IRC log of immersive-web on 2019-09-03

Timestamps are in UTC.

18:44:03 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #immersive-web
18:44:03 [RRSAgent]
logging to
18:44:11 [atsushi]
zakim, clear agenda
18:44:11 [Zakim]
agenda cleared
18:44:24 [atsushi]
date: 2019/Sep/03
18:53:34 [joshmarinacci]
joshmarinacci has joined #immersive-web
18:58:26 [samdrazin]
samdrazin has joined #immersive-web
18:59:26 [Leonard]
Leonard has joined #immersive-web
18:59:41 [cwilso]
19:00:00 [Leonard]
19:00:02 [atsushi]
Meeting: Immersive Web Community Group
19:00:07 [atsushi]
Chair: Trevor F. Smith
19:01:40 [bajones]
bajones has joined #Immersive-Web
19:01:42 [cwilso]
present+ joshmarinacci ada trevor atsushi cabanier
19:01:56 [cwilso]
present+ samdrazin
19:02:12 [bialpio]
bialpio has joined #immersive-web
19:02:15 [blair]
blair has joined #immersive-web
19:03:26 [bajones]
19:05:56 [cwilso]
scribenick: cwilso
19:06:02 [cwilso]
scribe: Chris Wilson
19:06:13 [cwilso]
trevor: agenda items:
19:06:19 [cwilso]
agenda+ change feature champions
19:06:37 [cwilso]
agenda+ possible common library release
19:06:55 [ada]
19:07:17 [cwilso]
trevor: TPAC is coming up - file requests
19:07:38 [atsushi]
email on agenda items at TPAC:
19:07:53 [cwilso]
ada: if you do "/ftf" in an issue, it will add an appropriate tag to request time on any issue at the tpac, across all the immersive-web org repos.
19:08:07 [ada]
It is /facetoface
19:08:15 [cwilso]
19:09:09 [cwilso]
trevor: John Pallett has asked to be relieved as feature champion on the repos he owns - we also have the ar-common repo and performance improvements repo, which are ownerless.
19:09:22 [cwilso]
...wanted to have a quick discussion of feature championing.
19:10:35 [cwilso]
... goals were originally to shepherd conversations along incubation.
19:10:54 [cwilso]
... in this call, we don't necessarily need to sign up or pick feature champions, but I wanted to put it out there.
19:10:54 [trevorfsmith]
Real World Geometry, DOM overlays, Privacy and Security, performance improvements, and ar-common.
19:11:31 [cwilso]
...If you're interested in championing, contact me.
19:11:36 [trevorfsmith]
19:11:42 [trevorfsmith]
ack next
19:12:00 [klausw]
klausw has joined #immersive-web
19:12:41 [cwilso]
mounir: why do we need co-champions for CG incubations? Do we need multiple organizations to support features/repos?
19:13:29 [cwilso]
trevor: we usually don't even get to repo stage without multiple orgs being interested - we get past that in proposals/issues stage.
19:13:44 [cwilso]
19:13:54 [cwilso]
mounir: isn't that different from WICG, etc?
19:14:28 [johnpallett]
johnpallett has joined #immersive-web
19:14:33 [cwilso]
brandon: we've been using this process thus far and seems to be working
19:14:51 [johnpallett]
q+ to confirm that Piotr and Klaus can pick up the repos where I am feature owner while this is discussed
19:15:26 [cwilso]
mounir: but so far the repos so far have one champion. Is this a new requirement that repos have co-champions?
19:15:52 [trevorfsmith]
ack next
19:16:13 [ada]
scribenixk: ada
19:16:14 [cwilso]
trevor: no; we've been less stringent in the past, as we've been focused on VR complete
19:16:54 [ada]
chris: the wicg process is there is a bar to get a repo which is what we have here. THe bar is more than one org has to say this is interesting to explore. We odn't do it for single vendors.
19:17:09 [ada]
... this is a gate to stop it being a dumping ground from single orgs
19:17:43 [atsushi]
s/scribenixk: ada/scribenick: cwilso/
19:17:52 [atsushi]
i/chris: the wicg process is there/scribenick: ada/
19:18:05 [atsushi]
rrsagent, please draft minutes
19:18:05 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate atsushi
19:18:10 [ada]
... I think that we didn't start out as need multiple champions need interest from multiple people.
19:18:16 [atsushi]
rrsagent, please make log public
19:18:29 [trevorfsmith]
ack next
19:18:30 [Zakim]
johnpallett, you wanted to confirm that Piotr and Klaus can pick up the repos where I am feature owner while this is discussed
19:18:33 [atsushi]
(sorry to cut in on irc)
19:18:34 [cwilso]
scribenick: cwilso
19:18:56 [NellWaliczek]
present +
19:19:09 [atsushi]
19:20:16 [cwilso]
johnpallett: As feature owners in this space, Piotr and Klaus can step in on the RWG and privacy repos
19:20:30 [atsushi]
i/trevor: TPAC is coming up/Topic: Discussion of TPAC session topics/
19:20:33 [cwilso]
trevor: yep. Taking opportunity to see if anyone else is interested
19:21:03 [cwilso]
mounir: all those repos have cross-org support. Why do we need to add more process?
19:21:13 [cwilso]
trevor: what process do you think we're adding?
19:21:17 [atsushi]
i/trevor: John Pallett has asked/topic: change feature champions/
19:21:21 [atsushi]
rrsagent, please draft minutes
19:21:21 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate atsushi
19:21:47 [cwilso]
19:22:00 [blair]
19:22:00 [cwilso]
mounir: needing multiple owners?
19:22:17 [atsushi]
s/(sorry to cut in on irc)//
19:22:47 [cwilso]
19:23:07 [blair]
19:23:11 [cwilso]
trevor: the co-champion isn't an editor role; it's not signing up to be editors
19:23:12 [cwilso]
19:24:11 [cwilso]
trevor: the goal is to have multiple orgs who support an incubation.
19:24:26 [trevorfsmith]
ack next
19:24:29 [ada]
scribenick: ada
19:24:39 [blair]
19:25:10 [ada]
chris: i think there are 2 interesting things the wicg doesn't have well defined out flow for specs. We started seeing somethings be worked on, on their own but not go anywhere.
19:25:40 [ada]
... Our incubations need to go somewhere so there needs to be more buy in since there are more people that care about this specific area.
19:26:23 [ada]
... One of the challenges is that we haven't clearly defined what working in an incubation means. We odn't have a single editor check anything in. In the wicg there are often single people working on a repo.
19:26:23 [blair]
19:26:53 [cwilso]
mounir: most browsers don't ship unless there is cross-browser interest.
19:27:27 [ada]
Mounir: This seems to heavy wait, the media APIs were largely done by Google but then were given thumbs up from Mozilla.
19:27:57 [ada]
trevorfsmith: THe champions aren't editors they are just in charge of making sure that feature is rolling forward and that the people who are interested stay interested.
19:28:15 [ada]
Mounir: seems what the editor & chair should do
19:28:29 [cwilso]
19:28:36 [ada]
trevorfsmith: we have a dozen repos it's too much work the champions are to spread the work around.
19:28:48 [cwilso]
19:28:54 [cwilso]
scribenick: cwilso
19:29:01 [ada]
trevorfsmith: your opinion is heard, may we move on?
19:29:30 [cwilso]
trevor: so, there are a couple of Googlers who are signing up for a few, a couple others expressed interest, I'll dig in. Contact me if you're interested.
19:29:51 [cwilso]
...I'll have the conversation with the LT
19:30:18 [cwilso]
zakim, agenda?
19:30:18 [Zakim]
I see 2 items remaining on the agenda:
19:30:19 [Zakim]
1. change feature champions [from cwilso]
19:30:19 [Zakim]
2. possible common library release [from cwilso]
19:30:29 [cwilso]
zakim, close agendum 1
19:30:29 [Zakim]
agendum 1, change feature champions, closed
19:30:30 [Zakim]
I see 1 item remaining on the agenda:
19:30:30 [Zakim]
2. possible common library release [from cwilso]
19:30:34 [cwilso]
zakim, take up agendum 2
19:30:34 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "possible common library release" taken up [from cwilso]
19:31:13 [atsushi]
rrsagent, please draft minutes
19:31:13 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate atsushi
19:31:38 [cwilso]
trevor: looking at the layer up from XR, we have a need ot map low-level input into high level actions.
19:31:49 [atsushi]
s/scribenick: cwilso/scribenick: ada/
19:31:57 [atsushi]
i/trevor: so, there are a/scribenick: cwilso/
19:32:27 [cwilso]
... so many different ways to do that, might be nice to have a standardized way to do teleport, etc.
19:32:36 [alexturn]
alexturn has joined #immersive-web
19:32:36 [cwilso] there interest in a coordinated effort to do this?
19:32:47 [klausw]
q+ to say unrelated, is someone keeping an eye on current flooding in Fukuoka and possible impact on TPAC?
19:32:48 [NellWaliczek]
19:32:49 [bajones]
19:32:53 [alexturn]
19:32:57 [alexturn]
19:33:09 [trevorfsmith]
ack next
19:33:10 [Zakim]
klausw, you wanted to say unrelated, is someone keeping an eye on current flooding in Fukuoka and possible impact on TPAC?
19:33:10 [Zakim]
19:33:48 [trevorfsmith]
ack next
19:34:43 [cwilso]
Nell: in web-xr-input-profiles repo, I merged a pull request that made this a mono repo with multiple packages. I have another pr to go up, prob. Thursday that will split this even more.
19:35:04 [cwilso] well as separate packages for separate package description bits, etc.
19:35:17 [bajones]
19:36:10 [cwilso]
...probably need to get a little further along to know where better generalization can happen
19:36:32 [cwilso]
... probably not in the same repo, but we can discuss post-next-pr.
19:37:45 [trevorfsmith]
ack next
19:38:14 [cwilso]
alex: one key benefit from the input profiles library being common, with a CDN, is that we can have forward compatibility.
19:38:56 [cwilso]
... even if an app doesn't update in future, it might update the data for touchpad mapping, data models, etc. That might then be sufficient for an event mapping library on top to cover forward compat.
19:40:08 [cwilso]
nell: was a big part of how this was designed, although due to all the flux it's hard to see. It should be easier to evaluate this once the next PR goes up.
19:42:10 [Leonard]
sorry, I need to leave now.
19:42:25 [cwilso]
trevor: AOB?
19:42:30 [ada]
19:42:35 [trevorfsmith]
ack next
19:42:56 [cwilso]
ada: just a reminder, please raise issues for tpac via "/facetoface" on github
19:43:02 [bialpio]
19:43:39 [trevorfsmith]
ack next
19:43:39 [atsushi]
+1 for sooner
19:44:30 [NellWaliczek]
19:44:30 [cwilso]
bialpio: added an issue for the call - would like UAs to be able to not map input sources transiently?
19:44:51 [cwilso]
...does it make sense to add an input source and then remove after the frame?
19:45:04 [cwilso]
trevor: that's a WG topic
19:45:22 [cwilso]
...we do have 15 minutes too
19:45:50 [cwilso]
nell: not everyone who attends the WG call attends the CG call - we should discuss this on the WG.
19:45:58 [cwilso]
... this is a pretty involved topic.
19:46:35 [cwilso]
mounir: requires changes in the core spec, but will go in the hit-test spec.
19:46:52 [trevorfsmith]
ack next
19:46:56 [cwilso]
brandon: there is an issue filed, so we can make progress there before next week.
19:47:18 [atsushi]
rrsagent, please draft minutes
19:47:18 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate atsushi
22:34:27 [Karen]
Karen has joined #immersive-web