IRC log of rqtf on 2019-09-04

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:39:00 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rqtf
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logging to
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RRSAgent, make logs world
12:39:02 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #rqtf
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Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference
12:39:04 [trackbot]
Date: 04 September 2019
12:39:48 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ XAUR Draft: review, and interrelations among documents.
12:40:05 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Real-time communication accessibility: review and discussion.
12:40:14 [jasonjgw]
chair: jasonjgw
12:40:16 [jasonjgw]
12:58:28 [MichaelC]
13:00:42 [scott_h]
scott_h has joined #rqtf
13:00:49 [Judy]
Judy has joined #rqtf
13:01:13 [Joshue108_]
Joshue108_ has joined #rqtf
13:01:52 [SteveNoble]
SteveNoble has joined #rqtf
13:02:25 [SteveNoble]
13:02:27 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:02:27 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "XAUR Draft: review, and interrelations among documents." taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:02:42 [janina]
janina has joined #rqtf
13:02:51 [janina]
13:03:06 [Joshue108_]
13:03:57 [Joshue108_]
13:04:22 [SteveNoble]
Jason: good discussions lately on email - checklist draft has been distributed via email previously
13:05:30 [SteveNoble]
Scott: did a quick readthrough of the checklist and thought it was well done - complements the other work done
13:06:39 [SteveNoble]
Jason: did a brief review of the chacklist - seems to be going in the right direction
13:07:45 [SteveNoble]
Jason: we should look at the relationship between these points and the examples and use cases and other WCAG requirements
13:08:24 [janina]
q+ to discuss wcag reference advisability
13:08:43 [SteveNoble]
Jason: would be appropriate to highlight this as non-normative
13:09:28 [Joshue108_]
q+ to give some overview of thinking
13:09:33 [Joshue108_]
ack jani
13:09:33 [Zakim]
janina, you wanted to discuss wcag reference advisability
13:10:37 [SteveNoble]
Janina: wondering if it would it be helpful at this stage to cross-reference to other guidance documents
13:11:10 [SteveNoble]
Janina: Silver TF is explicitaley looking at XR
13:12:26 [SteveNoble]
Janina: there may be different ways to test for various criteria like alt text, and knowing how usable such things are will not be easy
13:12:38 [Joshue108_]
+1 to Janina
13:14:02 [SteveNoble]
Jason: There will be some areas in XR where there are no easy direct crossreferences to existing standards
13:15:13 [SteveNoble]
Janina: Example of how captions might be done in XR due to positioning in a sonic landscape - not clear how that will be done
13:15:33 [Joshue108_]
I think we just minted a new checkpoint Janina!
13:15:52 [Joshue108_]
ack me
13:15:52 [Zakim]
Joshue108_, you wanted to give some overview of thinking
13:15:55 [janina]
ack jan
13:17:02 [Joshue108_]
13:17:15 [SteveNoble]
Josh: Context for checkpoints - these are big things that need to be done to make XR more accessible - some conncetions to gaming accessibility guidelines
13:18:03 [SteveNoble]
Scott: agreed - the gaming guidlines are a good starting place
13:20:31 [SteveNoble]
Josh: what I would hope to do is to use a modular approach, since some XR invironments will have some modules but not others
13:20:56 [Judy]
present+ Judy
13:21:24 [SteveNoble]
Janina: have been expecting that gaming would be the leading edge for XR work
13:21:57 [SteveNoble]
Josh: agreed - the gaming industry is very big and lots of money involved
13:23:16 [SteveNoble]
Scott: will send along the paper he wrote on gaming
13:24:15 [SteveNoble]
Judy: people from Able Gamers have been well involved and we hope that they will continue to contribute to this effort
13:24:55 [Judy]
s/to this effort/to this effort, and their guidelines approach is considered (much) more usable for that field/
13:25:38 [SteveNoble]
Jason: using things like 3D audio and haptic technology that we don'ty commonly used in desktop environments - these could be used to benefit accessibility - valuable to address in some way
13:25:52 [Joshue108_]
13:27:34 [SteveNoble]
Josh: some of the current haptic technology may be edge cases
13:28:39 [SteveNoble]
Jason: the group should continue to review the checklist document and bring comments to next meeting
13:29:37 [Joshue108_]
13:29:38 [SteveNoble]
Jason: will put this on the head of the next meeting agenda
13:31:33 [SteveNoble]
Janina: more discussion will be going on at TPAC
13:32:06 [janina]
APA agenda at TPAC is here:
13:32:07 [janina]
13:32:56 [scott-h]
scott-h has joined #rqtf
13:33:56 [janina]
topic: XR Accessibility and the FAST
13:34:36 [SteveNoble]
Josh: how does the XR work relate to other groups like Silver TF, etc.?
13:34:45 [Joshue108_]
13:35:10 [janina]
Some useful FAST links are:
13:35:11 [janina]
Introductory: Checklist:
13:35:14 [janina]
13:35:17 [janina]
13:35:19 [janina]
13:36:05 [SteveNoble]
Josh: the FAST is a useful "uberarchitecture" understanding and our XR spec goes below that as a child
13:38:35 [Joshue108_]
User needs framework, then UAAG, ATAG etc as children.
13:38:54 [SteveNoble]
Michael: that is a possible understanding...the user need framework in FAST is a good structure, where all the guidleines come down as a result
13:39:44 [Joshue108_]
13:40:49 [SteveNoble]
Jason: seems as the current process is starting at the user end and then deriving what the application needs to support
13:42:06 [SteveNoble]
Jason: we should also seek to identify matters that are not yet fully addressed by WCAG 2 guidelines
13:42:18 [Joshue108_]
q+ to say we need guidance that is clearer about what need is being met.
13:42:39 [Joshue108_]
ack me
13:42:39 [Zakim]
Joshue108_, you wanted to say we need guidance that is clearer about what need is being met.
13:43:37 [Judy]
[JB: rejoins from another meeting]
13:45:04 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:45:04 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Real-time communication accessibility: review and discussion." taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:45:37 [Joshue108_]
13:45:57 [SteveNoble]
Jason: Josh has developed a draft that takes into account several stages of review and comments
13:47:07 [SteveNoble]
Jason: are there comments or significant issues to raise on continuing developemnte of this draft?
13:47:55 [Judy]
13:48:01 [SteveNoble]
Janina: our next step is working with the Web RTC/RTT group
13:48:53 [SteveNoble]
Judy: Hopes to have conversation ahead of TPAC with regards to some current implementations
13:49:14 [Joshue108_]
q+ to mention RTC use cases that relate to other groups and how to address that at TPAC
13:49:18 [Joshue108_]
ack Judy
13:49:27 [Joshue108_]
ack me
13:49:27 [Zakim]
Joshue108_, you wanted to mention RTC use cases that relate to other groups and how to address that at TPAC
13:49:48 [SteveNoble]
Josh: still working on Jason's comments
13:50:30 [SteveNoble]
Josh: Is trying to identify other groups like second screen and audio/media groups - no formal involvement yet
13:51:34 [SteveNoble]
Janina: agrees those groups are helpful and we have had useful contacts in the past, but many of the contact people have changed - let's find out and re-engage
13:52:25 [Judy]
13:52:32 [SteveNoble]
Josh: asks Janina to consider some of those cross-group interactions
13:53:39 [SteveNoble]
Judy: APA contact - assumption that Janina is the default contact to reach out to other organizations, and others should coordinate with Janina
13:53:50 [Joshue108_]
+1 to Judy
13:56:09 [SteveNoble]
Janina: agreed that messaging should originate with her, but she needs our help to coordinate specific information that we want to communicate
13:58:28 [SteveNoble]
Janina: TPAC meeting coming up, but timing of meetings may be hard for some to participate remotely - we are all welcome to participate
13:59:29 [SteveNoble]
Janina: be aware that when the meeting is with another group, then the WebEX and IRC information will refelcet where that meeting is taking place
14:00:46 [SteveNoble]
Jason: we may simply not have the regular call that week
14:02:08 [SteveNoble]
Jason: next week we will continue working on the RTC and the XR items
14:04:37 [SteveNoble]
Jason: we can do a TPAC retrospective for the week after TPAC - others agree
14:06:05 [jasonjgw]
zakim, bye
14:06:05 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, MichaelC, SteveNoble, janina, Joshue108_, Judy
14:06:05 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #rqtf
14:06:09 [jasonjgw]
rrsagent, make minutes
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I have made the request to generate jasonjgw
14:28:45 [janina]
janina has left #rqtf
16:30:09 [Joshue108_]
Joshue108_ has joined #rqtf