Publishing Working Group Telco

09 Sep 2019



ivan, wendyreid, CharlesL, dkaplan3, franco, gpellegrino, Nellie, mateus, dauwhe, simon_collinson, JunGamo, Rachel, Bill_Kasdorf, BenSchroeter, Avneesh, duga, George, Garth, rkwright, bigbluehat, romain


<ivan> chair: wendy

<wendyreid> https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/publ-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-08-19-pwg

Last week's minutes

Wendy: First up, approval of minutes.

<ivan> +1

<ivan> scribe+ simon_collinson

Wendy: Today's meeting is about wrapping up loose ends before TPAC next week. Hope to see many of you there…

RESOLUTION: last week's minutes are accepted

<duga> Garth and Brady joining shortly

Wendy: if you haven't RSVPd yet, please do…

Horizontal reviews

Wendy: Ivan, do you want to review internationalisation?

Ivan: Nothing to say yet - I don't have an answer from the internationalisation group…
... we should consider it closed and add a note. We've made changes here and there and had a positive effect.

Charles: As part of APA's personalization work, I'm reviewing it all from that angle. We have a joint meeting during TPAC, so we can discuss any issues then.

Brady: We are private and secure!
... I've filled out the ping questionnaire. The answers are the same for privacy and the audiobook manifest. I got a couple of comments from Benjamin, may not have the correct email for Deborah

Deborah: Brady does have the right email address, it's on me to reply :)

<duga> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rkVNSAfQMiS72mBzeCa9dceFEh5VsqLdzxxz0Mzvtj8/edit?usp=sharing

Brady: I'll post a link to the minutes. There's a Google Doc - anyone with the link can comment.
... Not sure what next steps are - do I give to someone, put it somewhere?

Ivan: If you look at the issue list of the repo, there are some issues open for internationalization…
... we should make some sort of report and mark it up, then contact the relevant people…
... is there anything that we have to change?

Brady: I don't know if we have a privacy/security section in the manifest?

Ivan: There is one in the editor's draft.

Brady: We should put something other than 'coming soon' in there.

Wendy: I'm already talking to the PING people - if they can spend some time with us next week, so I'll forward this to them.

<ivan> Security and Privacy section in the editor's draft

Ivan: A small flag - Matt has created a section for security and privacy… Wendy has already added something similar for audio (?)

<garth> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q8PUjzMY04peuYZdTkA6A0BBoFea_BSK4ygJlphkzh8/edit#heading=h.1ryfaao4cgcc

Garth: Can we talk briefly about the TPAC agenda? Everyone has ability to edit but please comment…

TPAC agenda

Garth: there is the meeting with the Amazon folks, encourage people to dial in for that…

<garth> https://w3.org/TR/audiobooks

<garth> https://w3.org/TR/pub-manifest

Garth: in pre-TPAC mindset, it would be good if people can spend time with our two drafts (links posted above)…
... Matt has lost power in Nova Scotia due to the hurricane…

Avneesh: Agenda is quite full - should we discuss the Community Group and what it has planned?

Wendy: Major question from EPUB3 CG to WG is what happens to EPUB 3 - and we can't answer that yet. It might come up in the business group meeting.

Garth: It might come up, but EPUB 3 is a long topic

Ivan: What you put in as links are the published documents… I don't know whether we can republish the two documents officially (?)…
... I don't know whether we need permission to do that…

Garth: Good point. Do we need anything consensus-wise to say 'go ahead and publish' in order to update the documents?

Ivan: This is a good idea - we need consensus

<garth> Proposal publish both our Editors drafts

<garth> +1

<Avneesh> +1

<ivan> Proposed: the WG agree to republish the manifest and the audiobook

<wendyreid> +1

<ivan> +

<ivan> +1

<rkwright> +1

<Bill_Kasdorf> +1

Charles: Should I be reviewing the latest draft or the one published on the 27th August?

<George> +1

Garth: Don't review the link above - review the link to come - the current editors' draft

<ivan> Editors' draft: -> Manifest https://w3c.github.io/pub-manifest/ and -> Audiobooks https://w3c.github.io/audiobooks/

Garth: Let's turn it over to Wendy and then Ivan subbing for Matt, to talk about changes to editors' drafts

Wendy: The changes to audiobooks draft are minor. I haven't done it yet, but will change privacy and security to match publication manifest. Added a section on usage of preview…
... so creator can include preview of content in the manifest. Minor section sorting for readability…
... I also added (this is in publication manifest) abridged attribute, ie content is abridged or unabridged…

Ivan: There has been quite a lot of changes to manifest…
... many discussions since just before last publication, lots of resolutions…
... long-standing discussion about having a canonical manifest or not…
... based on resolution, the term of 'canonical manifest' has disappeared…
... what used to be the web id (?) is still there and takes care of presentation of the manifest…
... the whole processing section has been changed to display…
... then we had discussion about ??, as a result of that discussion we had discussion about the language in the manifest and the content…
... this was previously (in EPUB days) done with dc, we have cleaned it up…
... quite a lot of editorial changes as well…
... there is a pull request put in yesterday from Marisa on how to do the alternate – I reviewed this and we had some minor changes based on that…
... would welcome other people looking at that - it's not yet in the editors' draft…
... if there's an agreement, it could be part of the editors' draft. That covers the major changes.

<garth> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues

Garth: Is there anything else to discuss before open issues?

All: silence

open issues

Garth: Three open issues proposed to close…

<garth> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/40

<ivan> Subtopic: issue trimming white space

Garth: Issue 40 - trimming whitespace. Consensus is this is (for both names and values) that we don't want to introduce any new constraint. Trimming not required/done…

<ivan> github-bot, bye

Garth: unless there are objections, since that's been sitting a few days, we should go ahead and close it.

Dave: For everyone's information, EPUB does aggressively trim whitespace on metadata values (only, not for keys since they don't exist)

Garth: There's commentary on keys and values here - schema.org doesn't push us in this direction. Was Dave objecting to closing?

Dave: No.

<ivan> proposed: close issue 40 with no actions

<bigbluehat> +1

<garth> Propose close #40

<dkaplan3> +1

<ivan> +1

<garth> +1

<CharlesL> +1

<Bill_Kasdorf> +1

<wendyreid> +1

RESOLUTION: close #40 with no action

<duga> + 1

<mateus> +1

<romain> +1

<George> +1

<garth> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/22

<ivan> Subtopic: issue #22 TAG REview

Garth: This one should be easy, since it's lacking content entirely - issue 22. This was a placeholder for TAG review…

<garth> propose: close #22

<ivan> +1

<garth> +1

<dkaplan3> +1

<Bill_Kasdorf> +1

<George> +1

<franco> +1

<wendyreid> +1

<CharlesL> +1

Ivan: For the record, there has been a TAG review separately - not sure why this issue was opened
... worth mentioning that we are not ignoring TAG review, just that issue was opened and not followed up…

RESOLUTION: close #22

<garth> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/13

Garth: Next is issue 13, about typing for linked resources…

<ivan> Subtopic: typing for linked resources

Garth: that has been without comments for over six months…
... Dave and Hadrien came towards not adding a typing requirement. Is that acceptable to you Ivan?

Ivan: It is.

<garth> propose: close #13 with no action (no typeing requirements)

<garth> +1

<wendyreid> +1

<ivan> +1

<dkaplan3> +1

<Bill_Kasdorf> +1

<George> +1

<romain> +1

RESOLUTION: close #13 with no action (no typeing requirements)

<garth> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues

Garth: There are ten other issues. I'd like to request - are there ones that people on the call have opened and that they'd like to discuss?
... Self-review, there's nothing to talk about. Inviting Marisa to talk through issue 33.

<garth> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/33

Marisa: I submitted a pull request, Ivan reviewed it, a few other people should have a look - Wendy in particular as this affects audiobooks. I don't have anything earth-shattering to announce…

Garth: We don't want to close the issue until the PR is merged.

Marisa: Agreed.

<ivan> corresponding PR

<garth> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/51

Ivan: So far, the reading progression has two possible values, ltr and rtl…
... Laurent raised the possibility of whether we needed top to bottom or bottom to top…
... I don't know if there's a reasonable example for bottom to top. I don't know if publications would use this, but we can add another value there if it makes sense.

Dave: I'm not expressing an opinion about the issue, but I don't think we should make decisions here without drawing diagrams and talking about exactly what we're expecting from user agents.

Ivan: I agree, we should discuss when Laurent is around.

Dave: I'm wary of doing interesting visual things without a whiteboard around.

Ivan: Issue 9…

<garth> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/9

Ivan: with the change of having publication manifest and not web publication, absolutization is done in the (?) and I wonder if this is something we definitely have to have…
... in the publication manifest now… should it be up to the profiles what happens?

Garth: It sounds like you're proposing close with no action?

Ivan: It might be better to wait for Laurent - he had issues with the spec. Let's put that on the agenda for TPAC when Laurent is around.

Garth: Is Daniel on the call to talk about (?)
... issue 12…?

<garth> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/9

<garth> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/12

Wendy: I need to read this over before I have any opinions… I think we can save this one for discussion. Maybe Ivan has more info?

Ivan: Related to what I said before - at the moment we have the publication manifest, where the base comes from is up to the various profiles…
... it was all about what happens if web content has an iframe, what is the base URL?
... we haven't solved this issue, but it's not relevant any more for the manifest…

Garth: Was that a 'leave to TPAC' or 'close now'?

Ivan: Leave to TPAC…

<garth> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/16

Garth: We'll have Laurent with us at TPAC, so that makes sense. One other wasn't postponed, and hasn't been addressed for some time - issue 16 - to do with version in the manifest.
... is this obviated or are we still live?
... we didn't get to a satisfying conclusion…

All: silence

Wendy: I do love the aspirational nature of the question

Charles: Looking at this, because it also goes in line with the accessibility specification, with the conforms-to suggestion, I like that you can specify the version number and have all the information right there…
... we have that already as a basis for conformance to the a11y spec…
... but we're trying to avoid compatibility issues, if we have a version in the future which requires special handling, if we don't put it in there now we could be in trouble…

Dave: I hope we can avoid having version numbers on this.

<wendyreid> +1

Dave: it feels like a nightmare of incompatibility and writing special paths and code etc.…
... we've managed to avoid it in HTML and CSS, let's really try not to go there…

Garth: One can also argue that even if we do choose to go there, we don't have to go there at the first try…

Ivan: I agree - if we look back at the comments; if we want to express conformance with a version of the specification, (??), there is a comment I made in Feb which said you can put this kind of information in the manifest…
... there's a way of using dc terms to do that…
... if this information is necessary in the document, we can do that with the manifest…

<garth> Propose: close #16 without action (not adding version numbering)

<wendyreid> +1

<ivan> +1

<dauwhe> +1

<garth> +1

Garth: Between Dave, Wendy, and Ben, I'm proposing we close without action

<Nellie> +1

<geoffjukes> +1

<CharlesL> +1

<bigbluehat> +1

<dkaplan3> +1


RESOLUTION: close #16 without action (not adding version numbering)

Ivan: I agree with this, maybe we can ask Matt to put in an example of how this would be provided as an information - if someone were to do that, how they would go about it

Garth: This is with dc terms 'conforms to'?

<ivan> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/16#issuecomment-464087617 or https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/16#issuecomment-464098251

<garth> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/16#issuecomment-464098251

Ivan: Yes, conformsTo.

<ivan> acton: mattg to add an informational text on using dcterms

Garth: Action item for Matt, review comment ending in 251

<ivan> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+-label%3A%22status%3A+postponed%22+

Garth: Is there any other issue to review on today's call? The metadata one is postponed
... Is there any other business?
... the homework remains, of reviewing the editors' drafts, and if they get published soon you can review the non-draft version…
... hopefully a good time and accomplishment-filled time will be had by all at Fukuoka!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. last week's minutes are accepted
  2. close #40 with no action
  3. close #22
  4. close #13 with no action (no typeing requirements)
  5. close #16 without action (not adding version numbering)
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/09/09 16:53:12 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154  of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/quest/questionnaire/
Present: ivan wendyreid CharlesL dkaplan3 franco gpellegrino Nellie mateus dauwhe simon_collinson JunGamo Rachel Bill_Kasdorf BenSchroeter Avneesh duga George Garth rkwright bigbluehat romain
Regrets: Luc
No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: simon_collinson
Inferring Scribes: simon_collinson
Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publ-wg/2019Sep/0005.html
WARNING: Could not parse date.  Unknown month name "09": 2019-09-09
Format should be like "Date: 31 Jan 2004"

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.)
Or specify the date like this:
<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

WARNING: IRC log location not specified!  (You can ignore this 
warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain 
a link to the original IRC log.)

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]