IRC log of dxwgdcat on 2019-09-04

Timestamps are in UTC.

19:43:26 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #dxwgdcat
19:43:26 [RRSAgent]
logging to
19:43:28 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
19:43:28 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #dxwgdcat
19:43:30 [trackbot]
Meeting: Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference
19:43:30 [trackbot]
Date: 04 September 2019
19:44:01 [DaveBrowning]
meeting: DXWG DCAT subgroup teleconference 4 September 2019 20:00 UTC
19:44:17 [DaveBrowning]
19:44:43 [DaveBrowning]
regrets+ Alejandra, Simon Cox
19:44:54 [DaveBrowning]
rrsagent, draft minutes v2
19:44:54 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate DaveBrowning
19:45:02 [DaveBrowning]
chair: DaveBrowning
19:46:02 [DaveBrowning]
rrsagent, make logs public
19:46:06 [DaveBrowning]
rrsagent, draft minutes v2
19:46:06 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate DaveBrowning
19:46:59 [DaveBrowning]
19:54:09 [PWinstanley]
PWinstanley has joined #dxwgdcat
20:01:39 [riccardoAlbertoni]
riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwgdcat
20:01:55 [PWinstanley]
20:02:04 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:02:57 [AndreaPerego]
AndreaPerego has joined #dxwgdcat
20:04:48 [DaveBrowning]
rrsagent, draft minutes v2
20:04:48 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate DaveBrowning
20:05:14 [AndreaPerego]
20:08:12 [AndreaPerego]
scribenick: AndreaPerego
20:08:23 [AndreaPerego]
topic: Approve last meeting minutes
20:08:41 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:09:12 [AndreaPerego]
20:09:39 [riccardoAlbertoni]
+0 ( i was not there )
20:10:24 [DaveBrowning]
20:11:03 [PWinstanley]
20:11:11 [AndreaPerego]
resolved: Approve last meeting minutes
20:11:25 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:11:25 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:11:43 [AndreaPerego]
topic: Plenary poll?
20:12:13 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:12:18 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: AndreaPerego, riccardoAlbertoni, you were at the plenary yesterday. Did this topic come up?
20:12:26 [DaveBrowning]
ack riccardoAlbertoni
20:12:57 [AndreaPerego]
riccardoAlbertoni: This was somehow implied, although not explicitly discussed.
20:13:44 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: The main point in last week plenary was about what we marked as features at risk, and why.
20:14:27 [AndreaPerego]
PWinstanley: We already had a poll to go to CR.
20:14:43 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: Yes, but in the last meeting the idea of an additional poll was raised.
20:14:46 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:14:54 [AndreaPerego]
PWinstanley: I can take care of set it up.
20:15:13 [PWinstanley_]
PWinstanley_ has joined #dxwgdcat
20:15:35 [AndreaPerego]
topic: What we need to address before we are ready to go
20:15:39 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:15:50 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:16:01 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: plh mentioned editing some metadata, but I don't remember precisely what this is about.
20:16:31 [AndreaPerego]
... The question is whether there are substantial steps we have to go through.
20:16:32 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:16:38 [DaveBrowning]
ack riccardoAlbertoni
20:17:02 [AndreaPerego]
riccardoAlbertoni: I don't think we are going to have substantial changes, as new classes/properties.
20:17:25 [AndreaPerego]
... About issues in ttl files, are they to be considered as substantial?
20:17:48 [AndreaPerego]
... As only the spec is considered normative, this shouldn't be the case.
20:18:16 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: Yes, the ttl files are not normative.
20:18:37 [AndreaPerego]
... So, we can work on them even after we go CR with the spec.
20:19:30 [AndreaPerego]
... About ttl files, the issue is rather the URLs of the new and original DCAT ttl files.
20:20:58 [AndreaPerego]
... Said all that, when we make the transition request what we have needs to be "professional".
20:21:04 [Makx]
Makx has joined #dxwgdcat
20:21:18 [Makx]
present+ Makx
20:21:45 [riccardoAlbertoni]
which one you are looking at
20:21:47 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:22:09 [DaveBrowning]
20:22:30 [DaveBrowning]
rrsagent, draft minutes v2
20:22:30 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate DaveBrowning
20:22:37 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:22:45 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: The issue above is about comments/definitions in the ttl files.
20:23:01 [DaveBrowning]
ack riccardoAlbertoni
20:23:14 [AndreaPerego]
riccardoAlbertoni: I am also worried about that issue.
20:23:47 [AndreaPerego]
... The suggestion includes the idea of splitting the DCAT ttl file in two different files.
20:24:51 [AndreaPerego]
... I can try and contact SimonCox about this.
20:25:47 [AndreaPerego]
... I'm for keeping just 1 file.
20:26:28 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: I would also be in favour of that.
20:26:33 [AndreaPerego]
action: riccardoAlbertoni to contact SimonCox about the proposal of splitting the DCAT ttl file
20:26:34 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-364 - Contact simoncox about the proposal of splitting the dcat ttl file [on Riccardo Albertoni - due 2019-09-11].
20:27:37 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: Do we all think that this is main issue we have to address before the transition request?
20:28:12 [AndreaPerego]
... There were also some broken links, if I am not mistaken.
20:28:49 [AndreaPerego]
... I encourage everyone to look at the current PRs and see if there's anything to be done.
20:29:52 [AndreaPerego]
... From my side I'll try tomorrow to summarise the open issues.
20:30:33 [AndreaPerego]
... We need to make it clear what we postpone to a new version.
20:30:35 [riccardoAlbertoni]
s/... I'm for keeping just 1 file./ merge the current PR in order to avoid to lose content such as translations and that get the consensum about skos:definition or whatever
20:31:04 [AndreaPerego]
q+ to ask whether we have replied to / addressed all comments
20:31:14 [DaveBrowning]
ack and
20:31:14 [Zakim]
AndreaPerego, you wanted to ask whether we have replied to / addressed all comments
20:31:50 [AndreaPerego]
AndreaPerego: I wonder whether we addressed all comments - as Lars's one.
20:32:08 [DaveBrowning]
20:32:21 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: All the comments we got are listed in the issues from the above link.
20:32:37 [PWinstanley]
PWinstanley has joined #dxwgdcat
20:33:16 [AndreaPerego]
... If they are open, they should be already addressed.
20:33:28 [AndreaPerego]
... Some have been partially addressed.
20:33:56 [AndreaPerego]
... There's also the one about the JSON example and we need to decide what to do.
20:35:15 [AndreaPerego]
s/they should be already addressed/they are not addressed/
20:35:33 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: riccardoAlbertoni, could you summarise the status of the google doc?
20:36:04 [AndreaPerego]
riccardoAlbertoni: There are some issues that can be marked for future work.
20:37:07 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:38:07 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:38:07 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:39:43 [AndreaPerego]
riccardoAlbertoni: [lists issues to be finalised]
20:40:16 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: So, let's use the google doc to ensure we replied to all comments.
20:41:59 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: Meanwhile, I'll prepare a draft of the transition request.
20:43:22 [AndreaPerego]
... Do you all agree with the proposal?
20:43:28 [Makx]
20:43:28 [AndreaPerego]
20:43:39 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:43:53 [PWinstanley]
20:44:41 [AndreaPerego]
action: DaveBrowning to prepare a draft of the transition request and associated document, pointing to evidence that all the comments have been addressed
20:44:41 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-365 - Prepare a draft of the transition request and associated document, pointing to evidence that all the comments have been addressed [on David Browning - due 2019-09-11].
20:45:08 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: Any suggestion / point anybody would like to make?
20:45:12 [riccardoAlbertoni]
20:45:20 [DaveBrowning]
ack riccardoAlbertoni
20:45:41 [AndreaPerego]
riccardoAlbertoni: Just trying to understand the timeframe.
20:46:16 [AndreaPerego]
PWinstanley: are we thinking that there will be a version for WG review by 10-12 Sept?
20:47:10 [AndreaPerego]
riccardoAlbertoni: My question was also about some issues for alejandra and SimonCox, and I wonder they have time in this period to take care of them.
20:47:38 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: Good point. Maybe we can have an additional week.
20:48:25 [AndreaPerego]
PWinstanley: I think that the timetable from Philippe doesnt give enough time to remedy anything that the WG review might raise
20:49:42 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:49:42 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:50:34 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: riccardoAlbertoni maybe when you talk with SimonCox you can also point him to those open issues.
20:51:21 [AndreaPerego]
... BTW, I think what we have to is editorial only - right?
20:51:42 [AndreaPerego]
s/we have to/we have to do/
20:52:00 [riccardoAlbertoni]
i think everything was editorial except "the put at risk"
20:52:08 [AndreaPerego]
... If this is the case, it shouldn't be a problem to have the poll in time.
20:52:40 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:52:40 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:55:06 [Makx]
+1 good plan
20:55:10 [riccardoAlbertoni]
fine to me
20:55:12 [AndreaPerego]
20:55:41 [Makx]
thanks and bye!
20:55:43 [riccardoAlbertoni]
thanks all, bye !!
20:55:43 [PWinstanley]
Bye all
20:55:47 [AndreaPerego]
DaveBrowning: Thanks everyone. We can close the meeting.
20:56:14 [AndreaPerego]
[meeting adjourned]
20:56:18 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:56:18 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego
20:57:33 [AndreaPerego]
s/merge the current PR/... I'm for merging the current PR/
20:57:35 [AndreaPerego]
RRSAgent, draft minutes v2
20:57:35 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate AndreaPerego