17:46:47 RRSAgent has joined #silver 17:46:47 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/06-silver-irc 17:46:49 RRSAgent, make logs world 17:46:52 Meeting: Silver Community Group Teleconference 17:46:52 Date: 06 September 2019 17:48:04 present: 17:48:09 present+ jeanne 17:48:13 chair: jeanne 17:48:20 zakim, clear agenda 17:48:20 agenda cleared 17:48:23 agenda+ TPAC F2F questions or details? 17:48:23 agenda+ Instructions for Github issues from Leonie Watson 17:48:23 agenda+ Writing functional needs - language pattern for Style Guide 17:48:23 agenda+ Continue Functional Needs discussion 17:51:52 rrsagent, make minutes 17:51:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/06-silver-minutes.html jeanne 17:59:40 CharlesHall has joined #silver 18:00:45 bruce_bailey has joined #silver 18:01:52 janina has joined #silver 18:01:53 Chuck has joined #silver 18:01:58 present+ 18:02:01 present+ 18:02:13 AngelaAccessForAll has joined #silver 18:02:19 shari has joined #silver 18:02:19 present+ 18:02:22 present+ 18:02:24 present+ 18:02:35 pkorn has joined #silver 18:02:47 present+ 18:02:50 present+ 18:04:19 zakim, take uo item 1 18:04:19 I don't understand 'take uo item 1', jeanne 18:04:28 zakim, take up item 1 18:04:28 agendum 1. "TPAC F2F questions or details?" taken up [from jeanne] 18:04:34 scribe: janina 18:04:45 s/zakim, take uo item 1// 18:05:20 jeanne: Remote participation via Webex is confirmed 18:05:25 details page -> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/2019_September_16-20_in_Fukuoka,_Japan 18:05:50 jeanne: Note these include EDT as well as JST times 18:06:05 KimD has joined #silver 18:06:06 jeanne: Also linked to TimeAndDate.com 18:06:13 Present+ 18:06:25 jeanne: Working on joint meetings, but nothing yet confirmed 18:06:57 zakim, take up next 18:06:57 agendum 2. "Instructions for Github issues from Leonie Watson" taken up [from jeanne] 18:07:39 jeanne: Notes Leonie's cheat sheet for using github via email 18:07:55 jeanne: This is as an alternative to using a browser to interface with github 18:08:14 jeanne: Would anyone like to review these now? 18:08:20 [crickets] 18:09:00 jeanne: These instructions are now linked in the "How to participate" section of our wiki 18:09:04 HOw do I? folder -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zZUo3rsGlffzAOPTzJ3x587odLpC0pbi 18:09:59 jeanne: Offering to help anyone who needs help getting up to speed using github 18:10:06 zakim, take up item 3 18:10:06 agendum 3. "Writing functional needs - language pattern for Style Guide" taken up [from jeanne] 18:10:18 Yes! 18:10:26 Still unable to speak :) 18:11:05 jeanne: Angela headed the group working on plain language prototype 18:11:58 jeanne: Developed a style guide 18:12:22 jeanne: Question is whether to agree on a pattern for functional needs 18:12:52 jeanne: I and Angela looked at how different people drafted these, and have a suggestion ... 18:13:04 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aCRXrtmnSSTso-6S_IO9GQ3AKTB4FYt9k92eT_1PWX4/edit#heading=h.fd17rscqblnm -> heading on styles for functional needs 18:14:05 jeanne: Avoiding using names of disabilities except as an example 18:14:15 jeanne: Avoiding naming solutions or approaches 18:14:48 jeanne: However, I am uncomfortable not mentioning a disability at all 18:15:01 Usage [with/without/who can/cannot] [action or function] due to: human factors (like [example]); technical factors (like [example]); or contextual factors (like [example]) 18:16:14 jeanne: Cons are that who's impacted isn't necessarily mentioned, nor is it plain language 18:16:47 jeanne: Also there's concern to have complete sentences 18:17:05 Oops--I cut and pasted one too many times. :) 18:17:22 jeanne: We liked starting with "People" rather than with "Usage ..." 18:18:08 jeanne: So, any discussion of the proposal?? 18:18:08 q+ 18:18:24 ack ch 18:18:32 People [with/without/who can/cannot] [action or function] due to: human factors (like [example of disability]); technical factors (like [example]); or contextual factors (like [example]) 18:18:45 chuck: I don't know what my comments are until I try using this to some of my items 18:18:52 s/to/with/ 18:19:36 kim: Expresses approval for looking at this 18:19:59 +1 to being systematic 18:20:06 q+ 18:20:38 +1 to keeping real people examples 18:21:34 janina: Suggests talking about pwds has been powerful, and we should preserve the user story 18:21:53 jeanne: Agree with revisiting after we've expirimented with this approach 18:23:23 charles: What is "people" replacing? Just the "usage?" Or also the "pwd example" 18:23:42 charles: so how does this work for multiple disabilities? 18:24:16 charles: Is there a quantifiable limit to the number of examples? Or open ended so long as relevant? 18:24:44 jeanne: Understand that a longer list of examples seems to identify who's not on the list 18:25:28 charles: I'm OK if we're in agreement thqt examples are only exemplary, and not intended to be comprehensive 18:25:56 charles: e.g. we would not include pain? 18:26:18 jeanne: Don't see why we don't include those. 18:26:34 I believe we should include issues like pain; it's like age. 18:26:35 jeanne: It was transofmative for me to learn that older people lose color discrimination 18:27:33 janina: I learned in writing the CAPTCHA doc that many seniors lose the ability to use fingerprint sensors 18:27:48 janina: their fingerprints just don't register 18:30:40 zakim, take up next 18:30:40 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, jeanne 18:30:45 ack char 18:30:50 zakim, take up next 18:30:50 agendum 2. "Instructions for Github issues from Leonie Watson" taken up [from jeanne] 18:31:04 zakim, take up item 4 18:31:04 agendum 4. "Continue Functional Needs discussion" taken up [from jeanne] 18:31:31 jeanne: Anyone with something to report today? 18:31:37 [crickets] 18:32:16 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aCRXrtmnSSTso-6S_IO9GQ3AKTB4FYt9k92eT_1PWX4/edit#heading=h.8ioplsj35s7t 18:33:17 jeanne: That sr users aren't interupted by other sounds 18:33:39 jeanne: add users can not be distracted 18:35:12 q+ 18:36:56 janina: Suggests we have a best practice of identifying which function/app is using what sonicon to mean what notification 18:37:14 jeanne: Confirms that ADD use case is that audio disrupts visual comprehension 18:37:56 ack Chuck 18:46:10 My audio seems to have gone away (microphone) 18:46:13 I can still hear... 18:46:36 Rats, I have a comment. Will drop and re-join 18:47:09 [discussion of what is and is not in scope for Silver,. emerging tech is in] 18:48:31 Jeanne: We want to keep the guidelines (and functional user needs) technology neutral so it can be applied byyond web, the way that WCAG2ICT document does. We agreed to restrict emerging technologies to web in our charter. 18:49:27 sorry. i have to drop off the call early. 18:50:35 Sounds good 18:50:56 jeanne: Asks Agngela's help getting plain language people to help with our language 18:50:56 topic: SC 1.4.7 Low or No Background Audio 18:51:55 jeanne: Why this isn't audio control and interruption? Anyone recall? 18:52:06 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aCRXrtmnSSTso-6S_IO9GQ3AKTB4FYt9k92eT_1PWX4/edit#heading=h.tpczdeehu714 18:52:40 People who are hard of hearing often have great difficulty separating speech from background sound. 18:54:11 jeanne: Makes sense, but still wondering whether we can combine 18:56:38 jeanne: Also ADD need 19:00:19 rrsagent, make minutes 19:00:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/06-silver-minutes.html jeanne 19:01:11 KimD has left #silver 20:27:40 janina has left #silver