13:54:02 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 13:54:02 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/11-w3process-irc 13:54:04 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:54:04 Zakim has joined #w3process 13:54:06 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group Teleconference 13:54:06 Date: 11 September 2019 13:59:51 fantasai has joined #w3process 14:00:01 present+ Florian 14:04:59 https://florian.rivoal.net/talks/TPAC-2019/director/ 14:07:38 ScribeNick: fantasai 14:07:41 Topic: Closing Out Issues 14:07:49 dsinger: A number of issues we said we'd close if no one objected 14:08:18 https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/323 14:08:29 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/323 14:08:44 RESOLVED: Accept PR 323 14:08:53 Topic: Closing Out Issues 14:08:55 No comments were received, so we' 14:09:02 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/308 14:09:04 ll merge. people can always reopen 14:09:17 RESOLVED: Accept PR 308 14:09:22 Topic: Closing Out Issues 14:09:37 github https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/213/files 14:09:50 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/213/files 14:10:38 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/213 14:12:17 fantasai: lgtm 14:12:24 RESOLVED: Accept PR 213 14:12:47 Topic: Find Another Topic 14:13:20 Topic: 182 Status Update 14:13:32 florian: [...] 14:13:40 florian: Then need to discuss with group 14:13:50 dsinger: Need an update from wseltzer, how is the practice going 14:14:26 florian: Pretty sure the process I outlined in the wiki isn't being followed, but it may have been overkill 14:14:39 florian: although it's bad form to ignore what we agreed, better to bring it up for discussion 14:14:50 florian: Would be satisfied with two things, 14:15:18 florian: one being actually requiring in the Process, not just in practice, that when there is a change made to a charter after it has been sent to vote, that can't be done without asking the people who have voted if that changes their vote 14:15:22 florian: This has to be in the process 14:15:29 florian: doing another vote might be too much, but at least ask 14:16:07 florian: I hope Wendy will accept that 14:16:23 florian: 2nd thing, I think Wendy might not agree, is having a Disposition of Comments 14:16:29 florian: and posting that to the AC 14:16:40 florian: basically, posting the list of comments and how / whether they have been addressed 14:16:48 florian: as evidence of addressing the issue / handling review 14:17:12 Topic: Other Topics 14:22:09 Meeting closed. 14:22:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/11-w3process-minutes.html fantasai 15:22:34 dsinger has joined #w3process 16:07:20 tantek has joined #w3process 16:10:19 dsinger has joined #w3process 16:15:38 dsinger_ has joined #w3process 16:23:24 Zakim has left #w3process