IRC log of epub3cg-a11y on 2019-09-04

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:48:04 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #epub3cg-a11y
15:48:04 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:48:18 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #epub3cg-a11y
15:48:37 [Avneesh]
zakim, this will be epub3cg-a11y
15:48:37 [Zakim]
ok, Avneesh
15:48:51 [Avneesh]
15:49:13 [Avneesh]
chair: Avneesh
15:59:25 [gpellegrino]
gpellegrino has joined #epub3cg-a11y
16:01:14 [George]
George has joined #epub3cg-a11y
16:01:22 [gpellegrino]
16:01:35 [Naomi]
Naomi has joined #epub3cg-a11y
16:01:40 [George]
16:01:45 [Naomi]
16:02:02 [romain]
romain has joined #epub3cg-a11y
16:02:19 [CharlesL1]
CharlesL1 has joined #epub3cg-a11y
16:02:24 [Bill_Kasdorf]
Bill_Kasdorf has joined #epub3cg-a11y
16:02:35 [Bill_Kasdorf]
16:02:45 [CharlesL1]
16:02:59 [romain]
16:04:25 [mattg]
mattg has joined #epub3cg-a11y
16:05:22 [George]
scribe: George
16:05:53 [mattg]
16:06:06 [George]
Introductions of people present
16:06:16 [Madeleine]
Madeleine has joined #epub3cg-a11y
16:06:17 [Madeleine]
16:06:19 [George]
present Amy
16:06:29 [CharlesL1]
present+ Amy
16:09:21 [George]
Madeleine has worked on Access for All, which helped to populate She is a metadata expert.
16:09:54 [George]
AS: There was a need for presentation of accessibility in a user friendly way.
16:09:56 [JulieBlair]
JulieBlair has joined #epub3cg-a11y
16:10:19 [JulieBlair]
16:10:53 [George]
VitalSource started this and it was clear that a user friendly presentation was needed. This presented the metadata.
16:11:33 [George]
LIA brought to us the need to include ONIX. Madeleine has been working to harmonize and ONIX.
16:12:00 [George]
There are also other metadata standards, such as Bibframe and MARC.
16:12:23 [George]
This brought forward the need to separate the layers of this document.
16:12:37 [George]
One for principles and one for techniques.
16:13:12 [George]
We can update the techniques as more metadata standards become relevant.
16:13:25 [gpellegrino]
gpellegrino has joined #epub3cg-a11y
16:13:28 [George]
16:13:31 [CharlesL1]
16:13:32 [CharlesL1]
16:13:58 [gpellegrino]
+1 to this approach :)
16:14:21 [CharlesL1]
Here is the link to the new W3C github new home for this work
16:14:22 [CharlesL1]
16:14:30 [Bill_Kasdorf]
+1 This is really relevant to something I'm working on right now for a client
16:14:38 [George]
How do we formulate the principles and the techniques.
16:15:06 [gpellegrino]
16:16:39 [George]
GP: the first part explains what screen reader friendly means.
16:16:57 [George]
It explains the high level principles.
16:17:25 [gpellegrino]
16:18:42 [George]
In the high level principles, we explain what we need from the metadata.
16:18:47 [CharlesL1]
16:18:52 [CharlesL1]
ack gpellegrino
16:19:08 [George]
In the techniques docoument we explain how to extract the documents.
16:19:50 [George]
AS: Should we have different techniques for the various metadata types?
16:20:29 [Bill_Kasdorf]
16:21:18 [George]
Matt: we should encapuslate for each metadata type , but on the other hand you could have them together.
16:21:29 [CharlesL1]
16:21:44 [CharlesL1]
ack Bill_Kasdorf
16:22:30 [George]
Bill: One comprimise is to put one primary and an appendex for others.
16:22:52 [gpellegrino]
16:23:06 [George]
It is common for a publisher will need, ONIX and MARC.
16:23:06 [CharlesL1]
ack C
16:23:45 [George]
Charles: To Bill's point. Who is the intended audience? Is it libraries, vendors?
16:24:27 [Bill_Kasdorf]
16:24:52 [CharlesL1]
ack gpellegrino
16:24:58 [George]
If you are talking about a technique, we had the various approaches grouped together. However, because ONIX is so big it blew up in trying to do it.
16:25:04 [Avneesh_]
Avneesh_ has joined #epub3cg-a11y
16:25:23 [CharlesL1]
ack Bill_Kasdorf
16:25:30 [CharlesL1]
q+ gpellegrino
16:25:38 [George]
Bill: Charle's point is a good one.
16:26:34 [Avneesh]
Avneesh has joined #epub3cg-a11y
16:26:56 [mattg]
16:27:12 [Avneesh]
16:27:29 [George]
Charles: answering Bill's points, a simple concept in might require multiple items in ONIX.
16:27:37 [CharlesL1]
ack gpellegrino
16:27:41 [Avneesh]
ack gre
16:27:50 [George]
Bill: the differentmetadata idems are very different.
16:28:32 [George]
GP: We can seprate the principles and referenced them saperately.
16:28:36 [Avneesh]
ack matt
16:29:21 [Bill_Kasdorf]
+1 to what Matt just said about the need to explain the formats
16:29:21 [Avneesh]
16:29:39 [Bill_Kasdorf]
Good luck explaining MARC. . . .
16:29:47 [George]
providing an exampleMaatt; Add on to the idea if it is not simply then it becomes too complex to explain what ONIX or schema is doing.
16:29:50 [George]
16:30:48 [George]
use these techniques?Avneesh: Do we think Ace or SMART would
16:31:15 [CharlesL1]
scribe: CharlesL1
16:31:43 [CharlesL1]
GK: agree with matt, we are not here to document ONIX / Schema.
16:32:46 [gpellegrino]
+1 to George
16:32:49 [CharlesL1]
…, having a consistent first part and then having a technique for schema, and another for ONIX / MARC/Bibfram then keep it simple separate and we are providing an easy to use example of what this can be, and we are providing a user friendly translation of this.
16:32:57 [Bill_Kasdorf]
+1 to George
16:33:02 [CharlesL1]
scribe: George
16:33:23 [CharlesL1]
16:33:26 [CharlesL1]
ack George
16:33:41 [George]
.Avneesh: Ace would reference the principles
16:34:41 [George]
Romain: We do not need to worry about the publication process, because this is a note.
16:35:05 [George]
We could publish as one document or we could split it.
16:35:48 [George]
one for ONIX and one for Let's start with two techniques documents
16:36:18 [George]
George: Not confirmed, but MARC may be referencing
16:36:30 [CharlesL1]
Resolution: We will start with 2 techniques document ONIX and
16:37:59 [George]
Madeleine will help Charles, and GP will take ONIX.
16:38:41 [Bill_Kasdorf]
16:38:43 [George]
Matt has done a great job in setting it up. so it may be a lot of copy and pasting.
16:39:36 [George]
16:40:07 [CharlesL1]
ack Bill_Kasdorf
16:40:33 [George]
Bill: Is the principles what Charles put in? Yes.
16:40:39 [CharlesL1]
ack George
16:42:35 [CharlesL1]
16:42:38 [Bill_Kasdorf]
16:42:43 [CharlesL1]
ack CharlesL1
16:43:27 [CharlesL1]
ack CharlesL1
16:43:34 [CharlesL1]
ack CharlesL1
16:43:38 [CharlesL1]
16:43:49 [CharlesL1]
ack CharlesL
16:44:18 [Avneesh]
ack bill
16:44:22 [George]
We will probably needCharles: In the last step of presentation of everything.
16:44:58 [George]
Bill: What would be most useful are the principles. Can I send the link out?
16:45:31 [Avneesh]
16:46:05 [George]
Topic: Timeline and how we work.
16:47:53 [George]
Charles and GP can put their parts in to the document.
16:48:46 [Avneesh]
rrsagent, make logs public
16:49:01 [Avneesh]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:49:01 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Avneesh
16:49:14 [George]
After TPAC we will do a pole for our next call.
16:51:23 [CharlesL1]
title: EPUB3 CG: A11Y TF Meeting on UX A11Y Metadata
16:51:32 [CharlesL1]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:51:32 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate CharlesL1
16:52:57 [CharlesL1]
meeting: EPUB3 CG: A11Y TF Meeting on UX A11Y Metadata
16:53:03 [CharlesL1]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:53:03 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate CharlesL1
16:53:23 [CharlesL1]
CharlesL1 has left #epub3cg-a11y
17:46:04 [mattg]
mattg has joined #epub3cg-a11y
18:46:12 [romain]
romain has joined #epub3cg-a11y
19:15:21 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #epub3cg-a11y