05 Sep 2019


Rachel, ada, Judy, Angel
Chaals, Jeff, Vlad, Nigel, Wendy


<angel> scribe: Ada

<Judy> meeting: Positive Work Environment Community Group

👼 Shall we go through the agenda as planned?

Pull request: Review and merge open Pull Requests

oh no! my irc client changes angel + : to an emoji

<Rachel> scribe+

angel: for the PR we almost have it for review

<angel> PR:https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/pulls

<Rachel> ada: all the PRs that were ready were merged except the large PR for the glossary

<Rachel> ...the glossary is coming along bit by bit and I don't think it's a blocker for showing this to people

<Rachel> Judy: agreed, I don't think this is a blocker for showing this to people

angel: can we have a version ready for tpac? to show people.

Judy: I don't think we can do additional work but I am not sure.

angel: I agree that it may not be mature enough to be finished.
... tpac will be a good venue for this discussion.

ada: I think it's okay for a wider review, if not final.

rachel: I agree.

Judy: we would like to show it to people, and let people know they're welcome to look and send comments. With clear messaging that there will be a more formal call for review of the draft coming.

angel: I can show the ac reps with this messaging.

PWE updates for AC Meeting during TPAC2019

angel: Aside from feedback do we have anything else we would like to convey to the AC reps?
... Do we feel comfortable to say yes we will develop the document.


scribe: I will tlk about the draft for cepc and compare between the previous document, and the training. Is there any other information or message do you think we should convey?

Judy: It would be useful to put together the context of the work we are doing, including the policy revisions, resource gathering, preparing training, updating procedures, rethinking ombuds, I think the most important part will be setting the context and what to expect, and inviting to join the work if they are interested.

ada: It might be handy to have a good answer as to why we are redoing the CEPC.

angel: I will draft some Q&A for the AC reps.

<angel> https://www.w3.org/2019/09/TPAC/ac-agenda.html

ada: what day is the presentation to AC?

angel: the presentation to the AC is on thursday.

Judy: I can be in the room during the meeting for support.

angel: I appreciate that.
... tpac training, I think jeff's suggeston of having a lobby during the chair lunch and do chair training in the afternoon, unfortunately I have conflicts.

TPAC training and breakout session plan

angel: I am looking for people from this group to help with the training.

Judy: I have my concerns, One option is that something is already put together, but it may happen that nothing thorough is prepared and a rushed training may give a poor representation of future efforts.
... We should ask if something is prepared but I worry if nothing is prepared at all yet.

Rachel: if Jory has started working on something I am happy to help.

angel: I am in contact with her

Judy: can we check, who amongst us on the call who can meet again next thursday, if we find out from JOry that she has something ready we can discuss it before it goes live the following week. So we have a fallback opportunity to get in sync with her.

ada: Unfortunately Thursday is the day I am travelling

Rachel: I am travelling then too.

Judy: If Jory has something it will be something which we wouldn't have seen, i would like for there to be some oppotunity to look at it perhaps we can do it via email?

angel: I can check with Jory.
... i will contact her after this phone call.
... another thought about the chair training I have proposed to Jory if it is too short notice we can use TPAC to collect more feedback and requirements.
... would they prefer documents detailing best practices or more interactive calls to teach stuff.

Judy: it owuld be useful to have people share resources that they have founf useful in their organisation. "Do you have any resources you would like to share" is something which can be done by survey if nothing is prepared yet. In terms of asking people what training may work for them it could be useful but it could be tricky because it raises expectiations we cannot meet. So it may be careful to how we ask

it. Perhaps muliple choice is better than an open answer.

angel: I think that is good advice.
... also i will check with Jory to see if this proposal works for her.Hopellywe can design a questionaire of reasonable quality with the time left.

<angel> zkaim, close this item


angel: if there are no other comments are there any other topics we should bring up to day.

ada: I understand there is the feeling that the CEPC is not mature enough is there anything I could have done as the editor to move it along?

there was conversation but ada's fingers couldn't catch up

Rachel: in terms of TPAC on wednesday, angel you have a presentation of the work we have done so far you are proposing a breakout at the TP where we are offering up the work we have done for informal review, is that correct?

and we're waiting to hear back from Jory about the chairs training?

angel: The presentation is one to the AC on tuesday, the chairs training is for wednesday.
... there is no plan to discuss the CEPC on the Technical Plenary day.

Judy: the Technical Plenary day is being done in advanced online this year, the slots are filling up quickly now, if we want to do a break out session we should put it on the list now.
... it sounds like we have a few presentations going on, AC + Chairs lunch + training, it may be useful to show a list of where we are so we can show up to support eachother.

angel: i'll contact Jory for more information.

<Judy> Breakout sessions list: https://w3c.github.io/tpac-breakouts/sessions.html

Judy: I'll drop in a link to the breakout sessions in case we want to have a place holder session:

<Judy> [JB is assuming Angel or Jory will add one, if needed, just clarifying I'm not adding it]

angel: We could do a joint break out session with the inclusion group but I don't see them having one booked for this year either.

Judy: a broarder breakout for sharing ideas for a more inclusive environment could work.
... In recent years such sessions have been well attended and people have reported that they are very useful in a w3c setting.

angel: agreed, it's a full house almost.
... if I hear back from Jory that we have a plan then I Will book a room for us for the training, otherwise we can do a more general session.
... aob?

Judy: I was going to say that I have to go deal with a problem now,

angel: If there are no more issues then meeting adjourned.
... thank you everyone for joining the call. I will follow up via email about tpac.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/09/05 14:54:22 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154  of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/and can ask people to look at the draft for comments/and let people know they're welcome to look and send comments/
Succeeded: s/it is not a final document yet/there will be a more formal call for review of the draft coming/
Succeeded: s/👼/angel:/
Succeeded: s/around this/including the policy revisions, resource gathering, preparing training, updating procedures, rethinking ombuds/
Succeeded: s/ SO /Hopelly/
Succeeded: s/so we can have/in case we want to have/
Succeeded: s/oom/room/
Present: Rachel ada Judy Angel
Regrets: Chaals Jeff Vlad Nigel Wendy
Found Scribe: Ada
Inferring ScribeNick: ada

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.)
Or specify the date like this:
<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

WARNING: IRC log location not specified!  (You can ignore this 
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