Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

15 Aug 2019


See also: IRC log


Cyril, Glenn, Nigel, Pierre
Andreas, Atsushi, Gary


<nigel> Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/55

This meeting

nigel: we are very few
... I pull out a couple of substantive issues for TTML2
... Test work
... TTML Live extension module draft got pushed a couple of days ago
... AOB: Charter update
... any AOB?

TTML2 issues

Add a syntactic shortcut for an implied audio element. ttml2#1013

<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/1013

nigel: I assume Glenn that there is nothing to do except implement it editorially

glenn: I marked it substantive because ...
... it's asking for a default behavior that is not currently the case

nigel: it's implemented in one place at least as requested
... but the spec change is probably substantive, I agree

glenn: you're asking that if no src is present, it default to speech
... ,. and even if there is no audio

nigel: when speak is used

glenn: you could have a top level body element with an audio child

nigel: if you add in an audio element referring to the speech at the body level, you can't independently control the gain of the audio programme down in the hierarchy
... that's a common use case, duck the programme audio but not the speech
... you need to bring the speech synthesis further in the document tree
... but it becomes very verbose

glenn: if you wanted to alter the gain on a leaf span, with speak=normal
... could you not put gain on that span and it would control the gain of what got contributed and picked up at the high level

nigel: no it would control the gain of everything mixed in
... not the differential gain

glenn: I think to study it more and start implementing a PR
... I agree that right now it's not concretely defined
... given the minimum implementations out there, if you have one implementation that does that, it is probably the right way to go

nigel: we may have tests for that

glenn: you contributed those audio tests

nigel: yes
... I'll check

<nigel> ttml2-tests/presentation/valid/ttml2-prstn-audio-speak-on-span.xml test

nigel: this one does not contain audio
... and that test passed in our implementation, it did speak it
... the test matches what I'm asking to be specified now

glenn: I'll add that to my work list

Constrain use of @type on data element for reference data embeddings. ttml2#1022

<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/1022

nigel: raised by Glenn initially, edited by me
... I thought this was merged

glenn: I'm not sure if the constraint on the use of type has been
... it may be that there is no further action
... I need to check
... I'll post a PR
... if needed

nigel: can you add details in the issue about what was merged already

glenn: yes

TTML1 tests

nigel: there was an issue 1, to add a readme and populate the repo
... glenn suggested to add TTV tests
... in the context that these tests are not CR tests
... glenn did and you cannot identify their source
... there is a comment regarding pending tests waiting approval
... there are lots of validation and presentation tests, a script as well

glenn: basically, I used the same structure that we have in the TTML2 test repository
... I tweaked the readme file a bit
... but it's the same structure and convention
... the tests themselves don't identify the source
... use the appropriate license
... the next thing I need to do is take that test from IMSC on region timing test
... and put that in using the same conventions
... it's on my list
... I want to review the original test suite
... to make sure that these tests include the same content
... since we did not have validation test concept in TTML1 initially
... there are about 300 tests that I added, coming from TTV and TTPE

nigel: I agree we need to check that the TTML1 CR initial tests are in
... we have a bunch of IMSC tests and they are a subset of the TTML1 tests
... perhaps we should point to them too

glenn: the IMSC test suite exist independently
... it focuses on IMSC features that are new
... as well as on the constraints model that IMSC puts in place
... we could incorporate some tests from there with minor massaging
... there is probably some redundancy that is not harmful
... we'd have to look at the IMSC tests on a case by case basis
... to make sure that there is nothing that would be problematic for TTML1 processors
... in theory they should not be
... moving forward we can incrementally add new tests

nigel: any other question?

TTML Live Extensions Module

<nigel> TTML Live Extensions Module README

nigel: I have pushed (after Cyril's approval to get past the branch protection) 3 documents
... we can use them as a basis to raise issues
... I have some editor's notes to make changes in the guide
... the TTML live extension module is done, pending comments
... also the TTML live carriage over websocket
... the one that does need some work is the guide
... this structure of having a guide separate from the main spec
... is based on the request from the group to pare down the specification only to the normative parts
... I'm interested if more needs to be pruned out or more added
... we can shift content between documents
... I plan to bring examples from the EBU document into the guide
... I'd like to add this to the agenda for TPAC
... so people have about a month to review it

pal: is there a place where one can find a link to all TTML repos
... I'm looking at the wiki, under publications, and can't find it

<nigel> TTWG Home page including repos

nigel: the home page contains all the repos
... I need to add the Karaoke, the Live module, ...

pal: it'd be good to have all the modules on which we are working

<glenn> try https://github.com/search?q=org%3Aw3c+tt&unscoped_q=tt etc

<nigel> Action on Nigel to add new repos to the home page

nigel: in terms of details regarding the live extension, I created the new features for the live extensions in the TTML features namespace
... I didn't do in the EBU namespace or some other namespace
... I just use the feature namespace directly

cyril: I did the same in the karaoke module

glenn: so there is the definition of the underlying features (element types, attribute types) and you used the existing namespaces for that?

nigel: I was talking about the feature designation

glenn: you put that in the standard features namespace not the extension namespace

nigel: right

glenn: and about the underlying features?

nigel: I kept them in the source EBU namespaces
... there are only attributes, no new elements

glenn: that might be a problem
... to put the feature designation in the standard namespace while using non-TTML namespaces for the underlying features

nigel: I did not think it would be a problem, but please review and explain why it would be a problem

pal: EBU is giving up the control of those elements?

nigel: yes, for this work

pal: it'd be good to have confirmation for that

nigel: not everything in EBU namespaces would move under W3C's control

glenn: if you propose to include underlying features defined under EBU controlled namespaces, it makes me uncomfortable

nigel: anything under these specifications is being contributed by EBU
... no doubt in my mind
... if we need to extend in the future, we might want to add it in the same namespace, but EBU might not be happy with that
... is that the problem?

pal: I'm not sure I see a scenario where we need to use names for other things that those that were transferred
... extensions will be in W3C namespaces
... I don't see a risk
... but we need a formal communication from EBU explicitly saying we transfer control of these elements/attributes/features

nigel: I agree
... to glenn's point, I feel that the namespace of the feature designator can be separate from the namespace of the referenced vocabulary

glenn: one thing that would make me more comfortable is if you used the extensions namespace instead of the features namespace

nigel: that's not the point of how we do modules

glenn: [explaining extension catalog]
... I don't have a definitive comment to make right now
... need to review carefully

nigel: exactly

glenn: can you include in your explainer the rationale for using the TTML namespaces

<inserted> for _not_ using the TTML namespaces for the vocabulary

nigel: to preserve existing implementation

glenn: also add the rationale for using the features namespace and not the extensions one

nigel: because we are defining the module

pal: on that point, that's for me interop standpoint
... there would be no downside in having it in the extensions namespace

nigel: I can't think of a problem

pal: there is a features and extensions bucket

nigel: I consider them separate by namespace only, no difference
... anyway, my main point was to highlight the fact that the specs were here for people to review before TPAC

Charter status update

<nigel> Proposed Charter (diff)

nigel: the thing to note is that the new TTWG charter as been put for AC review
... please encourage your AC rep to look through that and provide feedback and vote
... do look at the details of it
... it has been tweaked

pal: can you summarize them?

nigel: the coordination and review bits
... there was a discussion about readopting the template text

pal: I'll do a manual diff

nigel: the one issue that I had was that the template text said that before entering CR you have to do Horizontal Review
... they clarified that by saying "first entering CR". That 3 months means we need to ask for HR on new documents very soon.

pal: if they insist on that, we should do FPWD

nigel: but maybe we can do the HR on ED
... any other question?

TPAC Planning

nigel: we have a wiki page
... I've not seen any edit
... do we want to have a meeting in a call the week after TPAC
... I'll take views, don't have a strong opinion
... any views?

cyril: no objection

nigel: let's cancel the call the week after TPAC

cyril: ok

nigel: next week I'm not available
... if anybody wants to chair let me know
... otherwise it may get cancelled
... ping me in the next 24h
... Gary might be back

pal: my regrets for next week

meeting close

nigel: thanks everybody, adjourned

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/08/15 16:58:57 $