IRC log of dpvcg on 2019-09-17

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:10:25 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #dpvcg
14:10:25 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:10:36 [axelpolleres]
dialing in a sec
14:12:05 [harsh]
Chair: axelpolleres
14:12:21 [harsh]
14:13:06 [axelpolleres]
seems I am having connection issues with Webex here
14:14:03 [harsh]
ScribeNick: harsh
14:14:42 [axelpolleres]
PROPOSED: approve minutes from last time
14:14:48 [harsh]
14:14:49 [Fajar]
14:14:54 [axelpolleres]
14:14:55 [Bud]
14:15:33 [harsh]
Axel: we're back to the bi-weekly schedule for calls, and will be working towards collecting use-cases and examples
14:15:39 [axelpolleres]
RESOLVED: approve minutes from last time
14:15:50 [harsh]
Topic: Open Actions
14:16:05 [axelpolleres]
14:16:24 [harsh]
14:17:37 [Mark]
Mark has joined #DPVCG
14:17:41 [Mark]
Mark has left #dpvcg
14:17:49 [harsh]
Axel: Action-11 assigned to Simon, (we) did contact by email, but we did not receive a reply as of yet. We should change the person responsible to myself.
14:18:07 [MarkL]
MarkL has joined #DPVCG
14:18:23 [harsh]
14:18:33 [MarkLL]
MarkLL has joined #DPVCG
14:19:16 [harsh]
axelpolleres: ACTION-36 Should we keep it open? We were looking into using one of the use-cases from SPECIAL for DPV
14:20:07 [axelpolleres]
close ACTION-36
14:20:07 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-36.
14:20:36 [axelpolleres]
Action-130 continued
14:20:44 [harsh]
Bud: I talked with Eva, and we discussed that the Proximus was not suitable or readily adoptable for DPV. We discussed, but we don't have a (formal) document yet.
14:22:12 [harsh]
discussing ACTION-87
14:22:17 [axelpolleres]
MarkL: we should have a way to use other sector codes, combine sector codes.
14:23:53 [harsh]
axelpolleres: for GICS, we need something similar as NACE, with URIs that we can plug and use with DPV
14:24:39 [axelpolleres]
ACTION-87: would need MarkL to make a concrete proposal to mint URIs for GICS similar to NACE.
14:24:40 [trackbot]
Notes added to ACTION-87 Make a proposal alternatively use gics instead of nace..
14:25:13 [MarkLL]
time out?
14:26:04 [harsh]
axelpolleres: ACTION-114 was also something similar to ACTION-87
14:26:19 [harsh]
axelpolleres: we can close ACTION-114 and follow-up on ACTION-87 instead
14:26:23 [axelpolleres]
close ACTION-114
14:26:23 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-114.
14:27:28 [harsh]
axelpolleres: ACTION-123 and ACTION-124 advertise at MyData by Elmar
14:27:42 [harsh]
Elmar sent an email about it earlier:
14:28:29 [harsh]
axelpolleres: ACTION-125 advertising at SEMANTiCS by Fajar and Harsh - action can be marked complete
14:28:57 [axelpolleres]
ACTION-125: report about semantics in an email by harsh...
14:28:57 [trackbot]
Notes added to ACTION-125 Advertise at semantics..
14:28:57 [harsh]
email update regarding SEMANTiCS:
14:29:27 [harsh]
ACTION-125: report for SEMANTiCS
14:29:27 [trackbot]
Notes added to ACTION-125 Advertise at semantics..
14:29:30 [axelpolleres]
close ACTION-125
14:29:30 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-125.
14:30:06 [harsh]
axelpolleres: ACTION-126 continued
14:31:51 [harsh]
axelpolleres: ACTION-127 ask simon about comments on spec; will ask Simon to mail to the list regarding this
14:32:34 [harsh]
axelpolleres: (to Fajar) the comments about class vs properties was one of the things in comments?
14:32:53 [Fajar]
14:33:06 [harsh]
ACTION-128: spreadsheet collecting comments and actions
14:33:06 [trackbot]
Notes added to ACTION-128 Will try to recollect all the inputs and (not-)addressed issues in the spec..
14:35:33 [axelpolleres]
2 separate issues: a) how to identify categories that are PII, b) how to include complementary classes from the Blinding Identity Taxonomy (BIT)
14:36:17 [harsh]
harsh: how do we proceed in terms of including the terms? do we have a policy for inclusion of terms from external vocabularies and sources?
14:36:39 [harsh]
axelpolleres: in the DPV spec, we have the template/layout for suggesting terms, we can use that
14:38:29 [harsh]
axelpolleres: suggestions should include note on how they relate to the existing state of DPV e.g. whether extend existing or overlaps or have alternate concepts
14:40:16 [axelpolleres]
ACTION: harsh to contact Jan Lindquis and inform them about the process how to suggest terms, i.e. ask them for a coherent proposal to extend our voacbulary to include their terms and let us know which ones are missing or where are the overlaps.
14:40:17 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-131 - Contact jan lindquis and inform them about the process how to suggest terms, i.e. ask them for a coherent proposal to extend our voacbulary to include their terms and let us know which ones are missing or where are the overlaps. [on Harshvardhan Pandit - due 2019-09-24].
14:59:43 [axelpolleres]
Can you still hear me?
14:59:51 [axelpolleres]
I think we passed the hour...
15:00:05 [harsh]
Cannot hear Axel
15:00:06 [axelpolleres]
... we should check timeline, but you can't hear me
15:00:28 [axelpolleres]
I can hear you, let's defer the timeline to next call
15:00:32 [harsh]
15:00:32 [axelpolleres]
in 2 weeks, ok?
15:00:38 [Fajar]
15:00:46 [Bud]
15:00:52 [axelpolleres]
then that's an action on me, continued....
15:01:08 [harsh]
Next telco 1 OCT 16:00 CET
15:01:09 [axelpolleres]
... should hopefully be derivable from the last minutes
15:01:13 [axelpolleres]
thanks all!
15:01:17 [axelpolleres]
15:01:43 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #dpvcg
15:01:46 [axelpolleres]
rrsagent, make public minutes
15:01:46 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'make public minutes', axelpolleres. Try /msg RRSAgent help
15:02:01 [harsh]
rrsagent, please create the minutes
15:02:01 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate harsh
15:02:18 [harsh]
rrsagent, please publish the minutes
15:02:18 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate harsh
15:04:09 [axelpolleres]
rrsagent, make logs world-visible
15:04:13 [harsh]
15:04:14 [harsh]
rrsagent, make log public
15:04:30 [axelpolleres]
now it works
15:04:58 [harsh]
rrsagent, bye
15:04:58 [RRSAgent]
I see 1 open action item saved in :
15:04:58 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: harsh to contact Jan Lindquis and inform them about the process how to suggest terms, i.e. ask them for a coherent proposal to extend our voacbulary to include their terms and let us know which ones are missing or where are the overlaps. [1]
15:04:58 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:04:59 [axelpolleres]
present: harsh, axel, bud, fajar, markLizar