Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference

05 Jun 2019


Sam, Roy, irfan_ali, Christine, janina, SteveNoble


TPAC 2019

<Roy> scribe: Christine

Janina: No update on TPAC 2019, but would like to try to figure out who is going and what topics to be discussed with other groups.
... will gather updates in July, regarding topics to be discussed.

Irfan: Topics with other groups for TPAC will be submitted.

<Roy> https://www.w3.org/2019/09/TPAC/registration.html

User Scenarios

Irfan: Sam has committed changes and Irfan has published the changes.

<Roy> https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/blob/master/use-cases/draft.md

Irfan: Different approaches to making changes, by different users. Should we standardize the approach? Irfan is OK with the different approaches, and Janina prefers the substance of the input, but we need standardization when we publish as they need to be predictable.

Janina: Collect changes in w3c Github.

Paul: Keeping things in the code portion is the standard for reviewing, prior to publishing; Janina - good for version control

Irfan: Once we are done with a particular document we can move to the w3c Github; or as Janina states we can use the w3c Github for developing the docs.

Janina: When publishing in TR it is source from w3c Github with all the copyright
... w3c Github has APA and it may be complex but is preferred.

Irfan: Agree to use w3c Github

Roy: Markdown language usage should persist for specific documents; markdown can be transferred to HTML.

<irfan_ali> https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/blob/master/use-cases/draft.md

<paul_grenier> https://w3c.github.io/pronunciation/user-scenarios/draft

Irfan: When do we need to move the documents to HTML?

<paul_grenier> (without .md) shows HTML render

Roy: when it is ready to be published, then it should be transferred.

Janina: Early August.

Sam: prefers the markdown for draft version and then publish in HTML, when done.

Irfan: Continue working in markdown, and then transfer to HTML in W3c Github to be published, when ready.

Sam: Timeline depends on cut-off; we need to consolidate, review and use consistent language before we can commit for publishing

Janin: W3c comments may require additional feedback and changes; beyond the prescribed timeline. In August we need the first working draft; which requires wider community input for the substance and context and whether we need more work to continue.

Janina: First public draft starts the review process; APA determines the next steps and what is required to get the first publication in the TR page.
... We need an announcement for call to action - review, publish, etc.

Gap Analysis

<irfan_ali> https://w3c.github.io/pronunciation/use-cases/draft

Paul: Pull request has changes; Prototype work had JSON, then SSML, then HTML; alternative ways to connect XML and HTML which requires addition of SSML name space
... HTML 5 spec may not include SSML; change over to data-SSML, a bi-convection link to the SSML with a script element
... Use of a link attribute to point back to HTML; multiple HTML pages to link back to a lexicon.

Irfan: Approach can be served in many ways - for Windows, for Mac OS, etc.

Paul: Parsing and manipulating the various ways to pass it on to the speech synthesizer is important to capture

Janina: This is exactly the kind of questions we can propose for discussions at TPAC

Irfan: Use of JSON or XML depends on API preferences. Irfan will gather more details and discuss further.

Janina: Working groups would be interested in this discussion, esp. including DAISY folks.

John: HTML specifications do not like namespacing
... Loop into this discussion - Chris Wilson at Google; to ensuring that SSMl is integrated into the larger HTML 5 families

Irfan: Add topic with working group at TPAC?

Janina: Let it be implied and not explicit, so that it generates further discussion

John: Stay away from the word "namespacing" with the HTML groups.

Janina: Value add is that we support all; but we let them drive the discussion.
... Definitely a TPAC discussion.

<irfan_ali> https://w3c.github.io/pronunciation/gap-analysis/

Mark: Has not pushed the latest changes; using HTML

Janina: No problem with continuing with HTML
... As long as we continue in GitHub, then it is fine to use HTML

Irfan: Issue with table?

MArak: One update to roll into the document, regarding content and descriptions

Steve: Will be adding some further input into the document.

Use case document

<Roy> https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/wiki/Timeline

Irfan: Timeline is too tight; according to our current timeline - all 3 documents are to be published in 2nd week of August. Propose that we make any necessary adjustments, as needed.

Janina: Remember that this is a first public working draft for wider review, in order to draw attention and get feedback. It does not need to be complete; it's a document that "just began life"

Irfan: Having further discussions outside this group, may garner further research

Janina: It's OK to state that we are NOT ready to publish.
... It's still 2 months out and we may be ready for one or two or all documents.


Irfan: Any other issue to discuss?
... Let's close and create minutes.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/06/05 15:00:41 $

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Default Present: Sam, Roy, irfan_ali, Christine, janina, SteveNoble
Present: Sam Roy irfan_ali Christine janina SteveNoble
Found Scribe: Christine
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Found Date: 05 Jun 2019
People with action items: 

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