IRC log of dxwg on 2019-09-10

Timestamps are in UTC.

19:29:53 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #dxwg
19:29:53 [RRSAgent]
logging to
19:30:08 [kcoyle]
meeting: DXWG Plenary Sept 10 2019
19:30:30 [kcoyle]
19:30:37 [kcoyle]
chair: Karen Coyle
19:31:04 [kcoyle]
regrets+ Simon Cox, Nick Car, Peter Winstanley, Alejandra, Antoine
19:31:09 [kcoyle]
present+ kcoyle
19:31:39 [kcoyle]
rrsagent, make logs public
19:31:50 [kcoyle]
rrsagent, create minutes v2
19:31:50 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kcoyle
19:50:47 [TomB]
TomB has joined #dxwg
20:00:24 [roba]
roba has joined #dxwg
20:00:37 [dsr]
dsr has joined #dxwg
20:01:04 [DaveBrowning]
DaveBrowning has joined #dxwg
20:02:14 [TomB_]
TomB_ has joined #dxwg
20:02:43 [TomB_]
present+ TomB_
20:02:52 [kcoyle]
minutes happening here:
20:04:34 [roba]
20:04:37 [kcoyle]
rrsagent, create minutes v2
20:04:37 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kcoyle
20:06:27 [annette_g]
annette_g has joined #dxwg
20:07:07 [riccardoAlbertoni]
riccardoAlbertoni has joined #DXWG
20:07:28 [AndreaPerego]
AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg
20:07:33 [annette_g]
20:07:40 [AndreaPerego]
20:07:49 [DaveBrowning]
20:07:59 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:08:13 [dsr]
20:08:57 [kcoyle]
20:09:46 [kcoyle]
previous meeting minutes
20:10:20 [dsr]
scibenick: dsr
20:10:21 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:10:21 [AndreaPerego]
+1 to approve them
20:10:22 [TomB_]
20:10:28 [kcoyle]
20:10:37 [roba]
20:10:44 [annette_g]
+0 (wasn't there)
20:10:56 [DaveBrowning]
0 (wasn't there)
20:11:04 [AndreaPerego]
resolved: previous meeting minutes approved
20:11:27 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:11:27 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:11:49 [AndreaPerego]
topic: DCAT CR
20:11:56 [dsr]
Karen asks DaveBrowning for an update on where we are on DCAT
20:12:12 [dsr]
DaveBrowning: we should be starting the WG review now
20:12:33 [DaveBrowning]
20:13:02 [DaveBrowning]
20:13:04 [dsr]
The link shows the 12 open issues.
20:13:19 [dsr]
We triaged issues following advice from PLH
20:14:04 [dsr]
Karen asks about issues marked critical
20:14:42 [dsr]
DaveBrowning: we need to address at least 2 of them during the WG review
20:15:33 [dsr]
Karen: if PLH is able to join us we should think what process questions we have for him
20:16:59 [dsr]
DaveBrowning: some questions around editorial matters, but nothing serious
20:17:30 [dsr]
On 1055, an active conversation there, and pressure to get that it
20:17:59 [dsr]
Karen: from the time that you give it to the WG, then the editor’s shouldn’t make substantive changes after that
20:19:05 [dsr]
If there are issues that are really substantial then we have a problem …
20:19:43 [riccardoAlbertoni]
I agree, I wouldn't open that discussion again, we have some consensus we should preserve :)
20:19:52 [dsr]
We need to shut the door on this version of DCAT if we’re to move it to REC
20:20:13 [dsr]
Karen: is the DCAT task force meeting tomorrow?
20:20:22 [dsr]
DaveBrowning: I am not sure that we need to
20:21:26 [dsr]
DaveBrowning: I may send out a pointer to a branch rather than pointing to the editor’s draft
20:21:49 [dsr]
rrsagent, set logs public
20:22:05 [dsr]
chair: Karen
20:22:16 [dsr]
scribe DaveRaggett
20:22:47 [AndreaPerego]
s/scribe DaveRaggett/scribe: DaveRaggett/
20:23:10 [kcoyle]
resolved: DCAT editor's draft as of this moment is the draft the WG will review and vote on
20:23:31 [kcoyle]
ACTION: on kcoyle, everyone to review DCAT
20:23:32 [trackbot]
Error finding 'on'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
20:23:48 [kcoyle]
ACTION: kcoyle, everyone to review DCAT
20:23:48 [trackbot]
Error finding 'kcoyle,'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
20:24:17 [kcoyle]
ACTION: kcoyle to send email to public list with link
20:24:17 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-367 - Send email to public list with link [on Karen Coyle - due 2019-09-17].
20:24:39 [kcoyle]
ACTION: DaveBrowning send email to public list with any additional instruction or helpful information
20:24:39 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-368 - Send email to public list with any additional instruction or helpful information [on David Browning - due 2019-09-17].
20:25:20 [AndreaPerego]
ACTION: kcoyle to ask everyone to review DCAT
20:25:21 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-369 - Ask everyone to review dcat [on Karen Coyle - due 2019-09-17].
20:26:10 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:26:10 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:26:29 [dsr]
Karen: have you tracked the external feedback you have had so far ?
20:26:33 [dsr]
DaveBrowning: yes
20:26:42 [AndreaPerego]
scribenick: dsr
20:26:44 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:26:44 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:27:01 [kcoyle]
ACTION: kcoyle to ask philippe what proof is needed for wide review
20:27:02 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-370 - Ask philippe what proof is needed for wide review [on Karen Coyle - due 2019-09-17].
20:27:18 [kcoyle]
20:27:59 [dsr]
Karen: DCAT is pretty much wrapped up, that’s really good!
20:28:20 [dsr]
DaveBrowning: CONNEG isn’t quite so far along with 90 open issues
20:28:23 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:28:23 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:28:35 [AndreaPerego]
topic: CONNEG
20:28:59 [dsr]
roba: I can speak to this as Nick isn’t available today
20:29:22 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:29:22 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:30:07 [dsr]
Karen: I see the Ruben made a pull request on tokens
20:30:49 [dsr]
roba: yes, and we ended up agreeing on a mechanism that doesn’t interfere with the IETF draft by using a different header
20:31:13 [dsr]
roba: I need to agree to the pull request, but don’t forsee a problem
20:31:43 [dsr]
Karen: we need a final version by next Tuesday to go to the WG for wide review
20:32:08 [dsr]
I will ask PLH for just what is meant by wide review
20:32:29 [dsr]
Getting CONNEG to CR is going to be tough
20:32:50 [dsr]
… given the time limitations for the charter
20:33:42 [dsr]
roba: there’s been quite a lot of clean up in response to external feedback
20:34:20 [dsr]
… but it hasb’
20:34:30 [dsr]
hasn’t changed substantively
20:35:37 [dsr]
roba: I think we’ve dealt with all the critical issues in the last few months
20:35:59 [dsr]
As an implementor I am reasonably happy with the spec
20:36:50 [dsr]
Karen: I don’t recall a wide public review recently
20:37:03 [dsr]
roba: that depends on what you mean by that
20:37:39 [dsr]
Karen: we need to show that the wider W3C community has looked at it
20:38:27 [dsr]
If PLH doesn’t make it to this call, I will contact him separately
20:38:55 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:38:55 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:39:06 [AndreaPerego]
topic: PROF
20:39:09 [dsr]
Karen: please let the CONNEG team know that the DXWG main group needs a version to review to sign off on.
20:39:21 [kcoyle]
20:39:49 [dsr]
Karen asks roba for an status report on PROF
20:40:12 [dsr]
roba: the main issue is the naming of roles and whether these should be left to the future
20:40:57 [dsr]
No substantive changes to the vocabulary itself
20:42:01 [dsr]
Karen: I see 76 open issues, a few of which are marked as editorial
20:42:19 [dsr]
roba: only one critical issue …
20:43:40 [dsr]
many of the issues are rambling discussions
20:44:39 [dsr]
Karen recommends getting back to the people who make comments to see that their issues have been addressed properly
20:44:56 [dsr]
roba: we indeed have been doing so
20:46:29 [dsr]
Karen: you have one week to produce the version for the group as a whole to review
20:47:27 [dsr]
we need evidence on the contact with the external reviewers to show how their feedback was handled
20:47:51 [dsr]
Minor editorial changes can be made later, even after it has gone to CR
20:48:29 [dsr]
Karen refers to the AC review following exiting from CR
20:48:37 [DaveBrowning]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:48:37 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate DaveBrowning
20:49:25 [roba]
20:49:33 [dsr]
ack roba
20:49:34 [kcoyle]
ack roba
20:49:55 [TomB_]
no comment!
20:50:07 [dsr]
roba: profile guidance is by its nature guidance and hence should be a WG Note
20:50:07 [annette_g]
20:50:34 [dsr]
Karen: the full group still needs to sign off on WG Notes
20:51:10 [dsr]
Karen: any other business? [no]
20:51:32 [dsr]
we will chat again next week
20:51:43 [annette_g]
thanks all!
20:51:44 [riccardoAlbertoni]
Thanks, bye
20:51:47 [dsr]
please look out for emails on review deadlines.
20:51:47 [roba]
20:51:52 [dsr]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:51:52 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dsr
20:51:52 [TomB_]
thanks all
20:57:42 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:57:42 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
23:12:32 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #dxwg