01:28:50 RRSAgent has joined #aha 01:28:50 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-aha-irc 01:29:26 plh has joined #aha 01:29:32 rrsagent, make logs public-visible 01:29:36 Zakim has joined #aha 01:29:37 chair: YoshiroYoneya 01:29:56 rrsagent, generate minutes 01:29:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-aha-minutes.html plh 01:31:36 naomi has joined #aha 01:35:38 yoshiroy has joined #aha 01:35:52 naomi has joined #aha 01:36:41 naomi_ has joined #aha 01:42:24 dom has joined #aha 01:43:28 naomi has joined #aha 01:44:40 Meeting: Anti-Homograph-Attacks 01:44:49 RRSAgent, make log public 01:45:31 plh has joined #aha 01:49:06 naomi has joined #aha 01:50:07 koalie has joined #aha 01:50:14 RRSAgent, make logs public 01:50:18 koalie has changed the topic to: https://w3c.github.io/tpac-breakouts/sessions.html 01:50:20 koalie has left #aha 01:50:25 Agenda and slides are here: https://github.com/yoneyajp/AHA/wiki 01:56:08 mori has joined #aha 01:57:22 dom has joined #aha 01:57:53 urata has joined #aha 01:57:57 scribe: urata 01:58:33 naomi_ has joined #aha 01:59:50 Agenda and slides are here: https://github.com/yoneyajp/AHA/wiki 02:00:14 pranjal__ has joined #aha 02:00:58 kimwooglae has joined #aha 02:01:13 introduction by Yoshiro Yoneya 02:01:49 carlosil has joined #aha 02:02:00 named the group anti homograph attack AHA 02:02:16 https://github.com/yoneyajp/AHA/wiki 02:03:01 introduction slide 02:03:02 https://github.com/yoneyajp/AHA/blob/master/AHA-CG-Proposal.pptx 02:03:13 duerst has joined #aha 02:04:24 motivation is to create a place discuss about IDN homograph attack mitigation 02:05:05 naomi has joined #aha 02:05:30 yoneya: scope of CG 02:05:53 naomi has joined #aha 02:06:44 yoneya: focus is mainly on web browser 02:07:54 pranjal has joined #aha 02:08:55 urata_ has joined #aha 02:08:59 yoshiroy has joined #aha 02:09:04 yoneya: prof Mori will present detail 02:09:11 mori: background 02:09:38 https://github.com/yoneyajp/AHA/blob/master/20190918-W3C-mori.pdf 02:10:08 ajitomi_ has joined #aha 02:10:18 mori: to tackle, create sham finder framework 02:11:13 mori: use alexa ranking top 100/1000 to create reference 02:11:48 mori: figure shows how sham finder works 02:12:20 tung_ has joined #aha 02:12:54 mori: question is existend of such Database 02:13:59 http://unicode.org/reports/tr39/#Data_Collection 02:14:32 mori: process to create DB called SimChar 02:15:14 mori: get visual image of chars using BNU unifont 02:16:30 mori: need to evaluate similality of gryphs which needs threshold 02:16:46 Stats of DBs 02:17:26 mori: using four pixels as threshold 02:17:59 xxxx: dotted i and i without dot are confusable 02:18:10 minami has joined #aha 02:19:00 examples of confusable homogryphs 02:19:37 mori: detected homogryphs are really confusable? 02:20:39 mori: study with human has done 02:21:18 mori: some pairs in confusable.txt are not feel confusabe from human 02:21:39 mori: limitaion and future work 02:22:19 mori: confusability differs by the speeking language of the person 02:22:32 SimChar is available in github 02:24:27 xxxx: quesiton about difficulty of evaluating of distance between gryphs 02:24:49 yoneya: going to discussion session 02:25:08 https://github.com/yoneyajp/AHA/blob/master/AHA-CG-Proposal.pptx 02:26:43 yoneya: similar char list is not so large 02:26:54 dontcallmeDOM has joined #aha 02:27:37 yoneya: so, it may be possible to embedded in apps 02:27:59 yoneya: how to indicate confusable char? 02:29:25 yoneya: candidate idea: indicating by color, by spacing, read aloud, creating special font 02:30:14 yoneya: input of ideas from audiences are welcomed 02:31:13 xxxx: question about asian script punicode 02:31:37 mori: asian chars contains homogryps 02:32:06 mori: asian chars are less used in IDNs 02:34:24 yoneya: for non latin char users, they are not familiar with homograph attacks, such indication method of confuable chars are nessessary 02:34:48 xxxx: worring about mixed script detction 02:35:27 xxxx: lowcase L and number 1 are confusable 02:36:16 yoneya: if app detect confusable chars, app can indcate with distinctive way 02:37:19 xxxx: issues about skelton comparison, false positive 02:38:21 xxxx: using real world confusion samples to improve threshold may be worthful 02:39:28 xxxx: how to standardize the confusability may be difficult since opinions might be difference between groups 02:40:55 xxxx: what groups means? 02:41:47 xxxx: peple from apple, goolgle, mozzila may have different opinion about difining confusable pairs 02:42:55 xxxx: speer phishing for screen reader users may be possible 02:43:40 yoneya: have intention to create community group. draft charter is already prepared 02:44:16 yoneya: if you think about joining to CG, please notify name to us 02:44:49 xxxx: relationship with unicode consortium, etc? 02:45:24 xxxx: bring this to ICANN ietf is in mind 02:46:16 yoneya: w3c is good place to collecting internet users opinions 02:47:52 yoneya: welcome opinions from audiences 02:48:20 yoneya: please contact to yoneya's id or github 02:48:22 https://github.com/yoneyajp/ 02:49:38 pranjal has joined #aha 02:49:41 yoshiro.yoneya@jprs.co.jp 02:51:20 rrsagent, generate minutes 02:51:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-aha-minutes.html YoshiroYoneya 02:52:25 pranjal_ has joined #aha 02:59:17 pranjal has joined #aha 03:27:30 pranjal has joined #aha 03:29:32 naomi has joined #aha 03:37:56 Zakim has left #aha 03:46:15 YoshiroYoneya has joined #aha 03:46:25 naomi has joined #aha 03:49:49 pranjal_ has joined #aha 04:06:33 naomi has joined #aha 04:11:56 YoshiroYoneya has joined #aha 04:20:17 yoshiroy has joined #aha 04:29:39 dontcallmeDOM has joined #aha 04:31:28 naomi has joined #aha 04:31:48 naomi has joined #aha 04:33:37 pranjal has joined #aha 04:33:51 plh has joined #aha 04:34:13 plh has left #aha 04:43:49 dom has left #aha 05:26:47 yoshiroy has joined #aha 05:31:17 yoshiroy1 has joined #aha 05:33:15 naomi has joined #aha 05:33:32 pranjal has joined #aha 05:58:16 naomi has joined #aha 06:02:50 naomi_ has joined #aha 06:06:29 naomi_ has joined #aha 06:15:53 Summary 06:15:54 - We had around 15 attendees. 06:15:54 - We got positive feedback from attendees. 06:15:54 - We will propose forming a community group and announce its formation on a broader channel. 06:15:54 - We will bring our deliverables to other SDOs such as IETF, ICANN and Unicode Consortium. 06:16:04 rrsagent, generate minutes 06:16:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/18-aha-minutes.html YoshiroYoneya 06:22:13 pranjal has joined #aha 06:29:23 naomi has joined #aha 06:29:57 pranjal_ has joined #aha 06:37:40 naomi has joined #aha 06:43:03 naomi has joined #aha 06:44:01 naomi_ has joined #aha 06:52:36 naomi has joined #aha 06:55:44 naomi_ has joined #aha 07:00:29 naomi has joined #aha 07:02:32 naomi has joined #aha 07:03:32 YoshiroYoneya has joined #aha 07:06:06 naomi has joined #aha 07:07:14 yoshiroy has joined #aha 07:15:08 naomi has joined #aha 07:20:52 pranjal has joined #aha 07:26:18 naomi has joined #aha 07:30:42 pranjal has joined #aha 07:36:38 naomi has joined #aha 07:50:48 naomi_ has joined #aha 07:57:17 naomi has joined #aha 08:00:06 yoshiroy1 has joined #aha 08:31:19 naomi has joined #aha 08:35:05 pranjal has joined #aha 08:40:32 pranjal_ has joined #aha 08:42:47 naomi has joined #aha 08:47:28 naomi_ has joined #aha 09:00:31 pranjal has joined #aha 10:18:08 yoshiroy has joined #aha 12:11:15 pranjal has joined #aha 14:43:13 naomi has joined #aha