13:13:18 RRSAgent has joined #wot-pf 13:13:18 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/04-wot-pf-irc 13:13:25 kawaguch has joined #wot-pf 13:13:26 Meeting: WoT PlugFest 13:14:10 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Takahisa_Suzuki, Taki_Kamiya, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Toru_Kawaguchi 13:14:22 Chair: Lagally 13:15:08 dape has joined #wot-pf 13:15:11 zakim, pick a scribe 13:15:13 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Ege_Korkan 13:15:26 scribenick: ege 13:15:39 Mizushima has joined #wot-pf 13:15:51 Topic: Online Plugfest 13:17:06 PR by mlagally 13:17:44 https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/865 13:18:02 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/PlugFest_WebConf#Agenda_4.09.2019 13:18:28 ml: I have copied the demo repository from Munich so if you need to update some of the documents in there, please 13:18:41 ... please update them, like removing photos 13:19:00 ... let me know if you want an instance foryour implementation 13:19:09 i/PR by mlagally/Sep. 4 at 4-7pm JST, 9am-noon CEST (as confirmed during the main call)/ 13:19:13 ... there are also some converters 13:20:26 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/858 PR 858 by Fujitsu 13:20:48 (merged) 13:20:57 (ml mergin PRs of Fujitsu and hitachi) 13:21:08 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/860 PR 860 by Hitachi 13:21:42 ml: we will look to the results of all these merges later on 13:22:04 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/863 PR 863 by NHK 13:22:54 (merged) 13:23:01 i/we will/(merged) 13:23:09 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/864 PR 864 by Fujitsu 13:23:55 (merged) 13:24:01 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/865 PR 865 by Oracle 13:25:08 ml: anyone planning to do updates to their devices? 13:27:52 ml: clarification on the nhk hybridcast? 13:27:57 kaz: (explains) 13:28:10 ml: plans to include other devices from other manufacturers? 13:30:41 kaz: they said that it might be too much modifications for the first plugfest 13:30:45 ml: I can see 13:31:12 s/first plugfest/first plugfest; we need some more detailed discussion including them; note that we can use their TV as a display using HDMI connection if we want/ 13:32:38 ml: some logistics such as VPN 13:32:43 ... suzuki san? 13:33:18 ... maybe not available 13:34:21 ryuichi has joined #wot-pf 13:35:25 sorry microphone trouble 13:36:15 ml: now some scenarios 13:36:23 ... detecting a human and doing some interactions 13:38:13 ... (talks about the scenarios that are available in the .md file) 13:40:40 ts: explains the Scenario 1 13:42:53 ml: (goes into the repo to show what are the different TDs available) 13:43:01 i|now some scenarios|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/plugfest/2019-tpac-fukuoka/online-plugfest.md Suzuki-san's proposed dmeo scenarios| 13:44:58 tk: I won't be present for the online plugfest 13:47:07 s/online plugfest/online plugfest but Panasonic devices will be available for the online plugfest/ 13:49:56 ml: Oracle devices are already available so you can consume and use them 13:50:26 ts: (explains the scenario 2 involving different devices from panasonic, oracle and fujitsu) 13:52:20 ts: I heard that mdns doesn't work on vpn 13:52:26 ml: do we have a vpn? 13:52:52 mm: I agree that mdns doesn't work on vpns most of the time since VPNs don't support it 13:54:30 ... I will not have time to set up VPN this time 13:54:38 ... and suggest using global ip addresses 13:56:15 ml: all these devices would be then cloud devices 13:57:54 ml: so we assume that they are connected to the cloud 13:58:21 mm: we need to get someone to work on how to make robust plugfests in the future 13:59:39 ml: I don't know if I will have time to set up the monitoring of all these services 13:59:52 q+ 14:03:51 adjourning the meeting 14:03:58 ack k 14:05:35 i/adjourning the meeting/kaz: ask clarification if we start with those two scenarios for the online plugfest/ 14:05:49 i/adjourning the meeting/ml: let's do so/ 14:06:12 i/adjourning the meeting/kaz: will allocate a dedicated WebEx for the Online PlugFest on Sep. 10/ 14:06:44 i/adjourning the meeting/ml: please put the information on the README.md file/ 14:06:51 i/adjourning the meeting/kaz: will do/ 14:07:54 rrsagent, make log public 14:07:58 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:07:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/04-wot-pf-minutes.html kaz