23:59:22 RRSAgent has joined #tpac 23:59:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-tpac-irc 23:59:45 meeting: TPAC 2019 Plenary 00:00:03 msw__ has joined #tpac 00:00:04 Zakim has joined #tpac 00:01:10 Ian has joined #tpac 00:01:48 shawn has joined #tpac 00:02:10 yofukami has joined #tpac 00:02:12 toshiakikoike has joined #tpac 00:02:20 RRSAGENT, set pointer 00:02:20 I'm logging. I don't understand 'set pointer', Ian. Try /msg RRSAgent help 00:02:24 RRSAGENT, pointer? 00:02:24 See https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-tpac-irc#T00-02-24 00:02:30 Topic: Plenary 00:02:31 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/ceo-tpac-update/ CEO Update slides 00:02:32 MO has joined #tpac 00:02:36 scribenick: Ian 00:02:43 Jeff: Welcome! Lots of attendance! 00:02:52 [Housekeeping] 00:02:53 dsinger has joined #tpac 00:02:55 Kangchan has joined #tpac 00:02:56 hfuji has joined #tpac 00:03:01 Yougnsun has joined #tpac 00:03:02 Sophie_ has joined #tpac 00:03:03 gildas has joined #tpac 00:03:04 dom has joined #tpac 00:03:06 florian has joined #tpac 00:03:09 Jeff: Please complete the survey to help us improve TPAC 00:03:12 dezell has joined #tpac 00:03:18 kimwooglae has joined #tpac 00:03:20 takio has joined #tpac 00:03:20 wonsuk has joined #tpac 00:03:20 hirata has joined #tpac 00:03:22 jkamata has joined #tpac 00:03:25 ...Naomi and the Keio Team were amazing at securing sponsors; most sponsors ever. 00:03:25 ajitomi has joined #tpac 00:03:33 iclelland has joined #tpac 00:03:34 suzuki has joined #tpac 00:03:37 joemedley has joined #tpac 00:03:38 [Slide displays all sponsor names] 00:03:45 fantasai has joined #tpac 00:03:45 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 00:03:53 prushforth has joined #tpac 00:04:03 CharlesL has joined #tpac 00:04:05 takashi has joined #tpac 00:04:07 Jeff: Many thanks in particular to the Platinum Sponsors: Rakuten Insitute of Technology, Coil, NTT 00:04:08 Masa has joined #tpac 00:04:15 s/Insitute/Institute 00:04:17 cwarnier has joined #tpac 00:04:21 present+ 00:04:27 Jeff: Thanks also to Gold sponsor Panasonic 00:04:35 Jeff: Let's thank all the sponsors! 00:04:37 present+ 00:04:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-tpac-minutes.html Ian 00:04:45 present+ 00:05:04 Jeff: Please recall that all W3C meetings are guided by our Code of Conduct 00:05:11 present+ 00:05:18 -> https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/ Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct 00:05:19 yamada has joined #tpac 00:05:34 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 00:05:35 Jeff: There is a CG that is working on a substantial revision to the code of conduct. 00:06:05 Jeff: Schedule for today before breakouts includes two important topics: continuous spec developments and MDN 00:06:09 plh has joined #tpac 00:06:12 ...there is also a breakout session on Process 2020 later today 00:06:13 shimazu has joined #tpac 00:06:26 present+ 00:06:47 ....MDN did a developer survey to look at developer needs; W3C participated. We think it's important for the W3C community to hear the results, and there will be a breakout later today. 00:06:54 marie has joined #tpac 00:07:04 -> https://w3c.github.io/tpac-breakouts/sessions.html TPAC 2019 breakout schedule 00:07:10 jezza has joined #tpac 00:07:21 Jeff: We will finalize the breakout grid (this year mostly done before TPAC started) 00:07:30 Jeff: We canceled reporting this year in favor of more breakout time 00:07:41 Jeff: Tonight we have a reception on the first floor 00:08:02 Jeff: Some additional points for the community; we are proud of our commitment to diversity. 00:08:15 ..we created a diversity fund to raise money to pay expenses for people who might not be able to attend otherwise 00:08:33 ...In 2018 we enabled 2 people to attend. 00:09:09 ...In 2019, under Léonie Watson's leadership, we were able to support 7 scholarships. Many thanks to the 11 companies that enabled that. 00:09:18 ReinaldoFerraz has joined #tpac 00:09:37 ...we did hear that it requires time in companies to budget for these scholarships, so for next year we will start this effort sooner 00:09:46 [W3C Process] 00:10:10 Process CG mailing list https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/ 00:10:15 Jeff: Process changes managed through the Process CG; many important changes are coming. Please see the editors' draft for what's coming 00:10:25 present+ 00:10:25 Process CG GitHub https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues 00:10:26 ...the small team that does this work is doing amazing work, but we'd like broader participation. 00:10:33 [TPAC 2020] 00:10:47 Jeff: next year's meeting 26-30 October in Vancouver, Canada 00:11:07 Topic: Continues Specification Development 00:11:15 [Fantasai and Philippe Le Hégaret] 00:11:25 JohnJansen has joined #TPAC 00:11:35 plh: Good morning and thanks for surviving TPAC so far! 00:11:59 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/# Continuous Spec Development Slides 00:11:59 nigel has joined #tpac 00:12:07 PLH: Come to the breakout session and don't hesitate to ask us questions. 00:12:36 rrsagent, pointer? 00:12:36 See https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-tpac-irc#T00-12-36 00:12:43 [Ian does not plan to reproduce the slides by scribing PLH verbatim] 00:12:56 kaz has joined #tpac 00:12:59 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#3 Where can the REC track be improved? 00:13:24 PLH: One note - patent policy commitments only solidify at REC, even though deployment happens sooner. 00:13:32 tk has joined #tpac 00:13:41 jc has joined #tpac 00:14:01 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#4 Use cases 00:14:34 PLH: Use cases: Vocabularies (e.g., DCAT), mappings, registries, profiles, maintenance, enhancement, rapid development, tracking 00:14:45 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#5 Interested groups 00:15:14 PLH: If you are a chair and you want us to stop by your meeting let us know. 00:15:19 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#6 Goals 00:15:42 Kiyoshi has joined #tpac 00:16:06 PLH: Goals include preserving important goals like consensus, wide review 00:16:15 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#7 Design intentions 00:16:25 Kiyoshi has joined #tpac 00:16:34 PLH: Goal is to include this evolution in Process 2020 00:17:01 ...the current preference is to fix the Rec track rather than create a parallel track, and to continue to incrementally improve the Rec track 00:17:25 fantasai: We propose a set of fixes (which can be taken together or separately) 00:17:29 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#9 Process Improvements Package 00:17:48 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#10 Secure licensees sooner 00:18:09 fantasai: Licenses are not guaranteed until Rec status. We'd like to get them sooner since specs are deployed sooner. 00:18:14 fantasai: each of these 6 proposals can be taken individually, but adopting them all give the most benefits 00:18:22 kaz_ has joined #tpac 00:18:28 ...the proposal is to adopt a contribution model (like WhatWG and Community Groups) 00:19:00 ...licenses by all participants would become active at the end of each exclusion period. 00:19:11 Fantasai: Key Questions: Can we change patent policy? Do we need to experiment? 00:19:22 -> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/improved-pp-2019/ Survey for AC reps on this topic 00:19:29 christianliebel has joined #tpac 00:19:33 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#11 Proposed Fix: Streamlining Routine CR Update Approvals 00:19:46 fantasai: Updating WDs is automatic given WG approval, but updating CR requires Director’s Approval. Most updates, however, are routine and don’t need much scrutiny. 00:20:02 ...so the proposal is to allow automatic Director’s Approval for straightforward cases 00:20:30 ...e.g., where there is a WG decision, no objections, changes documented, no new features, etc. 00:20:38 ...we'd like to make this easy case automatic 00:20:50 denis has joined #tpac 00:20:55 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#12 Decoupling CR updates from CR review drafts 00:21:26 fantasai: We'd like to decouple CR into two types of publications: (1) Updates and (2) Review draft 00:21:43 ...the latter would trigger Call for Exclusions and other process checks 00:21:51 ...this would align with how many groups operate today 00:22:27 ...we'd like to make it easier to update CRs so that W3C points people to the same draft developers are looking at 00:22:34 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#13 Modifying a Rec 00:22:38 jc has joined #tpac 00:22:40 xfq has joined #tpac 00:22:49 MURATA has joined #tpac 00:22:50 fantasai: We'd like to allow groups to inline errata. 00:23:07 ..allow in-place updates to a REC; no approval process needed to get feedback of modifications 00:23:16 ...let's implementers see changes are coming 00:23:35 ...and once there is review of these inline modifications, you can do a call for review to get a formally updated Recommendation 00:23:45 ...you can get review of some or all of the inline modifications 00:23:45 MURATA has left #tpac 00:23:47 MURATA has joined #tpac 00:23:57 MURATA has left #tpac 00:23:58 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#14 Allow Adding Features to an Extensible REC 00:24:19 Fantasai: Some communities want stable feature set, others want continuous development 00:24:38 ...the proposal is to re-use REC maintenance process for incorporating proposed changes (above) to also allow incorporating proposed additions into specifications chartered to be extensible. 00:24:45 ..and make clear to each community what they are getting 00:24:58 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#15 New process for registries 00:25:05 fantasai: Registries need lightweight update process, possible maintenance outside a WG 00:25:15 ...proposal is for a new type of technical report for W3C Registries 00:25:37 ...proposal allows for continuous updating of registry with low overhead 00:25:56 ...different registries may have different levels of process, so the check is "was the expected process followed" for that registry 00:26:04 ...updates to registry publication that conform to registry definition can be published instantly. 00:26:21 [PLH on impact] 00:26:28 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#18 impact on WGs 00:26:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-tpac-minutes.html Ian 00:27:01 PLH: easier maintenance, lower overhead, earlier patent commitments 00:27:18 Judy has joined #tpac 00:27:25 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#19 Impact on AC and Legal Teams 00:27:32 [We skip] 00:27:39 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#20 Impact on horizontal review 00:28:02 PLH: Key is to improve tooling to help reduce cognitive load of context-switching due to ongoing changes 00:28:14 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#21 Impact on implementers and users 00:28:44 PLH: RF commitments provide more confidence, official specs reflect latest thinking, easier maintenance, granular reviews of Proposed Recs 00:28:58 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#23 Motivations for Alternative Track Proposal 00:29:17 kimwooglae has joined #tpac 00:29:18 PLH: Process CG originally tried developing an alternative track proposal but there were concerns 00:29:21 Bert has joined #tpac 00:29:48 PLH: AC more willing to change patent policy for an alternative track 00:29:56 PLH: WGs that want continuous development feel the proposal package is insufficient. 00:30:04 ...those are two motivations for an alternate track 00:30:27 jc has joined #tpac 00:30:40 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#24 “Evergreen Recommendation” Track 00:30:52 ^the above are hypothetical, **if** they were true, we'd need the evergreen track 00:31:55 PLH: We have been asking WGs and Horizontal Review groups about value or challenges of alternate track 00:32:03 hober has joined #tpac 00:32:11 ...there's also a survey to the AC 00:32:14 https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#29 00:32:20 Arnaud has joined #tpac 00:32:27 xfq has joined #tpac 00:32:34 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/continuous-standards/#29 Questions for the AC in the survey 00:32:42 mchampion has joined #tpac 00:32:47 lilin has joined #tpac 00:32:48 PLH: if you have questions, please come to our breakout session later today! 00:32:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-tpac-minutes.html Ian 00:33:24 MO has left #tpac 00:33:26 fantasai: We wanted to enable WGs to do continuous updates at the same time as we wanted to have checks in the process. 00:33:35 ...for REC status we wanted to ensure wide review and implementation experience 00:33:58 ...the REC status is formally recognized by other organizations, so we need to have the necessarily stability properties 00:34:17 ...we are trying to bring together these different requirements: ease of work, horizontal review, stability 00:34:44 ...and to enable both flexibility for groups as well as enough structure to enable new (or controversy-laden) groups to manage their work 00:34:52 yos has joined #tpac 00:35:00 marcosc: This is great, thanks for hearing editors! Let us know how we can help 00:35:02 horiuchi has joined #tpac 00:35:10 kzms2 has joined #tpac 00:35:15 fantasai: Please encourage AC reps to complete the survey, provide feedback and support 00:35:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-tpac-minutes.html Ian 00:36:28 Jeff: I want to emphasize the importance of AC feedback. Changing the patent policy or process involves a lot of work. I'd like to see a lot of enthusiasm and momentum from the membership. 00:36:31 jkamata__ has joined #tpac 00:36:35 ...please ask your AC rep to add to the support 00:36:52 Tpoic: MDN Web Developer Needs Assessment 00:36:57 Topic: MDN Web Developer Needs Assessment 00:37:09 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 00:37:23 Dom: MDN is one of the most popular documentation portals for the Web. I am part of the effort. 00:37:28 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/MDN-WEB-DNA.pdf slides: The MDN Web Developer Needs Assessment: The voice of developers and designers working on the web 00:37:33 ...Mozilla organized a survey that involved the W3C community 00:37:46 ...group chairs helped inform shape of survey 00:37:52 iclelland has joined #tpac 00:37:58 ...today we will go over what we learned. 00:38:10 Kadir Topal: I am the product lead for MDN Web Docs 00:38:17 ...I started my career in 1997 as a Web Developer 00:38:20 ...this is my first PAC 00:38:23 s/PAC/TPAC 00:38:31 ...you are amazing [at making sausage] 00:39:01 [slide on the case of CSS Grid] 00:39:43 Kadir: CSS Grid was a massive success because it addressed a real user need, was shipped by browsers around the same time, etc. 00:40:01 ...but CSS Grid was years in the making, and layout had been an issue since the days of using tables for layout. 00:40:13 jc_ has joined #tpac 00:40:16 ...so we had some questions: why did it take 5 years between spec and shipping interoperably? 00:40:30 ...what were the critical elements of moving this forward. 00:40:34 [Web Platform Lifecycle] 00:40:52 Kadir: We identified 3 distinct phases: Research, Standardization, Adoption 00:41:11 ...it is very simplified, of course, and looks like a pipe even though it is more like a loop of loops in reality 00:41:49 ...we really wanted to learn more in particular about the research phase (developer pain points etc.) 00:42:13 ...it's important to do more research to understand the developer pain points 00:42:26 ...here's what we heard about how things are prioritized.... 00:42:42 ...and what stood out in our project was clearly that we need to hear more the voice of developers 00:43:05 ...it's hard to get people to adopt something if a solution does not meet needs or does not do so in the right way 00:43:10 [Developer Needs Assessment] 00:43:18 - Prioritized list of web designer and developer needs 00:43:21 - Published on MDN 00:43:27 - Annually published, tracking changes over time 00:43:43 Kadir: This assessment is not owned by any particular browser vendor 00:43:50 s/Tpoic: MDN Web Developer Needs Assessment// 00:44:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-tpac-minutes.html Ian 00:44:43 Kadir: We think that if we do this well, the MDN DNA can be the voice of designers and developers working on the web 00:45:01 ....asking these question is not trivial since the audience is diverse and the problem space is enormouse 00:45:08 s/enormouse/enormous 00:46:06 Kadir: We formulated the survey based on interviews with developers and designers from the beginning 00:46:13 ..it was an outside-in process; that was really important 00:46:27 ...we followed a pinpoints analysis process to go from interviews to the survey 00:46:42 ...."Observations" -> "Insights" -> "Critical themes" 00:47:02 ...we transcribed 16 hours of interviews, bucketed them. 00:47:11 ...lots of moving post-its around 00:47:40 ...we worked with our MDN advisory board, revised the survey to remove ambiguities 00:48:01 ...in July 2019 we launched the final version of the survey 00:48:10 ...the survey was available in 8 languages 00:48:22 atai has joined #tpac 00:48:40 ...we heard from more than 76K developers and designers over 4 weeks. 00:48:58 ...more than 28K completes from 173 countries and almost 10K hours of developer time 00:49:33 ...we think this is the biggest dev/designer survey ever conducted. 00:49:46 wjmaclean has joined #tpac 00:49:46 ...we can slide the responses in different ways due to sample size 00:49:53 [Sample Questions] 00:50:29 - overall satisfaction with web 00:50:32 .... 00:50:34 [Sample Results] 00:50:58 Main question of the survey was top frustrations: 00:51:02 - having to support specific browsers 00:51:11 - outdated or inaccurate documentation for frameworks and libfrariers 00:51:27 - interop again: avoiding or removing a feature that doesn't work across browsers 00:51:33 - interop: testing across browsers 00:51:42 - interop: making a design look/work the same across browsers 00:52:06 [What are main barriers to adoption of a new feature?] 00:52:18 1) Interop across browsers 00:52:23 2) Documentation and training 00:52:31 3) Support for legacy browsers 00:52:42 [Biggest pain points for HTML dev] 00:52:52 - Biggest pain point cited was NONE 00:53:12 [Overall satisfaction] 00:53:21 - 76% are satisfied or very satisfied 00:53:28 [Applause from the room!] 00:53:33 [Next iteration] 00:53:52 Kadier: Report for first iteration in Nov 2019, second iteration starts March 2020 00:54:05 ...then publish next results in September 2020 in time for TPAC 2020! 00:54:10 [Prioritized list of needs] 00:54:29 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 00:54:31 Goal: Tool for prioritization.... 00:54:44 ....you are the target audience (in this room), how useful to you? What level of granularity? 00:54:58 CharlesL has joined #tpac 00:55:20 Kadir: Many thanks to everyone who contributed!! I'm excited by the results and look forward to more in this space. 00:55:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-tpac-minutes.html Ian 00:55:57 Glenn: You mentioned browser vendors many times, but there are other types of applications as well for Web technology. 00:56:22 ...you didn't mention volunteerism in WGs, which is a key factor in how priorities are worked out 00:56:28 s/Glenn/Glenn Adams 00:57:02 Rick Byers: one of our topi priorities at Blink is to help developers love the web more, so I want to say I am committed to changing priorities in our team based on what you learned 00:57:04 s/Glenn Adams/Glenn_Adams/ 00:57:08 s/topi/top 00:57:15 Phil_Archer: Thank you for MDN! 00:57:39 Charles_Lapierre: I was surprised that accessibility was not listed as a top frustration. 00:57:54 s/k B/k_B/ 00:58:14 Kadir: It is in the list of frustrations. It ended up fairly low on this list. Our interpretation is that it's more about lack of knowledge or practice 00:58:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-tpac-minutes.html Ian 00:58:26 tantek has joined #tpac 00:58:56 yy has joined #tpac 00:59:05 present+ 00:59:12 Topic: Finalizing the Breakout Session Grid 00:59:46 Dom: Reminder that the rest of the day is an unconference, where the discussion is driven by the participants 01:00:07 ...Coralie Mercier and I have worked with the meeting planners to make this a success 01:00:26 Dom: Many TPAC attendees find this day energizing and a great way to discover new topics 01:00:38 ....we have been collecting breakout session proposals 01:00:48 -> https://w3c.github.io/tpac-breakouts/sessions.html Session grid 01:00:54 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 01:00:57 ...participants decide which sessions they want to attend 01:01:07 -> https://www.w3.org/2019/Talks/TPAC/dhm-breakouts-intro/Overview.html slides: TPAC Unconference 01:01:54 ...please ask Coralie or me questions about the day. 01:02:13 Dom: We changed our format from previous years based on feedback. In particular, we heard: 01:02:24 - Please have more breakout session! 01:02:34 ...so we went from 4 slots to 5 this year 01:03:01 - We also did more work before the meeting on the grid to avoid the "mad scramble" which was considered non-inclusive 01:03:38 deiu has joined #tpac 01:03:39 - We also heard that having the schedule in a wiki was hard to read (especially on mobile) 01:04:14 - Also because people may be interested in more than one session, people may wish to follow some sessions by IRC. So we have IRC channels publicized in advance 01:04:21 MURATA has joined #tpac 01:04:34 Dom: We welcome your feedback on these improvements 01:05:06 Dom: We have 12 rooms and 5 slots, for 60 sessions (compared to 40-ish previously) 01:05:31 ...however, we gave up the reporting session. We will try to compensate for that by asking the session leads to create written reports 01:05:59 ...regarding gathering session proposals in advance - the response rate was really amazing! 01:06:13 ...that is also far more than we had received previously before a TPAC 01:06:39 ...my early analysis of the proposals is also that there is more diversity in who proposed sessions. I think we could still do better with enabling newcomers to submit proposals. 01:06:55 ...the agenda page is more mobile-friendly so that people can move among rooms more easily 01:07:26 Dom: We have some questions! 01:07:43 - Should we allow more opportunity for last-minute session proposals? 01:07:53 - Is 60 sessions too many? 01:08:24 Dom: Thanks to Marie-Claire Forgue for organizing 14 demos at the 3:30pm break. Demos from WGs and CGs 01:08:49 ...demos provide a great way to keep tabs on what's going on in other parts of W3C, and to understand why and how these technologies are being used. 01:08:59 ...you can also discuss them with the people who are behind the technologies. 01:09:05 ...the demos will be set up in the break room 01:09:25 Dom: Regarding final preparations: 01:09:28 -> https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2019/Demos Demos later today 01:09:29 - Any last-minute adjustments 01:09:35 - Proposal for the last session room? 01:09:56 Dom: I invite proposers to come to the front of the room to enable you to adjust the grid with minimal conflict 01:10:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-tpac-minutes.html Ian 01:10:12 Arnaud has joined #tpac 01:10:19 -> https://w3c.github.io/tpac-breakouts/sessions.html#future agenda page 01:10:50 Dom: While we are doing the final preparations, I invite other people to check out the final agenda at 10:30 and plan to be at your first session at 11:00 01:11:18 ...please have a look at the sessions now as I anticipate few changes 01:12:00 Please also see: 01:12:05 -> https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2019/FAQ#What_is_good_practice_for_organizing_a_session.3F Good practice for running a session 01:12:23 Dom: Organizers, please allow 5 minutes at the end of the session when people have to travel to the next session 01:13:03 Dom: A breakout proposer includes (1) people who already proposed sessions (2) people who want to propose a sessoin 01:13:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-tpac-minutes.html Ian 01:13:38 nigel: since there is no reporting session, please make sure to take minutes 01:14:01 shimazu has joined #tpac 01:16:06 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 01:17:46 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 01:17:52 yajun_chen has joined #tpac 01:18:19 atai has joined #tpac 01:18:22 xfq has joined #tpac 01:18:32 yajun_chen has left #tpac 01:19:30 karl has joined #tpac 01:19:51 iclelland has joined #tpac 01:25:03 shimazu has joined #tpac 01:28:48 plh has joined #tpac 01:32:07 https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2019/SessionIdeas is now available for edits again 01:35:38 yoshiroy has joined #tpac 01:37:02 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 01:37:27 Judy has joined #tpac 01:37:50 jc has joined #tpac 01:37:55 nmooney has joined #tpac 01:39:23 karl has joined #tpac 01:40:23 xfq has joined #tpac 01:45:31 plh has joined #tpac 01:47:50 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 01:49:20 CharlesL has joined #tpac 01:49:25 CharlesL has left #tpac 01:51:02 kaz has joined #tpac 01:52:40 denis has joined #tpac 01:54:17 nmooney has joined #tpac 01:56:08 remember to /invite Zakim #yourchannelname 01:56:29 horiuchi has joined #tpac 01:57:22 dom has joined #tpac 01:57:43 cwarnier has joined #tpac 01:58:43 shimazu has joined #tpac 01:59:18 iclelland has joined #tpac 01:59:48 toshiakikoike has joined #tpac 01:59:54 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 02:00:49 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 02:02:00 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 02:02:07 atai has joined #tpac 02:02:08 jc has joined #tpac 02:02:45 anssik has joined #tpac 02:03:05 xfq has joined #tpac 02:03:14 xfq has left #tpac 02:03:39 msw_ has joined #tpac 02:05:41 dsinger has joined #tpac 02:05:50 jc has joined #tpac 02:06:07 karl has joined #tpac 02:07:06 nigel has joined #tpac 02:07:26 Judy has joined #tpac 02:08:21 mweksler has joined #tpac 02:08:27 public service announcement: Reload today's schedule early and often--the topics, rooms, etc, have all changed (and I suppose may again)! 02:08:59 yoshiroy has joined #tpac 02:10:17 Ian has left #tpac 02:15:23 jc has joined #tpac 02:16:16 mdrimages has joined #tpac 02:16:26 jc has joined #tpac 02:16:42 jbarclay has joined #tpac 02:18:53 yajun_chen has joined #tpac 02:19:50 mweksler has joined #tpac 02:24:13 christianliebel has joined #tpac 02:24:17 dpc has joined #tpac 02:25:35 vivien has changed the topic to: Breakout sessions: https://w3c.github.io/tpac-breakouts/sessions.html 02:26:54 dontcallmeDOM has joined #tpac 02:28:33 jc has joined #tpac 02:31:27 marie has joined #tpac 02:33:47 xueyuan_ has joined #tpac 02:34:01 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 02:35:43 jc has joined #tpac 02:44:42 mweksler has joined #tpac 02:45:07 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 02:46:26 mweksler has joined #tpac 02:51:02 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 02:52:03 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 02:55:16 iclelland has joined #tpac 02:57:55 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 02:58:40 horiuchi has joined #tpac 03:00:18 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 03:01:55 shimazu has joined #tpac 03:04:38 nigel has joined #tpac 03:07:51 Zakim has left #tpac 03:10:43 denis has joined #tpac 03:17:58 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 03:28:42 horiuchi has joined #tpac 03:35:12 dsinger has joined #tpac 03:46:15 YoshiroYoneya has joined #tpac 03:57:23 denis has joined #tpac 03:59:58 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 04:00:45 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 04:11:56 YoshiroYoneya has joined #tpac 04:14:16 Susan-out has joined #tpac 04:15:21 nmooney has joined #tpac 04:20:17 yoshiroy has joined #tpac 04:21:16 dsinger has joined #tpac 04:22:10 tantek has joined #tpac 04:23:37 yajun_chen has joined #tpac 04:24:07 karl has joined #tpac 04:28:09 kaz has joined #tpac 04:28:10 toshiakikoike has joined #tpac 04:29:02 cwarnier has joined #tpac 04:29:20 atai has joined #tpac 04:29:39 dontcallmeDOM has joined #tpac 04:30:00 rego has joined #tpac 04:30:19 dsinger has joined #tpac 04:30:30 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 04:30:43 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 04:30:50 mweksler has joined #tpac 04:31:32 msw_ has joined #tpac 04:31:40 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 04:31:42 Alan has joined #tpac 04:32:07 nigel has joined #tpac 04:32:11 horiuchi has joined #tpac 04:32:51 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 04:32:59 joemedley has joined #tpac 04:33:51 plh has joined #tpac 04:34:13 yofukami has joined #tpac 04:34:40 shimazu has joined #tpac 04:35:01 christianliebel has joined #tpac 04:35:30 Arnaud has joined #tpac 04:36:37 Judy has joined #tpac 04:37:50 #future for Future of W3C - Navic-C 04:38:10 iclelland has joined #tpac 04:39:46 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 04:40:29 denis has joined #tpac 04:45:14 Alan has joined #tpac 04:49:51 Kyuki has joined #tpac 04:50:45 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 04:51:13 karl has joined #tpac 04:51:38 atai has joined #tpac 04:52:19 anyone know what's privacy budget cryptpad link? 04:53:00 https://cryptpad.w3ctag.org/code/#/2/code/edit/5oNjMaFJJM3W8ar5LOiiLmZR/ 04:53:30 thx!! 04:55:25 azaroth has joined #tpac 05:06:39 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 05:15:47 christianliebel has joined #tpac 05:16:42 shimazu has joined #tpac 05:17:37 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 05:24:30 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 05:26:47 yoshiroy has joined #tpac 05:28:22 iclelland has joined #tpac 05:28:41 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 05:30:13 nigel has joined #tpac 05:30:14 nmooney has joined #tpac 05:30:44 amy_ has joined #tpac 05:30:55 horiuchi has joined #tpac 05:31:08 toshiakikoike has joined #tpac 05:31:17 yoshiroy1 has joined #tpac 05:31:44 cwarnier has joined #tpac 05:31:49 christianliebel has joined #tpac 05:31:53 horiuchi has joined #tpac 05:33:03 kzms2 has joined #tpac 05:33:14 msw_ has joined #tpac 05:33:20 mweksler has joined #tpac 05:33:34 joemedley has joined #tpac 05:33:59 dsinger has joined #tpac 05:34:20 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 05:34:35 iclellan1 has joined #tpac 05:34:59 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 05:35:23 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 05:35:49 Alan has joined #tpac 05:35:58 atai has joined #tpac 05:36:22 tantek has joined #tpac 05:36:40 shimazu has joined #tpac 05:36:44 nigel_ has joined #tpac 05:37:27 Judy has joined #tpac 05:37:51 denis has joined #tpac 05:40:32 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 05:41:12 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 05:41:42 jc has joined #tpac 05:42:16 jc has joined #tpac 05:43:28 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 05:45:28 kaz has joined #tpac 05:45:55 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 05:46:59 jc_ has joined #tpac 05:48:49 mweksler has joined #tpac 05:49:38 jc has joined #tpac 05:49:47 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 05:50:05 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 05:54:38 azaroth has joined #tpac 05:57:07 jc has joined #tpac 05:57:22 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 06:00:14 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 06:04:07 jc has joined #tpac 06:06:00 benoit has joined #tpac 06:07:45 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 06:13:27 msw_ has joined #tpac 06:16:05 jc has joined #tpac 06:18:56 nmooney has joined #tpac 06:22:04 jc_ has joined #tpac 06:24:27 jc has joined #tpac 06:25:45 Susan-out has joined #tpac 06:28:20 iclelland has joined #tpac 06:28:46 msw_ has joined #tpac 06:31:41 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 06:32:00 shimazu has joined #tpac 06:32:07 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 06:35:42 horiuchi has joined #tpac 06:39:36 nmooney has joined #tpac 06:59:01 denis has joined #tpac 06:59:12 plh has joined #tpac 07:03:32 YoshiroYoneya has joined #tpac 07:04:35 nigel has joined #tpac 07:07:14 yoshiroy has joined #tpac 07:11:12 marie has joined #tpac 07:13:29 horiuchi has joined #tpac 07:14:18 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 07:15:16 dsinger has joined #tpac 07:20:10 horiuchi has joined #tpac 07:21:46 dsinger has joined #tpac 07:21:58 nigel has joined #tpac 07:22:32 nigel_ has joined #tpac 07:23:18 dom has joined #tpac 07:26:44 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 07:27:02 cwarnier has joined #tpac 07:31:19 horiuchi has joined #tpac 07:31:35 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 07:31:48 amy_ has joined #tpac 07:31:49 msw__ has joined #tpac 07:31:51 reillyg1 has joined #tpac 07:31:59 nigel has joined #tpac 07:32:10 Ralph_ has joined #tpac 07:32:29 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 07:33:03 mweksler has joined #tpac 07:33:47 plinss_ has joined #tpac 07:34:01 annevk has joined #tpac 07:34:12 plh has joined #tpac 07:34:13 toshiakikoike has joined #tpac 07:34:28 joemedley has joined #tpac 07:34:49 shimazu has joined #tpac 07:35:26 yofukami has joined #tpac 07:35:44 tantek has joined #tpac 07:36:19 christianliebel has joined #tpac 07:39:05 denis has joined #tpac 07:39:24 jc has joined #tpac 07:39:53 vivien has joined #tpac 07:41:15 msw_ has joined #tpac 07:43:39 nmooney has joined #tpac 07:45:17 christianliebel has joined #tpac 07:45:25 atai has joined #tpac 07:45:42 mweksler has joined #tpac 07:47:53 michelweksler has joined #tpac 07:50:24 michelweksler has joined #tpac 07:52:00 jbarclay has joined #tpac 07:53:31 jbarclay has joined #tpac 07:53:42 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 07:59:57 msw__ has joined #tpac 08:00:06 yoshiroy1 has joined #tpac 08:00:07 nigel_ has joined #tpac 08:00:08 Ralph has joined #tpac 08:00:08 iclelland has joined #tpac 08:00:15 mweksler has joined #tpac 08:00:19 jorydotc_ has joined #tpac 08:00:53 atai1 has joined #tpac 08:09:26 Alan has joined #tpac 08:12:17 denis has joined #tpac 08:18:13 amy has joined #tpac 08:19:11 karl has joined #tpac 08:21:05 iclelland has joined #tpac 08:21:57 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 08:23:31 horiuchi has joined #tpac 08:27:28 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 08:27:29 shimazu has joined #tpac 08:28:11 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 08:28:57 dontcallmeDOM has joined #tpac 08:31:03 denis has joined #tpac 08:31:23 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 08:32:02 dsinger has joined #tpac 08:33:09 toshiakikoike has joined #tpac 08:33:12 iclelland has joined #tpac 08:33:39 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 08:35:01 nigel_ has joined #tpac 08:35:44 kdzwinel_ has joined #tpac 08:35:46 nigel has joined #tpac 08:35:47 jc has joined #tpac 08:37:45 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 08:38:19 yofukami has joined #tpac 08:39:50 mweksler has joined #tpac 08:40:17 jc has joined #tpac 08:40:38 jc has joined #tpac 08:47:54 dmurph has joined #tpac 08:49:32 shimazu has joined #tpac 08:51:08 saschanaz has joined #tpac 08:51:14 jc has joined #tpac 08:52:27 Judy has joined #tpac 08:55:41 mweksler has joined #tpac 08:58:01 shimazu has joined #tpac 09:04:27 jc has joined #tpac 09:06:55 christianliebel has joined #tpac 09:15:18 nmooney has joined #tpac 09:20:17 jc has joined #tpac 09:21:59 jc has joined #tpac 09:26:35 mweksler has joined #tpac 09:27:03 nmooney has joined #tpac 09:28:50 jc has joined #tpac 09:30:42 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 09:31:27 iclelland has joined #tpac 09:31:45 nigel has joined #tpac 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has joined #tpac 16:55:25 Susan has joined #tpac 17:05:38 iclelland has joined #tpac 17:09:34 iclellan1 has joined #tpac 17:37:03 shimazu has joined #tpac 19:02:00 mweksler has joined #tpac 19:04:18 michelweksler has joined #tpac 19:27:23 Alan has joined #tpac 19:43:13 plinss_ has joined #tpac 20:00:36 mweksler has joined #tpac 21:07:07 horiuchi has joined #tpac 21:12:51 nmooney has joined #tpac 21:20:31 mweksler has joined #tpac 21:48:58 iclelland has joined #tpac 22:13:59 amy has joined #tpac 22:20:46 shimazu has joined #tpac 22:22:09 iclelland has joined #tpac 22:40:05 Judy has joined #tpac 22:40:21 amy has joined #tpac 22:44:02 iclelland has joined #tpac 22:56:14 atai has joined #tpac 22:59:42 amy has joined #tpac 23:03:43 kzms2 has joined #tpac 23:04:15 denis has joined #tpac 23:04:36 mweksler has joined #tpac 23:24:02 nmooney has joined #tpac 23:24:28 iclelland has joined #tpac 23:32:34 horiuchi has joined #tpac 23:33:14 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 23:35:46 dsinger has joined #tpac 23:36:40 iclelland has joined #tpac 23:39:24 iclelland has joined #tpac 23:40:02 atai has joined #tpac 23:40:51 mweksler has joined #tpac 23:42:15 dsinger has joined #tpac 23:43:34 Arnaud has joined #tpac 23:43:55 denis has joined #tpac 23:45:15 iclelland has joined #tpac 23:45:27 nigel has joined #tpac 23:48:20 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 23:48:26 YoshiroYoneya has joined #tpac 23:49:28 dsinger has joined #tpac 23:51:17 yofukami has joined #tpac 23:52:01 ivan has joined #tpac 23:54:35 michelweksler has joined #tpac 23:58:01 toshiakikoike has joined #tpac 23:59:20 cwarnier has joined #tpac 00:02:37 horiuchi has joined #tpac 00:05:02 Ralph has joined #tpac 00:05:38 dsinger has left #tpac 00:06:54 Alan has joined #tpac 00:08:34 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 00:09:00 msw_ has joined #tpac 00:09:24 dmurph has joined #tpac 00:10:33 anssik has joined #tpac 00:10:40 christianliebel has joined #tpac 00:10:53 szager has joined #tpac 00:11:58 christianliebel has joined #tpac 00:14:42 shimazu has joined #tpac 00:14:54 sagoston has joined #tpac 00:17:49 yoichio_ has joined #tpac 00:20:02 shimazu has joined #tpac 00:21:16 sagoston has left #tpac 00:22:19 stepsteg has joined #tpac 00:22:29 karl has joined #tpac 00:23:27 karl has joined #tpac 00:25:10 satakagi has joined #tpac 00:29:38 amy has joined #tpac 00:29:53 Ralph_ has joined #tpac 00:34:53 dharani has joined #tpac 00:35:05 saschanaz has joined #tpac 00:37:01 shimazu has joined #tpac 00:38:30 dharani has left #tpac 00:38:37 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 00:40:50 jay has joined #tpac 00:41:04 iclelland has joined #tpac 00:42:52 tanya has joined #tpac 00:43:04 jc has joined #tpac 00:44:53 shimazu has joined #tpac 00:46:28 tanya has joined #tpac 00:46:30 tanya has joined #tpac 00:47:33 jay has joined #tpac 00:55:51 kumekawa has joined #tpac 00:56:23 tantek has joined #tpac 00:59:15 Judy has joined #tpac 01:00:22 Alan has joined #tpac 01:02:21 Susan has joined #tpac 01:06:17 christianliebel has joined #tpac 01:06:59 Bert has joined #tpac 01:10:38 Ralph has joined #tpac 01:20:47 nmooney has joined #tpac 01:21:27 horiuchi has joined #tpac 01:24:03 msw_ has joined #tpac 01:29:00 horiuchi has joined #tpac 01:29:30 amy has joined #tpac 01:31:38 iclelland has joined #tpac 01:32:22 horiuchi has joined #tpac 01:33:20 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 01:35:00 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 01:37:35 tanya has joined #tpac 01:38:59 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 01:40:38 toshiakikoike has joined #tpac 01:41:54 Alan has joined #tpac 01:49:11 iclelland has joined #tpac 01:57:08 horiuchi has joined #tpac 01:58:22 stepsteg has joined #tpac 02:00:46 ivan has joined #tpac 02:02:06 xueyuan has joined #tpac 02:02:42 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 02:02:43 iclelland has joined #tpac 02:05:29 Judy has joined #tpac 02:07:24 benoit has joined #tpac 02:08:07 Alan has joined #tpac 02:09:20 jorydotc_ has joined #tpac 02:12:40 jay has joined #tpac 02:13:02 christianliebel has joined #tpac 02:14:37 msw_ has joined #tpac 02:15:19 ivan has joined #tpac 02:24:31 Arnaud has joined #tpac 02:29:27 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 02:33:44 Judy has joined #tpac 02:35:20 horiuchi has joined #tpac 02:42:47 Arnar_ has joined #tpac 02:43:46 nmooney has joined #tpac 02:47:06 tanya has joined #tpac 02:50:58 horiuchi has joined #tpac 02:51:07 Judy has joined #tpac 02:56:07 karl has joined #tpac 03:05:15 christianliebel has joined #tpac 03:12:05 YoshiroYoneya has joined #tpac 03:13:52 horiuchi has joined #tpac 03:15:22 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 03:15:46 iclelland has joined #tpac 03:16:58 xueyuan_ has joined #tpac 03:24:58 christianliebel has joined #tpac 03:31:25 horiuchi has joined #tpac 03:39:51 horiuchi has joined #tpac 03:42:06 yoshiroy has joined #tpac 03:44:06 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 03:48:44 yoshiroy has joined #tpac 03:49:32 iclelland has joined #tpac 03:51:15 Bert has left #tpac 03:52:00 iclelland has joined #tpac 03:57:34 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 03:59:16 satakagi has joined #tpac 04:02:16 iclelland has joined #tpac 04:02:47 atai has joined #tpac 04:04:18 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 04:08:56 msw_ has joined #tpac 04:10:13 yoichio_ has joined #tpac 04:11:58 Susan has joined #tpac 04:13:12 ivan has joined #tpac 04:23:02 christianliebel has joined #tpac 04:24:19 ericlaw has joined #tpac 04:26:10 mweksler has joined #tpac 04:26:48 ivan has joined #tpac 04:32:50 horiuchi has joined #tpac 04:32:57 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 04:34:19 nmooney has joined #tpac 04:37:17 horiuchi has joined #tpac 04:37:37 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 04:38:21 dom has joined #tpac 04:39:24 atai has left #tpac 04:39:42 Judy has joined #tpac 04:40:53 Alan has joined #tpac 04:43:51 christianliebel has joined #tpac 04:44:30 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 04:45:21 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 04:46:08 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 04:48:51 karl has joined #tpac 04:52:17 Alan has joined #tpac 04:59:21 satakagi_ has joined #tpac 05:01:25 ivan has joined #tpac 05:01:42 mweksler has joined #tpac 05:05:24 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 05:05:27 Bert has joined #tpac 05:05:48 Judy has joined #tpac 05:07:10 benoit has joined #tpac 05:10:08 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 05:12:09 christianliebel has joined #tpac 05:12:47 Ralph has joined #tpac 05:16:59 Ralph_ has joined #tpac 05:19:29 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 05:23:52 Arnaud has joined #tpac 05:29:09 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 05:29:21 satakagi has joined #tpac 05:30:13 karl has joined #tpac 05:31:57 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 05:33:11 horiuchi has joined #tpac 05:34:30 ericlaw_ has joined #tpac 05:35:57 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 05:36:58 christianliebel has joined #tpac 05:40:50 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 05:47:43 horiuchi has joined #tpac 05:52:38 NotWoods has joined #tpac 05:53:58 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 05:54:50 horiuchi has joined #tpac 05:56:29 tanya has joined #tpac 05:56:35 nmooney has joined #tpac 05:57:27 tanya has joined #tpac 05:59:21 mweksler has joined #tpac 05:59:34 yofukami has joined #tpac 05:59:54 Alan has joined #tpac 05:59:56 tanya has joined #tpac 06:00:08 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 06:00:59 toshiakikoike has joined #tpac 06:03:57 Judy has joined #tpac 06:04:09 denis has joined #tpac 06:05:26 jorydotc_ has joined #tpac 06:06:03 iclellan1 has joined #tpac 06:07:07 yoshiroy has joined #tpac 06:07:18 horiuchi has joined #tpac 06:08:26 christianliebel has joined #tpac 06:16:08 nmooney has joined #tpac 06:22:56 msw_ has joined #tpac 06:24:04 christianliebel has joined #tpac 06:28:00 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 06:28:19 iclelland has joined #tpac 06:30:22 tantek has joined #tpac 06:32:32 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 06:33:02 jc has joined #tpac 06:35:23 ericlaw has joined #tpac 06:35:51 tanya has joined #tpac 06:37:56 jc has joined #tpac 06:46:16 tanya has joined #tpac 06:46:31 Arnaud has left #tpac 06:49:01 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 06:52:12 jc has joined #tpac 07:00:17 jc has joined #tpac 07:03:09 tanya_ has joined #tpac 07:10:34 ericlaw has joined #tpac 07:13:50 kaz has joined #tpac 07:14:15 tanya has joined #tpac 07:15:32 amy has joined #tpac 07:16:40 jc has joined #tpac 07:19:24 jc has joined #tpac 07:24:27 nmooney has joined #tpac 07:24:35 jc has joined #tpac 07:26:38 denis has joined #tpac 07:36:32 horiuchi has joined #tpac 07:46:21 horiuchi has joined #tpac 07:48:37 ericlaw has joined #tpac 07:49:53 denis has joined #tpac 07:53:26 iclelland has joined #tpac 07:55:22 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 07:56:23 yofukami has joined #tpac 07:57:43 iclellan1 has joined #tpac 08:02:47 Judy has joined #tpac 08:21:47 tantek_ has joined #tpac 08:23:55 YoshiroYoneya has joined #tpac 08:24:05 christianliebel has joined #tpac 08:28:34 iclelland has joined #tpac 08:32:45 horiuchi has joined #tpac 08:33:39 mp has joined #tpac 08:34:37 horiuchi has joined #tpac 08:34:47 dontcallmeDOM has joined #tpac 08:37:36 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 08:37:53 karl has joined #tpac 08:39:51 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 08:41:17 horiuchi has joined #tpac 08:43:30 jc has joined #tpac 08:48:10 msw_ has joined #tpac 08:48:33 amy_ has joined #tpac 08:55:33 florian has left #tpac 08:58:39 horiuchi has joined #tpac 09:02:04 horiuchi has joined #tpac 09:02:31 horiuchi has joined #tpac 09:03:48 amy has joined #tpac 09:04:59 achronop has joined #tpac 09:08:52 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 09:16:57 nmooney has joined #tpac 09:23:19 horiuchi has joined #tpac 09:24:53 amy_ has joined #tpac 09:31:29 nigel has joined #tpac 09:31:45 Susan has joined #tpac 09:31:47 plinss_ has joined #tpac 09:36:23 mweksler has joined #tpac 09:40:34 Alan has joined #tpac 09:59:48 amy has joined #tpac 10:02:56 Ralph has joined #tpac 10:27:51 amy has joined #tpac 11:33:05 tanya has joined #tpac 11:56:37 msw_ has joined #tpac 12:28:13 iclelland has joined #tpac 12:33:04 christianliebel has joined #tpac 13:00:45 nmooney has joined #tpac 13:10:23 rego has joined #tpac 13:22:54 tanya has joined #tpac 13:23:47 satakagi has joined #tpac 13:25:16 msw_ has joined #tpac 13:40:57 iclelland has joined #tpac 13:43:24 Susan has joined #tpac 13:52:35 shawn has joined #tpac 14:06:13 karl has joined #tpac 14:26:54 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has joined #tpac 23:33:17 ivan has joined #tpac 23:34:54 kzms2 has joined #tpac 23:39:34 msw_ has joined #tpac 23:40:12 satakagi has joined #tpac 23:43:55 Alan has joined #tpac 23:46:02 denis has joined #tpac 23:49:36 amy has joined #tpac 23:54:54 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 23:55:17 tanya has joined #tpac 23:55:26 horiuchi has joined #tpac 23:56:11 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 23:57:56 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 00:06:03 ericlaw has joined #tpac 00:06:24 tanya has joined #tpac 00:07:17 yoichio_ has joined #tpac 00:12:06 nigel has joined #tpac 00:13:42 clement has joined #tpac 00:14:23 anssik has joined #tpac 00:15:34 msw_ has joined #tpac 00:21:16 iclelland has joined #tpac 00:25:13 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 00:25:18 saschanaz has joined #tpac 00:27:34 mweksler has joined #tpac 00:28:03 iclellan1 has joined #tpac 00:33:06 benoit has joined #tpac 00:34:39 denis has joined #tpac 00:38:45 msw_ has joined #tpac 00:41:02 Alan has joined #tpac 00:42:17 tanya has joined #tpac 00:43:36 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 00:43:56 iclelland has joined #tpac 00:45:34 jbarclay has joined #tpac 00:46:32 tanya has joined #tpac 00:54:52 tanya has joined #tpac 01:05:25 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 01:09:18 tanya has joined #tpac 01:09:23 tanya has joined #tpac 01:09:36 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 01:14:05 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 01:19:38 nigel has joined #tpac 01:20:07 horiuchi has joined #tpac 01:20:39 jc has joined #tpac 01:23:59 jc has joined #tpac 01:26:13 mweksler has joined #tpac 01:26:29 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 01:27:05 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 01:28:53 Judy has joined #tpac 01:33:26 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 01:33:51 iclelland has joined #tpac 01:34:12 horiuchi has joined #tpac 01:35:30 msw_ has joined #tpac 01:41:12 mweksler has joined #tpac 01:42:08 Alan has joined #tpac 01:47:31 nmooney has joined #tpac 01:52:15 ericlaw has joined #tpac 01:56:28 iclelland has joined #tpac 02:00:18 satakagi_ has joined #tpac 02:01:34 iclelland has joined #tpac 02:03:17 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 02:03:24 jbarclay has joined #tpac 02:04:19 iclellan1 has joined #tpac 02:06:05 Judy_alt has joined #tpac 02:12:53 mweksler has joined #tpac 02:13:36 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 02:17:45 tanya has joined #tpac 02:18:25 mweksler has joined #tpac 02:19:29 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 02:22:12 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 02:22:56 amy_ has joined #tpac 02:23:22 amy_ has joined #tpac 02:23:41 tanya_ has joined #tpac 02:24:50 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 02:26:01 jbarclay has joined #tpac 02:26:43 ivan has joined #tpac 02:27:18 tanya has joined #tpac 02:29:35 mweksler has joined #tpac 02:30:11 horiuchi has joined #tpac 02:31:25 michelweksler has joined #tpac 02:34:51 Susan has joined #tpac 02:49:06 jbarclay has joined #tpac 02:51:04 satakagi has joined #tpac 02:51:32 Susan has joined #tpac 02:58:44 AdrianHB has joined #tpac 02:59:28 satakagi_ has joined #tpac 03:00:08 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 03:00:36 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 03:02:28 satakagi has joined #tpac 03:16:07 Susan has joined #tpac 03:24:25 mweksler has joined #tpac 03:24:45 ivan has left #tpac 03:31:23 mweksler has joined #tpac 03:36:57 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 03:37:45 iclelland has joined #tpac 03:49:55 Ralph_ has joined #tpac 03:52:34 iclelland has joined #tpac 03:55:24 iclellan1 has joined #tpac 03:57:09 Ralph has joined #tpac 03:57:48 nmooney has joined #tpac 04:02:21 Ralph_ has joined #tpac 04:04:52 horiuchi has joined #tpac 04:05:08 hi all, don't forget to fill out the feedback form https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/tpac2019-feedback-light/results 04:08:22 Judy has joined #tpac 04:11:36 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 04:14:23 kdzwinel_ has joined #tpac 04:14:30 jorydotcom has joined #tpac 04:15:05 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 04:20:02 amy has joined #tpac 04:21:47 horiuchi has joined #tpac 04:23:53 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 04:24:51 amy_ has joined #tpac 04:26:24 YoshiroYoneya has joined #tpac 04:30:21 nigel has joined #tpac 04:39:39 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 04:40:03 horiuchi has joined #tpac 04:43:59 kzms2 has joined #tpac 04:47:03 rego has joined #tpac 04:50:56 tanya has joined #tpac 04:51:49 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 04:56:31 yoshiroy has joined #tpac 04:59:54 horiuchi has joined #tpac 05:00:42 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 05:03:17 msw_ has joined #tpac 05:03:45 mweksler has joined #tpac 05:08:17 karl has joined #tpac 05:10:58 nmooney has joined #tpac 05:11:06 mweksler has joined #tpac 05:19:55 horiuchi has joined #tpac 05:20:30 amy has joined #tpac 05:25:28 tanya has joined #tpac 05:26:29 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 05:26:54 yoshiroy has joined #tpac 05:27:00 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 05:35:19 nigel has joined #tpac 05:35:54 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 05:45:59 amy has joined #tpac 05:49:45 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 05:50:48 nmooney_ has joined #tpac 06:12:49 horiuchi has joined #tpac 06:14:07 karl has joined #tpac 06:16:52 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 06:32:39 Judy has joined #tpac 06:38:03 karl has joined #tpac 06:38:09 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 06:47:49 ericlaw has joined #tpac 06:54:41 horiuchi has joined #tpac 06:56:00 denis has joined #tpac 06:56:21 horiuchi has joined #tpac 06:56:56 horiuchi has joined #tpac 06:57:21 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 06:58:42 denis has joined #tpac 06:59:38 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 06:59:59 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 07:03:42 amy has joined #tpac 07:06:46 horiuchi has joined #tpac 07:08:01 karlcow_ has joined #tpac 07:13:26 horiuchi has joined #tpac 07:16:45 nmooney has joined #tpac 07:17:50 karl has joined #tpac 07:19:31 benoit has joined #tpac 07:19:50 satakagi has joined #tpac 07:30:07 xueyuan has joined #tpac 07:30:21 mweksler has joined #tpac 07:32:29 horiuchi has joined #tpac 07:32:55 horiuchi has joined #tpac 07:33:16 karl has joined #tpac 07:34:42 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 07:37:52 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 07:40:53 horiuchi has joined #tpac 07:41:41 tanya has joined #tpac 07:44:12 xueyuan has joined #tpac 07:47:20 karlcow_ has joined #tpac 07:52:56 mweksler has joined #tpac 07:53:12 horiuchi has joined #tpac 07:56:20 jc has joined #tpac 07:56:55 twisniewski has left #tpac 08:13:02 xueyuan has joined #tpac 08:13:21 karl has joined #tpac 08:18:16 horiuchi has joined #tpac 08:19:22 amy has joined #tpac 08:20:51 horiuchi_ has joined #tpac 08:25:08 YoshiroYoneya has joined #tpac 08:25:12 chenqiang has joined #tpac 08:27:53 amy has joined #tpac 08:31:58 yoshiroy has joined #tpac 08:35:02 nmooney has joined #tpac 08:35:21 msw_ has joined #tpac 08:38:15 horiuchi has joined #tpac 08:49:54 horiuchi has joined #tpac 08:52:01 horiuchi has joined #tpac 09:28:24 plinss_ has joined #tpac 10:52:23 satakagi has joined #tpac 12:00:53 msw_ has joined #tpac 12:21:24 ericlaw has joined #tpac 12:28:35 shawn has joined #tpac 12:31:08 mweksler has joined #tpac 12:35:46 YoshiroYoneya has joined #tpac 12:36:53 karl has joined #tpac 12:51:43 kdzwinel has joined #tpac 12:55:51 iclelland has joined #tpac 12:55:58 iclelland has joined #tpac 13:11:43 nmooney has joined #tpac 13:16:54 Karen has joined #tpac 13:22:17 iclelland has joined #tpac 13:28:51 iclellan1 has joined #tpac 13:37:56 nigel has joined #tpac 13:38:50 Judy has joined #tpac 13:41:53 YoshiroYoneya has joined #tpac 13:45:15 amy has joined #tpac 13:51:55 amy_ has joined #tpac 14:07:15 karl has joined #tpac 14:45:14 iclelland has joined #tpac 14:49:14 Susan has joined #tpac 14:58:19 iclelland has joined #tpac 15:26:35 iclelland has joined #tpac 15:37:33 Susan has joined #tpac 15:42:54 msw_ has joined #tpac 15:48:35 iclelland has joined #tpac 17:22:35 Susan has joined #tpac 18:14:57 NotWoods has joined #tpac 18:25:07 Karen has joined #tpac 19:24:42 Judy has joined #tpac 19:41:31 msw_ has joined #tpac 20:20:38 Susan has joined #tpac 20:37:52 nmooney has joined #tpac 20:51:44 horiuchi has joined #tpac 21:24:33 amy_ has left #tpac 21:30:41 nmooney has joined #tpac 22:00:59 Susan has joined #tpac 22:03:27 ericlaw has joined #tpac 22:12:47 nmooney has joined #tpac 22:30:42 mweksler has joined #tpac 22:46:12 mweksler has joined #tpac 23:24:00 mweksler has joined #tpac 23:25:07 ericlaw has joined #tpac 23:51:27 ericlaw has joined #tpac 00:02:54 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 00:15:26 mweksler has joined #tpac 00:53:22 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 00:58:31 msw_ has joined #tpac 01:30:47 mweksler has joined #tpac 01:46:30 mweksler has joined #tpac 02:07:33 Karen has joined #tpac 02:21:48 mweksler has joined #tpac 02:31:21 shawn has joined #tpac 03:48:52 nmooney has joined #tpac 04:54:01 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 05:03:55 iclelland has joined #tpac 05:05:18 nmooney has joined #tpac 05:18:57 iclelland has joined #tpac 05:47:19 Susan has joined #tpac 08:54:40 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 09:28:32 mweksler has joined #tpac 09:43:19 plinss_ has joined #tpac 11:45:34 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 13:32:31 plinss_ has joined #tpac 14:26:16 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 14:47:06 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 14:47:44 yoshiaki_ has joined #tpac 14:50:35 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 16:08:43 shawn has joined #tpac 18:50:58 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 19:14:26 mweksler has joined #tpac 19:18:53 ericlaw has joined #tpac 19:28:04 nmooney has joined #tpac 19:30:16 mweksler has joined #tpac 19:46:04 Susan has joined #tpac 21:24:55 benoit has joined #tpac 21:34:25 mweksler has joined #tpac 21:44:10 mweksler has joined #tpac 22:48:10 nmooney has joined #tpac 22:51:31 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 22:55:38 shawn has joined #tpac 23:25:09 nmooney has joined #tpac 00:29:21 nmooney has joined #tpac 00:49:05 nmooney has joined #tpac 00:50:55 Susan has joined #tpac 01:01:42 Susan has joined #tpac 02:03:55 nmooney has joined #tpac 02:34:03 nmooney has joined #tpac 02:43:08 nmooney has joined #tpac 02:51:37 yoshiaki has joined #tpac 04:09:31 shawn has joined #tpac 08:15:17 nmooney has joined #tpac 09:13:42 nmooney has joined #tpac 10:06:11 plinss_ has joined #tpac 10:29:20 mweksler has joined #tpac 10:45:08 mweksler has joined #tpac 11:23:55 Susan has joined #tpac 13:24:47 caribou has left #tpac 13:48:47 Susan has joined #tpac 17:36:52 nmooney has joined #tpac 19:07:49 nmooney has joined #tpac 19:13:26 mweksler has joined #tpac 19:35:18 nmooney has joined #tpac 20:08:50 nmooney has joined #tpac 20:16:58 mweksler has joined #tpac 20:33:04 mweksler has joined #tpac 21:00:15 nmooney has joined #tpac 22:37:31 nmooney has joined #tpac 23:11:11 nmooney has joined #tpac 23:40:25 nmooney has joined #tpac 00:05:14 nmooney has joined #tpac 00:46:10 nmooney has joined #tpac 01:35:13 xueyuan has joined #tpac 01:50:08 Susan has joined #tpac 04:15:28 denis has joined #tpac 04:15:39 denis has left #tpac 04:20:54 benoit has joined #tpac 04:40:44 rego has joined #tpac 05:28:58 mweksler has joined #tpac 07:20:50 nmooney has joined #tpac 08:04:18 nigel has joined #tpac 09:32:03 nmooney has joined #tpac 10:18:13 plinss_ has joined #tpac 11:02:42 Ralph has joined #tpac 11:34:11 nmooney has joined #tpac 12:05:24 Karen has joined #tpac 12:13:54 YoshiroYoneya has joined #tpac 13:19:28 Susan has joined #tpac 14:49:23 Karen has joined #tpac 15:56:53 Susan has joined #tpac 16:07:46 Susan has joined #tpac 16:07:46 Susan has left #tpac 16:11:34 ericlaw has joined #tpac 16:59:36 Karen has joined #tpac 17:01:17 ericlaw has joined #tpac