IRC log of audio on 2019-09-16

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:26:19 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #audio
00:26:19 [RRSAgent]
logging to
00:26:21 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
00:26:21 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #audio
00:26:23 [trackbot]
Meeting: Audio Working Group Teleconference
00:26:23 [trackbot]
Date: 16 September 2019
00:26:28 [chris]
trackbot, start telcon
00:26:31 [rtoyg_m2]
present+ rtoyg_m2
00:26:31 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
00:26:34 [trackbot]
Meeting: Audio Working Group Teleconference
00:26:34 [trackbot]
Date: 16 September 2019
00:26:44 [chris]
rrsagent, make logs public
00:27:22 [mdjp]
rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight
00:29:32 [mdjp]
hoch: not much to report from google on implementation, some optimisations and clarifications. Still missing output latency and media stream track.
00:30:28 [mdjp]
padenot: Missing audioworklet, implementation in progress. CancelAndHold being implemented, waiting on clear spec for algorythm.
00:31:35 [mdjp]
padenot aw, missing message port, some queations around this.
00:34:30 [chris]
jer: our implementation has not been updated for at least a year, we have ery few resources but don't oppose this
00:34:44 [chris]
00:35:32 [chris]
00:36:59 [mdjp]
mdjp aim to republish updated CR during TPAC
00:37:33 [mdjp]
chris blocker is issue #2061 privacy review
00:40:29 [mdjp]
issue #2069, is this required for V1. padenot it is late for the spec but potentially a problem
00:43:57 [mdjp]
karlt joins meeting remotely
00:46:08 [mdjp]
karlt there was a chance to make this easier. Might be hard to spec this around message port.
00:48:50 [mdjp]
padenot this is a big change karlt what is the implications padenot chrome is already shipping, concerns about compatibility.
00:56:05 [mdjp]
padenot something like, when we would not call process again we could automatically close the mp karlt so we define when close is called. I considered this but nodes should be reusable so we do not know when this would happen to close automatically
00:57:39 [mdjp]
mdjp if we defer this what are the issues in coming back to it in the future. karlt we would have compatibility issues
00:58:12 [mdjp]
padenot this is a serious issue - multiple audio nodes, and cannot dispose
00:58:32 [mdjp]
hoch worker does not have this problems, does not expose mp object itself?
00:58:50 [mdjp]
padenot how do you send between processes hoch worker inherits from mp
00:59:44 [mdjp]
hoch aim to talk to chrome worker team
01:00:28 [rtoyg_m3]
rtoyg_m3 has joined #audio
01:00:38 [mdjp]
karlt we are working on it - network issue....
01:01:29 [mdjp]
padenot in a worker you can reinstantiate a message channel - so same situation exists and people need to be aware of this, objects must be disposed of manually
01:02:01 [mdjp]
karlt good point, we would only be fixing one usecase but the problem still exists elsewhere. Outying cases would still be an issue
01:02:21 [mdjp]
padenot anyone who wants to do something bad will still be able to this is a fundmental issue
01:03:21 [mdjp]
padenot might want to take input from people who have been dealing with message channel and gc
01:03:39 [mdjp]
padenot will write summary and request more input
01:07:06 [hoch]
01:07:41 [hoch]
To sum up: V8MessageChannel constructor = ~40%, V8AudioContext constructor = ~4%, V8GainNode constructor= ~1.2%
01:08:05 [hoch]
01:10:48 [hoch]
01:12:27 [mdjp]
01:23:11 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
01:32:58 [padenot]
15min break
01:33:24 [mdjp]
01:33:30 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
02:00:14 [padenot]
sangwhan, we'll discuss this in a minute, thanks
02:00:48 [sangwhan]
padenot: thanks!
02:02:27 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
02:03:41 [mdjp]
02:15:18 [mdjp]
02:17:20 [mdjp]
hoch fundamental issue touching event loop spec
02:25:51 [padenot]
sangwhan, we dont' think we _need_ TAG presence at this stage V2, but TAG presence could be useful when talking about the `AudioDeviceClient` proposal,
02:28:15 [padenot]
karlt, audio issues
02:28:32 [mdjp]
02:31:25 [sangwhan]
padenot: roger that, will show up sometime during your allocated meeting time in that case
02:32:28 [padenot]
sangwhan, do you have the agenda handy? is the link, basically 11am tomorrow
02:32:33 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #audio
02:33:58 [sangwhan]
padenot: seems to be what I have
02:39:28 [padenot]
that's the media wg, which is thursday/friday, in #mediawg
02:53:26 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
02:53:39 [padenot]
breaking for lunch, 1h
03:32:49 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
04:02:44 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
04:03:45 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
04:10:11 [rtoyg_m2]
scribenick: rtoyg_m2
04:10:27 [rtoyg_m2]
scribe: rtoyg_m2
04:12:27 [rtoyg_m2]
V2: Decide what V2 means and what the goals are.
04:12:37 [ruth_john]
ruth_john has joined #audio
04:13:16 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: What is V2? First off, incremental changes to V1.
04:13:52 [rtoyg_m2]
chris: V1 has worklets. What counts as V2 that can be added even if worklets can do that.
04:14:29 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
04:14:47 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
04:15:16 [rtoyg_m2]
chris: Where is that boundary? Some things naturally make sense even if it's easy to do with worklets. Items only benefit one person maybe not so much.
04:16:03 [rtoyg_m2]
hoch: Should get feedback from developers too.
04:16:18 [chris]
chris has joined #audio
04:16:28 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: We're pretty clear what's in V1. When does V2 start?
04:17:29 [rtoyg_m2]
chris: Two ways to do this. Fork the spec. Add a separate spec.
04:18:35 [rtoyg_m2]
rtoyg_m2: Likes 2 specs. Will we keep them separate?
04:18:49 [rtoyg_m2]
chris: Yes, but eventually merge into one bigger spec.
04:18:57 [rtoyg_m2]
hoch: What about community input?
04:19:16 [rtoyg_m2]
chris: Yes, but primarily driven by working group.
04:20:05 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: Have just one WG call and more CG calls.
04:21:31 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: Group is small, so nice to have external viewpoints into the spec. This is what CG is for.
04:22:38 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: Clarify: Incremental update of V1, handled by WG. But CG to help incubate new ideas.
04:27:02 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
04:28:03 [rtoyg_m2]
concensus: Create a new repository for V2. Move over issues to V2.
04:29:31 [rtoyg_m2]
hoch: Use project board; minimize use of labels except when necessary.
04:30:05 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: Creates a new web-audio-api-v2 repository for new work.
04:30:40 [rtoyg_m2]
rtoyg_m2: What about milestones?
04:31:16 [saschanaz]
saschanaz has joined #audio
04:33:06 [rtoyg_m2]
concensus: No milestones; new stuff goes to vnext project board.
04:33:25 [rtoyg_m2]
(In webaudio-api repi, not v2 repo).
04:34:24 [rtoyg_m2]
hoch: No. vnext board should be in v2 repo.
04:34:51 [rtoyg_m2]
concensus: Yes.
04:44:52 [rtoyg_m2]
That works. We can do that.
04:45:47 [rtoyg_m2]
chris: and others discussing how to do a hard-sync of two oscillators.
04:48:11 [rtoyg_m2]
Needs design work. Different approaches suggested, tending towards using an AudioParam to control the sync.
04:48:19 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: In v2?
04:48:32 [rtoyg_m2]
chris: Yes.
04:52:30 [mdjp]
04:52:55 [rtoyg_m2]
High priority V2 issues:"High+Priority+V2"
04:58:02 [rtoyg_m2]
rtoyg_m2: We don't need to decide how to do it (issue 1803). Just need to decide if we want to consider it for v2.
04:58:37 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: Can it be done with existing stuff?
04:59:08 [rtoyg_m2]
hoch: TAG feedback said being able to compose nodes is useful.
05:00:22 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: In favor to V2? In v2 doesn't require us to do it in V2.
05:00:51 [rtoyg_m2]
chris: Needs to be "under consideration" label.
05:02:48 [rtoyg_m2]
05:02:55 [rtoyg_m2]
Move to V2.
05:03:07 [rtoyg_m2]
05:04:53 [rtoyg_m2]
hoch: Depends on some external dependencies for WASM.
05:05:20 [rtoyg_m2]
padenot: Luke says it's possible to register things for the WASM heap/views to handle things.
05:07:59 [rtoyg_m2]
Moved to V2 for further discussion.
05:08:57 [rtoyg_m2]
padenot: One way is C/C++ style where functions don't allocate it's own memory. Pass in a pointer to memory.
05:09:25 [rtoyg_m2]
hoch: Common case us big pile of WASM code.
05:09:33 [rtoyg_m2]
padenot: Should work.
05:15:47 [rtoyg_m2]
karlt: Suggests a new register processor method geared more to WASM by having a callback instead of full class
05:15:56 [rtoyg_m2]
karlt: Will add comments about this in the issue.
05:18:00 [rtoyg_m2]
05:20:02 [rtoyg_m2]
hoch: Like Jer's idea.
05:20:33 [rtoyg_m2]
rtoyg_m2: But startRendering() continues from last time.
05:20:46 [rtoyg_m2]
hoch: Yes, we'll need a new method.
05:21:32 [rtoyg_m2]
05:21:44 [rtoyg_m2]
chris: Proposed IDL looks fine.
05:22:51 [rtoyg_m2]
05:38:50 [chris] vs with fletcher-munsen equalization :)
05:39:03 [rtoyg_m2]
General discussion on why this is useful and can't be done in a worklet.
05:39:19 [rtoyg_m2]
jer: Suggested doing this in a library.
05:40:16 [rtoyg_m2]
rtoyg_m2: Agreed but wanted to control exactly what the output is guarantee identical output.
05:40:27 [rtoyg_m2]
Jer: Agrees that's a good reason to specify this as builtin.
05:40:43 [rtoyg_m2]
05:45:58 [rtoyg_m2]
General agreement we want this because other systems have this important feature.
05:45:59 [rtoyg_m2]
05:46:17 [hta]
hta has joined #audio
05:47:23 [hoch]
05:50:21 [rtoyg_m2]
Concensus: Can be handled by ADC, but need more work on this since we might want to extend AudioContext instead or in addition to.
05:51:05 [rtoyg_m2]
05:56:33 [rtoyg_m2]
05:59:37 [padenot]
break, 15min
05:59:40 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
06:16:17 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
06:35:11 [padenot]
well apparently it was 30 in the schedule
06:35:14 [rtoyg_m2]
WebMIDI topic
06:35:37 [rtoyg_m2]
cwilso: Very little update since last time; just a few small issues.
06:35:38 [hta]
hta has joined #audio
06:36:21 [rtoyg_m2]
cwilso: A few details need to be cleaned up.
06:36:45 [rtoyg_m2]
cwilso: Big issue is back pressure, but waiting for other vendors to contribute to this.
06:37:14 [rtoyg_m2]
cwilso: Many issues are Ready For Editing, so external people can contribute.
06:37:25 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: Will resolving issues help?
06:38:14 [rtoyg_m2]
cwilso: Best thing is if another vendor decides to implement.
06:38:33 [hta1]
hta1 has joined #audio
06:39:06 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: Is there another vendor?
06:39:30 [rtoyg_m2]
padenot: Pretty much ready to go, except for the backends.
06:40:24 [rtoyg_m2]
cwilso: Main issue is security issues preventing other UAs implementing.
06:41:00 [rtoyg_m2]
padenot: Mostly a resource problem not security (if shipping without sysex).
06:50:08 [padenot]
06:56:58 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
07:04:38 [rtoyg_m2]
rtoyg_m2 has joined #audio
07:07:20 [rtoyg_m2]
07:07:40 [mdjp]
V2 feature requests
07:08:12 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
07:08:14 [mdjp]
V2 feature requests
07:08:47 [rtoyg_m2]
07:14:20 [hta]
hta has joined #audio
07:16:52 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
07:23:51 [rtoyg_m2]
Move to V2/under consideration
07:23:53 [rtoyg_m2]
07:24:00 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
07:26:42 [rtoyg_m2]
rtoyg_m2: Do we want to pile more stuff on decodeAudioData
07:27:07 [rtoyg_m2]
padenot: Probably not; we're really moving to WebCodec.
07:28:52 [rtoyg_m2]
chris: Close this issue in favor of Webcodec
07:29:10 [padenot]
07:29:12 [rtoyg_m2]
padenot: Yes, as long as WebCodec does the things we need.
07:29:54 [chris] and
07:34:23 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
07:35:20 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: Closing issue, referencing web codecs.
07:35:22 [rtoyg_m2]
07:35:51 [rtoyg_m2]
hoch: Idea is send text to speech synthesizer, get the output and feed it into WebAudio graph.
07:36:16 [rtoyg_m2]
chris: So you have have add a reverb to the voice.
07:40:27 [rtoyg_m2]
chris: Doesn't appear possible to join together with current speech api.
07:40:56 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: Closing
07:42:45 [rtoyg_m2]
07:42:52 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: Close
07:44:49 [rtoyg_m2]
07:45:59 [hta]
hta has joined #audio
07:46:13 [rtoyg_m2]
mdjp: Close
07:46:33 [rtoyg_m2]
07:49:10 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
07:51:49 [chris]
open-source pitch shifter in JS
07:54:33 [rtoyg_m2]
jer: Podcasts is a common use-case where people can listen to podcasts at faster speed (or slower)
07:55:47 [rtoyg_m2]
Concensus: Move to V2/under consideration
07:56:59 [rtoyg_m2]
08:02:00 [rtoyg_m2]
Basically handled by active processing concept.
08:02:55 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
08:27:17 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio
08:42:18 [hoch]
hoch has joined #audio