Pronunciation TF Teleconference

06 Mar 2019


Irfan_, paul_grenier, Roy, janina, Steve-Noble
Dee_Dyer, Mark_Hakkinen


<scribe> scribe: janina


ia: We have not an official meeting during CSUN, but we may meet informally--those of us present
... I'll send out email of related talks
... Also related presentations

janina: Suggests CSUN is a great recruiting opportunity for the PTF

Background and Proposed Solution

ia: Reminds people of wiki page

<Irfan_> https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/wiki

ia: This is the outline Mark provided at our last call
... Everyone should get familiar with the content at this URI

Gap Analysis

<Steve-Noble> +present

ia: Notes three proposed solutions to date
... Gap analysis will help us decide how to seolve all problems we need to solve
... Only one seems viable, ssml

ia; Problem is how to get ssml into html with user agent support

ia: One approach for achieving this support is in the wiki, we need to see if there might be other approaches
... Criteria is easy to author and easy to support

<paul_grenier> https://quiet-collar.glitch.me/

paul: An example

paul As developer see two problems

paul: Can't find other examples of json being object property value
... also no affordance for idrefs

paul; Cheat sheet mechanism? point to it when needed?

paul: unclear what's expected for suggestions? Issues log? Wiki? What's preferred

ia: Not sure ... Think perhaps issue log?

roy: Agree with issue on github
... If needed, we can add you as an editor for documents

<Roy> https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/issues

paul; OK, will convert each to an issue

<Irfan_> janina: gap analysis is important and we need to produce a document to outline the gaps.

POE Use Cases and Requirements http://www.w3.org/TR/poe-ucr/

Spatial Data on the Web Use Cases & Requirements https://www.w3.org/TR/sdw-ucr/

Verifiable Claims Use Cases https://www.w3.org/TR/verifiable-claims-use-cases/

<Irfan_> we need to srart with one of the various situation. not necessary technical.. have some examples and ready to paste in minutes

Web Publications Use Cases and Requirements https://www.w3.org/TR/pwp-ucr/

Portable Web Publications Use Cases and Requirements https://www.w3.org/TR/pwp-ucr/

<Irfan_> janina: if you look at URL and you will find the user scenarios. us to decide which one is appropriate teh follow

<Irfan_> may be to identofy the permission adn obligations people... some of them are too tehcncial .. something like these documents.. we need to come up wth as many as we can come up

<Irfan_> janina: probably examples in different foreign languages where we need appropriate pronunciation

<Irfan_> janina: may be roy can give better example with chinese

<Irfan_> janina: we can cover many use cases in foreign languages, will be wonderful

<Irfan_> janina: we look at those use cases, that gives us technical requirement..

<Irfan_> janina: it can give us to address the different cases based upon various approach

<Irfan_> janina: please look these URI.. these have some use cases.. then we can start yet another document.. eventually normative specification

<Irfan_> janina: will send these URI's in email

<Irfan_> steve: are we including prosody, pauses and other things?

ia: Yes

<Irfan_> steve: there is a significant need of prosody and other properties.

sn: Notes there are differing ways of pronouncing mathematical expressions
... It's a mechanism that helps people understand content delivered verbally
... Sometimes simple things, a plus b equals whatever
... pronouncing a as ay and not ah

janina: OK, my ai wasn't quite right!

sn: notes sapi supports some of this
... People do all kinds of things to try and hack this

ia: We've identified some of the ssml features that provide this
... Noting that ometimes chem is different from math
... Also, there are regional variations, e.g. U.S. vs. U.K.
... Some of this noted on the wiki
... Notes that pls solves some of this, but not prosidy
... Use cases will help us with this
... It's not just math, many domains benefit from proper prosidy
... Notes we all speak individually.
... Are there situations where we want to express a foreign accent?

janina: Asks whether we find value in Voice Over's breath

ia: Very impressed by Amazon's Echo on this
... I have different from my wife, and my daughter is all American--But Alexa understands us all
... Recently reading about Mercedes-Benz automobile speech recognition ...
... New, probably 2020 models, will allow for regional configuration options
... So the vehicle will do a better job understanding

<Irfan_> janina: we can put the use case with the approach and then we can solve it in the specification. we will find the reasons for this. based upon different history, they have very different pronunciation even though it is latin.

<Irfan_> janina: I can draw that use case.

<Irfan_> janina: we have to think about different accent.

ia: Offers to start use case doc

janina: offers to assist

Next Meeting

ia: Not next week because of CSUN
... Next call on the 20th

ia; Also noting U.S. time change--but we're all U.S. so far

ia: Any other business?


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2019/03/06 15:46:29 $

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