IRC log of personalization on 2019-09-09

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:52:21 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #personalization
13:52:21 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:52:23 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
13:52:23 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #personalization
13:52:25 [trackbot]
Meeting: Personalization Task Force Teleconference
13:52:25 [trackbot]
Date: 09 September 2019
13:52:26 [LisaSeemanKest]
13:53:00 [LisaSeemanKest]
agenda+ tpac presention
13:53:16 [LisaSeemanKest]
agenda+ tpac APA joint meeting
13:53:34 [LisaSeemanKest]
agenda+ are we happy with the methodology handbook
13:54:53 [LisaSeemanKest]
agenda+ Continuing the review of the consolidated list of values at
13:58:40 [LisaSeemanKest]
14:00:57 [CharlesL]
CharlesL has joined #personalization
14:01:05 [CharlesL]
14:01:41 [CharlesL]
scribe: CharlesL
14:01:44 [janina]
janina has joined #personalization
14:01:48 [janina]
14:01:54 [LisaSeemanKest]
14:02:07 [LisaSeemanKest]
zakim, next item
14:02:07 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "tpac presention" taken up [from LisaSeemanKest]
14:05:53 [LisaSeemanKest]
14:07:43 [LisaSeemanKest]
agenda+ is there an issue for the tag
14:08:00 [LisaSeemanKest]
agenda+ internationalization
14:08:32 [LisaSeemanKest]
zakim, close item 3
14:08:32 [Zakim]
agendum 3, are we happy with the methodology handbook, closed
14:08:33 [Zakim]
I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
14:08:33 [Zakim]
1. tpac presention [from LisaSeemanKest]
14:09:13 [LisaSeemanKest]
14:09:36 [LisaSeemanKest]
zakim, close item 4
14:09:36 [Zakim]
agendum 4, Continuing the review of the consolidated list of values at, closed
14:09:39 [Zakim]
I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
14:09:39 [Zakim]
1. tpac presention [from LisaSeemanKest]
14:10:18 [LisaSeemanKest]
agenda+ elivator pitch, and summarying the technology\
14:13:09 [Roy]
14:15:26 [CharlesL]
15:30 – 16:30
14:15:26 [CharlesL]
Break + W3C Groups– Argos A-B-C, 1F
14:20:02 [CharlesL]
LS: solicit others for possible use-cases, we will show with the Demo we need to figure out what we are trying to achieve
14:22:15 [CharlesL]
LS: FB could use this for new markets in India potentially.
14:22:28 [CharlesL]
JS: very useful to get others ideas.
14:22:44 [CharlesL]
LS: Question what is the first sentence for our elevator pitch.
14:22:58 [LisaSeemanKest]
People with cognative and learning disabilities have very diffrent needs. some people can not do numberic information, but others prefer numbers to words, some people with severe language disabilites use of symbols to represent words, but one of the main challenges is a lack of standard interoperability.
14:22:58 [LisaSeemanKest]
We are working on an extreme personalization standard that let people with severe communication impairments join the online community and share informmation and comunicate accross groups. Are there more use-cases and new user groups?
14:28:06 [CharlesL]
JS: transforming web content (auto-transform) and enable communication with
14:28:16 [CharlesL]
… and target audience.
14:28:31 [CharlesL]
… but how do we get folks to come.
14:29:53 [LisaSeemanKest]
Summary (one-sentence or so): People have very different needs. some people can not do numeric information, but others prefer numbers to words, some people with severe language disabilities use of symbols to represent words, but one of the main challenges is a lack of interoperability.
14:29:53 [LisaSeemanKest]
We are working on an extreme personalization standard that let people with cognitive and learning disabilities join the online community and share information and communicate across groups. Are there more use-cases and new user groups for this technology?
14:35:59 [LisaSeemanKest]
zakim, next item
14:35:59 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "tpac APA joint meeting" taken up [from LisaSeemanKest]
14:36:13 [LisaSeemanKest]
14:39:01 [CharlesL]
JS: get together before APA, guidance to move our stuff fwd.
14:39:25 [CharlesL]
JS: open time late afternoon if needed.
14:40:01 [janina]
14:40:06 [CharlesL]
… meeting with TAG personalization is scheduled.
14:41:14 [CharlesL]
… TAG 3 topics, immersive Web (semantics needed), pronunciation namespace issue/need
14:42:08 [CharlesL]
… architectural approach blessing from TAG using data- need to file an issue with TAG in github if we want to bring something to their attention.
14:42:29 [CharlesL]
… do we have a question or just show them how we are using data-,
14:42:39 [CharlesL]
LS: I wasn't sure if they were OK with data-?
14:43:19 [CharlesL]
JS: we can assume that they are OK with that. do we have another architectural question?
14:43:30 [CharlesL]
CL: no I don't think so.
14:43:42 [CharlesL]
JS: we can show them the demo during that if asked
14:45:45 [CharlesL]
JS: 5pm thursday i18n meeting (sign languages) issue in the past, Q? can w3c and folks on the phone path to make sure AAC ie Bliss get correct metadata and i18n paper on what they do and hyperlinked. they think a lot of this can be solved by looking at their work.
14:46:06 [CharlesL]
JS: we may be able to refer to them in metadata with correct AAC designation.
14:46:43 [CharlesL]
LS: AAAT approached me and I told them to you Janina. language / dialect then the sign language.
14:47:02 [CharlesL]
… thought it may not be possible in the small # of digits allowed.
14:47:20 [CharlesL]
JS: that resulted in this meeting, web documents should look like.
14:48:06 [CharlesL]
… I was introducing what about AAC and symbols.. lets get them in there too. there is some work in ISO on this, etc. we know some of those people
14:48:39 [CharlesL]
… persenting content in a particular symbols we will want to identify the originating content with an ISO code I would think.
14:49:01 [CharlesL]
LS: Bliss has ISO # as far as I know from Russell
14:49:48 [CharlesL]
… but some of them have both english and symbols ontop of it
14:50:01 [CharlesL]
JS: this would go in the header in the metadata of the page.
14:50:23 [CharlesL]
LS: Bliss has one and has been around a long time. 30/40 years
14:50:50 [CharlesL]
… many others probably don't have this.
14:50:59 [LisaSeemanKest]
ISO 8859 is for bliss
14:51:18 [LisaSeemanKest]
ISO standards such as 7001 or 7010 but for complete pictographic/ideographic language
14:55:07 [CharlesL]
JS: how should we proceed with I18N UTF8 / ISO for this
14:55:23 [CharlesL]
14:57:19 [CharlesL]
JS: but 8859 is the normal ISO for english language so there must be something -# added for Bliss?
14:58:43 [CharlesL]
LS: authoring tools to help this to scale, creating profiles for people etc.
14:59:38 [CharlesL]
JS: CSS promise user style sheet would trump everything else. seems to me what we are asking for should be done via a style sheet. even aging.
15:00:39 [CharlesL]
… animations, turning off all sounds, spacing words/ punctuation/lines, margins, between phrases, etc.
15:04:13 [janina]
janina has left #personalization
15:04:40 [CharlesL]
meeting: Personalization TF TPAC Planning
15:04:51 [CharlesL]
rrsagent, make logs public
15:04:58 [CharlesL]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:04:58 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate CharlesL
15:50:02 [stevelee]
stevelee has joined #personalization
16:00:38 [CharlesL]
trackbot, end meeting
16:00:38 [trackbot]
Zakim, list attendees
16:00:38 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been CharlesL, janina, LisaSeemanKest
16:00:46 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
16:00:46 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate trackbot