IRC log of bg-fukuoka on 2019-09-10

Timestamps are in UTC.

05:53:11 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #bg-fukuoka
05:53:11 [RRSAgent]
logging to
05:54:31 [ivan]
Meeting: PC meeting for TPAC Fukuoka PBG F2F
05:54:40 [ivan]
Chair: Daihei
05:54:48 [ivan]
Date 2019-09-10
05:54:55 [ivan]
Date: 2019-09-10
05:55:15 [ivan]
rrsagent, set log public
05:56:06 [ShinyaTakami]
ShinyaTakami has joined #bg-fukuoka
06:02:35 [ivan]
06:03:15 [ShinyaTakami]
06:08:00 [Daihei]
Daihei has joined #bg-fukuoka
06:10:02 [ivan]
present+ daihei
06:10:02 [ivan]
present+ naomi
06:11:57 [naomi]
naomi has joined #bg-fukuoka
06:16:41 [ivan]
Daihei: we are almost 90% or more there with the slides and the budget
06:16:57 [ivan]
... after this meeting we will finalize the logistical issues with Daihei
06:17:08 [ivan]
... we will have 3 mikes around
06:17:23 [ivan]
... the agenda is the planned one
06:18:07 [jyoshii]
jyoshii has joined #bg-fukuoka
06:18:26 [jyoshii]
present jyoshii
06:19:11 [ivan]
ivan: how will this agenda be published on the Web
06:19:14 [naomi]
06:20:06 [ivan]
naomi: please look at look at, e.g., the media entertainment page
06:22:00 [naomi]
[ivan introduced PWG page]
06:22:15 [ivan]
ivan: even a google doc is fine, naomi or ivan can put up a link
06:23:20 [ivan]
daihei: is there a publishing@W3C logo
06:24:02 [ivan]
naomi: the ones are two big
08:28:53 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #bg-fukuoka
09:22:09 [ivan]
ivan has joined #bg-fukuoka
11:59:26 [naomi]
naomi has joined #bg-fukuoka