IRC log of silver on 2019-09-10

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:27:30 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #silver
13:27:30 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:27:32 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
13:27:35 [trackbot]
Meeting: Silver Community Group Teleconference
13:27:35 [trackbot]
Date: 10 September 2019
13:27:37 [Lauriat]
13:27:42 [Lauriat]
agenda+ TPAC week schedule review
13:27:43 [Lauriat]
agenda+ Functional user needs working session
13:28:11 [Chuck]
Chuck has joined #silver
13:30:42 [jeanne]
jeanne has joined #silver
13:30:52 [bruce_bailey]
bruce_bailey has joined #silver
13:31:03 [bruce_bailey]
13:31:38 [jeanne]
13:31:57 [jeanne]
13:32:17 [jeanne]
zakim, who is on the phone?
13:32:17 [Zakim]
Present: jeanne, janina, Chuck, AngelaAccessForAll, shari, CharlesHall, pkorn, KimD, Lauriat, bruce_bailey
13:32:22 [jeanne]
13:32:29 [Chuck]
13:32:45 [jeanne]
present+ jeanne, Bruce, Chuck
13:33:20 [Makoto]
Makoto has joined #silver
13:33:53 [Lauriat]
Zakim, take up item 1
13:33:53 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "TPAC week schedule review" taken up [from Lauriat]
13:33:58 [Makoto]
13:33:58 [jeanne]
scribe: jeanne
13:34:02 [Lauriat],_Japan
13:34:07 [jeanne]
zakim, take up item 1
13:34:07 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "TPAC week schedule review" taken up [from Lauriat]
13:34:46 [jeanne]
SL: There is now a time-based agenda outline, but we want to fill in what topics we will work on when.
13:35:29 [jeanne]
... we want to insure that people who have conflicts, like AC meetings and people with remote access in the US/Canada.
13:36:29 [jeanne]
... when do we want to talk about what topics?
13:37:06 [jeanne]
Rachael: I will be attending remotely. I am more interested in Conformance in the morning.
13:37:43 [jeanne]
Chuck: Conformance is a robust conversation and should be morning
13:38:49 [jeanne]
Bruce: Conformance discussion is easier for remote participation
13:40:01 [jeanne]
SL: Conformance in the JST morning
13:40:50 [johnkirkwood]
13:41:27 [jeanne]
... First topic will be How to Evaluate
13:43:36 [jeanne]
SL: Monday morning first: Evaluating Conformance
13:43:55 [jeanne]
... Monday 2 slot: Issues and Exceptions
13:44:13 [jeanne]
... Tuesday 1 slot: Issues and Exceptions
13:44:34 [jeanne]
... Tuesday 2 slot: Comparing Pros and Cons (if we get to it)
13:44:48 [jeanne]
SL: Content topics
13:45:03 [jeanne]
... Monday 3 slot: Functional User needs
13:45:35 [jeanne]
... Monday 4 slot: Building up tests
13:47:17 [jeanne]
... Tuesday 3 slot: New content?
13:48:35 [jeanne]
Jeanne: Are we ready to do new content? We haven't finished one SC to use a model
13:48:59 [johnkirkwood]
13:49:03 [jeanne]
Rachael: I don't have a strong opinion, but it seems like it would be better to have a finished SC to use as a model
13:49:19 [jeanne]
Jeanne: I propose dropping that topic for TPAC
13:49:44 [jeanne]
Shawn: I would like to continue "building up tests" because the first session will be identifying the problem
13:50:00 [Chuck]
13:50:05 [jeanne]
... we have the Identifying Language prototype
13:50:30 [jeanne]
... the second session will be about how to build up the tests and make them easy to understand and use.
13:51:04 [jeanne]
... one test with one set of outlines to evaluate
13:51:06 [Chuck]
ack Chuck
13:51:57 [jeanne]
Jeanne: We have more examples than identifying language. We have some SC who have tests and methods sketched out.
13:52:13 [jeanne]
SL: The last session to be the Silver project plan.
13:53:49 [jeanne]
... the project plan needs I plan to organize that outline into something more sensible.
13:54:02 [jeanne]
... it's part of a larger conversation with the chairs
13:54:24 [jeanne]
... some will be working with the group
13:54:38 [jeanne]
... we need to enroll people and track the work.
13:56:08 [jeanne]
zakim, take up next
13:56:08 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Functional user needs working session" taken up [from Lauriat]
13:56:52 [Lauriat]
Functional needs for sensory characteristics:
13:57:43 [Lauriat]
In the working outline:
14:01:13 [Lauriat]
From Charles' comment: "Copy and paste the ‘Benefits’ bullets (or ‘Intent’ statement when no Benefits provided) from each Understanding Doc; then edit the copy to convert disability-first or person-first language into functional needs. Then, add any functional needs that may be unique to the grouping of SC or any that may have been missed in the Understanding Docs."
14:01:48 [Lauriat]
Example: Original benefit of 1.4.1: “Some older users may not be able to see color well.” Edited functional need: “Usage with limited color perception due to: human factors (like age); technical factors (like display quality); or contextual factors (like bright ambient light).”
14:05:16 [Lauriat]
SC 1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded), SC 1.2.4 Captions (Live), SC 1.2.6 Sign Language (Prerecorded):
14:09:16 [Lauriat]
Functional needs for captions and sign language:
14:09:37 [Chuck]
scribe: Chuck
14:10:05 [Chuck]
Jeanne: Trying to address students with downs syndrom... <more detailed reading>
14:10:17 [Chuck]
Jeanne: Lucy had comment "spoken words not audio"
14:10:24 [Chuck]
Lauriat: I responded to that one.
14:10:37 [Chuck]
Lauriat: People forget about captions for spans of silence is essential.
14:10:45 [Chuck]
Lauriat: Otherwise you don't know there is silence.
14:10:54 [Chuck]
Jeanne: I'll move that into the definition of audio.
14:11:02 [Chuck]
Jeanne: Putting it in methods.
14:11:05 [Chuck]
Lauriat: Cool.
14:11:08 [Chuck]
Lauriat: Next...
14:11:12 [Lauriat]
Functional needs for alternative content for audio and video:
14:11:21 [Lauriat]
14:11:38 [Chuck]
Lauriat: Charles noted complete. Having a look.
14:12:21 [Chuck]
Lauriat: <reads from content, on usages and needs>
14:13:46 [Chuck]
Lauriat: I needed a refresher. This was specifically looking at the media alternatives. Rather than being specifically caption...
14:13:58 [Chuck]
Lauriat: About alternative content. Functional user needs sounds like preceding one.
14:14:36 [Chuck]
Jeanne: The difference is the one Jan did was oriented towards sign language.
14:14:40 [Chuck]
Lauriat: Also covered captioning.
14:14:47 [Chuck]
Jeanne: Think these need to be merged?
14:15:05 [Chuck]
Lauriat: Not sure. Part of challenge is the functional user needs, I was thinking in terms of for a specific context what does the user need to do?
14:15:22 [Chuck]
Lauriat: Context is very specific to video.
14:15:46 [Chuck]
Lauriat: Some of the usages at the high level are user needs. Would be one to many relationship between them and the functional groupings.
14:15:51 [Chuck]
14:15:58 [Chuck]
14:16:26 [jeanne]
Lauriat: usage without vision will apply to just about everything we have here.
14:16:46 [jeanne]
... it's an unexpected direction
14:16:51 [jeanne]
... thoughts?
14:18:11 [jeanne]
SL: My challenge is that the functional user needs are going into a higher level than anticipated. In the example of video content, the user needs are "usage without vision". I don't know that it is a bad approach, but I want to know the group input,
14:18:22 [jeanne]
JohnK: What are examples of lower level?
14:18:32 [Lauriat]
Example from captions & sign language: "Users cannot hear all or part of the audio component of movies and multimedia."
14:21:04 [jeanne]
Jeanne: The section on Style NOtes for Functional Needs was what we talked about on Friday:
14:21:52 [jeanne]
SL: The tests of functional needs that we will get into next week will necessarily get to a lower level.
14:22:18 [jeanne]
SL: Back to the Media Alternative grouping:
14:22:37 [jeanne]
... there is another set of strikeout information and some overlapping information.
14:23:04 [Lauriat]
Overlapping: "Usage with limited hearing or without hearing" and "Usage with limited vision or without vision and with limited hearing or without hearing."
14:28:12 [jeanne]
... Should we include intersectionality? We could end up having massive lists of intersections
14:29:40 [jeanne]
jeanne: I think intersectionality should only be included when it has an inpact on the solution. For example, with captions, the needs of people with hearing loss are different from the needs of hearing and vision loss.
14:29:57 [jeanne]
SL: I think we should call this one not fully reviewed.
14:30:27 [jeanne]
topic: Review TPAC page and note the other meetings that are scheduled that people may want to attend.
14:30:45 [jeanne]
... we have asked for Remote participation WebEx links and will post them when we get them.
14:30:52 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:30:52 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jeanne
14:31:14 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make logs public
14:31:41 [jeanne]
present+ Rachael
14:32:03 [jeanne]
chair: Shawn, jeanne
14:33:31 [jeanne]
14:33:36 [jeanne]
14:33:43 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:33:43 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jeanne
14:35:19 [stevelee]
stevelee has joined #silver
14:35:46 [jeanne]
SL: Reminder that we will not have regular phone meetings on the week of 16-20 September. Instead we will be having the all-day TPAC F2F meeting
14:35:52 [jeanne]
rrsgaent, make minutes
14:36:23 [jeanne]
regrets+ Janina, Charles, Jan
14:36:28 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:36:28 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jeanne
14:36:51 [jeanne]
present+ Shawn
14:36:59 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:36:59 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jeanne
14:37:20 [jeanne]
14:38:07 [jeanne]
trackbot, end meeting
14:38:07 [trackbot]
Zakim, list attendees
14:38:07 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been Chuck, jeanne, Bruce, Makoto, johnkirkwood, Rachael, Shawn
14:38:15 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
14:38:15 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate trackbot
14:38:16 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, bye
14:38:16 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items