19:51:41 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 19:51:41 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/05/21-dxwg-irc 19:51:49 rrsagent, make logs public 19:51:54 chair: PWinstanley 19:52:11 regrets+ RiccardoAlbertoni, Alejandra 19:52:26 meeting: DXWG Plenary 19:58:51 SimonCox has joined #dxwg 19:59:00 * Peter, can you hear me? 20:00:56 roba has joined #dxwg 20:02:13 present+ 20:02:20 plh has joined #dxwg 20:02:40 antoine has joined #dxwg 20:02:41 plh_ has joined #dxwg 20:04:06 present+ 20:04:14 annette_g has joined #dxwg 20:04:24 present+ 20:04:24 DaveBrowning has joined #dxwg 20:04:32 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg 20:04:49 scribenick SimonCox 20:04:53 scribe SimonCox 20:04:58 * will pass - i have to take family to train station in 30 minutes... 20:05:07 present+ 20:05:08 present+ 20:05:34 present+ 20:05:35 present+ 20:05:41 present+ 20:05:51 Topic: agenda 20:05:52 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2019.05.21 20:06:02 present+ 20:06:17 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 20:06:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/05/21-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 20:06:22 Topic: minutes of previous meeting 20:06:23 https://www.w3.org/2019/05/14-dxwg-minutes 20:06:37 +1 20:06:43 Proposed: approve minutes of previous meeting 20:06:47 +1 20:06:49 +1 20:06:51 +1 20:06:51 +1 20:06:57 I'm missing from regrets, otherwise +1 20:07:00 +0 20:07:05 resolved: approve minutes of previous meeting 20:07:13 +0 20:07:19 +0 20:08:58 topic: Conneg current position 20:09:12 q+ 20:09:17 ack roba 20:09:21 PWinstanley: has there been any publicity? any feedback? 20:09:41 roba: TomB & Fung 20:10:21 PWinstanley: checked if W3C does a media release - answer no 20:10:34 ... so has written a blog item 20:10:46 ... to get put into W3C blog 20:11:18 ... at PriceWaterhouse last week, looking at public service vocabularies 20:11:32 It would be important also to announce it on the public-comments mailing list. 20:11:46 ... there is interest there too. 20:11:56 q? 20:12:09 Action: PWinstanley to check if an announcement has been made to public comments list 20:12:09 Created ACTION-329 - Check if an announcement has been made to public comments list [on Peter Winstanley - due 2019-05-28]. 20:12:27 topic: DCAT status 20:12:29 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 20:12:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/05/21-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 20:12:47 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/99375/DCAT_PR/results 20:13:16 PWinstanley: poll to move DCAT2 to PR - current status 16 +1s - plh_ agrees OK to proceed on that basis 20:13:28 q+ 20:13:54 DaveBrowning: a lot of purely editorial work on document in last couple of weeks - shout out to AndreaPerego in particular 20:14:15 ack plh_ 20:14:18 ... we have not focussed on implementation evidence yet. 20:14:41 plh_: correction - next status is Candidate Rec (not Proposed rec) 20:15:16 ... CR must show substantive issues are resolved, and level of wide review from the community 20:16:16 Internationalization, Privacy, Security, Shape Expressions CG, SHACL Community Group, schema.org for datasets Community Group, ODRL Community Group, European Commission's ISA Programme, Research Data Alliance, and bioCADDIE WG 3. 20:16:37 plh_: posted list of groups that should be pinged 20:17:05 q+ 20:17:26 ack AndreaPerego 20:17:31 ack AndreaPerego 20:17:53 AndreaPerego: ISA has been informed 20:17:55 Dan Brinkley from schema.org has been involved in DCAT a bit. 20:18:14 ... RDA AndreaPerego and SimonCox are members 20:18:29 ... DanBri is member of DXWG 20:19:08 ... alejandra represents BioCaddie 20:19:37 plh_: since this is a revision, then some considerations carry over. 20:19:51 ... internationalization, privacy 20:20:02 ... depends on the nature of the actual changes 20:20:14 q+ 20:20:22 ack SimonCox 20:20:24 q+ 20:21:11 SimonCox: ON the shape expressions and SHACL groups, there was intention to do things in that space, but we have not done so - so is involvement of them still relevant? 20:21:16 ack annette_g 20:21:29 SimonCox: since we have not used ShEx or SHACL do we need to consult with those groups? 20:21:45 I think the ShEx CG could be interested if we understand what is being requested 20:21:48 annette_g: we should be as wide ranging as possible - solicit feedback anyway 20:21:59 q+ 20:22:11 not a question 20:22:14 ack SimonCox 20:22:27 If the request is clear, I think ShEx CG would be interested in engaging 20:22:44 SimonCox: What should we ask of the community groups? 20:22:50 plh_: "we believe the spec is read; do they have any comments before we move ahead?" 20:22:56 s/read/ready/ 20:23:47 action: DaveBrowning to formally notify these CGs with plh_ -style request 20:23:48 Created ACTION-330 - Formally notify these cgs with plh_ -style request [on David Browning - due 2019-05-28]. 20:24:29 plh_: recommend new PWD including the latest changes 20:24:38 https://www.w3.org/wiki/DocumentReview#TL.3BDR 20:24:50 action: plh_ to progress new PWD 20:24:50 Error finding 'plh_'. You can review and register nicknames at . 20:25:13 q+ 20:25:30 ack DaveBrowning 20:26:04 DaveBrowning: privacy group has done questionnaire 20:26:50 SheX and SHACL are not affected by DCAT - but there is an issue of how to link constraints models they express to the concepts that datasets conform to - profiles provides a "wrapper" to enable that. 20:27:03 http://w3c.github.io/i18n-activity/reviews/shortchecklist 20:27:24 Proposed: release new PWD of DCAT2 20:27:33 +1 20:27:39 roba, good point - it is not clear to me what aspects of DCAT the ShEx CG would want to review 20:27:47 +1 20:27:48 +1 20:27:51 +1 20:27:54 +1 20:27:54 +1 20:27:56 +1 20:28:04 resolved: release new PWD of DCAT2 20:28:08 q+ 20:28:10 rrsagent, create minutes v2 20:28:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/05/21-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 20:28:13 ack AndreaPerego 20:28:20 +1 20:28:40 AndreaPerego: one last ed fix before plh_ action 20:29:23 ... subtitle - currently "Revised edition" - shoudl it be "Version 2"? 20:29:38 s/shoudl/should/ 20:30:12 see https://w3c.github.io/dxwg/dcat/ 20:30:33 * i have to run in a few moments :-( - info is profiles vocab undergoing implementation and review in ODRL, OGC and LOCI projects anyway - feedback on conneg doc points to some further improvements making clear that "profile" is "relative" to where you start, and all specifications can be viewed as profiles. 20:30:40 Proposed: subtitle should say "Version 2" 20:30:42 +1 20:30:45 +1 20:30:46 +1 20:30:49 +1 20:30:51 +1 20:30:55 +`1 20:31:08 +0 20:31:20 +1 20:31:22 resolved: subtitle should say "Version 2" 20:31:38 Relevant PR: https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/pull/938 20:31:42 action: AndreaPerego to make change subtitle should say "Version 2" 20:31:50 Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail with details about what happened. 20:33:06 Or should it be "Second Edition"? like OWL, XSD ... 20:34:36 PWinstanley: we previously agreed to not be precious about version numbers and expect them to accelerate with 'evergreen' status 20:34:41 * off - may get back before end of hour.. 20:35:41 PWinstanley: any more on DCAT? 20:35:45 q+ 20:36:12 ack AndreaPerego 20:36:16 TomB: unclear that ShEx CG would have any real comments 20:36:44 AndreaPerego: asks plh_ how to assemble implementation evidence 20:36:58 ... varies widely for vocabularies ... 20:37:16 ... e.g. tests that vocabs are being used 'validly' 20:37:25 ... demonstrate use in other contexts 20:37:46 ... in particular who is using the parts of the vocabulary that are part of the _changes_ 20:37:52 AndreaPerego: timing? 20:38:10 plh_: at least 4 weeks, + wide review 20:38:31 ... group charter ends at end of June 20:38:49 ... need to request an extension 20:39:00 ... 3 or 5 months? How much do we need? 20:39:04 s/5/6/ 20:40:02 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 20:40:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/05/21-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 20:40:15 Topic: Do we need an extension for DXWG? 20:40:40 plh_: even with an extension, will it be long enough for Profiles vocabulary? 20:40:49 ... might need a new charter? 20:41:04 q+ to ask whether we are talking about Profile Guidance or Profile Vocabulary? 20:41:20 PWinstanley: release Profiles Vocab as a WG note for now, then new WG (new charter) for Profiles as rec 20:41:29 q+ 20:41:47 ack TomB 20:41:47 TomB, you wanted to ask whether we are talking about Profile Guidance or Profile Vocabulary? 20:42:40 PWinstanley: clarification - the chartered deliverable is Profile Guidance. 20:42:44 ack antoine 20:43:49 ... which is a long way behind and unlikely to be delivered in 3 months - due to 'northern summer' 20:44:30 PWinstanley: current status of Profile Guidance document? 20:45:09 ... work is still rather amorphous 20:45:14 +1 that the document is fairly amorphous (ie, would need alot of work) 20:45:29 q+ 20:45:33 s/Profiles vocabulary/Profile Guidance/ 20:45:35 ack TomB 20:45:36 q+ 20:46:05 ack antoine 20:46:09 +1 to TomB 20:46:49 antoine: profiles guidance work was put on hold 20:47:32 PWinstanley: DCAT and Conneg do not dependent on profiles work 20:47:42 s/dependent/depend/ 20:48:02 * back 20:48:08 q+ to say that conneg and dcat seem quite separate from the Profiles Guidance and Vocabulary - could go to Recommendation without dependence on Profiles Vocab/Guidance 20:48:16 ack TomB 20:48:16 TomB, you wanted to say that conneg and dcat seem quite separate from the Profiles Guidance and Vocabulary - could go to Recommendation without dependence on Profiles 20:48:19 ... Vocab/Guidance 20:48:21 q+ 20:48:26 ... perhaps we should recognize that the profiles work will only be a distraction from delivering DCAT and Conneg 20:48:34 q? 20:48:53 ... and separate/defer it. 20:49:29 (my +1 was for TomB's opinion that profiles guidance should be published along with other profiles docs) 20:49:38 TomB: there is no difficulty to move forward with DCAT and Conneg, as long as any cross-references to profiles work is disentangled from with the documents 20:49:43 ack annette_g 20:49:48 +1 to focus on Conneg and Dcat 20:49:53 ack antoine 20:50:33 antoine: yes, DCAT can be extracted 20:50:40 q+ 20:50:53 ... however, Conneg needs to answer the question "what is a profile" by itself. 20:51:11 ... rather than refer to defs in Profiles guidance 20:51:17 ack roba 20:51:53 roba: most comments relate to question of 'what is a profile'. Examples needed, which we all agree on. 20:52:36 ... We should also be able to issue Profiles Vocab as a "Note" to encourage and support use 20:52:44 +1 to antoine - that Conneg could answer the question "what is a profile" by itself - ideally, this would be done in Guidance, but not essential - could be done in Conneg 20:52:53 ... no resources have been committed to "Guidance" document yet 20:53:44 ... Profiles negotiation is incomplete without a clear explanation of what a profile is 20:54:51 PWinstanley: can we write a short ("low fat") document or section that explains what a profile is? 20:55:10 roba: profiles vocabulary does this - 3 classes, a few axioms 20:55:47 PWinstanley: can 'what is a profile' be extracted from this? Profiles _vocabulary_ implementation is not needed for definition. 20:56:25 roba: Don't know. Difficult without a formalism. Vague words don't cut it. 20:57:01 ... profiling is a relative process - tends to depend on where you start. Is DCAT a 'profile' of RDF, for example ...? 20:57:36 ... "Profile" is highly contextual - what looks like a profile to one person might not to another. 20:58:19 PWinstanley: what extension do we need for DWXG? 3 months insufficient to complete DCAT and COnneg safely, given seasonal constraints upcoming. 20:58:29 q+ to ask for confirmation that Profiles Vocabulary, if pursued, would be a Note 20:58:38 ack TomB 20:58:38 TomB, you wanted to ask for confirmation that Profiles Vocabulary, if pursued, would be a Note 20:58:43 s/insufficient/likely insufficient/ 20:59:01 q+ 20:59:14 ack SimonCox 20:59:45 proposed: DXWG request 6 months extension 21:00:41 SimonCox: ask for clarification - already agreed that Profiles Vocab would be issued at Note at some stage, but not sure if under current charter etc. 21:00:41 +1 21:00:45 +1 21:00:47 +1 21:00:52 +1 21:00:55 +1 21:00:57 +1 21:01:05 q+ extension for what - can we put that in the resolution text? 21:01:09 +1 21:01:20 PWinstanley: we will clarify schedules for Profiles activities in due course 21:02:24 s/DXWG request 6 months extension/DWXG request a 6 months extension, during which DCAT and COnneg will be completed, and decisions will be made concerning the future plans for the Profiles work/ 21:02:34 +1 21:02:53 rrsagent, draft minutes v2 21:02:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/05/21-dxwg-minutes.html DaveBrowning 21:02:54 resolved: DWXG request a 6 months extension, during which DCAT and Conneg will be completed, and decisions will be made concerning the future plans for the Profiles work 21:03:03 rrsagent, draft minutes v2 21:03:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/05/21-dxwg-minutes.html DaveBrowning 21:03:04 PWinstanley: thanks all for hard work 21:03:14 rrsagent, create minutes v2 21:03:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/05/21-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 21:03:46 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2019.05.21 21:03:50 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:03:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/05/21-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego