IRC log of mobile-a11y on 2019-09-05

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:02:18 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #mobile-a11y
15:02:18 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:02:20 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
15:02:20 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #mobile-a11y
15:02:22 [trackbot]
Meeting: Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
15:02:22 [trackbot]
Date: 05 September 2019
15:05:35 [Kim]
15:05:46 [Kim]
16:08:45 [Kim]
16:09:50 [Kim]
Worked on All functionality available in both orientations in the Google doc – this is now ready
16:10:02 [Kim]
Present+ Kim, Jake, Jennifer
16:10:19 [Kim]
chair: Kimberly_Patch
16:10:34 [Kim]
zakim, list participants
16:10:34 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been Kim, Jake, Jennifer
16:10:48 [Kim]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:10:48 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Kim
16:40:37 [Kim]
rrsagent, bye
16:40:37 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items