Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

11 July 2019


Andreas, Atsushi, Gary, Glenn, Nigel, Philippe, Pierre
nigel, plh

Meeting minutes

<nigel> nigel has changed the topic to: TTWG weekly webex. Today 1500 UTC. Agenda for 2019-07-11: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌ttwg/‌issues/‌47

<nigel> Log: https://‌www.w3.org/‌2019/‌07/‌11-tt-irc

This meeting

Nigel: we have some status on WebVTT to cover

Gary: not much progress. let's drop it.

Nigel: an issue on IMSC
… and a PR on TTML2
… and status update on charter
… any other business?

Pierre: there is 1127 on TTML2

Nigel: does it need prep?

Pierre: would be good to start the discussion on how to extend TTML2

Nigel: ok

Pierre: also we need to approve the corrections on IMSC 1.1

Nigel: ok.

Pierre: those were typos in IMSC 1.1

Pierre: the PRs on IMSC 1.2 needs to be backported on IMSC 1.1

Pierre: also TPAC prep

tts:extent, region and the style element imsc#475

Nigel: that's IMSC issue #475

<nigel> github: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌imsc/‌issues/‌475

Nigel: one of them if whether it's ok to include an element style
… and the syntax permitted in the extend attribute
… 2 possible interpretation in the spec

<nigel> §8.4.2 of IMSC 1.1


Glenn: two 2 issues, style element child of region
… and one of the values of extend
… constrained by #extend-region

Nigel: let's settle the most recent one first
… values of the extend attribute
… does anyone disagree that the intent was to disallow auto?

Pierre: looked back at my notes and that was the case

Nigel: are you clear on the editorial change?

Pierre: happy to clarify this in my proposal. it's there already

Glenn: one alternative: ...

Pierre: that proposal doesn't take into account the issue raised my Cyril. to permit referenced styling as well as nested

Glenn: ok. happy to amend my proposal

Pierre: I'll take that into account when generating the PR

Nigel: ok. we prohibit auto and we allow nested style element
… is that true for extend origin?
… we talk about position attributes...
… the problem is the constraint on the element

Pierre: we could interpret it as forbidding referencial and nested style. same thing for position.

Nigel: whether it's style or region doesn't make a difference.

Pierre: if we use the term specified value, we'll want to do the same for origin and position

Pierre: what about default region?
… my proposal addresses it as well

Nigel: I'll review it in the PR

Pierre: in an image profile, there must be a region. a default region can only exist if there is no images
… there is text related to width/height depending on the region element, thus implying there is a region

Nigel: we should adjust to say it's the specified extent of the region element...

Pierre: I'll address it in the PR as well

Nigel: summary: Pierre will create a PR to address all of the points on the issue

corrections for IMSC 1.1

<nigel> github-bot, end topic


Pierre: apply those commits to the IMSC 1 REC

Nigel: first one fix the reference to TTML2. second fixes a bug in a regex.
… second one is informative

Proposal: update the IMSC 1.1 Recommendation with the fixes in https://‌lists.w3.org/‌Archives/‌Public/‌public-tt/‌2019Jun/‌0075.html

Glenn: should we have an errata for those?

Nigel: we do have an errata process

Plh: the changes were minor enough not to require through the errata

Resolved: update the IMSC 1.1 Rec

TTML2 #1101

<nigel> github: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌ttml2/‌pull/‌1101

Nigel: proposal is to move ahead with the changes but with shortening the text in the note

Proposal: make the changes in #1101 with a shorter note reference


Glenn: I'll need someone to approve the PR

Nigel: sure
… was just holding until we have group consensus. will merge as-is.
… will close relevant issues as well

Pierre: I guess we'll close #1100 and part of #1043
… do we want to keep #1043 but narrow the scope to the style properties?
… not all style properties have been taken care of
… so we open a new issue or narrow #1043

Nigel: let's open a new one
… will need some discussion with the CSS WG
… make sure to double check #0143 before closing it and open a new one.

Glenn: ok to close #1043. also we should have 3 separate issues for the style properties
… will be a lot easier
… I would prefer to be the one to create them

Pierre: sure.

Pierre: we should close #1071

Nigel: ok

Pierre: I'll wait for #1100 to be closed and the 3 news ones to be open before closing #1071

Glenn: let's reopen #1089
… I'll merge 1101 and 1089 after the call

Pierre: for bidi, you might want to create one issue instead of 2

Glenn: sure.

Nigel: looking #1127

<nigel> github-bot, end topic

Supporting "not within an EM" at text-combine-upright and tts:textCombine for 縦中横 'tate-chu-yoko' ttml2#1127

<nigel> github: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌ttml2/‌issues/‌1127

Glenn: this started as a question which I answered with the current state. we allow both.
… impls can choose any techniques they want
… we don't give a preference
… the commenter asked for an enhancement
… so it's a request for a new feature
… should be added to TTML3
… comes under our ruby extension module
… but we would be ahead of CSS
… so, couldn't translate into CSS if we do this

Nigel: requirement is for enhancement for japanese subtitles

<nigel> Enhancements for Japanese subtitles

Nigel: we agreed to work with the CSS Working Group on this requirement

Pierre: sounds good.
… I think it's a use case. does anybody think it's not a valid use case?

Glenn: I worked in the print industry in the past, with explicit author control for this type of behaviors
… it's out there in the industry
… content creators would think they should be be able to do the same.
… at the same time, TTMl2 is reasonable
… some impls will go outside the em
… so I'm ok to keep as-is but also ok with enhancing if CSS are ok with it

Pierre: would be good to share your experience
… citing those use cases will be important to help the CSS WG make a decision

Glenn: sure

Glenn: Steve Zilles did research on this in the past and wrote documents about this

Pierre: let's add the data points before communicating with the CSS WG

Glenn: ok

<nigel> SUMMARY: TTWG will look at this in the context of a future Japanese enhancement module for TTML, in consultation with the CSS WG

<nigel> github-bot, end topic

Pierre: can we open an issue on the TTWG repo on those CSS issues?
… we have on text level 4
… #50

Check with CSS WG about Text Level 4

<nigel> Discussion points for CSS WG at TPAC 2019 #52

Nigel: I opened #52

Charter status

plh: Aim to get submission to AC on Wednesday next week. Under review by W3M.
… I sent two pull requests, one going against the views of the group about the charter template.
… The HR wording surprised people, so I thought we should revert.
… I made it as a pull request. I am aware that our strategy team talked about it earlier this week
… so I don't know which wording will be sent for review.
… At the end of the day you guys will have another chance to push back during the AC review.
… Another piece of info - the accessibility people never commented on the Charter even though I didn't ask them.
… They got scared about the danmaku proposal in the Chinese IG charter.
… I told them I believe the new Charter will allow TTWG to work on it without rechartering.
… My position is until we know it is an actual thing for the TTWG we should not list it in the Charter.
… And we don't have a document to link to.

Pierre: A number of us have tried to get more information even privately but have not got any information.

plh: The Chinese IG is working on translating their document into English.
… We want to motivate them to come to TPAC prepared.
… It could also be in the scope of the Media WG because their proposal mentions APIs.
… It is very much up in the air still.

Pierre: I don't see APIs being outside the scope of this group.

Philippe: Current thinking is to have the discussion at TPAC.
… Our Chinese team has been reaching out to the Media WG but it is quite new so it may take a while.
… We should either host a meeting during the TTWG session at TPAC or go to the Media WG room.
… We want the Chinese IG to present their proposal.

Pierre: I will be at TPAC Tuesday through Thursday.

plh: I will try to make sure it happens on Thursday
… I can't offer Wednesday because people don't like reserved spaces during the breakout
… Of course someone could raise it on the Wednesday at the time

Glenn: On APIs we actually had two API draft documents that never went anywhere in TTML2 for defining APIs for
… a TimedTextCue interface based on Text Track Cue, so we did start some work before.

plh: Also for those APIs depending on how much they monkey-patch the HTML algorithm the WHATWG may claim it is
… part of HTML.

Pierre: That could be an end result but we have tried to work so hard to align the work of timed text in this group so
… we should not go backwards, even if we submit a complete proposal to the HTML WG or WHATWG or whatever.

plh: I expect us to make good progress on TPAC but not to affect our Charter.
… Unless you guys tell us otherwise.

Nigel: I don't expect that, because we can't - we don't even know the requirements.

plh: OK. The accessibility guys are excited about it and want to be part of the discussion.

Pierre: We will need to coordinate with Digital Cinema as we have done before because that is widely used in China.

Next meeting

<plh> Nigel: let's defer TPAC prep to next week

Pierre: Thanks everyone. [adjourns meeting]
… PS thank you Philippe for scribing

Summary of resolutions

  1. update the IMSC 1.1 Rec
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by Bert Bos's scribe.perl version Mon Apr 15 13:11:59 2019 UTC, a reimplementation of David Booth's scribe.perl. See history.