15:40:30 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 15:40:30 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/03/29-json-ld-irc 15:40:31 rrsagent, set log public 15:40:31 Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group Telco 15:40:31 Chair: azaroth 15:40:31 Date: 2019-03-29 15:40:31 Agenda: [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Mar/0039.html](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Mar/0036.html) 15:40:32 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-03-29: [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Mar/0039.html](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Mar/0036.html) 15:40:33 Regrets+ bigbluehat 15:40:42 regrets+ Jeff_Mixter 15:40:48 Present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:41:42 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Mar/0039.html 15:46:06 present+ 15:47:03 rubensworks has joined #json-ld 15:53:01 pchampin has joined #json-ld 16:00:17 ajs6f has joined #json-ld 16:00:47 ivan has changed the topic to: meeting agenda 2019-03-29: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Mar/0039.html 16:00:58 present+ 16:01:08 present+ 16:01:18 present+ 16:01:38 present+ 16:01:58 present+ 16:03:26 workergnome has joined #json-ld 16:03:44 scribenick: pchampin 16:03:59 TOPIC: Approve Minutes of Previous Call 16:04:10 PROPOSAL: Approve Minutes of Previous Call - https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-03-22-json-ld 16:04:12 +1 16:04:12 +1 16:04:13 +1 16:04:13 +1 16:04:13 +1 16:04:21 +1 16:04:22 +1 16:04:24 +1 16:04:24 present+ workergnome 16:04:34 RESOLVED: Approve Minutes of Previous Call - https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-03-22-json-ld 16:04:36 timCole has joined #json-ld 16:04:45 TOPIC: Introductions 16:04:59 zakim, who is here? 16:04:59 Present: Rob_Sanderson, gkellogg, ajs6f, pchampin, rubensworks, dlehn, dlongley, workergnome 16:05:02 On IRC I see timCole, workergnome, ajs6f, pchampin, rubensworks, RRSAgent, Zakim, azaroth, gkellogg, ivan, dlongley, dlehn, ChristopherA, bigbluehat 16:05:41 present+ timCole 16:05:42 azaroth: we have delayed Ruben's introduction 16:06:20 present+ 16:06:41 present+ Tim Cole 16:07:12 azaroth: working on the usability of linked data, including with JSON-LD 16:07:17 zakim, who is here? 16:07:17 Present: Rob_Sanderson, gkellogg, ajs6f, pchampin, rubensworks, dlehn, dlongley, workergnome, timCole, ivan, Cole 16:07:20 On IRC I see timCole, workergnome, ajs6f, pchampin, rubensworks, RRSAgent, Zakim, azaroth, gkellogg, ivan, dlongley, dlehn, ChristopherA, bigbluehat 16:07:48 gkellogg: presently with Specops; involved with JSON-LD since the beginning 16:08:14 ajs6f: Apache Software Foundation 16:08:20 scribenick: azaroth 16:08:49 pchampin: Pierre Antoine, Associate Prof at University of Lyon, Research includes sem web, lod, and interest in JSON-LD joined after last TPAC in Lyon 16:08:52 scribenick: pchampin 16:09:13 rubenworks: from Genth University; research on publishing and querying LD on the Web 16:09:24 s/Genth/Ghent/ 16:09:45 ... I implement a streaming JSON-LD processor 16:10:10 dlehn: from Digital Bazaar; long involved with JSON-LD 16:10:37 dlongley: also Digital Bazaar; one of the co-creators of JSON-LD, and implementor 16:11:08 present- Cole 16:11:35 timCole: XX library; worked with JSON-LD in the Annotation WG, and increasingly using it 16:11:50 s/XX/UIUC/ 16:12:03 ivan: W3C staff contact, former lead of the Semantic Web activity 16:12:23 TOPIC: Announcements/ Reminders 16:12:53 azaroth: we have reserved Thursday/Friday for our meeting at TPAC in September 16:13:25 ... we can cancel it if it turns out that too few people can join (possibly because we will be advanced enough) 16:13:46 ivan: we should set a date to make that decision 16:14:03 ... probably around 1st of July 16:14:18 ACTION: azaroth42 to facilitate decision by July 1 for TPAC 16:15:03 gkellogg: we should see if we want to liaise with other groups during TPAC 16:15:54 TOPIC: Issues 16:15:56 azaroth: next week, EU/UK will have switched to DST, so the teleconf will be back to the usual time 16:16:04 SUBTOPIC: Defining term without @id 16:16:12 Link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/129 16:16:40 azaroth: we discussed this in the F2F in Washington DC 16:17:17 ... as part of 116 (allow redefinition of terms), but reducing it 16:18:20 gkellogg: the original issue was about redefining a term without `@id` in the term definition 16:18:51 q+ 16:18:55 ack ivan 16:19:00 ... I did a few experiment; this should be fairly straightforward 16:19:17 ivan: this would radically change the behaviour compared to 1.0, 16:19:20 q+ 16:19:24 q- 16:19:25 ... which we are not allowed to be done. 16:19:55 gkellogg: no, it fails in 1.0, so this is not backward incompatible per se 16:20:20 +1 to mark as editorial for gregg to markup (also, thanks gregg!) 16:20:26 azaroth: is it just editorial, or do we need to discuss how it works? 16:20:27 q+ 16:21:03 gkellogg: it should be mostly editorial 16:21:19 ack pchampin 16:27:28 pchampin: if I set "foaf:knows" to an exoctic URI, then redefine "foaf:knows" without an `@id`, does the new definition inherit the exotic URI, or is it back to what "foaf:knows" resolves to? 16:27:36 ... ex: [{"foaf:knows": {"@id": "http://hahaha.org/foo"}, {"foaf:knows": {"@type": "@id"}] 16:27:53 q? 16:28:02 gkellogg: this kind of redefinition is an anti-pattern, possibly even an attack 16:28:18 ... so may be we should consider it as a bug in 1.0 and publish an errata to fix it 16:28:32 dlongley: I'm in favour of fixing security issues 16:28:41 ACTION gkellogg to make an issue for security issue on IRI as term definition 16:28:47 ACTION: gkellogg to make an issue for security issue on IRI as term definition 16:30:24 gkellogg: I even think there's some special logic when the term is an absolute IRI, which we can possibly remove 16:30:38 SUBTOPIC: Sealing and Order (propose close, no issue) 16:30:47 Link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/153 16:31:54 rubenworks: I was reading the new 1.1 features, including sealing (now renamed protected) 16:32:21 ... the example shows a property defined as sealed, then a second definition fails to override it 16:32:41 ... but it was not entirely clear to me whether this worked when reversing the order of the definition 16:32:47 s/definition/definitions/ 16:33:02 ... but pchampin pointed out that the spec reads "prevent *further* redefinitions" 16:33:16 ... may be it would still be good to add an example to make it clearer 16:33:18 q? 16:33:19 +1 editorial, we're in agreement 16:33:47 azaroth: it is mostly editorial 16:34:13 q+ 16:34:20 gkellogg: I think there are already many examples 16:34:23 ack ivan 16:34:26 ... maybe a test case would be better here 16:34:44 ivan: this could be mentioned in the Best Practices document 16:35:07 ... I'm always the guy who asks for more examples, but in this case I agree with gkellogg 16:35:24 PROPOSAL: Close #153, no issue, no editorial change needed in the spec. 16:35:27 +1 16:35:29 +1 16:35:31 +1 16:35:32 +1 16:35:33 +1 16:35:33 +1 16:35:34 +1 16:35:41 +1 16:35:42 +1 16:35:44 RESOLVED: Close #153, no issue, no editorial change needed in the spec. 16:36:03 SUBTOPIC: @container [@id, @set] 16:36:13 Link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/140 16:36:58 azaroth: this issue questions the relevance of `@container` [`@id`, `@set`] 16:38:04 ... many people have answered, in the line of "it's a feature, not a bug" 16:38:19 PROPOSAL: Close #140 as a feature not a bug - no need to use it if you don't want it, and gives consistency 16:38:23 +1 16:38:23 +1 16:38:26 +1 16:38:28 +1 16:38:28 +1 16:38:32 gkellogg: it is about consistency and orthogonality, despite the lack of use case 16:38:33 +1 16:38:33 +1 16:38:34 +1 16:38:36 +1 16:38:40 RESOLVED: Close #140 as a feature not a bug - no need to use it if you don't want it, and gives consistency 16:38:44 +1 16:39:59 Link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-framing/issues/46 16:40:36 SUBTOPIC: Keywords / Flags 16:40:45 link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-framing/issues/37 16:40:51 gkellogg: I already closed issues 41 and 46 (framing) which I raised myself 16:41:31 azaroth: whould we have complete parity between keywords and flags? 16:42:25 PROPOSAL: Close #37, only edgey edge cases when there is disparity 16:42:28 +1 16:42:30 ivan: we have the parity for most of them; 16:42:32 +1 16:42:33 +1 16:42:33 +1 16:42:36 +1 16:42:37 +1 16:42:40 ... those were we don't are edge cases, so I'm fine with closing it 16:42:41 +1 16:42:44 +1 16:42:50 +1 16:42:51 RESOLVED: Close #37, only edgey edge cases when there is disparity 16:42:54 +1 16:43:09 SUBTOPIC: Indexing without a predicate 16:43:10 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/19 16:43:16 Link: https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/19 16:43:49 azaroth: we discussed at the F2F 16:44:24 ... there was an action of gkellogg and pchampin to work on it 16:44:35 s/work on/look into/ 16:45:00 gkellogg: I didn't have time to look into it yet 16:45:11 pchampin: me neither 16:45:53 azaroth: when an item appears randomly in multiple places in the document, 16:46:21 ... it would be nice to put this item in a kind of "bucket" where its full description is stored, 16:46:41 ... rather than to have to browse the full document to find the random place where the full description is included 16:46:52 q+ 16:47:12 ack ivan 16:47:50 ivan: this is essentially the 'itermref' feature of microdata 16:48:09 s/itermref/itemref/ 16:48:12 q+ to say sounds like a framing issue ... similar to "@anywhere" but with a special key to drop the results in? 16:48:27 q+ 16:48:33 ack dlongley 16:48:33 dlongley, you wanted to say sounds like a framing issue ... similar to "@anywhere" but with a special key to drop the results in? 16:48:40 ... copying that mechanism in JSON-LD seems complicated, but maybe not impossible 16:49:20 dlongley: sounds like a framing issue, similar to "@anywhere" 16:49:41 azaroth: this is not only related to framing, you need something in the context as well 16:49:54 q? 16:49:57 ack gkellogg 16:50:35 gkellogg: this is indeed very much like 'itemref' 16:51:04 ... my concern is that it will be complicated if we want to ensure round-trip (compaction/expansion) 16:51:14 ... like we do for other features 16:51:19 +q 16:51:30 we do have special keywords in the framing compaction algorithm that are treated differently to avoid dropping undefined terms, etc. 16:51:33 ... that could be done using default and framing, but seems like a very complex solution 16:52:01 q+ 16:52:02 ack workergnome 16:52:48 workergnome: is there a way to handle this as a post-processing step? 16:53:25 gkellogg: the RDFa reference mechanism involves looking in the graph, adding triples and remove triples that were part of the pattern 16:55:07 ack ivan 16:56:02 ivan: if we do that (reproduce the RDFa ref mechanism?) people will run away screaming 16:56:20 ... what we are trying to do is some sort of internal references, essentially relative URIs 16:56:21 q+ to ask if @link would solve the use case 16:56:38 ack dlongley 16:56:38 dlongley, you wanted to ask if @link would solve the use case 16:56:42 ... it would still require to define a bush and not a tree, which forces us to use `@graph`, 16:56:48 ... but it might work 16:58:01 dlongley: if we consider working in memory, consider `@link` which is implemented in the Javascript processor 16:58:10 ... to ensure that an object is stored only in one place 16:58:31 gkellogg: the problem is that you would typically create cycles internally 16:59:47 ... I'm not sure relative URIs can be used without introducing a level of indirection 16:59:58 q+ to mention issues with streaming profiles 17:00:31 ACTION: azaroth and workergnome to propose a concrete solution, considering link and nest 17:00:34 ack gkellogg 17:00:34 gkellogg, you wanted to mention issues with streaming profiles 17:01:32 gkellogg: if we are moving towards better support for streaming profiles; 17:01:50 ... we can't rely on in-memory storage only 17:01:55 s/profiles;/profiles,/ 17:02:49 ... You would need a lot of bookkeeping to handle this. 17:03:49 azaroth: next week, we will talk about the Primer / Best Practices document 17:03:51 TOPIC: Adjourn 17:04:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:04:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/03/29-json-ld-minutes.html ivan