13:01:27 RRSAgent has joined #css 13:01:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/06/04-css-irc 13:01:29 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:01:29 Zakim has joined #css 13:01:31 Meeting: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group Teleconference 13:01:31 Date: 04 June 2019 13:01:39 Zakim, remind us in 9 hours to go home 13:01:39 ok, dbaron 13:02:03 Meeting: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group Face-to-face meeting 13:03:42 jlin has joined #css 13:05:12 una has joined #css 13:09:19 jihye has joined #css 13:09:19 present+ 13:10:04 stantonm has joined #css 13:13:58 present+ 13:18:36 antonp has joined #css 13:23:21 present+ 13:25:04 present+ 13:25:43 myles has joined #css 13:26:06 present+ 13:26:09 present+ myles 13:26:12 fremy has joined #css 13:27:43 ScribeNick: heycam 13:27:43 jensimmons has joined #css 13:27:57 present+ 13:28:00 Rossen_ has joined #css 13:28:01 present+ 13:28:15 present+ 13:28:19 Rossen Atanassov, Microsoft 13:28:22 Alan Stearns, Adobe 13:28:25 Rob Flack, Google 13:28:36 Jihye Hong, LGE 13:28:38 Oriol Brufau, Igalia 13:28:40 tantek has joined #css 13:28:40 AmeliaBR has joined #css 13:28:47 L. David Baron, Mozilla 13:28:51 Cameron McCormack, Mozilla 13:28:52 Tab Atkins, Google 13:28:56 Amelia Bellamy-Royds, Invited Expert 13:29:05 bkardell_ has joined #css 13:29:05 Stanton Marcum, Amazon 13:29:06 Koji Ishii, Googe 13:29:07 Jen Simmons, Mozilla 13:29:10 Tantek Çelik, Mozilla 13:29:11 Rachel Andrew, Fronteers 13:29:13 present+ 13:29:19 present+ 13:29:22 Brian Kardell, Igalia and JS Foundation 13:29:23 chris has joined #css 13:29:26 present+ 13:29:30 present+ 13:29:56 myles_ has joined #css 13:29:57 Dave Cramer, Hachette Livre 13:29:59 present+ 13:30:07 hober has joined #css 13:30:08 Florian Rivoal, Invited Expert 13:30:19 present+ 13:30:39 Topic: additional resource state pseudo-classes for media elements 13:30:44 github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3821 13:30:45 s/JS Foundation/Open JS Foundation 13:31:08 Ian Kilpatrick, Google 13:31:10 hober: we currently have playing and pause pseudo classes, which media elements match when they are playing or paused 13:31:18 present+ 13:31:21 ... the use case is, things like custom media controls, with a unified play/pause button 13:31:34 present+ 13:31:38 ... there are a handful of other common media element states that have a similar rationale for exposing to CSS 13:31:45 ... stuff that people are currently using script for 13:31:50 ... this issue is the 3 easy ones 13:31:59 ... 1 is whether or not the element is muted 13:32:10 ... you may have a mute button, styled volume slider 13:32:13 ... very similar to playing/paused 13:32:17 ... hope it's uncontroversial 13:32:20 ... other 2 are a bit weird 13:32:28 ... the HTMl spec has a concept of media being stalled 13:32:44 ... and you can see examples of custom UI when media is stalled on popular sites like YouTube, netflix 13:32:47 ... the spinner looks different 13:32:55 ... if we could provide styling for that it would be nice 13:33:03 present+ 13:33:15 Present+ 13:33:16 q+ to ask about "buffering" vs. "streaming connection broken" (have seen different UI) 13:33:20 ... the 3rd one is: media elements have a seeking state, which is useful for cases like when you are displaying custom controls, but seeking is happening due to other controls 13:33:37 ... maybe seeking with a remote control, but you want you custom control to do a different thing 13:33:37 FYI: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/media.html#htmlmediaelement 13:33:44 ... so the HTML spec has the right hooks here 13:33:49 ... just need something in CSS to expose them 13:33:59 ... so 3 proposed pseudo classes: muted, stalled, seeking 13:34:03 florian: what is seeking as a state 13:34:12 hober: while you're seeking. if you using the scrubber 13:34:16 AmeliaBR: like an active state 13:34:17 q+ to talk about additional states 13:34:27 q+ 13:34:39 ack dbaron 13:34:39 dbaron, you wanted to ask whether :muted would cover tab-level, app-level, or system-level muting (I suspect not, but want to ask) 13:34:47 dbaron: there's ofte na lot of ways to mute something 13:35:01 ... my guess here this ignores your tab is muted, hardware control is muted, is that right? 13:35:12 q? 13:35:22 hober: I think that's right. but I'm not sure. I think this shouldb e tied to the host lang's definition 13:35:26 dbaron: ok so the HTML definition 13:35:27 ack tantek 13:35:27 tantek, you wanted to ask about "buffering" vs. "streaming connection broken" (have seen different UI) 13:35:29 ack tantek 13:35:43 tantek: I like the general direction of the proposal, +1 on them. even the less common features 13:36:00 ... this shook loose memories of things I worked on right before Mozilla, doing HTML5 consulting, setting up video UIs 13:36:07 ... took a bunch of notes which I forgot about that 13:36:13 ... I needed this in 2010 13:36:40 ... the :stalled pseudo class, I've seen different UI between buffering to show something, vs the network connection is gone 13:36:47 ... even if you're in this "I want to play" state 13:36:52 ... wondering if it's worth distinguishing 13:37:00 hober: I agree there's a use case there 13:37:04 +1 to tantek 13:37:10 ... I think network state is a little more general. that's going to affect hte page, not just the media elements 13:37:15 tantek: but that's a differnt can of worms 13:37:21 hober: I'd rather tacklet that as a different thing 13:37:22 q? 13:37:28 tantek: I'm saying I'd rather not, since it is a can of worms 13:37:39 hober: could you propose another pseudo for this? 13:37:52 tantek: do you want one pseudo that means either of that? two for the specific states? 13:38:01 hober: I'd be happy to delegate this to HTML 13:38:12 ... some HTML spec refactoring is needed anyway, for stalled 13:38:17 ... from our perspective, we'd defer to the host language 13:38:20 do these apply to