IRC log of pronunciation on 2019-09-11

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:57:35 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #pronunciation
13:57:35 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:57:37 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
13:57:37 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #pronunciation
13:57:39 [trackbot]
Meeting: Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference
13:57:39 [trackbot]
Date: 11 September 2019
13:57:42 [irfan]
zakim, what is agenda?
13:57:43 [Zakim]
I see nothing on the agenda
13:57:57 [Roy]
agenda+ TPAC 2019 (Coordination with various groups)
13:57:57 [Roy]
agenda+ FPWD <>
13:57:57 [Roy]
agenda+ FPWD <>
13:57:57 [Roy]
agenda+ FPWD <>
13:58:32 [Sam]
Sam has joined #pronunciation
13:58:40 [irfan]
13:58:48 [Sam]
14:00:12 [Dee]
Dee has joined #pronunciation
14:01:08 [Dee]
14:01:22 [Roy]
agenda+ Please review
14:03:14 [Roy]
14:05:57 [janina]
janina has joined #pronunciation
14:06:27 [janina]
I'll be there. Struggling with Webex. Will be another minute or two.
14:08:07 [SteveNoble]
SteveNoble has joined #pronunciation
14:08:23 [SteveNoble]
14:12:41 [irfan]
scribe: Sam
14:12:52 [Sam]
Zakim, next item
14:12:52 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "TPAC 2019 (Coordination with various groups)" taken up [from Roy]
14:13:12 [irfan]
14:13:51 [Sam]
Irfan: meetings scheduled, survey sent to vendors. (URL provided) Enter email address to access survey
14:14:59 [Sam]
Irfan: Survey asking vendors to rank order their preference for SSML approach. Also, open to suggestions for other approaches.
14:16:52 [Sam]
Irfan: TPAC Calendar is busy, Irfan will send updates if needed.
14:17:06 [Roy]
14:17:25 [Sam]
Zakim, next item
14:17:25 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "FPWD <>" taken up [from Roy]
14:18:50 [Sam]
Irfan: Next steps (for all of the documentation) - we can work in our existing branch in GitHub.
14:19:59 [Sam]
Irfan: In reference to Item 1. Survey extended to September 28, 2019.
14:20:35 [irfan]
14:22:41 [Sam]
Janina: TPAC 2019 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - opportunity to present; remaining days focused on meetings. All links for meetings are to for APA.
14:23:33 [Sam]
Irfan: refining the prototype in preparation for TPAC2019.
14:24:34 [Sam]
Janina: TPAC2019 - Unscheduled time on Friday, showing as open, any further discussions, bring to APA for attention.
14:27:32 [Sam]
Janina: TPAC2019 - for remote attendees, please be sure to refresh the page to ensure you catch any changes to schedules and call-in details.
14:28:25 [Sam]
Irfan: Back to Agenda 2 Item: We can start editing the same versions in GitHub.
14:29:01 [irfan]
14:30:30 [Sam]
Janina: Congratulations to the group for the publication of the first working drafts!
14:31:35 [Sam]
Zakim, next Item, next item
14:31:35 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'next Item, next item', Sam
14:31:45 [Sam]
Zakim, next item
14:31:45 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "FPWD <>" taken up [from Roy]
14:32:24 [Sam]
Irfan: Some corrections, grammatically to address.
14:32:25 [Roy]
14:32:55 [Sam]
Zakim, take up Item 5
14:32:55 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "Please review" taken up [from Roy]
14:33:06 [Roy]
14:33:43 [Sam]
Irfan: Roy has requested the group to review and provide feedback.
14:34:14 [Sam]
Roy: if there are any issues, questions for the page, refer to the "how to improve this page"
14:35:23 [Sam]
Roy: the page/URL is established, so any feedback, no particular end-date.
14:36:49 [irfan]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:36:49 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate irfan
14:36:58 [irfan]
zakim, bye
14:36:58 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees have been irfan, Sam, Dee, Roy, SteveNoble
14:36:58 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #pronunciation
14:37:04 [irfan]
zakim, who is here?
14:37:42 [Sam]
15:52:12 [janina]
mw platform
15:52:47 [janina]
janina has left #pronunciation