19:45:58 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 19:45:58 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/04/02-dxwg-irc 19:46:06 rrsagent, make logs public 19:46:14 chair: PWinstanley 19:46:50 regrets+ Makx, Andrea, Antoine, Alejandra, Annette, Jaroslav 19:47:10 meeting: DXWG Plenary 19:59:05 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2019.04.02 20:02:14 ncar has joined #dxwg 20:02:22 present+ 20:02:22 present+ 20:02:42 present+ 20:02:50 DavidBrowning has joined #dxwg 20:07:03 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwg 20:07:37 present+ 20:11:27 regrets+ kcoyle 20:13:53 scribe: TomB 20:14:05 scribeNick: TomB 20:14:25 Peter: people happy with agenda? minutes of last meeting? 20:14:35 proposed: accept minutes https://www.w3.org/2019/03/26-dxwg-minutes 20:14:50 +1 20:14:53 +0 ( i was not there) 20:14:57 +1 20:15:41 +1 20:15:58 resolved: accept minutes https://www.w3.org/2019/03/26-dxwg-minutes 20:16:00 RESOLVED: Accept minutes 20:16:45 TOPIC: Time of telecons - Australia will change next weekend 20:17:07 TOPIC: Whether to have F2F in Fukuoka - colleagues please respond to poll. 20:18:04 TOPIC: Now including in agenda two tables: 1) PRs, 2) Issues "marked for closing" 20:18:35 ...will help us keep overview even if we are not attending DCAT meetings. 20:18:46 q? 20:18:47 yes 20:18:49 ...they will be closed. 20:19:01 TOPIC: Open action items 20:19:10 ...almost all of which are for subgroups 20:19:23 ...proposing meeting times (done) 20:19:34 ...proposal for referencing PRs 20:19:44 ...Closing #319 and #320 20:20:14 ...Dave, can we chip away at issues over next few days? #173, 174 20:20:33 Dave: Will put on agenda for DCAT subgroup meeting. We have been busy. 20:21:02 Pete: Github ?? needs to be done. Talk with Philippe? 20:21:21 ...Nick, things w.r.t. test suite - goes back six months 20:21:33 Nick: We did mention at least conneg subgroup meeting. 20:21:59 Peter: Our attn is split btw what we have on this system (zakim and ACTIONs) and Github - 20:22:07 ...we need to pay attn and tidy up. 20:22:18 Nick: Lars is very good at checking ACTION items. 20:22:39 Peter: If they are still live, they stay there. But if timed out or closed, must get rid. 20:22:48 ...Need to push into subgroup meetings 20:22:59 ...We have spreadsheet of comments coming in from public list. 20:23:34 ...w.r.t. Profiles Vocab, if we get things coming in w.r.t. publn today, need to log in spreadsheet. 20:23:41 Nick: We expect to get comments on second. 20:23:55 Peter: But we do not expect to do anything about that until may. 20:24:21 ...checking team availability over next four weeks. 20:24:48 Dave: Several people are on holiday. 20:25:12 ...however, fast approaching point where we will have something close to Proposed Recommendation. 20:25:24 ...before tomorrow, may not have complete list. 20:25:53 ...At that point, will be important to get eyeballs on doc before PR - target: before Easter. 20:26:04 ...so a few weeks to close off remaining issues. 20:26:27 ...Sunday, 21st - potential PR by then 20:26:49 ...if we do that, would be important to have widest possible WG review before offering to wider audience 20:27:24 ...agrees no major defects and happy to move on in process 20:27:55 ...that would give us a week at end of month - for debugging spec - would give us a PR towards end of month 20:28:18 ...obviously, if significant issues arise... but alot of work has been done, so reasonably comfortable 20:28:36 Peter: The Google Doc covers things that are absolutely mandatory...? 20:28:50 Dave: Except some things that haven't been done 20:29:07 ...Need to update w.r.t. critical things not yet done - especially versioning 20:29:30 ...but not as complete as we had intended when we discussed last year 20:29:34 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17Du2hZzIxejX7MT6MlmZOIdMKFonrLRUUAn1v5XJwt4/edit#gid=0 20:29:41 Peter: Jaro was doing alot on versioning side 20:29:52 Dave: We have two-thirds complete. 20:30:07 Peter: It was becoming extremely complicated. 20:30:24 Dave: Versioning thing is main casualty of timeboxing. 20:30:34 ...Triage. 20:31:01 Peter: One of the most obvious things: for DCAT3 work - we need right form of words when offering to people for comment 20:31:17 ...So they do not immediately home in on absence of versioning. 20:31:26 ...Issue 42? 20:31:34 Dave: Not a clue. 20:32:14 Peter: Questions? 20:32:18 q? 20:32:30 TOPIC: Conneg 20:32:41 Peter: Nick, can we create a cut-off? 20:33:06 Nick: We have been ready for 2nd PWD. Hoping to have in this meeting to proceed with 2nd PWD release. 20:33:20 Peter: Can take a vote, then send out poll. 20:33:27 Nick: Need to link-check. 20:34:02 Peter: If you and Lars can email me. We put poll out requesting. Will be good enough for W3C. 20:34:16 Nick: Hopeflly 2nd PWD next week. 20:34:23 s/flly/fully/ 20:34:44 Nick: Lot of issues that will be coming thru on 3rd PWD. 20:34:59 Peter: If everyone content, want to move on to other issues... 20:35:09 ...I started, and Karen found others 20:35:19 ...some high-volume issues. 20:35:41 ...Are these going anywhere? Or do we park? Not resolvable in near term? 20:35:51 ...Some in older issues - discussed and not closed. 20:36:18 ...I am looking for guidance on what we can do with these 20:36:40 ...Not necessarily resolve, but park them to keep discussion available? 20:36:53 ...Is there anything people want to say about these? 20:37:07 +q 20:37:10 q+ 20:37:15 ack riccardoAlbertoni 20:37:17 ...Or revive on email or upcoming meetings? 20:37:53 Riccardo: Noting that #317 - will be moved into backlog of future issues to be considered for next round. 20:38:07 Peter: Fine - "irrelevant for the list". Dave? 20:38:25 ack DavidBrowning 20:38:41 Dave: +1 Riccardo. Not sure it makes sense to try to cull these. 20:39:02 ...Some of these will be addressed by work we are doing. 20:39:11 ...Either moved into future work or be addressed. 20:39:17 ...A few we will not touch. 20:39:32 ...Basically: Might be better to leave them to be discussed in time. 20:39:56 Peter: Karen and I did this because we saw huge number of issues going way back and wondered about their status. 20:40:08 ...DCAT 70 pending + 6-7 active. 20:40:16 Dave: Some of these will move into future work. 20:40:39 ...Text of document implies we did TTL file - but unsure. 20:41:03 Peter: Karen and I tabled in order to dredge them up and bring back to radar. 20:41:24 ...Do you want us to take these off the agenda - or leave them there to be picked off? 20:41:37 Dave: Before next meeting, will try to have a go. 20:41:56 Peter: X will not be around for April for UCR work. 20:42:06 s/X/Jaro/ 20:42:14 ...brings us to an early end of meeting. 20:42:22 q? 20:42:41 ...Thanks Tom for scribing. 20:43:07 rrsagent, make log public 20:43:07 ...Same time next week. 20:43:12 rrsagent, create minutes v2 20:43:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/04/02-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 20:43:46 thanks 21:05:15 SimonCox has joined #dxwg