Internationalization Working Group Teleconference

06 Jun 2019


Katy, David, atsushi, Bert, xfq_, JcK, r12a


<atsushi> I need to get out by 30min to airport, sorry for that

<r12a> trackbot, start meeting

Action Items

<r12a> http://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/open

<scribe> scribe: Bert

r12a: Going through actions.


<trackbot> action-799 -- Katy Mawhood to Check whatwg for issue 518 (multiple meta description allowed) -- due 2019-05-09 -- OPEN

<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/799

Katy: I was wondering if somebody could take a look.

r12a: Not done 803 and 804 yet.


<trackbot> action-808 -- Atsushi Shimono to Research the 6 close suggested issues vs. the whatwg specification -- due 2019-06-06 -- OPEN

<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/808

atsushi: Haven't had time yet, sorry.

<r12a> opic: Info Share

atsushi: May be able to do it this week. Willbe traveling part of next week.

Info Share

<r12a> updated test guidelines wiki page to reflect the latest practise for creating pages for the i18n test suite

<r12a> https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/wiki/Writing-i18n-tests

r12a: For those writing tests, I updated a page of guidelines. ^^

<r12a> updated cursive behaviour tests to latest format

<r12a> https://w3c.github.io/i18n-tests/results/cursive

r12a: Goal is that people coming from gap-analysis docs understand what the tests do.

<r12a> short review, reduce all alternative pages to one

<r12a> https://www.w3.org/International/techniques/shortchecklist.html

r12a: I also updated how to get into touch with us, see ^^

<r12a> review request: reorganise so short review link is in FPWD, etc

<r12a> https://www.w3.org/International/review-request

r12a: There is now a single location. Makes it easy to put issue on GitHub.
... Emphasizes self-review. Page should now be clearer.

RADAR and Active Work Review

<r12a> https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/projects/1

r12a: CAPTCHA is in review, who is on that? And we had a request for Audio last year. Anybody?
... And DCAT, also a request for review.

Bert: I could do DCAT, but only in July.

r12a: A bit late. I'll talk to Addison to check.

String-Meta and RDF direction

<r12a> https://github.com/w3c/rdf-dir-literal/issues/7#issuecomment-499152199

r12a: We had a meeting yesterday, some people from JSON-LD and some from us.
... Addison and other argued for re-engineering JSON-LD to support explicit direction.
... Others preferred extending the existing language info.
... Conclusion is the re-engineer JSON-LD, but that will take time.
... There is still the question of what to do until then.
... Interimg solution could be to use private-use area.
... Discounted the idea to detect the direction from the language. That would only work if script sub-tag is always present, and is not the purpose of that tag.
... The alternative is better: rely on first-strong detection, with fallback.
... And in the future rely on extra metadata.
... The link ^^ has more details.

Bert: Is interim solution forward-compatible with future metadata?

r12a: Private-use is inherently a hack, clear to everybody.

JcK: Long-term use is terrible. The feature "x-" language should be deprecated...
... I'll see if I can add a note or a reference to the issue about that.

r12a: There was excitement about the fact that you could normally detect the direction form the language.
... So suggestion was to make a list of languages and direction.
... We looked at it in more detail and there is quite a long, and open-ended list of language that can be rtl.
... And a big gray area.
... As I noticed when working on cldr this morning, Azeri ("az") language does usually not have a sub-tag
... So not feasible to make a finite list of languages.

JcK: There are a bunch of ISO standards about transliteration.
... Cannot determine automatically which transliteration is used.

r12a: There's a processing issue as well.
... The first-strong heuristic is quick, but sometimes wrong.
... The language can be used next.
... But if there is explicit metadata, that always wins.
... We want there to be metadata always.
... Another case is if there is direction info, but not language info.
... Assume you type in a Hebrew book title in order to search for it.
... May end up in a situation that inferred language is incorrect or missing.

JcK: Does a direction tag apply to rendering? or to storage?

r12a: The specs we're talking about are concerned with storage.
... It helps to think of 3 stages: production, storage, consumption.
... The producer needs to provide the info, but storage needs to provide enough capabilities to store it.

JcK: I imagine there are still texts around that store the text in the order it was scanned.

r12a: visual order...

JcK: Sort of.

r12a: For our purposes we assume only storage in logical order.
... Have to be able to insert text in the middle and rewrap the lines. Only possible with logical order.
... We also don't think there is much storage in visual order any more.
... So it seems we are making progress on RDF and JSON-LD, but it will take time.


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/06/06 14:50:39 $

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Succeeded: s/[Scribe not quite clear about this.]//
Present: Katy David atsushi Bert xfq_ JcK r12a
Regrets: Addison
Found Scribe: Bert
Inferring ScribeNick: Bert
Found Date: 06 Jun 2019
People with action items: 

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