04:05:31 kaz has joined #wot 04:32:51 kaz has joined #wot 06:06:12 kaz has joined #wot 08:13:22 zkis has joined #wot 10:56:05 Is there a meeting about the Working Group Charter today? 11:05:03 The WebEx says every Thursday, but I waited 5 minutes and nobody turned up, so I guess not. 12:20:26 I've provided my feedback on GitHub instead https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/873 13:14:38 ah, benfrancis, sorry for the delay 13:14:52 as I mentioned by email, there is no WG Charter call today 13:15:13 let's continue the discussion on GitHub and then during TPAC 13:15:24 would be great if you could join the WG Charter call after TPAC 13:42:49 dsr_ has joined #wot 13:47:12 dsr has joined #wot 13:57:52 zkis has joined #wot