17:32:25 RRSAgent has joined #webauthn 17:32:25 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/04-webauthn-irc 17:32:29 rrsagent, make logs public 17:32:32 Zakim has joined #webauthn 17:32:38 Meeting: Web Authentication WG 17:32:49 wseltzer has changed the topic to: 4 Sept WebAuthn 19:00:30 elundberg has joined #webauthn 19:00:33 Ketan has joined #webauthn 19:00:57 sbweeden has joined #webauthn 19:01:50 jfontana has joined #webauthn 19:03:12 04 09 2019 19:04:05 Rolf has joined #webauthn 19:04:50 tony: One more meeting, then two skips. 18th, 25th 19:04:55 ...status of charter changes. 19:05:03 regrets+ wseltzer 19:05:16 ...it is out for review by AC reps. we are extended to 30th of Oct. 19:05:24 ...this allows charter process to run its course. 19:05:54 ...vote to approve the charter if yo are AC rep 19:06:26 ..any questions on TPAC agenda, please post to list 19:06:34 ...if you are in Japan, you can join. 19:06:55 ...if you have any adds to agenda send to Tony. demos, etc, Sign up for meeting. 19:07:21 ...couple of invited guests have been approved. 19:08:29 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/653 19:08:38 tony: won't go over. 19:08:52 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/909 19:09:12 skip 19:09:31 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1250 19:09:38 tony: need akshay to review 19:09:42 akshay: yes 19:10:15 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1256 19:10:26 tony: nina you won't be in Japan 19:10:50 ...this will come up at face to face 19:10:54 nina: I won't be there. 19:11:03 tony: jeffH can you represent 19:11:06 jeffH: yes. 19:11:22 tony: akshay, need to push to close by before or during face to face 19:11:28 akshay: I will do it 19:11:38 tony: agl have you signed off. 19:11:44 ...please look at it before face to face 19:11:51 ...jeffH has approved. 19:12:16 agl: if nina thinks this is good, I think it is good. 19:12:23 tony: put that on reviewer list 19:12:40 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1270 19:12:43 tony: ready to go? 19:13:02 elundberg: not ready. JeffH has some comments 19:13:18 jeffH: it will be fine. work in my comments 19:13:26 ...I am putting it on elundberg 19:13:44 tony: elundberg, please look at this one. 19:13:54 elundberg: OK 19:14:14 ...only thing is term bootstrap. we could merge and continue that discussion later 19:14:31 jeffH; some editorial. but thanks for the other clean-up 19:14:41 ...it improves issues #344 19:15:09 elundberg: we could merge this now. 19:15:40 jeffH: later clean-up is fine 19:15:59 elundberg: I will merge 19:16:20 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1276 19:16:44 tony: this needs additional reveiw 19:16:51 akshay: I need more detail 19:16:59 jeffH: further changes needed in Cred Man 19:17:08 ...I will shoot to finish before TPAC 19:17:30 ...this helps cross origin I-frames via feature policyt 19:18:07 ...real meat will be in cred man spec 19:18:15 tony: how will the RPs know what to do 19:18:48 jeffH: way feature policy works, there is default allow list. this is same origin as ancestors by default 19:18:59 ...does not changing exisiting default behavior 19:19:26 ...but somebody could explicitly engage cross origin I-frame 19:19:38 ...boolean will be true 19:20:04 tony: how will RPs know what to look for 19:20:10 jeffH: it will be in the spec 19:20:17 ...it covers RPs 19:20:38 ...we are making changes from level 1. we should explian how it works. 19:20:44 ...as opposed to level 1 19:21:11 jbradley: this should only effect people who have turned it on. 19:21:21 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1284 19:21:26 tony: still in progress. no review 19:21:48 jeffh: real simple. a small change 19:22:07 ...i landed the change in feature policy world, in terms of list of defined feature policies. 19:22:27 agl: this should be able to land now 19:22:33 ...please review 19:22:45 akshay: looks good to me. I signed off on itt. 19:23:34 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1288 19:23:44 elundberg: any objections to merging? 19:23:55 tony: jeff H and akshay have approved. 19:24:16 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1289 19:25:58 agl: part of the steps need to remain. 19:26:13 ...you should stop and think about extensions 19:26:23 ...this change seems fine. 19:26:49 shane: do you have proposal for more words 19:27:24 agl: perhaps a note, add info. about extension actions. 19:27:34 shane: I can add something like that 19:27:48 tony: but this will be change in behavoir. willit break 19:28:03 elundberg: will they have to accept extensions they don't know about. 19:28:16 ...but extension note is given, should they accept it? 19:28:39 shane: the whole point. could the RP open or fail closed. 19:28:47 ...practical use that it should not always do that. 19:28:58 elundberg: these are probably well known extensions 19:29:11 shane: no one knows cred protect. it is not public yet. 19:29:52 ...what is right answer here. maybe it should not be injected. 19:30:13 DWaite: our RP had issue with this. 19:30:37 ...we were saying it was not compatible with new YubiKeys, but it was browser issue with compliance 19:30:50 ...it is an extension, that RP don't understand this now. 19:30:59 ...RPs don't seem to have the knowledge. 19:31:10 agl: this is why we are doing this chamnge 19:31:24 tony: shane, do you have what you need. 19:31:31 shane: need approvers 19:31:45 tony: agl, jeffH, elundberg on the list 19:31:52 alexei: If I may... 19:32:35 ...related questions. arbitrary extensions from authenticators, is this still a thing. I thought we didn't want this. 19:32:39 jbradley: chrome added it 19:33:12 agl: this was about what was rejected. if it is problem we could change our stance. 19:34:30 jbradley: i suspect that we want to allow the user to have control via browser or authenticator 19:35:29 akshay: can we reject these things. I would say let it play out and see what happens. 19:36:00 jbradley: I don't know of any scenarioes now, but maybe down the road. 19:36:39 ...the concern for RP, if extension that meanings are different and it changes security context 19:37:17 ...I think this is pretty low risk. 19:37:38 akshay: ultimately it is for the RP to decide. 19:37:56 ...should be case by case basis 19:38:12 shane: another example may be cred ??? extension 19:38:29 ...cred prop 19:38:53 ..cred props. new to level 2. deals with resident keys 19:39:25 akshay: looks like we have different points of view for different scenarioes. 19:40:44 shane: all add note and see if reviewers can approve or not. 19:40:54 tony: akshay, take a second look. 19:40:57 akshay: yes. 19:42:15 moving to issues 19:42:49 #1282 lcosed 19:42:59 #1283 closed 19:43:23 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1285 19:43:34 agl: still some conversation 19:43:41 tony: this is not ready yet. 19:43:46 ignaloidas has joined #webauthn 19:44:29 akshay: does not seem anyone is using icons at this time 19:44:50 agl: we do not store icons on authenticator 19:45:22 ...expectation some authenticators will be larger, maybe then can store data URLs, not yet. 19:45:33 jeffH: like built-in platform authenticators 19:45:40 Zakim has left #webauthn 19:45:58 thttps://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1286 19:46:28 akshay: look at it before TPAC 19:46:36 tony: any open issues for discussion. 19:46:49 ...any questions, concerns, updates. 19:47:33 ...at TPAC, we will look at issues for WD-02. we may have to react before all the editorial ones land 19:47:45 jeffH: the list is going to change between now and TPAC 19:47:55 tony: that is todayt's agenda. 19:48:23 ...OK, meeting next week, then off for two weeks on call (TPAC starts on Sept. 16) 19:48:56 rrsagent, make logs public 19:49:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 19:49:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/04-webauthn-minutes.html jfontana 19:49:40 chairs: Nadalin, Fontana 19:50:02 Date 04 09 2019 19:50:23 rrsagent, list attendees 19:50:23 I'm logging. I don't understand 'list attendees', jfontana. Try /msg RRSAgent help 19:50:54 rrsagent, attendees 19:50:54 I'm logging. I don't understand 'attendees', jfontana. Try /msg RRSAgent help 19:51:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 19:51:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/04-webauthn-minutes.html jfontana 19:51:55 zakim, list attendees 20:45:01 zakim, who is here? 21:34:18 L2WD02 has joined #webauthn 21:45:37 jbarclay has joined #webauthn 23:01:43 ignaloidas has joined #webauthn