IRC log of wot on 2019-09-04

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:01:20 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wot
12:01:20 [RRSAgent]
logging to
12:01:56 [kaz]
12:02:00 [mjkoster]
mjkoster has joined #wot
12:02:10 [taki]
taki has joined #wot
12:03:42 [mlagally]
mlagally has joined #wot
12:07:18 [kaz]
present+ Michael_McCool, Kaz_Ashimura, Taki_Kamiya, Michael_Koster
12:07:25 [kaz]
present+ Michael_Lagally
12:07:43 [Karen]
Karen has joined #wot
12:10:04 [dape]
dape has joined #wot
12:10:56 [kaz]
scribenick: mjkoster
12:11:17 [kaz]
present+ Daniel_Peintner, Kunihiko_Toumura, Tomoaki_Mizushima
12:11:23 [McCool]
12:11:40 [tksuzuki]
tksuzuki has joined #wot
12:12:16 [mjkoster]
mm: next face to face in Singapore in conjunction with IETF
12:12:16 [kawaguch]
kawaguch has joined #wot
12:12:39 [matsuda]
matsuda has joined #wot
12:12:58 [mjkoster]
... 13th and 14th meeting, joint workshop on hte 15th, and IETF hackathon on the 16th and 17th
12:13:14 [mjkoster]
mm: working on a draft for discovery
12:13:30 [mjkoster]
topic: IG draft charter
12:13:45 [kaz]
i/next face to/topic: Quick updated/
12:13:46 [mjkoster]
kaz: sent the draft charter to W3C
12:13:53 [kaz]
s/to W3C/to W3M/
12:14:02 [mjkoster]
mm: we should know about any issues by tomorrow
12:14:30 [mjkoster]
... We should discuss process and schedule for PR transition
12:15:12 [mjkoster]
kaz: process is first make a resolution in this group, send it to W3C, then there is a one week period
12:15:25 [mjkoster]
... after we finalize all of the comments
12:15:32 [kaz]
s/send it to W3C/send it to the Director/
12:15:44 [kaz]
s/period/period to get approval/
12:16:03 [mjkoster]
mm: we can technically proceed at this point, we could plan to make the resolution at TPAC
12:16:08 [kaz]
s/comments/comments specifically the ones from TAG and PING/
12:16:40 [mjkoster]
mlagally: won't be able to attend TPAC so need to dial in
12:17:00 [mjkoster]
kaz: we will provide webex as usual
12:17:03 [kaz]
action: kaz to allocate a webex for TPAC f2f
12:17:03 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-180 - Allocate a webex for tpac f2f [on Kazuyuki Ashimura - due 2019-09-11].
12:17:45 [mjkoster]
mm: gives us 2 weeks to clean everything up
12:18:10 [mjkoster]
topic: WG charter
12:18:25 [mjkoster]
mm: there is a draft out and a PR on the table
12:18:48 [zkis]
zkis has joined #wot
12:19:05 [mjkoster]
... (reviewing the document on-screen)
12:19:09 [zkis]
present+ Zoltan_Kis
12:19:20 [kaz]
-> Draft WG Charter
12:19:28 [kaz]
present+ Ege_Korkan
12:19:44 [kaz]
present+ Takahisa_Suzuki
12:19:51 [kaz]
present+ Tetsushi_Matsuda
12:19:53 [ege]
ege has joined #wot
12:19:58 [kaz]
present+ Toru_Kawaguchi
12:20:19 [mjkoster]
mm: updated the completion times based on thinking through
12:21:11 [mjkoster]
... people should look at the schedule and see if it makes sense
12:21:56 [mjkoster]
... working on a draft of use cases and requirements for discovery to review at TPAC
12:22:51 [mjkoster]
... we could start working under the new charter as soon as November
12:23:38 [kaz]
-> Round 2 PR
12:23:43 [mjkoster]
... specifically need review from mlagally on some changes
12:23:54 [kaz]
-> Rendered version
12:24:30 [mjkoster]
... please review and make comments that we can incorporate by TPAC
12:24:56 [mjkoster]
topic: F2F logistics
12:25:30 [mjkoster]
mm: everyone please register now
12:25:52 [mjkoster]
kaz: no need to register if you're not attending in person
12:26:08 [kaz]
-> WoT registrants
12:26:32 [mjkoster]
mm: we also need to accept observers; we have 74 requests to observe
12:26:44 [kaz]
regrets+ Dave_Raggett
12:27:04 [mjkoster]
... by default we can accept everyone, unless there are specific objections to individuals on the list
12:27:26 [mjkoster]
... please look through the list if you have any concerns
12:28:04 [mjkoster]
... please reply to mm within 24 hours
12:28:51 [mjkoster]
topic: demo logistics
12:29:17 [mjkoster]
kaz: updated the demo page with time slots
12:30:01 [mjkoster]
mm: will be busy during some of the time slots for the chair's lunch from 12:00 to 1:30
12:30:41 [mjkoster]
mm: (editing the schedule)
12:31:09 [mjkoster]
kaz: we could use these time slots for plenary sessions
12:32:18 [mjkoster]
kaz: please register for the plugfest
12:32:36 [kaz]
-> plugfest pref on sunday
12:33:05 [kaz]
12:33:26 [mjkoster]
topic: F2F agenda
12:33:31 [kaz]
s/for the plugfest/for the plugfest preparation on Sunday at Fujitsu/
12:33:49 [mjkoster]
mm: what are the topics and constraints?
12:34:04 [kaz]
->,_16-20_September_2019,_Fukuoka,_Japan F2F wiki
12:35:11 [mjkoster]
mm: JSON-LD is Monday and Tuesday, also the DID meeting on Tuesday
12:35:49 [mjkoster]
... we should collect volunteers to attend the other group meetings
12:36:54 [mjkoster]
mm: when could we schedule a joint meeting with JSON-LD?
12:37:14 [mjkoster]
daniel: will discuss with Sebastian on Monday when he returns
12:38:10 [kaz]
12:38:27 [mjkoster]
mm: (reviewing the list of topics)
12:38:35 [mjkoster]
12:39:15 [kaz]
->,_16-20_September_2019,_Fukuoka,_Japan#Topics Topic list
12:41:55 [mjkoster]
mm: (reviewing conflicts and time constraints, who is not going to be there in person)
12:43:14 [mjkoster]
mm: for remote participants, please indicate which topics are priority
12:43:38 [mjkoster]
mm: go ahead and start grabbing time slots for the joint meetings now
12:44:10 [kaz]
ack k
12:44:28 [mjkoster]
kaz: got a request for use case proposal presentation
12:44:55 [mjkoster]
topic: online plugfest
12:45:12 [mjkoster]
mm: date is september 10th
12:45:31 [mjkoster]
... optimal times seem to be 4-5pm Japan time
12:46:02 [mjkoster]
... but there is no response from Mozilla, and the times are not good for Pacific time
12:46:22 [kaz]
-> Doodle for time
12:47:00 [mjkoster]
mm: are the times OK for Siemens?
12:47:46 [kaz]
(fyi, 3pm JST is 11pm-1d PDT, 8am CEST)
12:47:47 [mjkoster]
mlagally: Ben Francis is in UK, so the time may not be so bad for Mozilla
12:48:09 [ryuichi]
ryuichi has joined #wot
12:48:14 [mjkoster]
mlagally: suggest a 3 hour slot at 4pm
12:48:38 [kaz]
(fyi, 4pm JST is midnight-1d PDT, 9am CEST)
12:50:01 [mjkoster]
mm: mlagally please send out an email
12:50:21 [mjkoster]
topic: TF reports
12:51:47 [mjkoster]
TD: taki: reviewed Github issues that are mostly editorial
12:52:21 [mjkoster]
ege: binding templates, closed 4 open issues and merged the base changes
12:52:39 [mjkoster]
... we can now work on the working going forward
12:52:53 [mjkoster]
mm: when can we publish another draft?
12:53:44 [mjkoster]
12:54:49 [mjkoster]
ege: we can publish the current version after a few updates to the references
12:56:04 [mjkoster]
mlagally: (architecture) went through the issues and reviewed the profile draft
12:56:14 [mjkoster]
... looking into protocol bindings
12:57:08 [mjkoster]
mm: planning to reschedule the security call 2 hours earlier, to the hour before the scripting call
12:57:19 [mjkoster]
mm: AOB?
12:57:34 [zkis]
12:58:19 [mjkoster]
zkis: looking for input on subscriptions from mjkoster and matthias
12:59:43 [mjkoster]
zkis: we should publish the WG note at this point
13:00:14 [mjkoster]
mm: plan for the resolution on publication of the Scripting API document next week
13:00:20 [kaz]
13:00:29 [dape]
13:01:16 [mjkoster]
kaz: there is publication moratorium from September 11th until September 24th
13:01:28 [mjkoster]
13:01:48 [kaz]
ack k
13:01:51 [kaz]
13:02:45 [mjkoster]
dape: added future topic for updating the IG web page
13:02:58 [mjkoster]
mm: please make a proposal
13:03:33 [mjkoster]
mm: adjourn
13:03:48 [kaz]
ml: PlugFest call will use this WebEx, and will use "#wot-pf" IRC channel
13:03:58 [kaz]
mm: will resume in 10 mins
13:04:03 [McCool]
McCool has left #wot
13:04:06 [kaz]
ml: meaning 13 mins past the hour
13:04:07 [tksuzuki]
tksuzuki has left #wot
13:04:09 [kaz]
13:04:26 [kaz]
rrsagent, make log public
13:04:30 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
13:04:30 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
15:09:47 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #wot