Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

29 Aug 2019


See also: IRC log


Cyril, Nigel, Gary, Glenn, Andreas, Pierre, atsushi
Cyril, nigel


this meeting

<atsushi> (will join after i18n WG call ends, sorry)

<cyril> scribe: Cyril

nigel: today I did not put any Webvtt topic
... do you need anything?

gkatsev: no

nigel: I pulled out 1 dusty IMSC issue
... I don't know if we can get anything on the charter
... TPAC planning, we should spend at least 10min at the end because it's coming up quickly
... is there any AOB?

atai2: I would like to give an update on the 360 activity

glenn: I added an agenda label on some TTML2 issues
... issue 950 and PR 1137

support for font in IMSC

<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/imsc/pull/485

nigel: this PR was opened 22 days ago
... there was some comment on it
... there was a comment about choosing the compatibility with font
... the reference to 14496-22

pal: the reason I referenced 14496-22
... is because in an IMF forum this the reference that has been suggested
... this is a reference to Open Type
... that's the first that came to mind
... because that's what's used in existing applications of IMSC
... when downloadable fonts are used

glenn: I don't like refering to a content type format specification directly
... we should be referring to MIME media type values
... and refer to the definitions, like font/off
... I would like to see it changed
... rather than referring to the ISO specification

pal: I'm comfortable with that
... I want to use font/otf

glenn: fine for me

nigel: Open Type fonts can be wrapped into WOFF
... is it the intention that WOFF or WOFF2 are not permitted?

pal: on practical experience, font/otf will work
... people have been using it
... so mandating support for it is not an issue
... there are some politics/drama about WOFF
... I don't know what it means exactly

<nigel> CSS font-face src descriptor

pal: but I'm uncomfortable with adding WOFF

glenn: WOFF can take multiple types of fonts than OTF
... you would have to restrict WOFF
... I think I agree with Pierre on this

nigel: the font-face src property lists many types of possible font faces
... CSS would allow other options that are being prevented here
... including SVG fonts
... which is interesting for the use case that we are trying to support (icons)

cyril: I'm not sure there is widespread support for SVG fonts

glenn: agree with Cyril
... unless there is a strong support for a given font format it is fine to limit it to OTF for now
... we can add more later

pal: until there is concrete explanation of why WOFF is necessary, I suggest sticking with OTF for now

nigel: so the proposal is to adopt initially only OTF
... do we have consensus?

cyril: I agree

nigel: no objection

RESOLUTION: IMSC font support will initially only support OTF

cyril: I would like to make sure that we have the right restrictions on the different elements and attributes

nigel: there are similar comments in the issue
... about how the font element sources are defined and there seems to be a bit of ambiguity
... is it ok to have no sources for the font element or more than one
... my reading was that you needed 1 and may have more than one
... glenn suggested to have an src attribute

pal: the reason I went the children way was to enable alternatives
... it wasn't clear to me that you could use multiple font elements

glenn: you cannot have multiple font elements with the same family name

pal: that's my guess but it was not clear in the spec

glenn: the font family attribute can be a list of font family

cyril: exactly

pal: you could have different font elements, each with an src attribute, and call them font1, font2, font3 and use these values in the fontstyle attribute
... I did consider that but thought it wasn't clear
... that's why I ended up where we are

nigel: I agree that the most elegant way to have alternative is to use multiple source elements
... but having zero elements does not make sense

pal: I agree
... my proposal is to say that TTML2 requires one source element to be present if the src attribute is not specified

<inserted> nigel: that works for me, thank you, and a note in the IMSC spec pointing out that at least one is required would help.

cyril: what is the use case for specifying alternatives?

pal: if one source is broken, you have a choice for another one
... or a backup online vs embedded in the multiplex

glenn: also switching between different types

cyril: I would hate to have 2 ways to do the same thing

nigel: it's not clear that the fall back algorithms are the same for alternate sources vs alternate fontFamily

glenn: using the range attribute you may have multiple fonts

cyril: I'd like to keep it simple for the simple use case

pal: the basic use case is a font element 2 children, one for the multiplex and one for the online version, no glyph subset, etc.

cyril: not even sure that this is the basic use case for Netflix, it could be even simpler
... I'm not saying the Netflix use case should be the only use case

glenn: we don't have enough information about the use cases but we need an initial proposal

nigel: the main question is do we allow a single source (with src attribute) or multiple sources (children and no src)
... at the moment we don't support multiple formats
... but supporting multiple source elements seems future looking

pal: I did not want to have support for src attribute and source elements

cyril: what about data?

pal: the term external resource excludes using data

glenn: external means not in the document

pal: right, so no data

cyril: I'm confused with "Partially supported via <code>#embedded-data</code>"

nigel: I made a similar comment in the thread
... and made some suggestion

TTML2 issues

Add #direction-version-2 feature designator. w3c/ttml2#1024

<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/1024

nigel: this PR covers special inheritance semantics
... adding direction to p is not a change as this was in TTML1
... Pierre do you think the new feature designator is not needed

pal: I don't think we need a new designator, because it was clear in XSL before
... to the extent that you have to look at XSL, and it is unambiguous

cyril: are you saying this behavior applies to TTML1 already?

pal: I think so and I think IMSC.js supports that

<nigel> XSL definition

nigel: I can see your point Pierre
... you might argue that TTML2 might benefit from a note about that
... the XSL specification says it is a modification compared to the CSS specification

glenn: in TTML1, it says that it is based on XSL 1.1

pal: IMSC.js code mentions XSL
... so this was already specified in TTML1

<nigel> CSS 3 Writing Modes section on Principal Writing Mode.

glenn: so it would be useful to add a note, saying it's not new and closing this issue

<nigel> +1

nigel: I agree

Constrain maximum value of @length on data element. ttml2#1023

<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/1023

glenn: the only place where it might be useful to have a constraint is when you have base64 data
... you could have an infinitely long document
... so I was proposing to limit that to 4GB

cyril: Isn't this an application-level constraint

nigel: yes

glenn: application can do that so probably no need to put a constraint in the spec
... there is a difference in code
... if you are writing a validator, you cannot use a 32 bit integer for the size

nigel: I propose to close the issue with no change
... any objection

RESOLUTION: we close issue 1023 with no change


nigel: there is a proposed time at 9:30 am to have a joint meeting with CSS
... I've requested a meeting with the Chinese IG
... but had no response yet

<atsushi> +1

nigel: if you have an issue with that 9:30 time, send me a message otherwise I'll reply that we agree
... the wiki page has had some updates with topics
... we need to look at the schedule
... the week before TPAC I'll be travelling
... so next week is the last time when we could discuss this

cyril: should we have a 2h meeting next week

nigel: yes

pal: I'll be available only for 2nd hour

nigel: anything else on TPAC?

pal: I've changed my schedule and will be attending the IG from Monday

360 subtitles

atai2: I've drafted an explainer for this activity with requirements
... sent it to the incubator
... will be discussed on monday at TPAC

nigel: if this is not on the wiki page of TPAC, please add it

TTML2 issue 950

glenn: my only point is that I added one more comment

<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/950

glenn: we cannot remove the set element, my explanation is there
... I verified that the algorithm needs it

Constrain ttp:profile's @use attribute (#1029). ttml2#1137

<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/pull/1137

glenn: the PR has been opened for 27 days, I need a review


pal: I ran into a problem in practice and wanted to know if people had it
... in Digital Cinema subs, you can do manual kerning at the markup level, specifying positive/negative spacing

glenn: letter spacing can be used for that, including negative

pal: is there a reason to do that in the markup vs in the font?
... I've seen fonts with no embedded kerning at all

glenn: many CJK fonts have fixed width for all glyphs and no kerning
... it's not unusual
... if it's an open type font you can use a gpos table
... to fine tune the position based on context
... it can be done in the fonts
... TTPE supports gpos and gsub

pal: that's my understanding
... is there any reason why someone would not want to do it at the font level?

glenn: lack of access to changing the font, IPR reasons for example

pal: the font that I saw was a subset so the font had been modified, so the IPR argument does not hold

nigel: glenn said you can put a single character in a span and apply letter spacing, where would the spacing apply: before or after?

glenn: you'd have to put it around a pair of characters
... with some limitation that you cannot overlap the markup

meeting close

<nigel> scribe: nigel

Nigel: Thanks everyone, we're over time, so I'll adjourn now. Thank you Cyril for scribing. 2 hour meeting next week so we'll begin an hour earlier. [adjourns meeting]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. IMSC font support will initially only support OTF
  2. we close issue 1023 with no change
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/08/29 16:32:40 $