IRC log of wot-sec on 2019-09-09

Timestamps are in UTC.

10:13:38 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wot-sec
10:13:38 [RRSAgent]
logging to
10:13:44 [kaz]
Meeting: WoT Security
10:14:05 [kaz]
present+ Michael_McCool, Elena_Reshetova, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Kaz_Ashimura
10:14:16 [kaz]
topic: Quick updates
10:14:18 [kaz]
10:14:24 [kaz]
topic: Previous minutes
10:15:08 [kaz]
-> Prev minutes
10:15:20 [kaz]
mm: any objections to accept the minutes?
10:15:21 [kaz]
10:15:29 [kaz]
mm: accept the previous minutes
10:16:18 [kaz]
10:16:47 [kaz]
topic: Definition PR in Architecture
10:17:04 [kaz]
-> PR 384
10:17:14 [kaz]
mm: created a PR based on ISO standard definition
10:18:03 [kaz]
... ISO/IEC 2382 and ISO/IEC 27000
10:18:38 [kaz]
... put some explanatory text
10:18:56 [McCool]
10:19:28 [kaz]
kaz: seems the link for 2382 is wrong (same as 27000)
10:19:31 [kaz]
mm: will fix it
10:19:49 [kaz]
... we'll make decision during the Architecture call on Thursday
10:20:08 [kaz]
... there is a note on PII here
10:21:14 [kaz]
... added description on information privacy as well
10:21:28 [kaz]
... ISO 2382 and ISO 29100
10:21:49 [kaz]
... and then
10:21:57 [kaz]
... security
10:22:23 [kaz]
... confidentiality, integrity and availability of information
10:22:52 [kaz]
... and then add a note "please refer to this document (ISO 27000)"
10:23:33 [kaz]
... also add a note saying " it is desirable that these properties be maintained both in normal operation and when the system is subject to attack"
10:24:15 [kaz]
... also definition of "private life"
10:24:54 [kaz]
... any comments?
10:25:11 [kaz]
s/any/any other/
10:26:15 [kaz]
mm: (fixes the wrong link for "ISO 2382")
10:32:09 [kaz]
... wondering if we need to add an entry to the ReSpec reference DB
10:34:09 [kaz]
topic: WG Charter
10:34:52 [kaz]
-> WG Charter PR (round 2)
10:35:17 [kaz]
-> Changes
10:35:30 [kaz]
mm: (goes through the changes)
10:37:01 [kaz]
... how to allow access to metadata?
10:38:03 [kaz]
... changed "parties" to "users" ..
10:38:03 [kaz]
10:38:29 [kaz]
topic: Profiles
10:39:11 [McCool]
10:39:19 [kaz]
er: don't really understand which profiles are for waht
10:39:24 [kaz]
10:39:45 [kaz]
mm: would be fixed within TD
10:40:14 [kaz]
... we're generating a document on "Requirements from WG participants for the profile"
10:41:34 [kaz]
-> Requirements
10:42:40 [kaz]
mm: it's just outline
10:42:49 [kaz]
... we'll discuss this during TPAC
10:42:52 [zkis__]
zkis__ has joined #wot-sec
10:43:18 [kaz]
... there is a proposal to make TD less complicated
10:44:19 [kaz]
... human readability vs machine-to-machine communication
10:44:43 [kaz]
er: what about security?
10:44:55 [kaz]
... we have security best practice document
10:45:08 [kaz]
... how does things relate to each other?
10:45:18 [kaz]
mm: some of the combinations would make sense
10:45:45 [kaz]
er: any plan to merge the best practice with this?
10:45:51 [kaz]
mm: not really
10:46:09 [kaz]
... we have limitation
10:46:35 [kaz]
... but there is a relationship and we should not duplicate
10:47:08 [kaz]
er: ok
10:48:14 [kaz]
mm: we need to figure out developer status
10:48:43 [kaz]
... there should be a mechanism to allow "nosec" but only in a developer context
10:49:24 [kaz]
er: e.g., people working within a local network
10:50:28 [kaz]
mm: we have to have discussion at TPAC
10:50:36 [kaz]
... also need to find use cases
10:51:56 [kaz]
er: btw, we needed to update the Architecture document with updated definition?
10:52:25 [kaz]
mm: working on the original issue and newly generated definition based on the CR version of the Architecture draft
10:53:22 [kaz]
... let's discuss the detail at TPAC
10:54:53 [kaz]
... if you have any ideas, please put that on the TPAC f2f wiki
10:55:13 [kaz]
er: Asian time?
10:55:25 [kaz]
mm: TPAC will be held in Fukuoka, so JST
10:55:44 [kaz]
... would make sure you can make the f2f remotely
10:56:14 [kaz]
... let's meet (or talk on webex) at TPAC next week!
10:56:16 [kaz]
10:56:24 [kaz]
rrsagent, make log public
10:56:31 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
10:56:31 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
11:00:53 [zkis]
zkis has joined #wot-sec
11:02:36 [McCool]
McCool has left #wot-sec
12:15:21 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #wot-sec
14:15:26 [zkis]
zkis has joined #wot-sec
14:47:06 [zkis]
zkis has joined #wot-sec