IRC log of waicc on 2019-09-11

Timestamps are in UTC.

18:03:57 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #waicc
18:03:57 [RRSAgent]
logging to
18:03:59 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
18:04:03 [trackbot]
Meeting: WAI Coordination Call Teleconference
18:04:03 [trackbot]
Date: 11 September 2019
18:04:14 [Judy]
18:04:21 [Judy]
clear agenda
18:04:26 [Judy]
zakim, thanks
18:04:26 [Zakim]
you are very welcome, Judy
18:08:21 [stevelee]
stevelee has joined #waicc
18:13:55 [janina]
janina has joined #waicc
18:28:42 [Judy]
agenda+ Scribe, rrsagent, agenda, next meeting date: Sept 25th
18:28:42 [Judy]
agenda+ Upcoming announcements & publications: Media Guide Other?
18:28:42 [Judy]
agenda+ Review opportunities for AG WG items: charter, ACT rules, Silver requirements <>
18:28:43 [Judy]
agenda+ Last pre-TPAC check, including remote participation and networking requests:
18:28:43 [Judy]
agenda+ Inclusive Web workshop is announced:
18:28:45 [Judy]
agenda+ Exploratory brainstorm about potential virtual conference or technical plenary for instance
18:28:50 [Judy]
agenda+ Update on some emerging tech user requirements documents
18:28:51 [Judy]
agenda+ Rechecking follow-ups on longdesc transformation questions
18:28:53 [Judy]
agenda+ Community Groups updated check-in?
18:28:55 [Judy]
agenda+ Infoshare WGs and TFs
18:28:57 [Judy]
agenda+ Other business?
18:30:11 [stevelee]
stevelee has joined #waicc
18:31:45 [stevelee]
18:31:57 [Judy]
18:35:51 [CharlesL]
CharlesL has joined #waicc
18:35:59 [CharlesL]
18:36:01 [Rachael]
Rachael has joined #waicc
18:36:05 [Rachael]
present+ Rachael
18:38:10 [shawn_]
shawn_ has joined #waicc
18:38:57 [CharlesL]
scribe: CharlesL
18:39:04 [Judy]
zakim, take up next item
18:39:04 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "Scribe, rrsagent, agenda, next meeting date: Sept 25th" taken up [from Judy]
18:39:29 [CharlesL]
JB: next meeting Sept 25th.
18:40:14 [CharlesL]
CL: Charles & George won't be able to attend, we have in person meetings that week.
18:40:23 [CharlesL]
JS: I won't be able to attend either.
18:40:42 [Judy]
zakim, take up next item
18:40:42 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Upcoming announcements & publications: Media Guide Other?" taken up [from Judy]
18:40:44 [CharlesL]
JS: still next meeting on 25th.
18:41:03 [CharlesL]
18:41:50 [CharlesL]
JB: now have a lot of work in these documents & graphics, just went live a couple of days ago.
18:42:15 [CharlesL]
… frequently asked for. different than a standard but it is practical guidance.
18:42:39 [CharlesL]
18:43:16 [CharlesL]
… it is worth taking note on non-standardized likewise from COGA for providing guidance.
18:43:40 [CharlesL]
… Steve you an Shawn may want to talk about this.
18:43:51 [Judy]
scribe: Judy
18:45:00 [Judy]
CLP: Just got this link. Looks very interesting. Related to some of the Diagram Center audio-video best practices. One of my projects is updating our guidance with input from Kim Patch such as fully accessible and exportable searching of video.
18:45:14 [Judy]
...this looks great.
18:45:40 [CharlesL]
scribe: Charles
18:46:00 [Judy]
scribe: Judy
18:46:08 [Judy]
jb: did you know about this? did we miss a step?
18:46:37 [Judy]
CLP: didn't know about it. Maybe have more than one avenue to get info out. Best practices -- that's important --
18:47:24 [Judy]
... for instance, VR and AR work -- if we're working on that, need to get the work out through multiple channels -- need to let people know -- particular when it crosses domains(!)
18:47:41 [CharlesL]
scribe: CharlesL
18:48:00 [CharlesL]
JB: Steve also didn't know so we may need better coordination efforts
18:48:30 [shawn_]
[ announcement to CC list :-)]
18:49:01 [shawn_]
18:49:15 [CharlesL]
… making sure that the crossover has clear communication channels to promote materials and efforts that is being worked on so everyone knows that these documents / efforts exist and to keep an eye out for
18:49:51 [CharlesL]
JB: any other announcements? Publications?
18:50:25 [CharlesL]
… there is a resource model that we have that could be of use.
18:51:08 [CharlesL]
Rachel: Michael did a great first round but I may need further help. Thanks
18:51:45 [shawn_]
s/calling/ /
18:52:01 [CharlesL]
JB: Shawn just joined. media resource looking great, but some folks may have missed that this work was being done. Its easy for people to miss it if its only in one place. so multiple channels would be good.
18:52:12 [CharlesL]
CL: Yes agreed.
18:52:35 [CharlesL]
Shawn: what other channels would be useful?
18:52:42 [Judy]
scribe: Judy
18:52:45 [shawn_] resources:
18:53:23 [shawn_]
s|"> resources:|new resources:
18:53:41 [shawn_]
rrsagent, draft minutes
18:53:41 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate shawn_
18:53:51 [Judy]
CLP: there are only a few people on this email list. For myself, just started on these emails and calls the last few months. Don't know why not invited earlier. There's many different accessibility TFs throughout W3C and the people on diff lists may not be tracking this.
18:54:08 [shawn_]
18:54:30 [CharlesL]
ack CharlesL
18:54:39 [CharlesL]
scribe: CharlesL
18:54:39 [Judy]
...relevant things that affect accessibility that are cross-disability where best practices are needed, we're all working on related things, for instance at Benetech
18:54:57 [CharlesL]
Shawn: not sure how else to do it…
18:55:02 [shawn_]
ack sh
18:55:31 [CharlesL]
JB: 1. I think we are good on bringing chairs/cochairs but we have missed TF co-facilitators.
18:55:36 [shawn_]
q+to note that the list is also publicly archived
18:55:41 [CharlesL]
… I will do a current check on that.
18:56:12 [CharlesL]
… so much of our work is being done in TF's we need to make sure if there are two co-chairs one is on this call similar with facilitators.
18:56:24 [shawn_]
q+ to say also public "what is WAI working on" is on my To Do list...
18:56:32 [shawn_]
ack me
18:56:32 [Zakim]
shawn_, you wanted to note that the list is also publicly archived and to say also public "what is WAI working on" is on my To Do list...
18:56:32 [CharlesL]
…, may need to push more to TF lists, but that my be too much noise.
18:56:59 [CharlesL]
Shawn: This list is publicly archived. easy to share.
18:57:20 [CharlesL]
… on my todo list page of what WAI is working on now… I hope to have a draft of that shortly.
18:57:33 [CharlesL]
JB: Charles there are about 20 on this list.
18:58:19 [shawn_]
+1 for sending to the list (and for us to watch the list :-)
18:58:25 [CharlesL]
… WG and TF Level and many have two folks but if people are tracking this… apart from mentioning in a meeting when you send something to the list then a will get more people actually seeing it. we may need to create more noise.
18:58:40 [shawn_]
q+ to mention AccessLearn and Publishing
18:58:58 [CharlesL]
Charles, when you do your work in the DIAGRAM center and referencing stuff please talk with Shawn, and others.
18:59:30 [CharlesL]
Shawn: in the spirit of early mentioning EO is in the early stages on work related to a11y online learning.
18:59:58 [CharlesL]
… I will send the link to this work.
19:00:18 [shawn_]
ccessible Online Learning Resources --
19:00:56 [CharlesL]
… exploring CG doing a lot of work on this and they have some more specifics now and Access Learn CG chairs & EO chairs etc.
19:01:07 [CharlesL]
JB: should send a note about.
19:01:22 [shawn_]
ack me
19:01:22 [Zakim]
shawn_, you wanted to mention AccessLearn and Publishing
19:01:22 [CharlesL]
Shawn: what we may want to do about A11Y Publishing issues
19:01:49 [CharlesL]
JB: we will need to make sure that is coordinated with George, Tzviya and the Publisher WG chairs etc.
19:02:02 [Judy]
19:02:04 [CharlesL]
…, send those things in the pipeline to the list.
19:02:21 [Judy]
zakim, take up next
19:02:22 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "Review opportunities for AG WG items: charter, ACT rules, Silver requirements <>" taken up [from
19:02:25 [Zakim]
... Judy]
19:02:58 [CharlesL]
JB: there are several things a11y guidelines WG charter is out for comment.
19:03:12 [CharlesL]
… already gotten some support :)
19:04:03 [CharlesL]
… I would like to send out the charter for review and promotion. There are a few others the ACT rules for proposed rec.
19:04:29 [Judy]
s/review and promotion/for community FYI/
19:04:55 [CharlesL]
… Silver requirements doc many rounds of review/comment but community hasn't seen them so a FYI and call for comment.
19:05:28 [CharlesL]
… COGA documents are moving along, but not sure if timing is best to send those out at the same time.
19:06:02 [CharlesL]
… question I have is: similar to ARIA / APA James is there interesting stuff in ARIA to tell the community about?
19:06:22 [CharlesL]
James: Not a lot ARIA annotations we have a soon to be FPWD.
19:06:36 [CharlesL]
JB: timing? to tell the world you are working on this?
19:06:58 [CharlesL]
James: I think we should wait for ARIA to decide if the ARIA is happy on publishing this document.
19:07:12 [CharlesL]
… few months maybe we will discuss at TPAC.
19:07:46 [shawn_]
19:07:49 [CharlesL]
JB: APA Janina, what about Personalization / Pronunciation.
19:08:19 [CharlesL]
… We haven't done a lot of this, we have been focusing on other WG with others at TPAC, we can do general followup after TPAC.
19:08:24 [shawn_]
q+ to say sent to WAI-announce and to WAI-IG (but not archived on the latter sorry)
19:08:32 [shawn_]
ack shawn
19:08:32 [Zakim]
shawn_, you wanted to say sent to WAI-announce and to WAI-IG (but not archived on the latter sorry)
19:09:04 [CharlesL]
Shawn: we did send personalization WAI IG a while ago. and send out on pronunciation just today
19:09:51 [CharlesL]
… should hear from email today to this list Roy will also bring to the TF that there is a Pronunciation Overview page is done and we will want to tweak that and learn what it is all about.
19:09:53 [Judy]
19:10:22 [CharlesL]
… we did WAI-IG list and now a new announce list. Emails goes to both lists but they are only on announced archive
19:10:41 [shawn_]
19:11:06 [CharlesL]
JB: another angle to get the word out, that we are missing opportunities for the broader communities. TF and WG pages, and announcement sections are blank.
19:11:24 [CharlesL]
… show your work in announcement section not only in Wiki
19:11:36 [Judy]
zakim, take up next
19:11:36 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "Last pre-TPAC check, including remote participation and networking requests:" taken up [from Judy]
19:12:09 [CharlesL]
JB: folks starting to travel in the next few days. any loose ends can take care of?
19:13:00 [CharlesL]
Janina: no response to immersive web, plenty from Silver / ARIA / TAG responsive but not the working group itself. Yes it went to both co-chairs.
19:13:23 [CharlesL]
JB: can you fwd it please both Dom and Ada are responsive.
19:13:44 [CharlesL]
Janina: maybe I lost a responce, we have a few days since APA meets Thursday.
19:14:04 [CharlesL]
JB: please fwd to me and we can make sure it gets resolved.
19:14:12 [CharlesL]
Janina: I will do my best.
19:14:48 [CharlesL]
JB: queries about EO? they won't be at TPAC.
19:15:24 [CharlesL]
… related topic for people who won't be there special TF's people you are trying to connect with you are welcome to raise those.
19:15:47 [CharlesL]
Janian: yes thats what I meant I will fwd them.
19:15:56 [CharlesL]
19:16:13 [Judy]
19:16:18 [CharlesL]
JB: there is remote participation, but timezone could be a problem
19:16:48 [Judy]
19:16:54 [CharlesL]
…, W3C equivalent to (no sleep) :)
19:17:11 [Judy]
zakim, take up next
19:17:11 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "Inclusive Web workshop is announced:" taken up [from Judy]
19:17:27 [CharlesL]
…, inclusive web workshop announced! getting good # of registrations.
19:17:55 [CharlesL]
…, inclusive design Seattle Nov 5/6 this will input into the WG
19:18:05 [CharlesL]
… I may be attending.
19:18:24 [Judy]
zakim, take up next
19:18:24 [Zakim]
agendum 6. "Exploratory brainstorm about potential virtual conference or technical plenary for instance"
19:18:27 [Zakim]
... taken up [from Judy]
19:18:29 [CharlesL]
… continued work from the Verizon conference earlier this year.
19:18:34 [Judy]
19:19:20 [CharlesL]
JB: multiple objectives that make it interesting to gather climate change issues and what tech field can help with this.
19:19:33 [CharlesL]
… Carbon computing more efficient etc.
19:19:53 [CharlesL]
… web itself produces a lot of carbon, crypto currenty etc.
19:20:08 [CharlesL]
International conferences consumes a lot of carbon.
19:20:51 [CharlesL]
… different kinds of conferences (flight shaming)
19:21:39 [CharlesL]
… few organizations build go beyond getting on a call / video conference multi dimensional mix of modalities large/small groups side breakout meetings etc.
19:22:09 [CharlesL]
… interested if anyone wants to discuss this further, barriers for travel cost etc. to attend these international conferences.
19:22:24 [CharlesL]
19:23:35 [CharlesL]
Charles: were you thinking of dual conference at the same time say North America and Japan...
19:24:42 [CharlesL]
JB: no but this is a possibility, one TPAC per year, we get a lot of positive feedback others are wondering if we can have 2 a year possibly a virtual one.
19:24:45 [Rachael]
19:24:50 [CharlesL]
ack CharlesL
19:25:06 [Judy]
ack Ch
19:25:08 [Judy]
ack R
19:25:22 [CharlesL]
Rachael, traveling is hard, a virtual TPAC would be great
19:25:53 [CharlesL]
JB: are you going to TPAC?
19:26:01 [CharlesL]
Rachael: not this year,
19:26:17 [jamesn]
q+ to say that as w3c we need far better conferencing software in order to go this path
19:26:32 [CharlesL]
JB: I can help with W3C be more accommodating
19:26:48 [CharlesL]
James: we would need something far better than what we are using with WebEx
19:27:38 [CharlesL]
JB: right, I am glad you said that, that is a concern. Getting a better foundation could increase virtualization
19:28:03 [Judy]
zakim, take up next
19:28:03 [Zakim]
I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Judy
19:28:03 [jamesn]
ack me
19:28:05 [Zakim]
jamesn, you wanted to say that as w3c we need far better conferencing software in order to go this path
19:28:20 [Judy]
zakim, take up next
19:28:20 [Zakim]
agendum 8. "Rechecking follow-ups on longdesc transformation questions" taken up [from Judy]
19:28:43 [CharlesL]
JB: Janina on longdesc, there were some followup actions for us right?
19:29:16 [CharlesL]
Janina: I am not remembering at the moment.
19:29:31 [shawn_]
19:30:11 [CharlesL]
…, Judy needs to have a call with Philip.
19:30:29 [CharlesL]
JB: anything else to share?
19:30:34 [Judy]
19:30:56 [CharlesL]
Janina: I am planning to discuss with CSS WG original promises supporting users needs with CSS.
19:31:02 [CharlesL]
JB: joint meeting?
19:31:18 [CharlesL]
Janina: Yes tuesday at 11, if you can attend Judy that would be awesome.
19:32:08 [CharlesL]
…, dual identity participating with Silver, why are we thinking of Best Practices when we could have technology solutions.
19:32:57 [CharlesL]
JB: thanks everyone see everyone who will be at TPAC
19:34:52 [CharlesL]
rrsagent, make logs public
19:35:03 [CharlesL]
rrsagent, draft minutes
19:35:03 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate CharlesL
19:35:21 [CharlesL]
present+ Shawn
19:35:36 [CharlesL]
present+ James
19:35:51 [Judy]
present+ Janina
19:36:00 [CharlesL]
rrsagent, draft minutes
19:36:00 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate CharlesL
19:36:20 [CharlesL]
Chair: Judy
19:36:27 [CharlesL]
rrsagent, draft minutes
19:36:27 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate CharlesL
19:39:29 [Judy]
Judy has changed the topic to: Next WAI Coordination Call meeting September 25.
19:40:55 [CharlesL]
CharlesL has left #waicc
19:41:17 [shawn_]
shawn_ has left #waicc
19:43:49 [JimA]
JimA has joined #waicc