IRC log of hydra on 2019-09-03

Timestamps are in UTC.

18:05:00 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #hydra
18:05:00 [RRSAgent]
logging to
18:05:04 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #hydra
18:05:10 [Karol_Szczepanski]
trackbot, start meeting
18:05:13 [Karol_Szczepanski]
Zakim, this is
18:05:14 [Zakim]
got it, Karol_Szczepanski
18:05:18 [Karol_Szczepanski]
Meeting: Hydra W3C Community Group Conference Call
18:05:25 [Karol_Szczepanski]
Chair: Karol Szczepanski
18:05:31 [serialseb]
serialseb has joined #hydra
18:05:46 [Karol_Szczepanski]
18:07:35 [Karol_Szczepanski]
Scribe: Karol_Szczepanski
18:09:31 [Karol_Szczepanski]
present+ t_pluskiewicz
18:09:38 [Karol_Szczepanski]
present+ Karol_Szczepanski
18:09:43 [Karol_Szczepanski]
present+ serialseb
18:13:53 [Karol_Szczepanski]
Topic: Consider extending Hydra to handle non-RDF payloads
18:14:57 [Karol_Szczepanski]
t_pluskiewicz: I had some discussions and the only thing that is needed is the first snipped after the proposed solutions
18:15:13 [Karol_Szczepanski]
18:15:29 [serialseb]
serialseb has joined #hydra
18:16:12 [Karol_Szczepanski]
t_pluskiewicz: #199 replaces range of the hydra:expect with rangeIncludes
18:17:18 [Karol_Szczepanski]
Karol_Szczepanski: will be there any harm in having both range and rangeIncludes?
18:19:21 [Karol_Szczepanski]
t_pluskiewicz: whatever will be there, will be considered hydra:Class
18:19:27 [Karol_Szczepanski]
Karol_Szczepanski: this is a breaking change
18:19:57 [Karol_Szczepanski]
Karol_Szczepanski: I've suggested replacing a hydra:Class with hydra:Resource leaving range predicate
18:22:01 [Karol_Szczepanski]
18:23:48 [Karol_Szczepanski]
t_pluskiewicz: what about having both, range of hydra:Resource and rangeIncludes with more hints
18:25:25 [Karol_Szczepanski]
serialseb: I'm thinking about a generic browser console, when browsing, how will it work?
18:26:17 [Karol_Szczepanski]
t_pluskiewicz: a completely generic browser is ultimately an excercise gowing towards utopia
18:26:41 [Karol_Szczepanski]
t_pluskiewicz: generic client should support at least those of the rangeIncludes values provided in the spec
18:28:50 [Karol_Szczepanski]
serialseb: I may accept an event but that specific server will accept it in turtle format
18:34:07 [Karol_Szczepanski]
serialseb: I think content negitiation shoulld be a topic for another call/spec modifications
18:36:32 [Karol_Szczepanski]
serialseb: I think operation expectation and what can be actually sent may be somehow different
18:38:28 [Karol_Szczepanski]
ACTION: Karol_Szczepanski will create a PR with range of the hydra:expect downgrade to hydra:Resource and introduce rangeIncludes with hydra:Class
18:45:21 [Karol_Szczepanski]
t_pluskiewicz: we shall start thinking aobut an esxtension which will come with those features missing
18:45:49 [Karol_Szczepanski]
Karol_Szczepanski: I'm worried that this will end up with a core vocabulary unusable and several extensions that won't fit to each other
18:47:08 [Karol_Szczepanski]
ACTION: serialseb will provide raw use case scenarios of what may be needed regarding non-RDF payloads and content negotiation
18:47:59 [t_pluskiewicz]
TemplatedLink cannot formally have supportedOperation
18:48:04 [t_pluskiewicz]
18:48:06 [Karol_Szczepanski]
Topic: Return to recently discussed PRs
18:48:46 [Karol_Szczepanski]
ACTION: Karol_Szczepanski will take care of #197
18:49:48 [Karol_Szczepanski]
Topic: Discuss PRs in Example API repository
18:50:42 [t_pluskiewicz]
18:54:31 [Karol_Szczepanski]
t_pluskiewicz: I've sidestepped the issue as type entailing is quite complicated when you go deeper
18:54:53 [Karol_Szczepanski]
Karol_Szczepanski: indeed; what Heracles.ts does not is a simple range/domain entailing and possibly I own't go any deeper
19:02:17 [Karol_Szczepanski]
rrsagent, please publish the minutes
19:02:17 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Karol_Szczepanski
19:02:25 [Karol_Szczepanski]
rrsagent, please make these logs world-visible
19:02:29 [Karol_Szczepanski]
rrsagent, bye
19:02:29 [RRSAgent]
I see 3 open action items saved in :
19:02:29 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Karol_Szczepanski will create a PR with range of the hydra:expect downgrade to hydra:Resource and introduce rangeIncludes with hydra:Class [1]
19:02:29 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:02:29 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: serialseb will provide raw use case scenarios of what may be needed regarding non-RDF payloads and content negotiation [2]
19:02:29 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:02:29 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Karol_Szczepanski will take care of #197 [3]
19:02:29 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
19:02:37 [Karol_Szczepanski]
zakim, bye
19:02:37 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees have been t_pluskiewicz, Karol_Szczepanski, serialseb
19:02:37 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #hydra