Cognitive Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

06 Jun 2019


Jennie, LisaSeemanKest_, janina, MichaelC, Fazio, alastairc, stevelee, Roy
Jennie, abi


<LisaSeemanKest> regrets, EA, Jastine

<LisaSeemanKest_> scribe: Jennie

planning https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/PlanningPage

Link without quotes https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/PlanningPage

<LisaSeemanKest_> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/PlanningPage

Lisa will connect with Rachael regarding the patterns.

Lisa: John R said that it was a high percent usable as is.

Janina: Jennie if you can go through the info from John, and I will send times for a call with you.

Lisa: what is the non-COGA publications?
... one is the harmonization - did someone edit this page?

Steve: you can get notifications when edits are made if you like.

Lisa: if anyone wants to update the planning page, please send me an email as well.
... Steve - I added getting the resources on the WAI website

Steve: yes

Lisa: Steve and Roy - I added getting the interactive version of the guide going.

Steve: yes

<LisaSeemanKest_> https://www.easyreading.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/D8.1.pdf

Lisa: For resources - testing with users. We should be collecting resources we like, and making a process for things we like. The one above is the consent form for a project.

Steve: there are problems with linking.

Lisa: this is for the easy reading project.
... let's table this for a coordination call.
... Justine offered to do a review of the user research
... there are issue papers that are pending, but we need to discuss this another time.
... Silver and glossary

<LisaSeemanKest_> scribe: abi

pattens doc - time table and section 3

<Abi_> L

<LisaSeemanKest_> ACTION: lisa to tract rachel is on the right branch of the pattens

<trackbot> Created ACTION-313 - Tract rachel is on the right branch of the pattens [on Lisa Seeman-Kestenbaum - due 2019-06-13].

<LisaSeemanKest_> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/coga/design-doc-transfer/design/index.html#objective-help-the-user-find-what-they-need

<Abi_> Lisa: design guide section 3 missing users testing and user stories

<Abi_> Lisa: Will attempt to draft something but may need to leave editors note

useble doc - https://raw.githack.com/w3c/coga/master/content-usable/index.html abies section

<Abi_> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1StcdCLBUebaSWF7f4DfJtqliQisKyC_5OoNAxqxOc0I/edit

wcag updates

<Abi_> Steve: add missing section to usable doc describing cognitive difficulties

<LisaSeemanKest_> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/coga/master/content-usable/index.html#issues_and_considerations

<LisaSeemanKest_> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/coga/master/content-usable/index.html

<Abi_> Lisa: Rachael and I have made edits. Have made terms consistent and merged editor notes

<Abi_> Lisa: Have also changed the structure of the introduction to the usable doc so that it includes the background.

<stevelee> https://github.com/w3c/coga/tree/usable-doc-update/content-usable

<Abi_> Steve: have found branch with missing section. So will attempt to merge it to master

<LisaSeemanKest_> "wcag updates"

<alastairc> Overview: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11IKqjRFvkRd2dAfUiyc5whhB3yIYXvSiirWct7KQIB0/edit#gid=0

<Abi_> Lisa: WCAG 2.2 adding SC re COGA. Some have made progress but others have not. See email to list

<Abi_> AlistairC: We can handle a delay on a few as have work for the next few weeks.

<alastairc> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J3NFw6NPyj7QGddBtRmagrtS-x4t9BWan8PYEdSpMZM/edit?ts=5ce33105

<Abi_> AlistairC: the task is to convert the text that has been provided into language and techniques for a success criteria

<Abi_> AlistairC: shared example of how John Rochford has worked through a design patter to work towards a success criteria

<alastairc> https://w3c.github.io/coga/design/#do-not-rely-on-users-memorizing-information

<Abi_> AlistairC: Task is to put the design pattern into a testable statement

<LisaSeemanKest_> https://docs.google.com/document/d/174PnVZUaRx7lUnZI8_xl7aeN_6Lztv7aj9C_u7ArPpg/edit

<alastairc> Viewable link for the accessible auth example: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eb7uCpLb7BDALr3ppnSwF0Y8piMnVerlB5BejM_F4R0/edit?usp=sharing

<Abi_> Lisa: sharing document made at face to face meeting about the COGA items that should be put forward for 2.2

<Abi_> AlistairC: will introduce DavidF to others in the memorizing information sub group

wcag charter https://raw.githack.com/w3c/wcag/charter-2019/charter.html

<Abi_> Lisa: COGA is mentioned but not in much detail.

<LisaSeemanKest_> Continue development of non-normative documents to support implementation of accessibility guidelines.

<Abi_> AlistairC: will be sharing a survey in the next AG agenda asking for comments

Link without quote: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/wcag/charter-2019/charter.html

<Abi_> AlistairC: charter needs to renewed by October but want the group to agree the draft in the next couple of weeks as it is a long process

<Zakim> LisaSeemanKest_, you wanted to say and supplemental guidance to improve accessibility

<Abi_> Lisa: its important that we review this. Current mention is quite narrow as it states that we will focus on non-normative documents.

<Abi_> Lisa: proposing we add "additional supplemental guidance on accessibility"

<Abi_> +1

<Abi_> Janina: we have to fit into the W3C publishing structure - either guidance or notes. We need to fit into that.

<Abi_> Alistair: A lot of content is published under WAI as well. But agree that we shouldn't restrict ourselves

personas and userneeds collections

<LisaSeemanKest_> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/coga/master/persona/index.html

<LisaSeemanKest_> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NAvyzUb4cG9kp1Ao5o2UJ5Ar4cOfRTyrxBjxYzABUb4/edit#

<Abi_> Lisa: Janina has provided google doc on how we could structure user needs

<Abi_> Janina: Personas are a really good start. But we should also add aging into a story

<Abi_> Janina: we should keep it strictly on COGA. So we should remove VI from Maria

<Abi_> Janina: We should think about the audience. Some of the text is about the user strategy. We should aim it more about content authoring and developers

<Abi_> Janina: offered to look at editing the draft based on these proposals

<Abi_> Lisa: currently it linked in content usable document

<Abi_> Janina: agree with Abi that this should be a standalone document

<LisaSeemanKest_> 90% cogntive included

<LisaSeemanKest_> intergrate or refrence userneeds

<Abi_> Abi: can get people to look at the personas to see if we have missed scenarios

<LisaSeemanKest_> check the userneeds map to pattens

<LisaSeemanKest_> add pictures and engment

<LisaSeemanKest_> vedio and supporting content

<alastairc> Suggest just making sure it is framed as "most" cognitive issues, allowing that there are other, perhaps more rare issues?

<Abi_> Janina: suggesting we got through a public wide review to get a community perspective

<Abi_> Jennie: I like that we get more input. Suggest we quickly to feedback from personal networks and contacts

<Abi_> Janina: there is still a process to go through for that.

I will not be at next week's meeting due to a conference presentation I am giving, but I will read through the notes and post any updates prior to the meeting.

<LisaSeemanKest_> abi will think of new imperotent persona

<Abi_> Lisa: need to add this to the planning doc. Next week discuss if this is a priority document

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: lisa to tract rachel is on the right branch of the pattens

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2019/06/06 15:08:04 $

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Present: Jennie LisaSeemanKest_ janina MichaelC Fazio alastairc stevelee Roy
Found Scribe: Jennie
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Found Date: 06 Jun 2019
People with action items: lisa

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