plh]
05:23:12 [xfq]
05:23:17 [xfq]
present+ song
05:23:20 [lilin]
05:23:21 [xiaoqian]
05:23:51 [kaz]
present+ and_more
05:23:59 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
05:23:59 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
05:24:37 [xfq]
chair: Song_Xu
05:24:44 [xfq]
rrsagent, draft minutes
05:24:44 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate xfq
05:26:14 [kaz]
kaz: comment related to plh's comment. when I talked with the Dwango guys, I also mentioned the possibility of extending their bullet chat mechanism for immersive 360 video, and WebRTC (and location/direction information) would be useful for that purpose. would continue to talk with them.
05:26:16 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
05:26:16 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
05:30:13 [nigel]
nigel has joined #bulletchat
05:30:14 [nmooney]
nmooney has joined #bulletchat
05:33:15 [msw_]
msw_ has joined #bulletchat
05:33:15 [xfq]
xfq has joined #bulletchat
05:34:15 [xiaoqian]
xiaoqian has joined #bulletchat
05:34:21 [xfq]
xfq has left #bulletchat
05:36:44 [nigel_]
nigel_ has joined #bulletchat
05:36:45 [shimazu]
shimazu has joined #bulletchat
05:45:28 [kaz]
kaz has joined #bulletchat
05:54:09 [inamori_]
inamori_ has joined #bulletchat
06:13:28 [msw_]
msw_ has joined #bulletchat
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nmooney has joined #bulletchat
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msw_ has joined #bulletchat
06:32:05 [shimazu]
shimazu has joined #bulletchat
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nmooney has joined #bulletchat
06:59:12 [plh]
plh has joined #bulletchat
07:02:02 [xueyuan]
xueyuan has joined #bulletchat
07:04:35 [nigel]
nigel has joined #bulletchat
07:12:18 [Chunming]
Chunming has joined #bulletchat
07:17:20 [xueyuan_]
xueyuan_ has joined #bulletchat
07:21:58 [nigel]
nigel has joined #bulletchat
07:22:32 [nigel_]
nigel_ has joined #bulletchat
07:25:47 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #bulletchat
07:31:50 [msw__]
msw__ has joined #bulletchat
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nigel has joined #bulletchat
07:34:12 [plh]
plh has joined #bulletchat
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shimazu has joined #bulletchat
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xiaoqian has joined #bulletchat
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msw_ has joined #bulletchat
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nmooney has joined #bulletchat
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msw__ has joined #bulletchat
08:00:07 [nigel_]
nigel_ has joined #bulletchat
08:00:46 [Chunming]
Chunming has joined #bulletchat
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shimazu has joined #bulletchat
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xueyuan_ has joined #bulletchat
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xiaoqian has joined #bulletchat
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nigel_ has joined #bulletchat
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nigel has joined #bulletchat
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xueyuan_ has joined #bulletchat
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shimazu has joined #bulletchat
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shimazu has joined #bulletchat
09:09:15 [Chunming]
Chunming has joined #bulletchat
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nmooney has joined #bulletchat
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xueyuan has joined #bulletchat
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nmooney has joined #bulletchat
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nigel has joined #bulletchat
10:10:56 [Guest19]
Guest19 has joined #bulletchat
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msw_ has joined #bulletchat
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nmooney has joined #bulletchat
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Guest19 has joined #bulletchat
12:22:01 [Chunming]
Chunming has joined #bulletchat
14:49:36 [Chunming]
Chunming has joined #bulletchat
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Chunming has joined #bulletchat
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shimazu has joined #bulletchat
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nigel has joined #bulletchat