IRC log of eo-plan on 2019-09-04

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:06:04 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #eo-plan
13:06:04 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:06:06 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
13:06:06 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #eo-plan
13:06:08 [trackbot]
Meeting: Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference
13:06:09 [trackbot]
Date: 04 September 2019
13:07:02 [shadi]
13:09:49 [dmontalvo]
13:36:52 [shawn]
Some considerations:
13:36:52 [shawn]
* We get surprisingly few comments on our resources, even with the "Help improve this page" box with e-mail link at the bottom of every WAI page for the last year+. Do we want to delay calling this version done for another 30+ days for WAI IG review?
13:36:52 [shawn]
* Why have a public review of a resource via WAI IG before publishing a first version?
13:36:53 [shawn]
* What's the difference between that versus publishing the first version, and in the announcements including a date for comments, and planning editor & EOWG time to address comments right away?
13:36:53 [shawn]
* When we announce a resource -- even draft for review, I think we should almost always point to the final URI, not a preview link.
13:36:53 [shawn]
* If considering it a draft-for-review, how much indication of that? "Draft" in the title and h1? Or just the footer? Disclaimer text about it being a draft?
13:37:10 [shawn]
13:38:53 [Sharron]
Shadi: There was a reason for this paricular resource to use this approach, not sure I was recommending as a genral practice. The curricula has a specific need for input from formal education people. We are wrestling with ideas for how to create homework assignments etc. I have tried to ask specific people for their ideas.
13:39:18 [Sharron]
...we may not have the full range of expertise in EO that we need which is why I thought of going to IG.
13:39:46 [Sharron]
Shawn: What is the risk of publishing it, without the word "draft" and sending as a Call for review?
13:40:39 [Sharron]
Shadi: It is a matter of mechanics, do we want this addiitonal round of review and managing the message that this is a recognition for a need of braoder input.
13:42:18 [shawn]
q+ to say access learn
13:42:38 [Sharron]
...I think it may be a bit less mature, less vetted than other resoruces that are published. Even though we've gotten pleanty of helpful review, we may not have gotten enough feedback from the formal academic community.
13:43:06 [Brent]
Brent has joined #eo-plan
13:43:23 [Sharron]
Daniel: My own background is a consultancy one and we have skewed comments from the consulting or training community.
13:44:24 [shawn]
Sharron: WAYne & Tom integrated accessibility is all the courses. Have tried to reach ou to them?
13:45:41 [shawn]
ack me
13:45:41 [Zakim]
shawn, you wanted to say access learn
13:46:08 [Sharron]
Shadi: The review by IG or specific people to ask is just matter of mechanics. Can we agree that we need more academic review, not stuck on it being from IG
13:47:02 [Sharron]
Shawn: So in terms of the mechanics of it, do we leave "draft" on it, ask for review and only need to determine how broadly we reach out
13:48:06 [Brent]
Brent has joined #eo-plan
13:48:09 [Sharron]
...proposal is to put it in the final URL, leave it with 'draft' in title and determine how to do the outreach, My inclination is to stay within our known networks.
13:48:22 [Sharron]
Shadi: we have some time to think aobuot the outreach.
13:49:01 [Sharron] the time we have cleaned it up, processed comments, etc can ask for public review. Daniel can that work for you?
13:49:06 [Sharron]
Daniel: Yes
13:50:04 [Sharron]
Brent: i agree with doing as much as we can internally and then asking for key audience input from known networks. Then people are likely to feel more ready to comment.
13:50:23 [Sharron]
Shadi: Shall we give the 'key audience'we identify a heads up that it will be coming?
13:50:58 [Sharron]
Sharron: Where will we gather a list of who we consider 'key audiences?'
13:56:55 [shawn]
13:56:57 [shawn]
Demonstrate your understanding of EOWG and your contributions by commenting on open issues and resources-in-progress per Commenting on EOWG Resources above.
13:58:31 [shawn]
14:03:23 [shawn]
14:11:45 [shawn]
note that Helen probably a good contributor
14:11:52 [shawn]
^^^ Brent
14:13:41 [shawn]
q+ to say AG WG
14:16:59 [shawn]
ack me
14:16:59 [Zakim]
shawn, you wanted to say AG WG
14:26:32 [shawn]
trackbot, end meeting
14:26:32 [trackbot]
Zakim, list attendees
14:26:32 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been (no one)
14:26:40 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
14:26:40 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate trackbot
14:26:41 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, bye
14:26:41 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items