IRC log of rqtf on 2019-09-11

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:51:59 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rqtf
12:51:59 [RRSAgent]
logging to
12:52:01 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
12:52:01 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #rqtf
12:52:03 [trackbot]
Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference
12:52:03 [trackbot]
Date: 11 September 2019
12:53:02 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Real-time communication accessibility: interdependencies and opportunities for coordination.
12:53:23 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ XAUR draft.
12:53:27 [jasonjgw]
12:53:31 [jasonjgw]
chair: jasonjgw
12:59:28 [Joshue108_]
Joshue108_ has joined #rqtf
13:02:47 [janina]
janina has joined #rqtf
13:03:15 [janina]
I'm on my way, but I need to reboot my phone ...
13:06:51 [Joshue108_]
zakim, agenda?
13:06:51 [Zakim]
I see 2 items remaining on the agenda:
13:06:52 [Zakim]
1. Real-time communication accessibility: interdependencies and opportunities for coordination. [from jasonjgw]
13:06:52 [Zakim]
2. XAUR draft. [from jasonjgw]
13:06:58 [Joshue108_]
13:07:56 [SteveNoble]
SteveNoble has joined #rqtf
13:07:58 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:07:58 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "Real-time communication accessibility: interdependencies and opportunities for coordination." taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:08:09 [SteveNoble]
13:08:10 [Joshue108_]
scribe: Joshue108
13:08:57 [Joshue108_]
JW: I understand that we are concentrating on the interdependencies between groups etc that arise between use cases and user requirements etc
13:09:07 [Joshue108_]
I've written a summary and posted that to list.
13:09:41 [Joshue108_]
For each one there are dependencies between one or more working groups or community groups etc
13:10:03 [Joshue108_]
I'm not totally sure which ones are addressed and/or are a matter of implementation.
13:10:39 [Joshue108_]
The AGWG are clearly a dependency for all that needs to be implemented in RTC type communications.
13:11:13 [Joshue108_]
There may be other requirements that Silver will need to look at.
13:11:54 [Joshue108_]
13:12:07 [Joshue108_]
Real-time communication accessibility - working group interdependencies mail from Jason
13:14:37 [Joshue108_]
JOC:Can we walk thru them
13:14:43 [Joshue108_]
JW: Sounds good.
13:14:59 [Joshue108_]
scribe: SteveNoble
13:15:58 [SteveNoble]
Josh: Incoming calls - added this with callerID merged these
13:16:39 [SteveNoble]
Josh: User need - where the user needs to know identity of incoming calls
13:17:09 [SteveNoble]
Janina: suggests the ability of routing this through a differt device
13:17:55 [SteveNoble]
For instance one streat through a buetooth headset and another stream through another device
13:18:55 [SteveNoble]
Call notification could be routed to a briller without interupting the audio stream
13:19:57 [SteveNoble]
Is there an API in RTC for notifications?
13:20:29 [SteveNoble]
Not sure, but we could ask about this.
13:21:06 [SteveNoble]
But we could ask for standard notification techniques to be used
13:21:53 [SteveNoble]
Strandards may differ per browser and platform
13:21:54 [Joshue108_]
13:22:31 [SteveNoble]
Janina: Could be a role for ARIA, but we don't know yet
13:23:38 [SteveNoble]
Could be a use case for ARIA live regions for notifications when these appear in the same HTML document
13:23:55 [Joshue108_]
I've captured Janinas suggestions a la ARIA.
13:24:29 [Joshue108_]
Accessible Call Set up
13:26:53 [SteveNoble]
Josh: safe to take this out
13:27:02 [Judy]
Judy has joined #rqtf
13:27:27 [SteveNoble]
Josh: Audio rooting of multi channel
13:28:45 [SteveNoble]
Josh: second screen issues
13:29:52 [Joshue108_]
Josh to discuss Audio Routing use case with Second Screen at TPAC.
13:32:35 [SteveNoble]
Use case to manipultae volume levels of independent audio streams with audio description
13:32:57 [Joshue108_]
Josh to mention Dynamic Audio description values Media Working Group, Web and Networks IG, Second Screen at TPAC
13:34:54 [SteveNoble]
Jason: the content of the audio stream can be filtered to go to the desired output
13:36:18 [SteveNoble]
Audio-subtitling/spoken subtitles
13:37:21 [SteveNoble]
User need example, Spanish subtitles need to be spoken during a movie
13:37:58 [SteveNoble]
Janina: this is a rare use case - where would this happen?
13:39:02 [SteveNoble]
Janina: probably not a WebRTC use case
13:39:35 [SteveNoble]
More of a media-retated thing
13:40:20 [SteveNoble]
Josh: will take that one out
13:40:36 [SteveNoble]
Communications Control of Alternate Content
13:41:37 [SteveNoble]
Josh: had a merge flag on this one - perhaps with data channel?
13:42:19 [SteveNoble]
Jason: live captions in a teleconference session
13:42:56 [SteveNoble]
Janina: this is a growing use case
13:43:40 [SteveNoble]
Josh: will merge this is another example of the text communication
13:44:25 [SteveNoble]
Josh: change to communication chanel control
13:46:22 [SteveNoble]
Janina: mentioned focus tracking bug issue in Android, but should remove that as it is ephemeral
13:48:59 [SteveNoble]
Judy: pleased with the process of this document - looking good
13:52:05 [Joshue108_]
q+ to suggest looking at the Merge items
13:52:13 [Joshue108_]
ack me
13:52:13 [Zakim]
Joshue108_, you wanted to suggest looking at the Merge items
13:52:27 [SteveNoble]
Jason: we will postpone the second agenda item
13:56:24 [SteveNoble]
merge “Audio routing and multi-channel” and "communication channel control"
13:56:39 [Joshue108_]
Am making that edit now..
13:57:26 [Joshue108_]
Audio Routing and Communication channel control
13:57:42 [Joshue108_]
13:58:51 [SteveNoble]
Janina: components need to be individually controlled
14:03:59 [SteveNoble]
“Control relative volume and panning position for multiple audio" could be merged with "“Audio routing and multi-channel” as long as we include the different use cases
14:04:12 [jasonjgw]
zakim, bye
14:04:12 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, Joshue108_, SteveNoble
14:04:12 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #rqtf
14:04:26 [jasonjgw]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:04:26 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jasonjgw
14:05:41 [janina]
janina has left #rqtf
14:41:40 [Judy]
Judy has joined #rqtf
15:07:56 [Joshue108_]
Joshue108_ has joined #rqtf
15:41:02 [Joshue108_]
Joshue108_ has joined #rqtf
15:41:14 [interaccess]
interaccess has joined #rqtf
17:44:55 [Judy]
Judy has joined #rqtf