Charles: I have 2 items
CH: 1.2.8 and 1.2.9
... I took the benefits from the Understanding doc
... I rephrased them using our language
... I then created a combined statement
<CharlesHall> Usage without the ability to listen due to: any human factor (like ear pain); or any technical factor (like poor signal); or contextual factor (due to quiet environment)
Janina: I wonder about quiet environment. You can put on headphones
Jeanne: Headphones aren't always an option. / For example, some people with tinnitus should not wear headphones.
<CharlesHall> Usage with limited color perception due to: human factors (like age); technical factors (like display quality); or contextual factors (like bright ambient light)
Jeanne: Is this really about functional needs rather than disability first needs? We decided about a year ago that we would do functional needs, knowing htat it is a controversial topic that may need to be revisited. '
Janina: not at this time
Charles: There are people that have trouble distinguidshing between colors but don't fall in the category of color deficiency.
jeanne: I would like to add the example of a disability here.
Charles: THere are studies of
people over 65 who have trouble distinguishing gray colors or
pastel colors, but have no trouble distinguishing the
... they may need to have a contrast range that is different
than people with color deficiency.
Bruce: I think the way we are approaching it with WCAG 2 covers the examples given.
<bruce_bailey> yes, Andrew Sommers
Janina: Is there a measure that would help us?
Jeanne: Andy has said that there are technological improvements. He is working with Chuck and Cybele on Color Contrast. They said that they have a breakthrough that is exciting, but they aren't ready to report to the group on it.
Charles: It is called simultaneous contrast. It can be addressed in the Methods.
Bruce: That sounds good to me. It's a mechanic, that would be addressed in. I am more concerned about people who have too much color.
Janina: That is something we need to address to CSS. We need to get CSS onboard. We need better technological solutions.
<bruce_bailey> simultaneous contrast
Charles: The proximity of colors can be perceived differently, even if the contrast is the same
<bruce_bailey> charles gave example of buttons side-by-side impacting legibility
<Jan> I can scribe, Jeanne
<bruce_bailey> Example: a yellow text on red button next to a yellow button with red text -- both would be less legible
<Jan> Jeanne: We need more volunteers to work on functional needs
User need(s) for captions (prerecorded and captions live)
scribe: Users cannot hear all or
part of the audio component of movies and multimedia and need
captions to fully understand the content.
... Users who need multisensory input need captions paired with
audio to understand content.
... Users with situational, environmental barriers cannot hear
all or part of the audio components in media and need captions
to fully understand the content.
... Users learning a second language may use captions to
support language acquisition.
User need(s) for sign language (prerecorded)
scribe: Users whose first
language is sign language and cannot hear all or part of the
audio component of movies and multimedia need sign language to
fully understand the content.
... Users whose first language is sign language may have
difficulty with the rate of captions and the structure of
written language and need sign language to fully understand the
Jan: I'm not sure if we phrased it correctly.
Charles: I would suggest that "need captions" would be the Method, or solution
Jan: Different levels of hearing
loss may have environmental problems related to their hearing
loss. What may be audible in one environment may not be audible
in another
... if you think of it as "a language" rather than a foreign
... SHould I cross out the examples that are more Methods?
Charles: What I did was cross
them out in the User Need section and move them into the
Methods section of the Outline.
... It's relative -- if it is important to capture them for
understanding, you should use them.
Jan: Right now it doesn't capture
the user need of people with disabilities. People always assume
we are talking about a sports bar.
... People with autism have difficulty processing environmental
noise. I don't know if we need to state that.
Jeanne: I think you should include it. WHen people look at this work it will be helpful to have a more detailed breakdown of cognitive needs. Traditionally in standards work, we have had a detailed breakdown of sensory disability needs, but have kept congitive disability needs as one category, without a breakdown. The more we can breakdown cognitive needs and address them individually in
the functional needs, the better our work will be (in my opinion).
<janina> +1 to better specificity
Janina: I think "fully
understand" would be very difficult to achieve -- particularly
with artistic movies
... I think "effectively understand" would be an improvement
and more achievable.
... Things are effective to a certain degree. They also require
a certain amount of skill and that is not easy to
... people who learned sign language first may find captions
very difficult to achieve
... deafness is socially isolating. That's a difference between
sensory disabilities -- blind is not socially isolating.
<CharlesHall> sorry. I can’t commit to draft any more presently. busy ahead of TPAC.
<CharlesHall> i have to drop off the call now.
<johnkirkwood> have a good one!
Jeanne: Please volunteer for writing a functional need. It saves a lot of time when the hard work is done outside the meeting.
s/that would be addressed in. I am/that would be addressed in Methods. I am
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/@@/ simultaneous contrast/ Succeeded: s/regrets"// Succeeded: s/Is it// For example, some people with tinnitus should not wear headphones./ Succeeded: s/we are approaching it with WCAG 2./we are approaching it with WCAG 2 covers the examples given./ Succeeded: s/they aren't ready to addtess it./they aren't ready to report to the group on it./ FAILED: s/that would be addressed in. I am/that would be addressed in Methods. I am/ WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: CharlesHall, janina, jeanne, bruce_bailey, Makoto, Jan) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ CharlesHall, janina, jeanne, bruce_bailey, Makoto Present: CharlesHall janina jeanne bruce_bailey Makoto johnkirkwood Jan Regrets: Shawn No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: jeanne Inferring Scribes: jeanne Found Date: 03 Sep 2019 People with action items: WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]