31 Jul 2019



Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Daniel_Peintner, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Kathy_Giori, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Toru_Kawaguchi, Dave_Raggett, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Takahisa_Suzuki, Ryuichi_Matsukura
Sebastian, Kaz


<kaz_> scribenick: sebastian

IG Charter updates

McCool merged some inputs from A. Bird and Wendy

<kaz_> Wendy's comments

<kaz_> Alan's comments

<kaz_> Sebastian's comment

<inserted> scribenick: kaz_

Sebastian: would add eClass to the external org section
... Markus Reigl from Siemens also would like to join the WoT call at some point, e.g., next week

McCool: why don't we let people review it for one week, and discuss it next week?

<inserted> scribenick: kaz

McCool: let's review the IG Charter in general

Sebastian: ok

<inserted> scribenick: sebastian

Sebastian presented the PR https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/846 about OPC UA text updates + introduce eCl@ss as new organization

Markus Reigl would be happy to introduce eCl@ss in this round. we should shedule this after the vecation time

Spec Review feedback

McCool give some feedback about the PING meeting during IETF meeting

PING sees three concerns with WoT: 1) use cases 2) need control of the TDs 3) the ID term in TD

McCool sees less technical concerns more policy aspects

Oliver Pfaff from Siemens will support in the future about security / privacy topics

TF reports

next topic TF reports

<inserted> scribenick: kaz

Sebastian: TD
... talked about namespace issues
... discussion about missing explanation
... how the namespace structure should look like
... relation to the other documents, etc.
... Victor will take care of the issue
... the other issue was merging remaining PRs, etc.
... nothing much for the TD spec itself
... but discussed Binding document and ontology document
... Koster, anything?

Koster: missed last two calls due to other assignment
... don't have any active topics
... should work on vocabulary but it's a long-term topic

McCool: do you want to give some update on SDF and One Data Model next week?

Koster: yes

McCool: (adds "SDF and One Data Model" to the "Future Topics" section of the main call agenda)
... will not be available for a while

Sebastian: maybe need to cancel the upcoming TD calls in August
... will talk with Taki

McCool: Architecture?

<sebastian> architecture on July 25 was canceled

WG Charter discussion


Doodle poll

Kaz: we had some initial discussion on Jul 25. the main topic was WG topics based on Lagally's slides (which is based on Matthias' slides)
... next meeting will be decided based on the doodle poll

McCool: need Lagally for further discussion
... also should move up priority topics

<sebastian> Oracle has introduced new topics that require a group consensus.


McCool: would like to think about online PlugFest/TestFest
... good opportunity for collaborating with others
... also would suggest we consider to join IETF Hackathons
... upcoming IETF106 in Singapore, Nov. 16-17
... note it's quite soon after TPAC
... if Mozilla can't make TPAC in Fukuoka, any possibility for IETF106 Hackathon in Singapore in Nov?

Kathy: some chance
... including Singapore
... ending November 20

McCool: Hackathon will be the beginning of the IETF week (=Nov. 16-17)
... maybe you can check if it would work
... and the next one is IETF107 in Vancouver, March 21-22, 2020
... possibly collocated with our f2f
... in Vancouver somewhere

Kathy: Mozilla has an office in Vancouver

Kaz: also wondering about online PlugFest prior to TPAC 2019 in Fukuoka

Kathy: sounds possible

McCool: we set up VPN for last online PlugFest
... we can find an expert for the setting
... we need to set up the environment quickly for TPAC
... do you know somebody who is good at VPN?

Kathy: not really, but can try OAuth, etc.

McCool: can understand you have a portal
... we can try connection on some allocated day
... some orchestration of WoT and Mozilla

Kathy: can act as access point for the future PlugFest

McCool: actual date for the online PlugFest
... who/what to show up
... what would be the plan?

Kaz: good question
... we need to identify concrete schedule

McCool: based on the scenario discussion (on the PlugFest preparation page)

Kaz: we should start discussion on the concrete schedule including the online PlugFest shortly, e.g., next week

PlugFest preparation page

McCool: there is a table including devices on the PlugFest preparation page above
... added Intel device as well
... Zigbee devices
... you can add Mozilla's devices

Kathy: ok

Kaz: note that Toumura-san has just added a diagram to the PlugFest preparation page above
... he needs to update the diagram with Intel devices, though

McCool: yes
... we can see Mozilla devices as well
... there are scenarios below the table

Kathy: that's great

McCool: there is a dedicated section for Mozilla already
... what kind of orchestration would be possible?
... to show interoperability

Kathy: great
... Samsung/SmartThings work well

Kaz: please add information to the PlugFest preparation page above
... and also please try to join the PlugFest call which occurs after this call usually (no PlugFest call today, though)

McCool: unfortunately, the moderator, Michael Lagally, is not available today, but probably in two weeks, we'll resume the discussion

Upcoming f2f after TPAC?

Sebastian: question on the next meeting?
... should we plan for the upcoming f2f meetings
... in addition to the IETF Hatckathon option

McCool: IETF Hackathon would be easier to handle
... Vancouver is technically in north America

Kaz: we need to think about plan for upcoming f2f meetings as well

McCool: think Singapore is also doable
... Sebastian (and all), if you have other ideas for possible options, please let us know
... possible f2f meeting before March?

Sebastian: don't know but usually we hold f2f meetings every 3-4 months

McCool: would see candidates for our future meetings

TPAC f2f

McCool: can glance possible plans for TPAC f2f

TPAC f2f wiki

McCool: any specific topics for joint discussion?
... also please put your availability/unavailability

Kaz: e.g., I'll be attending the MEIG meeting on Monday

McCool: we can use the topics as the basis of the agenda

(note on dev meetup)

Kaz: note that we (somebody) need to become a dev meetup sponsor if we want to provide demo during dev meetup on Monday
... it's a separate sponsorship from the general TPAC sponsor

McCool: ok
... in any case, I myself will be there

Dev Meetup page

McCool: we need to talk more about the upcoming future f2f planning as well
... aob for today?


Next call?

Kaz: we'll have the main call on Aug 8, and a PlugFest call right after that (probably a short meeting to check the progress quickly)

McCool: a bit tricky but should be ok


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/08/02 08:12:29 $