<The_Room> The Google Hangout for today's meeting is https://hangouts.google.com/call/2b5ml1tc3hJvili7kb02AEEF
<cwilso> Argh! The info is actually: https://meet.google.com/soa-sipr-hmj
<cwilso> Dial-in: (US) +1 318-467-6139 PIN: 607 096#
<ada> Hey y'all!
<klausw_> Is dial-in enabled? I tried cswilso's info from yesterday
<cwilso> new info:
<cwilso> https://meet.google.com/soa-sipr-hmj
<cwilso> Dial-in: (US) +1 318-467-6139 PIN: 607 096#
<joshmarinacci> +scribe
<joshmarinacci> +present
<atsushi> scribe: joshmarinacci
<atsushi> scribe: joshmarinacci
first item on the agenda is John w/ real world geometry
John: there is something you can
try in chrome canary
... plane detection works. in demo we can see boundaries of the
plane, rendered from js.
... there is a reticle which uses hit testing.
... what are the use cases for plane detection. some of the
feedback on hittesting is lack of control over how the
algorithm works. we are adding more options to hit testing. ex:
do you want the plane to go to infinity or not.
there are ways to do some of this w/ current hit testing api, but not enough.
John: another feedback from devs
is that w/ current api its hard to do certain call to actions.
need to be able to show user more feedback during the hit
testing process
... 3rd set of use cases: fundamental things about planes. you
can meaasure distance between surfaces. this would be good to
... being able to communicate to the user what the system is
actually seeing makes the world and physics seem more
... design decisions in current version. data is synchronous,
only available in raf (request animation frame), if you want
data outside that you have to copy. we do this because it
avoids jitter situations where the data lags a frame behind
<blair> I thought we solved this one frame behind issue with hit testing?!
john: shows two videos, one is async and one is sync. the one on the left has a 1 frame lag and it can lead to disorientation.
brandon: explain what we are seeing
<Zakim> NellWaliczek, you wanted to ask what is this "existing hit testing api? because the one in the explainer is not async
john: the point of this is to show diff between sync and async
<blair> nell has clarified, thanks
<blair> 1+
nell: the api already accounts for this. we decided sync was great.
blair: i don't think we should get too bogged down in this. the swimmingness shouldn't be an issue.
nell: have you explored the api in the way we explored before or is this orthogonal effort
john: this is orghtongal. we can look at how this maps back into the existing hittest api
<blair> I think this is orthogonal.
john: next slide
<NellWaliczek> https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/blob/master/hit-testing-explainer.md
john: the idea w/ planes is that there is not a unique id for each plane in current design. currently you test if it's the same object. blair, you suggested adding a timestamp.
<bajones> +q to ask what platforms design was evaluated against
john: purpose today is to give an
update on what we've got and where we are going with it
... samples show both older hit test detection and new plane
detection. test it today in chrome
... any queustions?
brandon: slides didn't cover what the team designed.
<Zakim> bajones, you wanted to ask what platforms design was evaluated against
<blair> SPEAKUP
<blair> :)
john: i know we were looking at
commonality between arkit and arcore. there's been a gerneral
review of the differences.
... this api will map cleanly onto what arkit and arcore are
... i don't know how this would map onto hololense and
blair: i posted some comments
into the repo. itw ould be great to get feedback on. we impl
into XR Viewer. i started by looking at how hololense handles
mesh data, inspired by that.
... biggest change is instead of having separate planes and
objects, to have more of an object heirarchy. everything is a
mesh, some are also planes, etc.
... this way if something new comes along then the api can
handle it because it could provide a mesh and you'd do it the
same way
... also having flags to let you know what htings have changed,
like verts, normals, structure of the mesh,
... could help you manage the data bandwidth better
... the suggestions i had in the repo on refinement. i like the
idea of requestion with an options array to refine what kind of
real world geo is selected.
... someone pointed out that you could not get certain thigns
if you want. ex: i just want tables, and i'd just get it
... i like the direction of this
nell: you're talking about the repo, not something google specific, right?
john: this presentaiton is to share what is going on. we wanat to make surue all of this feedback is captured in the repo issues. ex: investigate what oculus and hololens are doing.
<blair> +1 on getting MSFT and ML folks to comment on this
nell: the real world geometry repo
john?: I don't some have opinions on this. i wonder if there's a way to have a point clouds api so you could add meshes and surufaces yourself in JS
people are used to the fact that you can do meaninful computation in js. anything which can be done in js should be. allows sharable libs and algoritms across platforms
these things become value added as software packages on top of the underlying data, which is presumably is point clouds
brandon: if you expose a point cloud does ht eplatform need to provide connectivity info for that? unelss you know the points are wellformed in a certain plane you can't do much w/ the data
<blair> opinion: doing everything in JS is a terrible idea
that connectivity info is being computued by arcore on the point cloud.
<cabanier> +1
<ada> wasm?
john: the thing we are trying to avoid is establishing the one type to rule them all as far as geo for real world understanding.
the ability to get planes does not precluded other types in tthe futurue
<blair> (I totally agree that data at all levels should be available)
john? I'm saying that if we open up the point clouds then you could add other stuff w/out changing the spec
<johnpallett> (that was Nick)
nick: summary: you go to a
website to calculate it out it would you have to start from
scratch instead of from cache. yes that is an interesting
... good point, i think a way to provide basic level source
data so we can do ocmputaiton on top in the browser itself is
... i think the plains api is interesting. where there be walls
and celings or just floors?
john: it will vary. with the
planes what you are really getting acdess to is what ht
eunderlying platform allows
... also the resolution will vary
nick: could we do a hint?
john: are you saying filtering the results you get back?
nick: give me your best guess for a wall
john: what you are saying is a more semantic approach. which is the other direction from giving point clouds
<cwilso> (The last few have been rik, not nick)
john: a semantic
... there maya be opportunites. if i see a ground plane w/ legs
then it's probably a table.
... there are different layers you can provide. you can use a
plane and get semantics from it yourself, we don't provide
these se3mantics from the underlyign platform
rik: are you adding point clouds?
john: not right now. we may explore
blair: i think it's pretty clear
what we want is an eventual api is to get data at lots of
levels. if the platform supports then we want a way to get it
w/ user permisisons. also important to provide progressive
meshes and planes and more semantic objects like chairs
... if os is already doing this then why not provide it.
otherwise we can't compete w/ native platforms. super important
that we provide both
<Zakim> klausw_, you wanted to say is it a safe assumption that point clouds are fundamental and sparse enough to handle?
klaus: a quick point which may be moot. we shouldn't assume that every impl has point clouds.
<johnpallett> Apologies. The bit.ly link in the slides didn't work. Here's the correct link: https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-webxr-test/r663922/proposals/index.html
klaus: we should expose everything the native platform has and not do in JS unless we have to
john: I don't know if every platform provides point clouds
rik: diff between point clouds and mesh points?
is there a kind of points that you would prefer?
<johnpallett> (to clarify: consistent point cloud capability that a site could build on reliably)
klaus: if it's depth points you'd have a ton of them
<johnpallett> (and I don't know the answer to the question)
nick: i don't have an answer right now. if something can be computed in an application layer then we shouldn't be arguing about the many ways the info can be processed. if there are meaningful distinctions between types of ponts so that libraries are less generalizable then that would be less helpful
on hololens al ot of the work is done in AI hardware. the only option is to decompress mesh to points and app tries to put it together
depth camera data for holo does not escape the HPU. you wouldn't be able to obtain that data in an app context on a hololens
<Zakim> alexturn, you wanted to talk about differences in fundamental data
there might be a narrow form of data that is available for everything and options above and below.
nell: this was part of the original design of hit testing to account for this
john: note that i fixed the link
above. https
... try out the cemos
john: this is a great discussion. keep going inside the repo
nell: there are these moments in the design process whewre the follks deepest would get benefit from a broader review from the community
chris: who is broader community
<klausw_> s/everything the platform has/data based on what the platform has natively/
nell: for these repos there is
one or two people deeply active in this space. i mean a broader
group within this working group
... in general we will get more isolated so having a cadence
for wider review is useful
trevor: we can add to the actual calls
<ada> q/
<cwilso> /?
john: other repo. the explainer for this landed yesterday
<cwilso> https://github.com/immersive-web/dom-overlays/blob/master/explainer.md
john: not go through any solution
we've explored because we havent. instead go throught the
problem spaace and the challenges we have identified. i'm
posting questions
... feedback is welcome
... if you have ideas, please caputre in the github
... in terms of dom overlays are. the use case is ... pause
<blair> can't see the slides
john: these slides are a poor substitute for the explainer.
<blair> the hangout is showing a black screen for the speaker
john: there are a lot of places
where having a 2d image is useful. one is a material picker or
a call to action or others.
... options for internationalization gives HTML advanatages
over pure rendering
... generally the use case is when i want to present a div or
dom element over top of a scene and provide interaciton
... challenges: pixel sniffing. privacy and security, timing
attacks. the webpage should not be able to sniff pixels out of
the dom.
<klausw_> cswilso: the presentation isn't showing in the VC meeting
john: others. input sniffing.
click jacking, cross origin risks
... we do not have solutiosn for this. we've just identified
... the next challenge is dom structure. we aassume that the
dom tree is displayed in one place. is it possible to display a
subtree in a second place. some interesting overlap with full
screen and picture in picture
... some of this is impl questions.
... if we don't subtree should it represent the entire
underlying document? fine for phone but not desktop tethered VR
headset where regular doc could be visible at same time as
... challenge: input. the conversion of screen touch into click
events is an area with interesting history with how new form
factors are introduced.
... how do we disambiguate if a ray happens to go through the
dom if it's transparent or intractive or not-interactive. how
do we avoid duplicate events. etc.
nell: this was part of the original design of hit testing to account for this
john: also non-input events like
controller poses. we don't have answers. the key is having it
behave in a consistent manner across device formfactors
... there is a proposal right now but we haven't implemented
yet. allow a single rectangular dom branch. not supporting
control over z or occlusion.
... not allowing the site to place the overlay. the user agent
will do it. tthe overlay *will* accept use input. the user
agent is the best equipped to place the dom and make it useful
to users.
... examples: a smart phone has an overlay that covers the
entire screen. an HMD with a moderate FOV a headocked ui. on a
vr hmd it would be a rectangle floating in space
... i want to stress this will vary from device and not be
locked to pixels
... the other non-goal: we don't want to allow the dom to be
placed into the 3d scene. it's not associated with a
particuluar anchor or object
... you can't assume a screen coord in the overlay will map to
a screen coord in the 3d space
... this is the scope of the problem.
... If I had to suummarize the problem.. what if we had just
one thing and the user agent has control, then what happens
<ada> https://github.com/immersive-web/dom-overlays
alex: are these intended to be modal?
john: assumption is they could sit around while you are using it
<Zakim> alexturn, you wanted to talk about how WinMR sends input to just one app in the platform
john: ex: paint color selector
nell: we had this discuussion at t-pac for three days. trying to align these will be a non-starter because of ui formfactor differences.
john: i think it's different because this is a more bounded problem no
nell: no, we talked through most
of this at t-pac. i'm a little confused
... are you saying there is new info or you chose one of the
options from t-pac.
john: this is still an open issue. this area of exploration is fresh for us.
nell: it seems like you are saying this a brand new concept but three or four companies talked about this at t-pack
chris: i think this is a deeper exploration of one of the options
leo: you mentioned it doesn't address depth. z-space or 3space?
john: both. you have control over painters algorithm but it will always overlay the 3 space. always over the environment. you couldn't use dom-ordering to push into the scene
leo: in the dom area if it covers the full screen will you allow touch throughs on transparent pixels
john: open question still
ada: you mentioned a controllable output channel. althougbh you can't do occusion can you stencil out the occluded bits?
john: no. you won't be able to make any assumptions about where the overlay will be and it will vary by form-factor
josh: how do position these semnatically?
<cwilso> john: the idea of that is in the explainer, but it's not detailed.
klaus: this ui is not world locked so you can move your head so it shouldn't be an issue
john: the key requirment is that i must be viewable by the user and interactable. there's a lot of open flexibility beyiond that. there may be other opportunies for user agents to manage this
nick: one of the things you mentioned is a special sub-tree of the dom. it sounds like how a-frame works. as soon as you have an a-scene in the dom it's basically a canvas and everything below is handled by aframe
we could imagine embedding some sort of html type renderer in your 3d engine
nick: a lot of frameworks have
core assumptions about how the dom works. this might break
those. if we want to maximize our ability to use html inside of
webxr what you are talking about a layer inside is more like a
chrome outside of xr experince where somnething is attached to
the body in the dom and it just happened to bve rendered in a
way that is platform appropriate
... another way of side stepping this issue is to have other
htings which are attached to the document and it's up to the
plaform to figure out how to position/render it
<Zakim> klausw_, you wanted to say is there a recorded summary of TPAC discussions/conclusions? Not everyone was there.
john: this is itneresting. we should think about it.
klaus: is there a recording of tpac?
chris: yes
klaus: while it's great it was
discussed earlier lets keep it going. esp. since they didn't
reach a conclusion.
... let's not stop because it was discussed at t-pac
<blair> we also had a long discussion about this at the F2F we had at Mozilla (last year?)
nell: i want to make sure we
don't re-invent the wheel. let's not ignore prior work and
balazing indepdenent work.
... this was recorded and a presentation was posted.
<atsushi> scribe: cwilso
josh: what happens if we don't
solve this? One of Blair's research assistants did a library
that kinda does 90% of this using HTML canvas - quad in space
in 3D.
... if this doesn't get solved, does it need to be?
... there are workarounds.
john: this work is going on in an incubation in the CG; this isn't WG work right now. We should go through that library and talk about some of hte assumptions/limitations; managing DOM [wrt security] is hard
alexturn: that library might be a good baseline, then see what else Sumerian and others need on top of that.
<blair> can I follow up on this?
scribe: Josh to provide more info on the library.
blair: I can point you at the repo. John was suggesting there's lots you can't represent thru DOMtoCanvas.
<joshmarinacci> blair: to follow up. the big realization is that john said that there is a lot that can't be rendered w/ dom to canvas, but the structure of the lib gives you a far more functional approach to doing 2d
<scribe> scribe: joshmarinacci
blair: in relation to the dom
overlay stuff, the real question is if we couuld have html
elements in text to canvas (qs about security) it would give us
a vastly more funcitonal approach to getting 2d into 3d
... jared did routing events and other tricky stuff. it worked
very well and is surprisingly efficient
... lots of caching. pretty cool. provides an alternative. done
demos where i show 2d on the screen, enter 3d, replcae 2d
elements w/ this layer and it works pretty well.
... let's talk more on the repo
<blair> (oh, and we have a paper on it accepted to Web3D if anyone wants to see it :)
josh: we don't have solutions yet. as you are reading the explainer. lett's look for new solutions. some of this should be useful to the discussion.
<bajones_> Since it was requested: The relevant DOM overlay minutes from TPAC, with links to the presentation
<bajones_> https://www.w3.org/2018/10/26-immersive-web-minutes.html#item04
<kearwood_> PSA - PR for lighting-estimation explainer is up: https://github.com/immersive-web/lighting-estimation/pull/4/files?short_path=358ce32#diff-358ce32b724ff39fbbfd77ff2ab6ad30
<joshmarinaacci> this is the DOM layer library repo we talked about earlier: https://github.com/aelatgt/three-web-layer
<NellWaliczek> https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/issues/630
<johnpallett> scribenick:johnpallett
<trevorfsmith> scribe: John Pallett
<scribe> scribenick: johnpallett
I think we're good for scribing
brandon: hopefully this is a quick topic w/ a strawpoll at the end
issue 630
bajones: typed arrays seemed to be the right way to approach providing data. But feedback was you could rip data out and toss it over a worker boundary... not good.
nick-8thwall: more deets please
bajones: background: There is the
concept in the browser of a typed array. Two concepts:
... 1) array buffer, a contiguous chunk of bytes with no
... 2) different types of arrays on top (e.g. Float32, UInt8,
etc.) which are views into the underlying array buffer
... this is what's being used for matrix representation
... the reason we do this is because WebGL and WebGPU will
interact with data going into a shader with typed arrays like
... formatting it this way preps us for being able to shuttle
things into the rendering system. Particularly useful for
projection matrices which are the primary things we're looking
at here, since we don't want people mucking with them.
... the problem is that somebody can take the array buffer that
underlies the Float32 array, and detach it (e.g. send it to a
different context via PostMessage)
... and that's great for efficiency (no copy required!) but it
also means the original context can't access it for thread
safety, which means the Float32 array points at nothing, and
crashes abound.
... (OK maybe not always a crash, but it's not good)
... places where we're using Float32 arrays:
... a) projection matrix in a View, which can change from frame
to frame
... b) rigidTransform attribute which represents the transform
as a matrix
... c) XRRay in the form of a matrix
... all of these are 4x4 matrices
... so, there are 4 different options here for what we do (see
issue #630 for more details)
Option 1: You break it, you bought it. Don't detach the data from the context.
<blair> ASIDE: will also come up when we expose video, or real-world-geometry, as these will probably be typed arrays too
scribe: if developers do bad things, that's on the developer. This is probably reasonable if we ensure that all places where data comes from are *snapshots* - today that's the case, e.g. each View is a snapshot from the frame. We're not trying to share that data across boundaries.
<blair> ASIDE: and Anchors and results from hit Test
scribe: if in the future we needed to carry forward this pattern we'd need to be careful, probably not horrible.
<Zakim> alexturn, you wanted to ask if WebGL/WebGPU could move forward to accept DOMMatrix as well, if that's the forward-looking type
Option 1: Quietly clean up breakage for the developer. There's copy overhead here, but only when the underlying buffer gets detached. [Nell] This is an edge case until we start dealing with multi-threading (e.g. workers) and that might happen in the not-to-distant future... then this won't be an edge case.
scribe: er... that was Option 2 sorry.
Option 3: Give developer a new object every time, always get a new Float32Array. There's overhead, particularly if you have multiple places in the code accessing the same object, but it's more predictable.
Option 4: Switch away from Float32Array, i.e. move to DOMMatrix.
scribe: for consistency could say
there's a read-only DOMMatrix. This could allow a more strict
definition of a matrix.
... this would solve a couple of questions of ambiguity around
how the matrix is presented. Would add overhead for the typical
usecase since WebGL/GPU still want the float representation so
there'd be a conversion.
... with allocations.
... also, DOMMatrix requires everything to be Double
attributes, meaning that's one more form of conversion.
... but this could interact nicely with CSS mechanisms. If
other aspects of the web platform need matrices they'd likely
use DOMMatrix
alexturn: per Klaus' point, it's really Float64, seems a little odd that we have a strong type then we can't use it for the strong purpose in other places.
bajones: this does seem like a
point-in-time thing.
... memory mapping mechanisms are probably a more likely
approach for GPU memory management.
... there are a lot of different GPU memory data structure
types, too. Possible that we could go to GL WG and ask for a
variant that takes DOMMatrix natively, this might not be a
terrible idea
... but it's still going to incur some overhead because they
also would have to do the Float64>Float32 casting
Nick-8thwall: All options seem
feasible. DOMMatrix assumes you will always have a view matrix
(not a projection matrix) with assumptions about the 3x3 being
for rotation, transform, etc. Weird to use it for a projection
... Float32 is kind of nice, need to be cogniscent of not
optimizing for efficiency if it's not an issue (e.g. these
aren't huge data types). Should probably optimize for clarity
and ease of use, instead of performance.
<leonard> +1 for Nick's comment on optimization for clarity over performance
bajones: Agreed this isn't the same kind of efficiency concern as uploading a large buffer of vertices. I'd be reluctant to introduce a new type of 16 values to represent a 4x4 matrix since we'll get called out on that
ric: note that DOMMatrix methods
are designed to fail
... if used incorrectly
bajones: It'd be a hard sell to TAG to create a new type. Float32Array is salable, so is DOMMatrix.
<Zakim> Manishearth, you wanted to mention that dealing with detaching seems to mostly be the concern of API consumers
Manish: Other things using
Float32 arrays check and throw errors in certain cases, maybe
we can ask WebGL to do this?
... webAudio supports detached arrays, it'll complain
accordingly. Can we learn from WebAudio and do Option 1 without
it being a silent failure mode?
bajones: I think option 1 is valid even if all other APIs did something terrible. We aren't here to handle the other APIs.
manish: If we can get WebGL to complain properly then Option 1 becomes more appealing.
ada: WebGL already throws an error if the array is detached, so we might already be there.
cwilso: webaudio does something more like option 2 where it copies it as necessary (at least it does now. Historically not so much.)
<Zakim> NellWaliczek, you wanted to ask about DOMPoint as doubles
<NellWaliczek> https://immersive-web.github.io/webxr/#xrrigidtransform
nell: given Klaus' point about
DOMMatrix being Float64>32 are we concerned about using
DOMPoint and DOMPoint read-only since they have the same 64/32
conversion issue
... e.g. in XR rigid transforms
... if the expectation is that we're encouraging folks to use
whatever works for them, are we risking loss of precision,
particularly when converting from 32-bit points to
<kearwood> +q To talk about float64 for world scale transforms
Nick: comverting 64/32 is no worse than working in float (all the math is done in doubles anyway in Javascript)
bajones: you can create a DOMMatrix from a float32 array, so if people want a DOMMatrix for whatever reason, and we're doing Float32 arrays, it's not like they're incompatible.
Ric: Original work on DOMMatrix was trying to make it work for everyone including GL. GL team didn't like it, basically it's an input but immediately converted to GL structures.
<trevorfsmith> scribe: trevorfsmith
bradon: I don't have a problem with that.
Manish: It's fine and it works.
Brandon: In chrome SameObject is basically a noop. There's a tag that does it for you, internally to the function impl you cache it.
Manish: The pointer object can change change but the Object is the same.
Ada: I have concerned with
options 3 and 4 with garbage collection in a tight loop.
... Where they're working with the underlying data and then
spawning a lot of single use objects that trigger GC
frequently. Option 2 lets them mess up and have less
performance but hopefully not so much because documentation
will have examples that say to clone it first.
Nell: So you want option 1 or 2?
Ada: Leaning toward option 2.
<johnpallett> scribe: johnpallett
strawpoll starts
<ada> Straw poll for the options 1,2,3,4:
nell: don't forget cost to implementers of change. Option 1 is no change. Option 2 is minor spec surface area change. Option 3 is turning attributes into functions, that's definitely a breaking change. Option 4 is also a significant breaking change.
bajones: also cost to spec editors goes up more with options 3 and 4
<trevorfsmith> 2
<ada> 2
<alexis_menard> 2
<Nick-8thWall> 3
<NellWaliczek> 2
<joshmarinaacci> 3
<alexturn> 3
<Manishearth> 2 > 1 > 3
<cabanier> 1
<kearwood> 3
<daoshengmu> 3
question: Is there a significant performance difference between options?
bajones: Yes. #4 is the least performant, #3 better, #2 even better, #1 the best
Leonard: but is it SIGNIFICANT
bajones: probably not an overt
... shouldn't break ability to do VR or AR if less performant
options are done
Manish: We already do 4 or 5 allocations per frame
bajones: V8 team says we shouldn't worry too much about garbage collection particularly for things that only stick around for a frame or so, this isn't the only consideration of course
<JGwinner> 3, I don't have a dog in the fight, but 3 has best advantages and seemingly moderate disadvantages, so that's my vote.
Nick: for normal use this probably doesn't have a huge impact. If there was some algorithm analyzing 1M points then we'd have a challenge.
<cabanier> 2
<leonard> either 1 or 4 -- I see no point in going 1/2-way
<trevorfsmith> π
<cwilso> e
<alexturn> https://giphy.com/gifs/funny-lol-ne3xrYlWtQFtC
<ada> 6x2 5x3 1x2
all: <conversation devolves into traditional end-of-straw-poll hilarity>
ada: six #2s, five #3s, one #1s
bajones: by a narrow margin #2 is (non-bindingly) the guidance of the group. [nell: if we find other problems we'll let everyone know. We'll post a PR...]
manish: I can do spec text on this if you want!
nell: Yes please! <assigns>
NEXT TOPIC: What do you want out of focus/blur events?
nell: one of the last holdovers from WebVR that we haven't figured out yet are how to handle blur and focus events
<cwilso> https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/issues/488
nell: the idea originally was
that there would be reasons why the user agent would pause the
page rendering immersively, but there are also reasons for
inline as well
... note 'blur' is the phrase for 'pause' in this case
... may need to blur inline sessions when you can't see
... feedback: names are confusing! this exists in the 2D web
but in XR?
... we need to figure out better naming. Is there more than
Brandon and I need to be paying attention to as far as
requirements or use cases as we clean it up in June?
bajones: platform may be the one
that's instantiating things through the suspend
... e.g. on oculus or vive there are platform-level events that
let you know that you're being backgrounded. The idea was that
these would be exposed through 'blur' events, that hasn't
john-oracle: folks who think in terms of cameras might try to use 'blur'?
nell/bajones: they can't use 'blur' for that purpose and it's a good reason to change the name
nell: the thing we're naming is 'you won't get input' or 'you're running at a lower frame rate' or basically 'your session isn't over, but you're not going to get things regularly for a while'. Typically this is a great reason to pause physics engines, or game countdown timers, or... lots of things you might want to do if you aren't foregrounded or visible
bajones: the results of getting this event are recognizing that new requestAnimationFrame calls may be processed slowly (or not at all!)
<JGwinner> how about "Attention" ... "attention lost" "attention gained"
bajones: if platform shows
blurred out version of content behind it
... you will not get input while blurred for privacy/security
reasons (threat vector: input sniffing)
nell: assumption is that if we get consistency about trusted UX this event would fire when trusted UX shows up so the experience can pause accordingly
bajones: not something developers are required to handle, it's a quality of life change so you can pause physics, notify people you're offline, etc. etc.
nell: we currently have no signal
for 'the headset is not physically on' - might be a scary
privacy signal to call this out as a separate signal
... this might be useful?
bajones: WebVR did have an event
for this so you could start a proximity sensor event, which was
problematic. More generally signals for whether headset is on
(worn) or not are not totally reliable... it's a difficult
thing to utilize.
... not against reintroducing that but need to make sure WebVR
history is included in considerationo.
nell: nothing going forward would be structured to give a signal about whether headset is worn or not for privacy concerns
<Zakim> Manishearth, you wanted to mention Window.onfocus/blur exists for this purpose on Window, so we have precedent
alex: there's a warning with blur events about developers not confusing them with page visibillity. (see comment in issue #488)
<Zakim> alexturn, you wanted to point out that we need both "visibilitychange" and "focus"/"blur"
alex: visibility vs. input blur are two different things. With blur you may need to provide new pixels, even if logically paused; that's different than actually not visible.
nell: might be the same event with different attributes, but yes those are different signals.
alex: we have one enum on our platform: Visible, Visible not Active, Not Visible (absent, present-passive, present-active)
manish: WebVR had 'presentChange' event can we use that? It'd need an enum maybe?
nell: we pulled that one explicitly from WebXR because the pattern changed, but there is an event on the session itself to say that the session ended
manish: I mean, can we use the
name 'presentChange' ?
... with an enum indicating what it changed to?
nell: might confuse people migrating from WebVR to XR
bajones: OpenXR has XRSession
state which sounds like something we could consider using,
enumerates "possible session lifecycle states"
... states: unknown, ready, idle, lost-pending, existing,
max-enum, and a few others I can't type fast enough to
alex: bigger change to adopt all those states
<kearwood> (Brandon's idea of plopping in the OpenXR enums is better than what I was going to propose...)
alex: also a synchronous way that
is delivered. When you get waitFrame and a shouldRender bool
indicating whether pixels will go anywhere...
... this might be a different way.
alexis: semantic of pageVisibility events are understood by web developers, they already know what this means
<kearwood> (Correction... Not from OpenXR enums.. Page Visibility API)
alexis: e.g. they know what to do when they get this type of event. A token visibility change might be visible.
Leonard: In the case of AR systems through a camera, are they still going to display the camera pixels, and in a multi-user environment would you track users in a non-active state?
<kearwood> (Correction again.. These enums: https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenXR/specs/0.90/html/xrspec.html#XrSessionState)
nell: AR session today doesn't
have the page render camera pixels, it's the user agent
... need to word in such a way such that it's flexible enough
so that pixels aren't displayed or could be out of sync with
real-world during composition
... we may need a firmer stance on visibilty-blurred vs.
input-blurred in terms of whether requestAnimationFrame is
bajones: there is a chunk in the
spec called 'trusted environment' which isn't a great name,
general idea is that the user agent must have a tracked trusted
environment in the compositor which can always fall back to
showing a tracked environment with the appropriate safety
... assumption is that the user agent needs to provide
information to keep the user safe (e.g. indication of
... switching from page to trusted representation of
environment is probably needed. Will be platform specific, not
everyone will have capabilities to participate in those
nell: this will get resolved by end of June. If you have ideas afterwards please add to #488 ASAP
err... sorry
<cwilso> scribe: Chris Wilson
<cwilso> scribenick: cwilso
kip: ^^ is an explainer for lighting estimation; apologies for not having more visuals.
<kearwood> Precomputed Radiance Transfer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precomputed_Radiance_Transfer
<kearwood> Spherical Harmonics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_harmonics
<kearwood> Image Based Lighting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image-based_lighting
<kearwood> Global Illumination: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_illumination
<kearwood> Rotating Spherical Harmonics: http://filmicworlds.com/blog/simple-and-fast-spherical-harmonic-rotation/
kip: TL;dr: took the approach of
triangulating across native apis.
... there's a combination of hardware sensors and LCD of simple
radiance value
... at a minimum, implementations could just provide
... web content should expect to be progressive WRT what's
... originally considered just a simple value.
... but broke them out because it's easier to understand.
... looking at native APIs - sw-only ones by Microsoft, ARCore,
ARKit, LuminCore....
... all these things are implementable on these
... these aren't just theoretical.
... looked at other APIs, but didn't see much other than
ultra-simple (e.g. gamma)
... just weeks ago, three.js landed support for SH (Spherical
... should the browser update this once and then it persists
and you update for rotations?
... or is it promise/frame aligned?
... wanted to be conscious of time-based attacks on luminance
(cf. comments in explainer)
Leonard: XREflectionProbe equiv to requesting access to camera and microphone? Why microphone?
<Zakim> bajones, you wanted to ask a whole lot of things :)
Kip: Just camera - microphone is similar.
Brandon: this is cool, thanks. I assume there's significant overhead to producing these values?
Kip: in some platforms, yes, but in others you've already calculated?
Brandon: is there a reason this is on the frame?
Kip: open to feedback on this point. Might be reusing values. Would love to hear from native platform implementers.
Brandon: would be interesting to look at lifecycle across platforms.
kip: would it make sense to request up front?
<Zakim> NellWaliczek, you wanted to ask about frame alignment
Nell: might make sense to look at how we do this with hit testing - it's similar imo
brandon: I don't know much about SH - is the 9 value thing a standard thing?
Kip: yes.
Nell: it would be nice to have those links up above ^^ in the explainer itself.
Brandon: something here suggested that we could only do indirect radiance? What's the privacy concern?
Kip: maybe we don't need it?
JohnPallett: sun position
kip: ah, yeah. time of day.
Nell: This doc is wonderful, btw.
Explains context and background before diving into design.
Helps frame things.
... and thanks for looking across the ecosystem.
<Zakim> johnpallett, you wanted to ask about interchangeability between lighting approaches, also to appreciate privacy considerations :)
JohnPallett: is this SH-lite?
Kip: no.
JohnPallett: what's the overlap between these?
Kip: an SH can reflect 3 things in one structure - but if you had a simple renderer that only did hard shadows, you'd have to compute from that.
JohnPallett: it's not assumed these are all convertible to each other?
Kip: correct.
ravi: update on spatial
... important point on sizes:
... what is the "size" analog for spatial icons? for 2d images,
this was equated to quality/LoD
... I came up with static bounding box of asset as estimate of
"size" - then scale consistently.
... in theory, these units are meters, but in practice, all
platforms interpret as a unit and scale.
... there's a FB extension in glTF that uses the static
bounding box as a metric for LoD, but this approach has issues
- e.g. Head+Torso has larger bounding box than head-only.
... [although this is probably the opposite of intended]
... pros of bounding box approach: no changes to spec,
analogous to 2D size.
...cons: non-trivial calculation, and currently no tool to
...alternatives: new attribute: "lod": "low" | "medium" |
"high". but authors could interpret differently
... or use 'size' attribute with vertex count x primitive count
as values - but this is a mismatch in name/value.
... MSFT_lod is same problem but not a solution.
... Other update, we opened a webapp manifest issue to
<NellWaliczek> https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/extensions/2.0/Vendor/FB_geometry_metadata
<leonard> three.js has a tool to generate the bounding box
<NellWaliczek> https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/extensions/2.0/Vendor/MSFT_lod
rik: what ravi was saying that sizes are used in the RW to pick LoD, not size. So maybe it would be okay.
ravi: will add link to deck.
<leonard> size or #polys is not the sole measure of quality. You can have low poly and high texture too
thanks, let's break for lunch
<ravi> @cwilso yes, i intended the other way
<ravi> Here is the issue opened on Web App manifest: https://github.com/w3c/manifest/issues/763
<ravi> Link to slide deck: https://github.com/immersive-web/spatial-favicons/blob/master/design_docs/SpatialFaviconSizes.pdf
<ravi> Link to issue: https://github.com/immersive-web/spatial-favicons/issues/5 where we can discuss about this
<ravi> @leonard yes, that is true, but again these are just "hints" and a complete reflection on quality
<ravi> *not complete*
<JGwinner> Note: JGwinner, John Gwinner, is an independant VR/Technology author, I don't directly work for Oracle (or Samsung).
<trevorfsmith> https://transmutable.com/images/wider-web-stack.png
<ada> scribenick: bajones
Trevor: Felt like it would be
good to look up-stack from the implementations
... "How do I get a unity for the web" is a common
... (Intentionally messy chart) looking at exemplars of clients
and services
... Want to take a moment to do a bit of coordination to make
sure we're not duplicating effort.
Starting with Nell
Nell: Want closure on when the
implementations were going to be in a place Sumerian could
... Now unblocked after discussion at this meeting
... Would be smart to have Sumerian ready in roughly the same
timeframe as the the implementations
... Talking about AWS (Sumerian) hosts, amalgamation of several
services, such as speech processing.
Trevor: Can you give an overview of the set of things that Sumerian is doing?
Nell: Now that we know what
version we're targeting we'll use the polyfill to hit all of
our targets.
... Can use Sumerian in app containers, would love to get a
more unified story between the UAs there.
Trevor: (Talking about Nell's
gamepad-mapping repo) There's a layer above that that's common
to every framework of mapping input to intents/actions.
... Would be good to have future discussions about that.
Nell: Description is pretty vauge but Amazon team would be interested in collaborating on open source collab in that area.
Josh: Mozilla has a content group
that does Firefox reality, spoke, hubs.
... Wondering what they could do to help 2D (traditional web)
designers progressively enhance with immersive content.
... Embedding 360 videos, 3D models, etc on a 2D webpage.
... Extension to see if it's useful to place content in an
immersive environment.
... Looking into extensions like multiview and basis
(compressed texture) support
... We are entirely outside MDN's purview
<Zakim> cwilso, you wanted to talk about MDN, Omnitone
Asked about state of WebVR, didn't know at the moment since developer recently left the company.
Chris: Working with Joe Medley to ensure everything that gets into Chrome is documented in WebXR
<NellWaliczek> https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-reference
Chris: He's spinning up on WebXR
documentation again.
... Anyone who's interested in helping, please reach out.
... Also wanted to talk about Omnitone, which is more robust 3D
positional audio (ambisonics)
... Preferred shipping as a JS library to baking it into the
Josh: Can anyone talk about YouTube metadata?
John P: <cackling>
Nick: Since we have a VR complete milestone, do we have an AR complete milestone?
Nell: That's an upcoming topic!
<cwilso> Oh! Forgot to mention as an aside - three.js also has positional audio built in, btw. (I.e., if you use three.js as scene graph, it will handle the camera/pose related positional audio for you.)
<Zakim> NellWaliczek, you wanted to talk about how to track this info for developers
Nell: Also, polyfill should be
listed on the chart
... We get asked how to use WebXR, and we don't recommend that
most people use it directly.
... If you look at glTF repo main page, shows spec but also has
sections for artists, developers, tools, etc.
... Lays out the ecosystem around the standard
Trevor: There's a lot of services that aren't specific to XR but are relevant to immersive web projects.
<NellWaliczek> https://www.khronos.org/gltf/
(Billing, messaging, matchmaking, etc)
Trevor: Does anyone want to speak to those?
Ada: Payments should largely rely
on the web payment API
... Would feel better about the UA handling it than someone
rolling their own.
Trevor: Big roadblock for a lot of people. "I can't get paid on the web"
<ada> scribenick: NellWaliczek
<ada> scribenick: NellWaliczek
Nick: Not asking to for specific
changes right now.
... Want to raise awareness of requirements for high
performance computer vision on the web.
... and consider hardware form factors
... 8th wall is SLAM tracking at 30fps on today's phones
... demos of minigames tied to specific images in the real
... wants to open the door for experimentation since we don't
know what's gonna be important
... 18 years in the way back machine... every operation on
every pixel is costly.. came up with techniques to minimize
... today it's different, but this is the foundation for how to
think about the problem
... how does 8th wall work...
... generate a low-res image from the high-res image
... extracts stats from the low-res image, then processes
... overlays the results of the rendered content over the
high-res image
... *shows diagram of the control flow*
might grab high-res section based on info from previous frames
Nick: We do special stuff to
improve throughput on older devices
... this includes adding latency in the drawing but are able to
keep a high throughput
... summary of tech requirements
... 1. high-res camera texture available where a shader can be
run and results extracted
... 2. The shader needs to be adaptive
... 3. Needs to be able to hold multiple frames
... What changes for headset? not much
... where is the camera, where are the eyes, and where are the
inputs. need to know the relative locations to map it all
... no longer need to keep a buffer of textures because not
drawing own overly. do now need to update just before drawing,
so it will match up
... questions?
<alexturn> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/locatable-camera-in-directx
<Zakim> alexturn, you wanted to talk about how HoloLens does things today
Alex: on the native layer,
hololens explanation. Agree that almost everything is
... this api annotates the camera frames with the spatial
<alexturn> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/vuforia-development-overview
Alex: one other link, based on that Vuforia was able to do this link
Ada: Are you asking for a computer vision worklet that takes in the shader logic and then more logic to parse the image?
<blair> can you repeat, couldn't understand what ada said
<blair> (sorry for being such a PITA)
Nick: In general I prefer to use
basic building blocks like a web worker (or in main thread as
now). Building that at the application layer is preferrable
unless a strong techncial reason to do more rigidly
... prefer a way to attach a texture and play with it like
<blair> ^^^ good one, john
Blair: WebXR had huge performance
issues due to the way the iOS works.
... WebXRViewer (sorry!)
... Are we wanting to build on WebRTC? How feasible would it be
make those video frames directly available in the GPU? Seems
like an either or scenario... GPU, CPU, or both could be
... would be great to skip all the extra copies. how feasible
is it?
... if the user has already said you can have camera data,
there are no privacy issues in how it's delivered
... Also want to coordinate with anchors and hittest repos....
there will be overlap in how these are build
Nick: regarding WebRTC or not... we just want to call gl.texImage2D
Blair: ok, but if the browser has the data in texture memory... why should you even need to call this api?
Nick: That's an interesting question. It's possible that this api could already be used to do that efficiently. WE haven't seen texture copy be a bottleneck in what we're doing
Blair: only so many miliseconds in a frame... let's not waste any of them
Artem: texImage2D can take up to 11ms... can cause mid-frame flushes
Nick: we timed it..not bad now in latest chrome
Artem: it really matters when you call it
Nick: we don't currently see a problem in our timing info
Josh: What changes would make computer vision easier/faster on the web. If there was a magic api that was the most/fastest... what would you ask
Nick: 2 answers... 1 is about
speed of processing. 2 is about ease of use
... lots of misconceptions about what is possible. *shows
architecture slide* this is doable today, it's not easy
... SIMD in webassembly would make it faster to process vector
data more efficiently
Blair: this ties back to what
brandon was saying earlier about passing things to workers to
make things faster. Anything we can do to smooth the transition
to workers would be good. GPU is great, but also there are
CPU-only algorithms too. Believe there will be educational
opportunities that are based on existing building blocks. OTOH,
Every time I talk to someone who works on mobile, they say
there's a unified memory architecture
... this may not be the case for javascript typed array
buffers.... and also maybe things like spectre... but anything
that makes the transition from CPU to GPU and back seems like
it would be good
<blair> bye bye, I gotta run and feed kiddos
<atsushi> scribe: alexis_menard
cwilso is talking about our we can organize our work moving forward
<cwilso> 1) Should we use modularization as a way to organize our work?2) Are we comfortable with unchaining AR & VR in that way? 3) Is first spec smaller than what we've considered, because it's only core module?4) What exactly would be in "Core" = Spaces+VR+controllers?5) "AR module" = mode, requestHitTest/RWG, Anchors?
<cwilso> 1) Should we use modularization as a way to organize our work?
cwilso: inviting people to give suggestions on how we can organize our work....
<cwilso> 2) Are we comfortable with unchaining AR & VR in that way?
option would be to follow the idea of modules like the CSS WG and work pieces in a independent fashion
<cwilso> 3) Is first spec smaller than what we've considered, because it's only core module?
<cwilso> 4) What exactly would be in "Core" = Spaces+VR+controllers?
<cwilso> 5) "AR module" = mode, requestHitTest/RWG, Anchors?
bajones is asking about how the CSS WG is deprecating a module and how does it look like?
brandon thinks that not all module could work out....
cwilso is asking to clarify the deprecation bajones is asking about, basically how late in the process for e.g. CR or shipping
he is giving an example of technology changes too much and the spec doesn't work out for new hardware or technologies...
NellWaliczek is asking if the difference of deprecating a module would be the same as deprecating the entire spec for example
cwilso says that if the spec doesn't make it to REC then it's not really a spec so we can trash it :) :) :) .... rooms laugh...
we have to be careful about breaking the ecosystem
(e.g. feature detect, polyfill, ...)
to avoid breakage...
A good example is WebAudio, multiple implementation shipped and some of the design was somewhat dumb
a monkey patch library was created to fix and port of the code...
to the newer and better API
it's possible to deprecate a REC
rescinding is the right term for it
cwilso is hopeful that things would get cut off before the REC steps
the only worry part is shipping implementation
bajones thinks that module or not, shipping features and features, the process should be the same....
cwilso notes that that's why we have an incubation process so that things can fail nicely.
NellWaliczek is struggling with the idea of module and their scope, e.g. does lighting is together with AR....
NellWaliczek is worrying on what happen if our breakdown of modules fails...
cwilso thinks that a core module with all the spaces included for e.g.
if things can be modularized further cwilso thinks that it should be separated into its own module
leonard is asking about what is the obligation or requirements for browser to implement modules
in addition of core
cwilso is saying that no browser is obligated to ship anything
he gives the example of CSS L2 that never ships fully
cwilso reformulates the question : "if ambient light is a module, is it less likely to be implemented?"
alexis_menard mentioned that CSS modules are not a contract with UAs, it's a implementation detail of the WG to operate faster/better
<Zakim> johnpallett, you wanted to ask for clarification
johnpallett modules are collection of features self contained
modules can run on different schedule it seems?
what if 2 modules have a dependency on each others?
how we detect conflicts between modules?
schedule and authors are different
NellWaliczek thinks that we would need to reorganized as a WG
if the module are very dependent maybe they should be into a single module
johnpallett is asking about the module that needs changing on core module
NellWaliczek we have to implement mechanism to review progress and make a process to engage with core members...
NellWaliczek thinks that the module is appealing because of the flexibility.
alexturn what is a minimal spec, what are the core features?
alexturn looked at the input for e.g.
<johnpallett> one point I want to make sure gets captured if we design a module-based process is ensuring that there is implementer feedback ensuring that the requirements of two modules don't conflict in a way that makes it impossible to implement both.
<cwilso> alexis: dependencies are just a process; we'd still have to manage that. The core of the WG still meets in the same way.
NellWaliczek mentioned the explainers are split for e.g.
<cwilso> john pallett: one difference between this and CSS is the diversity of underlying platforms. I thinbk we have more diversity under th hood?
johnpallett gives an example of 2 modules looking good but one is unimplementable on one OS/platform
NellWaliczek mentioned that CSS also have similar problem, CSS feature may work well with layout system in Chrome but not in another vendor
ada is asking if maybe we need to increase the amount of calls (weekly) to make sure that modules have time to be covered
<trevorfsmith> q10000
straw poll in the room on whether the modules are a good idea
most of the people raised their hand (2/3 thinks it's a good idea)
<ada> NO strong objections
NellWaliczek is asking if we feel comfortable pulling all AR stuff of the core?
that AR will be absent of the REC
alexturn except immersive-ar token in core, AR could be split in module
ada thinks that it changes the way we speak the developer, "we completed the core of WebXR it's stable and we make considerable progress on the AR module"
it will make the developer more confident with our API
trevorfsmith is saying that it's weird that we have an AR module and that VR doesn't have it's on the core
trevorfsmith could we present it also so that "here is the core it does a bunch of VR but there is this AR module and this VR module which does few new things not yet quite ready for prime time"
NellWaliczek says that we have already some VR specific things that could be in a module and are currently in the spec complete milestone
maybe they could be removed and moved to a module
NellWaliczek is suggesting that for example of VR you can have a multi view module and a layer module
and that you can't implement the multi view unless you have implementing the layer module
NellWaliczek immersive-ar is really the open question...
should we include it or not?
alexturn says that immersive-ar is not really define in the current spec
NellWaliczek and cwilso that it's an issue we need to solve if we want to go REC
bajones there are a lot of work related to composition and that's very related to immersive-ar
<Zakim> johnpallett, you wanted to mention proposals #51 which has a list of AR topics worth considering
<cwilso> https://github.com/immersive-web/proposals/issues/51
johnpallett points that #51 have interesting questions about being able to full AR solutions to make the AR experience useful
<johnpallett> (clarification - there may be things in #51 that we'd need to address before AR is useful)
NellWaliczek says that even if immersive-ar is shipping in Level 1 of core WebXR it doesn't matter if it's not super useful
browsers also have the choice to reject the session type...
bajones there is going to be a marketing push of these features and we want to make sure that we have a set of features that are useful otherwise people will say "ar on the web is useless"
<cwilso> alexis: now you've confused me. :) . Even if the spec includes immersive-ar, and UA decides to reject property... that seems okay.
<Zakim> JGwinner, you wanted to say It could have benefits as well, as supporting immersive VR for say the Hololens is less than useful. (probably obvious)
<Zakim> kearwood, you wanted to ask the theoretical question about what it would look like if a new mode was added. (Not AR or VR.. Perhaps passthrough mixed reality?)
NellWaliczek if we have an AR composition module this would be the right place to define the various environment and blend modes (I guess I captured that correctly)
kearwood is asking what it does look if we add another presentation mode provided that if ar/vr mode part of the core module...
bajones thinks that we could introduce a new mode in a module
Manishearth thinks that often you would have to modify the core spec
NellWaliczek says if we need we can just level the spec
Manishearth says that we should keep the presentation mode generic enough and their reference in the spec so it doesn't matter if we add new ones
NellWaliczek do we believe we can ship VR without AR
<cwilso> Nell: there are two orthogonal questions - a) can we ship vr without ar? b) how do we break up the rest of the features?
and #2 how do we break up AR so we can ship it faster....
<cwilso> nell: on a), "yes, as long as we implement privacy first"
NellWaliczek thinks we should address the privacy and it would help...
we should discuss these options on the call
in 2 weeks after we talked to our various internal organizations
NellWaliczek can we draw a straw poll today, then draft a bit on how we could split AR to have discussions inside respective companies
ada do we need to recharter?
cwilso not convinced
cwilso we need to recharter though so maybe we should do it. But we don't really need to recharter we don't ship anything new....
Manishearth was input part of the deliverables?
cwilso says that we are not trying to ship something that was not in the charter, we're actually thinking shipping less that what was on the charter...
cwilso WG frequently miss what they say they will deliver on their charter, this is normal
johnpallett thinks that how AR could be organized would be great but would be great to have an idea of the process would help
cwilso: )
<atsushi> rrsあげんt、
<cwilso> State +1 if you agree we can ship vr without ar; -1 if you disagree; 0 if you are ambivalent.
(provided we adopt module to move AR forward, not a massive L2 WebXR spec)
<cwilso> IMPORTANT CAVEAT: this is PRESUMING that we are breaking into modules, and not waiting on massive level 2 spec in order to address AR
johnpallett is curious about how we get a new level out, is it fast/slow?
<cwilso> IFF we are breaking into modules, THEN state +1 if you agree we can ship VR without AR; -1 if you disagree; 0 to abstain.
<Manishearth> +1
<samdrazin> +1
<NellWaliczek> +1
<artem> +1000000
<ada> +1
<cwilso> +1
<joshmarinacci> +1
<kearwood> +1
<bajones> +1!
<trevorfsmith> +1 IFF we use modules for AR and they're worked on in parallel as the core spec is approaching CR.
<johnpallett> +1
<alexturn> +1
<JGwinner> 0
<cwilso> DECIDED: IFF we use modules for AR features, we could ship Core+VR first as a separate spec.
<cwilso> Action item on the LT to make a proposal on what modularization looks like,.
<ada> scribe: Manishearth
NellWaliczek: When we were
discussing the privacy doc yesterday, one of the key
assumptions we were making was the idea that there was not
interest/possibility cross UA/hardware to provide a mechanism
for trusted UI
... if this were available it would have changed our
... As there were many people invested in getting into this i
wanted us to discuss this separately here
... Alex, I was hoping you could elaborate more on the
inception thing from yesterday?
alexturn: as part of the
discussion on "what trusted actions exist" (e.g. you can hit
the home button , etc)
... we were taking for granted you could reliably *leave* the
experience without spoofing
... it depends what kind of experience it is
... so on HL2 you go to home by touching the logo. but what if
you miss or something?
... how do you know you've woken up from the dream
... it's hard to spoof a home screen (based on
... but what about spoofing a browser? it may be quite
... the ability to spoof on the way out is also a problem. this
doesn't mean we should write off all spoofing
... does this yet further increase the requirement that we must
solve this
<Zakim> johnpallett, you wanted to point at https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/issues/424#issuecomment-492857627 for background on concerns about cross-platform trusted interfaces and
johnpallett: As framing for the
concern in the privacy doc
... the concern was not "can one UA on one platform can solve
this problem?:
... the concern is whether variations in approaches to this
problem would make it difficult to get predictable
... where on some platforms they have smooth flow but on
others, where they haven't tested it, they get something
... the other comment i wanted to make was that this affects
things like x-origin navigation
... consent is one aspect, but also things like presenting the
origin (how do i know i'm on bankofamerica.com?)
NellWaliczek: just wanted to
point out i know we had a requirement in WebVR that there MUST
be a way to exit the experience. we're vague about it
... thing I'm hoping to get out of this convo is "what a
trusted UI should be consistent in" so there *can* be
variations but we can still provide predictability
bajones: there's text in the WebXR spec for this, but it says should not must and needs to be expanded
Nick-8thWall: a q that came up
several times yesterday that wasn't addressed:
... what are the specific examples of the threat vectors
associated with presenting a fake permissions UI
NellWaliczek: mostly to do with
the idea that it convinces people that such dialogs can be
presented in immersive
... i.e. a user may feel okay with a password dialog if they
see a perms dialog once
johnpallett: there are a bunch of
these, we should probably assume the threat vectors exist
instead of going into this
... another q: how does the UA tell the user they need to press
the trusted button (or whatever)
NellWaliczek: we should also look
at the worst case scenario
... e.g. if the permissions dialog says "press the home
button", and if it's spoofed and you press the home button, you
will end up in the home window
... i.e. set up the failure mode of the spoofed prompt to be
joshmarinacci: i think we should allow UAs to be different as a monoculture is easier to attack
<bajones> +q
joshmarinacci: can we specify
that there MUST be some form of trusted thing but provide no
guidance on implementation
... i.e. we specify the level of security but not solve the
NellWaliczek: there's a continuum
here, we can say *handwave handwave* trusted ui, or we can try
to specify common elements for consistency
... e.g. if we require a trusted button we can specify a worst
case fallback for the threat vector
bajones: the outcome of this
discussion should NOT be to design such a UI
... we should be able to establish on all of the environments
we're aware of, is there a feasible way to provide such a
trsted UI
... and if we can't we're in trouble and we need to take more
aggressive steps to work around that
joshmarinacci: i guess the
subtext of this question is "how much must we solve this before
... i don't want to say we're not shipping till we climb this
hill when we don't know how big the hill is
NellWaliczek: we should just brainstorm first, and then later figure out "practically speaking, we should do xyz"
<cwilso> ack kearq?
NellWaliczek: find out if there is a place to go first
<Zakim> kearwood, you wanted to say that permissions prompts must also identify the origin in a secure way simultaneously.
kearwood: an example of what you
*can* define as a requirement without dictating the impl or
... when the user is making a choice, they must be
simultaneously able to decide which origin they're making the
choice for
... e.g. if a UA lets you hold down home to see what your
origin is
<JGwinner> +1
kearwood: and they have a
separate UI for permissions
... you need to be careful about the origin changing underneath
the user.
... so you can require that it's clear of the origin of the
NellWaliczek: if one of the concerns is that people will get confused between perms and password prompts, perhaps we can require that perms look different and see if browser vendors are okay with that
alexturn: just wanted to provide
a concrete example >>holds laptop up<<
... on chrome when you get a mic perms question, the little
lock changes color a bit
... but if an HTTP Basic authentication prompt shows up it's
just a modal that sliiiightly overlaps with the url bar
(various people party as we realize the web is broken anyway)
<cwilso> ack q?
alexturn: if we can derive the
principles for normal vs fullscreen we can also apply them
... maybe they were just trying to be conservative, or maybe
they had a strong reason
bajones: going with nell's
comment on brainstorming ; wanted to comment: all the XR
platforms we work with have some way to go to the home screen,
out of necessity
... (also asks about HL2)
alexturn: HL2 has this thingy on your wrist that you can tap, which will be picked up by the system even if it gets drawn over
bajones: either way it's pretty
bad if you as a platform don't have a way to do this
... we're in a pretty weird place as a platform building on a
... we can imagine for most platform how a trusted UI would
work, but what edge cases exist?
... i know that Cardboard is one edge case, and the AR
... Cardboard is also the "barely a vr device" system we have.
are there even any advanced perms that wuld apply here? "do you
want to give me camera access"? "no i'm cardboard@"
... idk how this translates to phone AR
... the actual flow starts to look like fullscreen, but there
*are* reliable platform gestures that you can use to back
... and if there are not that is not our problem, that's
android/ios's problem
<Zakim> johnpallett, you wanted to address 'button' vs. donning as different approaches that have different UX implications. However ideas like 'totem' are more portable.
johnpallett: talking about
whether or not there is a way to exit the experience is a bit
of a red herring
... since there has to be one. except maybe CAVE
... q is not if there is a way to exit, q is if there's a way
to provide an experience which is smooth/consistent on all
... there are various approaches of consistency like a reserved
UI slot, etc
NellWaliczek: i think you've
misunderstood: i'm trying to ask, is it possible to consider if
every system has a way to exit, can we build something based on
that way to exit that gives you a trusted UI
... e.g. when you go to purchase something on your iphone you
have to doubletap home to trigger faceid
... if it was spoofed that would drop you on the home
... my point was that there may be a path towards defining a
common element that we can build this UI on
johnpallett: more trying to say: let's explore the divergence of platforms
JGwinner: agree with
joshmarinacci that we shouldn't specify a particular
... maybe we can ask UA implementors to upload things as an IP
free thing
... another thing: we shouldn't discount audio
bajones: if we use sigils we should make sure that the sigils can't be captured any way via APIs
<joshmarinacci> +q
JGwinner: also we should handle cases where something is in kiosk mode and wants to disallow permissions
NellWaliczek: it's fine if browsers have a flag that lets you disable things from the spec. not technically conformant but this is quite normal
<cwilso> scribe: kearwood
<cwilso> Manis: I was just reminded of Ctrl-Alt-Del.
MAnish: I was reminded of windows xp and CTRL+ALT+DEL. When you log in, it asks you to press it. Applications can ask you to hit a key combination that is unmaskable. It's just another example, a well known one. One issue with this is that even if the system has this, the browser may not be able to piggy-back on this.
Firefox reality may not be able to intercept the oculus home button for example
Not being prescriptive if its an operating systems preserved button.
Multiple: there is a back button in browsers.
There is an app button that is not exposed by the gamepad api
In a hololens or magic leap like environment, popping out the browser stack may be equivalent to going to the home screen.
Can function as equivalent gestures
Even if the application can't intercept the home gesture, there should be another thing you can reserve.
<scribe> scribe: Manishearth
joshmarinacci: is there a way we can write this such that the UA can pick any one of these solutions
bajones: Yes
<atsushi> scribe: Manishearth
NellWaliczek: four
... 1) is trusted UI possible/required?
... 2) when can we obtain consent (creation only? during
... 3) how granular do we want to enable the spec to do
... 4) once permission has been granted, what are the
implications around what needs to happen around that data (e.g.
quantization, categorization of user-configured data vs
which we need to separate out
this way we can treat the consent stuff as separate
NellWaliczek: action item to figure out who's responsible for each of these
rssagent, please draft the minutes
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/saability/ability/ FAILED: s/everything the platform has/data based on what the platform has natively/ Succeeded: s/q/// Succeeded: s/scribe: josh/scribe: joshmarinacci/ Succeeded: s/Pallette/Pallett/ Succeeded: s/one #2s/one #1s/ Succeeded: s/rrsagent, please draft minute/rrsagent, please draft minutes/ Succeeded: s/john-samsung/john-oracle/ Succeeded: s/immsersive/immersive/ Succeeded: s/scribenice:/scribenick:/ Succeeded: s/rssagent,/rrsagent,/ Succeeded: s/rrsagent, please draft minutes/scribe: alexis_menard/ Succeeded: s/cwilso is /cwilso: / Succeeded: s/No/No/ Succeeded: s/fine/normal/ Succeeded: s/are ok to/frequently/ Succeeded: s/:eyeroll// Succeeded: s/ack manis/scribe: kearwood/ Succeeded: s/Josh:/scribe: Manishearth/ Present: NellWaliczek trevorfsmith cwilso joshmarinacci bajones alexturn leonard ada alexis_menard Manishearth cabanier kearwood daoshengmu johnpallett JGwinner Found Scribe: joshmarinacci WARNING: "Scribe: joshmarinacci" command found, but no lines found matching "<joshmarinacci> . . . " Use "ScribeNick: dbooth" (for example) to specify the scribe's IRC nickname. Found Scribe: joshmarinacci Inferring ScribeNick: joshmarinacci Found Scribe: cwilso Inferring ScribeNick: cwilso Found Scribe: joshmarinacci Inferring ScribeNick: joshmarinacci Found ScribeNick: johnpallett Found Scribe: John Pallett Found ScribeNick: johnpallett Found Scribe: trevorfsmith Inferring ScribeNick: trevorfsmith Found Scribe: johnpallett Inferring ScribeNick: johnpallett Found Scribe: Chris Wilson Found ScribeNick: cwilso Found ScribeNick: bajones Found ScribeNick: NellWaliczek Found ScribeNick: NellWaliczek Found Scribe: alexis_menard Inferring ScribeNick: alexis_menard Found Scribe: Manishearth Inferring ScribeNick: Manishearth Found Scribe: kearwood Inferring ScribeNick: kearwood Found Scribe: Manishearth Inferring ScribeNick: Manishearth Found Scribe: Manishearth Inferring ScribeNick: Manishearth Scribes: joshmarinacci, cwilso, John Pallett, trevorfsmith, johnpallett, Chris Wilson, alexis_menard, Manishearth, kearwood ScribeNicks: joshmarinacci, cwilso, johnpallett, trevorfsmith, bajones, NellWaliczek, alexis_menard, Manishearth, kearwood Agenda: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/master/F2F-Jun-2019/schedule.md Found Date: 05 Jun 2019 People with action items: WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]