IRC log of dpvcg on 2019-09-03

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:00:17 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #dpvcg
14:00:17 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:00:30 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #dpvcg
14:00:59 [axelpolleres]
14:01:46 [axelpolleres]
14:02:17 [elmar]
elmar has joined #dpvcg
14:02:51 [axelpolleres]
present: elmar, harsh, bud
14:03:03 [axelpolleres]
present: fajar
14:04:24 [axelpolleres]
James, are you new in the group?
14:04:35 [Fajar]
Fajar has joined #dpvcg
14:04:42 [axelpolleres]
if so, do you know how to join the call?
14:05:09 [axelpolleres]
14:05:35 [harsh]
scribe: harsh
14:05:41 [axelpolleres]
scribe: harsh
14:06:44 [Bud]
Bud has joined #dpvcg
14:07:02 [harsh]
axelpolleres: last calls was scheduled for 6th Aug, but no one attended, so there were no minutes recorded
14:08:25 [harsh]
Last meeting call was 18th June
14:08:46 [axelpolleres]
PROPOSED: approve minutes from
14:08:50 [harsh]
14:08:56 [Bud_]
Bud_ has joined #dpvcg
14:09:01 [axelpolleres]
14:09:14 [axelpolleres]
all other questions prior to publication have been resolved per email.
14:09:34 [axelpolleres]
RESOLVED: approve minutes from
14:10:14 [axelpolleres]
topic: how to proceed to the next version of the spec?
14:10:38 [harsh]
axelpolleres: progress so far - we advertised the spec via mailing lists, events, etc.
14:10:49 [axelpolleres]
did we send the spec for feedback to the mydata last?
14:10:59 [harsh]
elmar: (going to My Data)
14:11:09 [axelpolleres]
ACTION: elmar to advertise DPVCG at mydata and send it to the mydata global list.
14:11:09 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-123 - Advertise dpvcg at mydata and send it to the mydata global list. [on Elmar Kiesling - due 2019-09-10].
14:11:50 [harsh]
elmar: My Data is 25-27 September in Helsinki
14:13:43 [harsh]
elmar: (discussion sessions in My Data and which would be suitable for presenting DPV)
14:15:22 [axelpolleres]
Elmar: involved in Mydata in two sessions. will contact Sille and others from Mydata.
14:15:23 [elmar]
harsh has some slides on the vocabulary that he can share
14:15:30 [harsh]
axelpolleres: can we reuse slides for ODBASE ?
14:16:12 [elmar]
elmar to Look for an open space in the myData program to advertise the vocabulary
14:16:16 [axelpolleres]
axel: maybe check whether they have an openspace agein?
14:16:25 [elmar]
ACTION: elmar to Look for an open space in the myData program to advertise the vocabulary
14:16:25 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-124 - Look for an open space in the mydata program to advertise the vocabulary [on Elmar Kiesling - due 2019-09-10].
14:16:36 [harsh]
fajar: we can also present something at SEMANTiCS
14:16:41 [axelpolleres]
Harsh and Fajar will be going to SEMANTiCS...
14:16:49 [harsh]
axelpolleres: who is going? (ans: Sabrina, Fajar, Harsh)
14:18:18 [axelpolleres]
ACTION: Harsh/Fajar to advertise at SEMANTiCS.
14:18:18 [trackbot]
Error finding 'Harsh/Fajar'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
14:18:41 [elmar]
ACTION: fajar to advertise at SEMANTiCS.
14:18:41 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-125 - Advertise at semantics. [on Fajar Ekaputra - due 2019-09-10].
14:19:21 [axelpolleres]
any other channels?
14:19:42 [harsh]
fajar: semantic web mailing list? (axel already announced it, not much response)
14:19:54 [axelpolleres]
Axel snet an [ANN] mail to w3c sw-list
14:20:10 [axelpolleres]
another mail would only make sense on the next version.
14:20:25 [axelpolleres]
Bert, are you there?
14:20:27 [elmar]
14:21:06 [harsh]
elmar: update details on homepage
14:21:10 [axelpolleres]
ACTION: Axel ask bert to update the CGWebpage to advertise the drafts more prominently.
14:21:11 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-126 - Ask bert to update the cgwebpage to advertise the drafts more prominently. [on Axel Polleres - due 2019-09-10].
14:21:51 [harsh]
axelpolleres: should we get back to regular meeting calls on biweekly schedule?
14:22:11 [Bert]
Hi axelpolleres. Yes, I'm here, but I need to finish some important work. :-( Sorry, should have sent some email.
14:22:22 [axelpolleres]
PROPOSED: get back to usual biweekly telco schedule until end of the year, or until we're finished, what happens earlier.
14:22:25 [harsh]
14:22:29 [axelpolleres]
14:22:34 [harsh]
(everyeone agrees on call)
14:22:35 [Fajar]
14:22:38 [elmar]
14:22:44 [axelpolleres]
RESOLVED: get back to usual biweekly telco schedule until end of the year, or until we're finished, what happens earlier.
14:23:04 [axelpolleres]
--> this means we stick for now with Tue 16:00 central Europe time...
14:23:58 [axelpolleres]
harsh: none of the feedback has been incorporated yet.
14:24:03 [axelpolleres]
axel: what do we have?
14:24:18 [harsh]
1) Martin's reviews on the paper, which can be incorporated into the spec
14:24:28 [axelpolleres]
- martin's review on the paper/spec
14:24:55 [harsh]
2) diff between paper and text in spec to see what has changed, and update accordingly
14:25:07 [axelpolleres]
- paragraph additional text from the paper at ODBASE that might also help the spec
14:26:25 [harsh]
We also had this feedback regarding correcting datatypes in spec -
14:26:55 [axelpolleres]
ACTION: Axel to ask simon steyskal are your comments still open on the spec
14:26:56 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-127 - Ask simon steyskal are your comments still open on the spec [on Axel Polleres - due 2019-09-10].
14:26:59 [harsh]
axelpolleres: we also had some comments from Simon in July
14:27:48 [harsh]
fajar: keep an online list to collect all inputs to see whether they have been addressed
14:27:55 [axelpolleres]
ACTION: fajar, will try to recollect all the inputs and (not-)addressed issues in the spec.
14:27:55 [trackbot]
Error finding 'fajar,'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
14:28:10 [elmar]
ACTION: fajar will try to recollect all the inputs and (not-)addressed issues in the spec.
14:28:11 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-128 - Will try to recollect all the inputs and (not-)addressed issues in the spec. [on Fajar Ekaputra - due 2019-09-10].
14:28:45 [axelpolleres]
Axel: use the issues tracker on W3C.
14:28:46 [harsh]
axelpolleres: for each set of open comments or feedback, we should create an issue and track progress using that (W3C tracker)
14:28:48 [elmar]
Should still use the issue tracker, but the Google Sheet would provide an overview
14:30:52 [axelpolleres]
fajar will prepare the open things in a way that we can discuss them and discuss it with Harsh at SEMANTiCS... if HArsh and Fajar can send around a list at semantics to send around, we havee another week to have replies coming in on the mailinglist.
14:31:52 [axelpolleres]
optimistically, by 1 but next telco (i.e. in a month) we can vote for resolutions of all open issues.
14:32:31 [axelpolleres]
unless new issues/comments we could then have them incorporated, start internal reviewing mid october
14:33:34 [axelpolleres]
internal reviews by end october in, incorporated/voted to publish by mid Nov?
14:33:40 [harsh]
14:34:08 [Fajar]
14:34:11 [axelpolleres]
goal publish before end November.
14:34:14 [elmar]
14:34:19 [Bud_]
14:35:02 [axelpolleres]
ACTION: Axel to check in the next telcos, whethrer we're on track for that timplan.
14:35:02 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-129 - Check in the next telcos, whethrer we're on track for that timplan. [on Axel Polleres - due 2019-09-10].
14:36:06 [harsh]
axelpolleres: for use-cases and examples, we could use an existing use-case from a project and document dpv application to that
14:36:34 [harsh]
axelpolleres: anyone willing to document one of the SPECIAL use-cases using the DPV?
14:36:52 [harsh]
elmar: anyone still working with the project partners?
14:37:05 [harsh]
bud: is this an use-case that covers everything or only one aspect e.g. legal base
14:37:48 [harsh]
bud: I can work with Eva to have an use-case on a limited scenario
14:38:28 [axelpolleres]
Action: bud to discuss with eva to start a use case document?
14:38:29 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-130 - Discuss with eva to start a use case document? [on Bud P. Bruegger - due 2019-09-10].
14:39:05 [axelpolleres]
would particularly involve picking a use case.
14:40:24 [axelpolleres]
topicc: action list
14:40:29 [axelpolleres]
14:40:45 [axelpolleres]
14:40:45 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-116.
14:40:50 [axelpolleres]
14:40:50 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-118.
14:40:52 [axelpolleres]
14:40:52 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-119.
14:41:23 [Fajar]
Link to the compiled issues:
14:41:37 [Bud]
Bud has joined #dpvcg
14:42:20 [harsh]
harsh: to talk to Mark about ACTION-87 and ACTION-114 regarding relevance, progress, or whether they should be closed
14:42:39 [axelpolleres]
Axel: Ithink ACTION-114 and ACTION-87 were referring to Mark's reservation on relying to NACE alone in the spec. HE should be asked whether he wants to further address that before we close them.
14:43:25 [axelpolleres]
close ACTION-81
14:43:25 [trackbot]
Closed ACTION-81.
14:44:10 [harsh]
ACTION-36 to leave open until close of ACTION-130 as it relates to use-case
14:44:19 [axelpolleres]
leave open closing of ACTION-36 until closing of ACTION-130
14:44:29 [axelpolleres]
ACTION-36: leave open closing of ACTION-36 until closing of ACTION-130
14:44:29 [trackbot]
Notes added to ACTION-36 Add points 1.-6. from to
14:45:16 [harsh]
ACTION-87: talk to Mark about regarding relevance, progress, or whether they should be closed
14:45:16 [trackbot]
Notes added to ACTION-87 Make a proposal alternatively use gics instead of nace..
14:45:28 [harsh]
ACTION-114: talk to Mark about regarding relevance, progress, or whether they should be closed
14:45:28 [trackbot]
Notes added to ACTION-114 Make a concrete proposal along specification of data controller categories by sector in the spec..
14:45:35 [axelpolleres]
ACTION-11: Axel will close it after having talked to Simon.
14:45:35 [trackbot]
Notes added to ACTION-11 Reach out to industrial data spaces project (germany) and another austrian big data project (dma)..
14:46:00 [axelpolleres]
topic: AOB
14:47:25 [harsh]
nothing else (on call)
14:47:37 [axelpolleres]
adjourned and talk in two weeks ... seems you couldn't hear me anymore, I can hear you
14:47:43 [axelpolleres]
14:47:56 [axelpolleres]
rrsagent, make logs worls visible
14:48:08 [axelpolleres]
rrsagent, make logs world visible
14:48:22 [axelpolleres]
rrsagent, draft public minutes
14:48:22 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft public minutes', axelpolleres. Try /msg RRSAgent help
14:48:40 [harsh]
rrsagent, publish minutes
14:48:40 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate harsh
14:49:15 [axelpolleres]
hehe, I always keep on forgetting the command ;-)
14:49:55 [harsh]
I googled it ;)
16:08:43 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #dpvcg