Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

05 Sep 2019


See also: IRC log


Gary, Cyril, Nigel, Xabier_Rodríguez_Calvar, Pierre, Glenn, atsushi
Andreas, Atsushi_first_hour, Pierre_first_hour, Glenn_first_hour
Cyril, nigel


<cyril> scribe: Cyril

<scribe> chair: Nigel

<scribe> Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/61

this meeting

nigel: we have webvtt, imsc, tpac and aob, including charter status
... with the absents, I'm not sure we'll cover everything

cyril: I'd like to review the timelines for our deliverables, to set some goals for TPAC

Check open issues for WebVTT are raised ttwg#51

nigel: the first point is action 51


<nigel> Minutes relating to #51

nigel: it's to make sure the comments raised during the first CfC were raised as issues

gkatsev: I checked all tests that did not have 2 or more passes and created an issue
... marked with [IR] and there were 7 of them

nigel: I see that was done on July 3rd

<nigel> Issues created with [IR]

nigel: is that done then?

gkatsev: yes, I think we can close that

cyril: was this the only comment during CR

gkatsev: yes

summary: issue can be closed

<nigel> github-bot, end topic

<calvaris> Xabier

<calvaris> calvaris@igalia.com

Discussion snapshot w3c/webvtt#460

<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/webvtt/pull/460

gkatsev: there is a bunch of changes in the snapshot
... I wanted to go through and categorize them according to the W3C Process document

nigel: which one is the right list?

gkatsev: changes.html

<gkatsev> list of changes

nigel: normally the technical changes would be the substantive one

gkatsev: we can review the at-risk ones

nigel: I'd be interested to a staff view on that

gkatsev: the "make vtt lines be a long" one is changing the WebIDL for the lines property from an unsigned long to a long

nigel: it has 2 GitHub issues

gkatsev: one is the PR and the other one is the issue
... 457 is the issue
... and 461 fixes 457 as well

nigel: the change document lists the github issues, so you might want to change the first one to 457 and remove the editorial dup

gkatsev: yes, I'll do that

nigel: that is indeed substantive

gkatsev: from a process perspective, that is a correction that does not add new features
... next one is "Update region lines parsing to round to +/- MAX_VALUE"
... it's based on the current implementation in Safari
... the mozilla people are on board with that change
... it is a correction that does not add new features

nigel: yes, that is not a new feature
... but it is definitely substantive
... it's worth pointing to the issue 467

gkatsev: I'll do that for the at risk ones also
... next one is changing editors

nigel: obviously editorial
... then you have the at risk ones
... and the last was a dup, we discussed it
... so there was no change made for the [IR] issues?

gkatsev: a lot of them are already covered by these changes

[going through the IR issues]

<nigel> I'm on #465

gkatsev: Safari for this one, the region parser is correct, but the way you interact is not

nigel: are they going to fix that?

gkatsev: I hope so

nigel: I mean during the CR period
... you could get stuck in CR because of this
... one route out could be for Safari to remove the prefix
... another route is to mark it at risk
... another one would be to tweak the test
... on the last one I'm a bit uneasy because we would not be testing the spec

gkatsev: if it's parsing correctly, that means the test should pass
... but it's failing after it's parsing

nigel: we have members from apple in this group
... we should be going to them
... Eric would be a good person
... asking: is this something they might fix in the developer preview

gkatsev: I'll reach out to them
... 463 is similar, weird implementation in Safari

nigel: the resolution for this one is not marked at risk
... so what's our exit plan

gkatsev: we should talk to Apple
... we could mark regions at risk but removing it would not be good

nigel: depending on their response, we may need to tweak the spec or just wait until they are done with it
... the last one is 464
... entities test failing
... we don't have an exit plan for this issue
... if this continues, do we have any other implementation that would pass?

gkatsev: I think vtt.js may support it
... also we can try doing what we discussed the lines attribute, split up the test in 2 portions
... and say the core part passes
... but the first thing is to see how vtt.js fares
... I could tweak it

nigel: we have a clearer understanding about the snapshot
... there is some action needed because we don't want to go back to CR again

Xabier: when you speak about regions, are they CSS regions?

gkatsev: no, WebVTT regions

nigel: it's a good question, what's the relationship between the 2

calvaris: is there are relationship?

gkatsev: I don't think so

CfC for new CR?

gkatsev: we just answered it, more work is needed before that
... and worst case we can talk to Apple about that

nigel: is it just Apple? or could it be that support from Firefox or Chrome would help

gkatsev: Chrome just started implemented inline styles, maybe we can convince them to work on regions
... or Microsoft with Chromium+Edge

nigel: anything else on WebVTT?

TPAC Planning

nigel: we have a number of sub-parts to that agenda item
... the meeting with the Chinese IG

Request a meeting at TPAC with Chinese IG #60

<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/60

nigel: I requested this at the proposal of
... Fuchao got back to us and suggested Friday afternoon
... they want us to join because they are a larger group
... Andreas initially suggested Thursday but that got deleted
... this is to discuss Danmaku

cyril: Is it ging to be the last session on the Friday afternoon

nigel: not clear yet
... the meeting will be in chinese and the essential points will be translated by volunteers

cyril: I would prefer if we would wrap our meeting not with a joint meeting

nigel: so maybe after lunch
... the action is back to me

SUMMARY: the group would like to meet the Chinese IG in the afternoon, preferably not at the end of the day

<nigel> github-bot, end topic

gkatsev: this will be my first TPAC and I'm interested in the Media WGwhich is also Thursday and Friday

cyril: me too ...

nigel: there are clashes with other groups (accessibility, ...)
... it's difficult to schedule the meeting
... I can't resolve your clash Gary!

Discussion points for CSS WG at TPAC 2019 #52

github: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/52

nigel: the list as it stands has a bunch of CSS issues and one TTML one at the moment
... the TTML one is about text-combine
... then shearing
... then equivalent of multiRowAlign
... then about background area with fillLineGap
... and for that one there is a proposed solution
... then padding at start and end of line
... but the issue is closed
... and last one is images with layout information, like Apple Pay logo
... I think there is another one about accessibility
... there is a CSS WG issue which concerns making something invisible on a visual presentation but visible to screen readers
... there seem to be quite a few requirement on this
... CSS WG issue 560

<nigel> [css-display] create a display property value for visually hiding an element while making it available for AT #560

nigel: and that is connected to an IMSC issue that I raised recently
... to expose burned-in narrative text to a screen reader
... sighted people can see it but we want to put that in a ARIA live region

pal: we also issue 44 from IMSC

nigel: it is in the GitHub list
... about TPAC planning, I have an email from Alan, one of the CSS WG chairs
... proposing at 9:30 on Tuesday morning
... I'm going to say yes
... regarding the M&E IG, they listed 2 topics
... but there are lot more topics we could talk about
... live, karaoke, danmaku, ...
... and we could think about MSE and text tracks
... because MSE only supports audio/video
... those are my suggestions
... but we have a limited amount of time
... are there other topics or prioritization views?

cyril: when will the new text track api be discussed

<nigel> M&E IG agenda

pal: on wednesday

nigel: there is a request for break out sessions and a request for demo
... do we want to raise the text track api with the M&E IG?

cyril: no

gkatsev: we need to check what is the overlap between the M&E IG, the Media WG and the TTWG

nigel: that's exactly the sort of thing that the M&E IG should discuss, I'll ping Chris

TPAC Planning - Topics and schedule

nigel: Cyril raised goals at the beginning of this meeting

<nigel> scribe: nigel

Nigel: Did you have something in mind Cyril?

Cyril: We initially wanted heartbeat publications of our spec and we deviated from that.
... We still have a goal to publish regularly so we should aim to publish soon
... TPAC should be the opportunity to really wrap up and work towards publishing as soon as possible.

Nigel: Makes sense to me

Cyril: Maybe a good goal is to agree to publish FPWDs of the specs after TPAC.

Nigel: Yes, there is a publication moratorium around TPAC, but that shouldn't stop us making a resolution.

<cyril> scribe: Cyril

nigel: we have a list of topics but an empty schedule
... I want to know if there are other topics not listed
... and if there are any constraints

pal: the only constraints I have is that I have to leave at 6pm on Thursday
... I won't be available at all on Friday

<calvaris> I have to leave now! see you next time (if my agenda allows it)

pal: the embedded font feature should really be closed either before TPAC or at TPAC

nigel: so we should try to do as much as we can on Thursday so that we can join the other groups on Friday
... we could also move WebVTT on Friday
... action on me and gary to come up with an agenda

<nigel> Issue for Nigel and Gary

nigel: there is an option for demo
... andreas asked for a joint demo from the TTWG
... any question on this demo topic?

Add support for #font w3c/imsc#485

github: https://github.com/w3c/imsc/pull/485

nigel: we resolved to support OTF only
... since then a couple of things have come up
... where to list the supported types in a way that can be referenced
... one idea was to use some sort of feature designation
... another is a registry of type
... if we do the feature designation, the question is where would it be
... I suggested that we could do a module for that

glenn: I like that option
... we have already a feature designation for PNG
... in TTML2

nigel: we could potentially move that out of TTML2 and put it somewhere else
... it's a feature at the moment not an extension

font/otf mime type definition

nigel: now that we can pull in media of different types
... one way to constrain what a processor supports is to have a feature designation for that
... it's not core to TTML itself

cyril: are we going to define a feature request for all audio codecs?

nigel: I was suggesting to do it on requests, not pro-actively
... but we can discuss it

pal: my vote is to keep it simple and constrain the list of supported mime types in IMSC
... I don't object to create a module or registry

nigel: so just say in IMSC the following formats are supported

pal: yes

nigel: that makes sense

glenn: even in IMSC you need feature designation that match capabilities
... if you were to add support for OTF to #font feature that would be going beyond what #font defines
... either you stick with what we have today or diverge
... right now all features in TTML or IMSC are attached to feature designations

pal: are you saying that the #font feature in TTML2 is purely syntactic support, parsing the font element?

glenn: right now it only requires support for the syntax, no requirement for any font decoder

pal: I'm happy to not define any extension in IMSC and just say the font format we support
... or to define an extension in IMSC that signals specific font support
... or to define an external module
... or to define an external registry
... but we need to make a decision

<Zakim> nigel, you wanted to add an option for a ttp:types element with a ttp:type child (1..*) under profile

glenn: in my opinion, the best option is to use feature designation

nigel: we could add a new element to the profile element, adding a ttp:types attribute

glenn: you're suggesting a new element

nigel: yes, following the same pattern we have today

glenn: it's worth thinking about it
... in some way it introduces yet another mechanism for defining functional support
... we have feature and extension and we would have a 3rd thing
... but for IMSC there may be shorter options

nigel: the easiest path is simply to list it in the IMSC spec

cyril: I would favor this option

nigel: let's keep discussing that point
... on the topic of formats, compressing fonts is an important features
... we should allow for WOFF
... I'm proposing to add support for WOFF

cyril: my point is that OTF is broad, it includes TTF, CFF, SVG outlines
... and also WOFF has a new version WOFF2

pal: I'm happy as long as we can feedback from implementers

cyril: is there an option where we do not specify in IMSC and let applications specify it

pal: maybe a minimum
... and not preclude other types

glenn: we could also mandate support for specific open source fonts

TTWG Charter review

<inserted> Nigel: Please remind your AC rep to vote. When is the deadline Atsushi?

<atsushi> > The deadline for responses is 23:59, Boston time on 2019-09-10.

next meeting

nigel: we will not have a meeting next week, our next meeting will be at TPAC

<nigel> scribe: nigel

Nigel: Thanks everyone, we got through a lot today. See you in Japan! [adjourns meeting]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/09/05 16:28:35 $