<jemma> meeting agenda?
<Jemma_> presnt+ Valerie
<Jemma_> meeting url:https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/Meetings
<jemma__> scribe: spectranaut
<jemma__> mck:if you are interested in training, I can schedule one sometime next week.
<jemma__> sarah: what is training like?
mck: Let me know if you'd like to attend the training what your schedule is like
<jemma__> mck: we do testing for aria-apg example, regression testing for keyboard and more.
<jemma__> using selenium
sarah: I wrote some tests and it was pretty straight forward
<jemma__> curt: are you planning to record the training since I will be on the vacation next week?
<jemma__> mck:both, in person and group
<jongund> I would be interested in some training/coaching on the keyboard testing
no you are helping jemma__ !
we can both take notes
mck: we are freezing everything but editorial changes next Wednesday
<jemma__> sarah:I added the note "Note: although this pattern uses the word "menu" in the colloquial sense to refer to a set of navigation links, it does not use a menu role."
mck: I will do a final editorial
review of this
... looks ready to merge
... Jon and Valerie and I are having a meeting about the
datepickers after this
oh dang XD
mck: we usually don't put assistive technology operating instructions in APG
jg: seems like there are voice
over related examples that do not work and we might want to
consider adding instructions for how to use with screen
... valerie brought up a concern on the issue related to
<trackbot> Created ISSUE-1053 - Https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1054. Please complete additional details at <https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/1053/edit>.
haha oops. I'm not doing the best note taking job XD
decision regarding focus issue - the focus should move to the date after clicking the calendar icon
sarah: it looks like when you
type in the two numbers of the year it goes to the 1900 instead
of the 2000s
... you can't tell because the year is not on the calendar
mck: yeah we should display a 4 digit year
jg: if you type in 20, what should it do?
sarah: if you inspect the
aria-label of the calendar button it will assume 1920
... if I were to create something that guess the year based on
two digits I would probably go for the closest date
... I'll add comment to PR
mck: the PR numbers are 1046
(date picker dialog), 1053 (spin button date picker)
... please review and comment
mck: people gave feedback that we
should describe the algorithm for accessible name
... the algorithm should remain in the specification only
<jongund> Link to date pciker dialog: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/issue1046-datepicker-dialog/examples/dialog-modal/datepicker-dialog.html
mck: does anyone thinkg we should delete?
jg: we should leave it in, because the spec for accessible name calculation is much more complex
sarah: I actually find the whole algorithm specification useful
<jemma__> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/1050#issuecomment-507401456
mck: acc name is specificed in aria and html and svg under one umbrella. a
<jongund> Link to spinbuton datelicker example: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/issue125-spinbutton-datepicker-example/examples/spinbutton/datepicker-spinbuttons.html
sarah: who would be the audience for people reading on APG
mck: any web developer
jg: anyone who is evaluating accessibility as well.
many people: we think there are many people who should probably read the APG instead of ever needing to look at the other specifications
jg: in the current section, it seems like aria-detail overrides aria-describedby
<jemma__> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/1050#issuecomment-507402479
jg: aria-detail is not currently
something that is functional
... we shouldn't recommend using it
... I think aria-detail shouldn't be in accessible name
calculation it should have it's own sectoin
mck: we haven't used aria-details
in any examples
... I haven't seen it in the wild
jg: jaws says "more information". voice over ignores it.
mck: does anyone have time to do some research on this topic?
sarah: I can make an aria-details
test page
... would support information go into APG?
mck: we haven't called out lack of support in guidance like "aria-controls", where we say how you can use it but play down it's benefits.
Sarah: I'm concerned about things staying up to date
mck: the APG cannot conflict with
specification, but it can de-emphasis using a feature
... we will provide screen reader specific information in a
seperate project, and eventually link that back to the APG
jemma: we need to have at least some hinting about what you can use or not use
mck: call for consensus on July 10th
jemma: is there a meeting over command?
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