<janina> scribe: SteveNoble
Scott: discussion of comments around drag and drop as a form of CAPTCHAs
Jason: should we include game-based CAPTCHAs?
Janina: Best if we wait until we get actual examples presented
Jason: Issue 14, security and biomentrics. Unclear how these authentication problems make a connection to our discussion.
<janina> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/editorial2-captcha/captcha/index.html
<janina> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/logic-puzzles/captcha/index.html
Jason: set an objective by next meeting to review and merge changes from braches into current document
Scott: has provided a rewrite for issue 22 in an email
Jason: we will discuss changes to 22 in email
Janina: Issues 25 and 26 about
audio CAPTCHAs...commenter advises that they are no longer
being used because they are too easy to crack
... Discussion of CAPTHA token economy (issue 26) which allows
one to spend down CAPTCHA credits earbed after a successful
Scott: wonders if we can document point in isssue 25 about audio CAPTCHAs going away
Janina: the commenters provided URIs pointing to the retirement of RECAPTCHA 2, and version 3 no longer has an audio verion
Jason: use Scott's suggestion on issue 22 and circle back to the others
Jason: any suggestions on where to concentrate?
Josh: user requirements methodology as a discrete work item?
Judy: not directly, but use case requirements may factor into other specific topics we study.
Jason: We need to better
undertsand XR use cases.
... we will look at the web games workshop position paper once
it becomes available
... try to focus on getting the CAPTCHA paper finished up as
soon as we can and then move on to other items
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