16:00:21 RRSAgent has joined #tt 16:00:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/02/28-tt-irc 16:00:23 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:00:24 Zakim has joined #tt 16:00:26 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 16:00:26 Date: 28 February 2019 16:00:31 scribe: Cyril 16:00:44 present: Cyril, Glenn, Gary 16:00:52 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/20 16:01:01 Chair: Nigel 16:01:44 plh has joined #tt 16:02:13 Present+ Pierre 16:02:25 Present+ Nigel 16:03:36 Topic: This meeting 16:03:46 nigel: there are lots of AOB today 16:04:09 ... profile registry, future reqs (probably nothing), TTML in RTP 16:04:13 ... WebVTT ? 16:04:16 gkatsev: yes 16:04:28 nigel: charter draft, some issues with a PR 16:04:36 Present+ Andreas 16:05:13 nigel: a new issue on TTML and WebVTT mapping, poll on F2F 16:05:13 atai2 has joined #tt 16:05:29 ... historical content on mercurial 16:05:49 ... tiny update on an ITU doc 16:06:10 ... reminder that DST is coming to the US ahead of Europe, so meeting time shuffling needed in March 16:06:40 atai2: possible liaisons with MPEG and the VR-IF regarding subs in VR/360 16:07:46 Topic: TTML Profile Registry Actions, Pull Requests and Issues 16:08:13 nigel: thank you Glenn for getting conclusions on the previous PR, just merged 16:08:38 ... we need some reopening discussions with the section that describes possible way of discovery 16:08:44 ... section 4.2 16:09:11 ... glenn opened PR 53 that deletes the whole section 16:09:19 ... I thought we agreed to move it to an informative annex 16:09:21 pal has joined #tt 16:09:42 https://github.com/w3c/tt-profile-registry/issues/53 16:09:54 glenn: there are 2 reasons to delete the section 16:10:23 ... 1) the leading sentence is misleading at best 16:10:53 ... it's possible that we define an algorithm not in TTML today 16:11:11 ... but I don't want to define another one and leave it up to implementation 16:11:22 ... if we do, we need to qualify the utility of this 16:11:33 q+ to note that if we keep 4.2 then we need to say it applies to content profiles not processor profiles 16:11:34 ... 2) it introduces another table 16:11:42 ... that creates long maintenance issue 16:12:19 ... it creates a second registry that has questionnable use 16:12:25 ... overall, best to remove it 16:12:35 q? 16:12:35 ... seems in accordance to make the document shorter 16:12:38 ack nigel 16:12:38 nigel, you wanted to note that if we keep 4.2 then we need to say it applies to content profiles not processor profiles 16:12:49 nigel: definitely I would concur that it is confusing 16:13:00 ... the document as a whole talks about processor profiles 16:13:09 ... but that section seems to talk about content profiles 16:13:15 ... and we don't talk about it 16:13:27 ... on the point of maintenance, I don't think that's a strong point 16:13:37 ... I don't see that as a prime factor 16:13:48 ... the question is: is this table useful at all 16:13:58 q+ 16:14:05 scribe: nigel 16:14:07 ack c 16:14:16 Cyril: I agree with Glenn, remove the section, make the document lean. 16:14:23 scribe: cyril 16:14:36 nigel: any other views? 16:14:45 ... proposal is to remove 4.2 16:14:48 ... any objection? 16:15:00 ... anyone wanting to keep it in one form or moving it 16:15:06 ... silence 16:15:16 ... the proposal is adopted 16:15:25 ... I will amend my PR comment 16:15:51 glenn: that will remove a comment from cyril, we can close 2 or 3 issues as a side effect 16:16:58 nigel: summary is there is still a bit of editorial work to solve the remaining issues 16:17:11 glenn: I'll crunch through those 16:17:20 glenn: mike asked an IANA review 16:17:33 ... to resolve that one we'll have to get external review 16:17:43 ... the codecs parameter is new 16:17:55 nigel: no, it was in TTML 1 2nd edition 16:18:03 ... the IANA page already includes codecs 16:18:13 pal: let's not change at all if possible, no editorial change 16:18:23 nigel: none of the PR have done so 16:18:34 pal: great news 16:18:50 nigel: we should treat that as a constraint for the future PR 16:19:16 nigel: anything else? 16:19:18 ... no 16:19:24 Topic: TTWG Future requirements 16:19:30 nigel: anything to say? 16:19:36 ... to raise about that? 16:19:47 Topic: TTML in RTP IETF submission 16:19:55 nigel: 4th draft has been added 16:20:00 -> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-sandford-payload-rtp-ttml/ latest draft 16:20:16 ... this should resolve all the comments that we raised 16:21:08 ... section 8 says no IANA action 16:21:22 ... the one thing that we haven't fully concluded 16:21:27 ... is the codecs parameter 16:21:39 ... we now have a requirement that says it shall be in the SDP 16:22:01 ... glenn if you could have a look at that and confirm that it removes the need for anything else 16:22:04 glenn: ok 16:22:13 q? 16:22:15 nigel: we welcome any other feedback 16:22:34 Topic: WebVTT Implementation Report 16:22:58 gkatsev: after last week's meeting, I met with Silvia to talk about at risk stuffs 16:23:10 ... we identified a couple of things to be marked at risk 16:23:26 ... the style block is only supported by Safari and polyfilling is tricky and cannot be done on time 16:23:40 ... collision avoidance with snap to line false 16:23:45 ... and also some selectors 16:24:00 ... if we remove those items from the rendering tests, we can reach 99% completion 16:24:24 ... I'm going to work on marking those at risks and getting a new spec snapshot 16:24:36 ... regions has basic support 16:24:45 s/regions/FF/ 16:24:51 ... for regions 16:25:00 ... and VLC has it too, so we have interop 16:25:36 ... in FF, they have chosen to give a default background to boxes but Safari and VLC have not 16:25:41 ... is FF following the spec? 16:26:08 s/... is FF following the spec?/plh: is FF following the spec?/ 16:26:12 gkatsev: yes 16:26:36 pal: I think either Chrome or FF are not following the spec regarding opacity 16:26:43 ... I don't know how precise we want to be 16:26:52 ... what the threshold is for passing 16:26:52 q+ 16:27:07 nigel: what does the spec say about the background of regions 16:27:13 atai2: thank you gkatsev for the update 16:27:33 ... what does basic support for FF mean? what is the target? 16:27:50 ... do they complement each other? 16:28:06 gkatsev: the reason I'm saying it has 'basic' support 16:28:11 ... it's because all the tests pass 16:28:35 ... but for the scroll tests, the sizing in FF is a bit unexpected (not incorrect) 16:28:47 ... but you can see a portion of the first cue as it goes out of the region 16:28:53 ... it's not perfect 16:29:03 ... but I think it is still within tolerance 16:29:13 ... and just filed as an implementation bug 16:29:23 nigel: does the spec talk about clipping 16:29:27 gkatsev: I don't think so 16:29:35 nigel: so then it would seem acceptable 16:29:43 gkatsev: I'll verify 16:29:58 ... everything else that I looked at, nothing is not implementable 16:30:19 ... VLC is not implementing some of the style stuffs because it is allows 16:30:47 gkatsev: at risk are: cue selector function with *, cue pseudo selectors with past and future 16:30:57 q+ 16:30:57 ... collision avoidance with snap to line false 16:31:03 ack atai 16:31:07 ... and style block within the VTT file 16:31:29 ... and cue selectors with region 16:31:47 q+ 16:31:52 nigel: the style part is a big deal 16:31:58 plh: why? 16:32:11 nigel: because VLC would have no way to set styles 16:32:22 ... no mechanism inside the document 16:32:35 gkatsev: VLC has chosen not to implement that 16:32:45 ... and the spec says that if you don't have a style engine you can 16:33:10 pal: do the current tests adequately represent the spec? 16:33:15 ... that's discussion a 16:33:34 ... and discussion b is: is the spec adequate for some use cases? 16:33:39 q+ 16:33:41 ... a) is very mechanical 16:33:52 ... you check 2 implementations for each feature 16:33:58 ... b) is a lot more complex 16:34:02 ack plh 16:34:14 plh: my thinking is that we need to publish ASAP with the features at risk 16:34:29 ... if the group is OK we should give him power to do that 16:34:54 ... then regarding styling and accessibility, we cannot answer before publication anyway 16:35:07 q? 16:35:15 ... but we can ask accessibility people 16:35:20 ack atai2 16:35:23 ack atai 16:35:29 atai2: I agree with plh and pal 16:35:42 ... if a feature is not implemented it needs to be removed 16:35:50 ... but nigel point is also valid 16:36:12 ... we have a lot of implementations using HLS and if there is no way to have styles 16:36:24 ... that's a significant issue for accessibility 16:36:32 q+ 16:36:52 ... if it's not implemented what can we do 16:36:57 ack nigel 16:37:25 nigel: to respond to plh's point, I think this group's job is to think about accessibility 16:37:31 ... it is within our charter 16:37:49 ... we can make the call to accept or not the features at risk because of accessibility 16:37:58 q+ 16:38:10 ... we need consensus on the at risk list 16:38:30 plh: the spec does already allow not to implement the style part today 16:38:37 nigel: I don't think that's right 16:38:52 plh: yes, there is a class of conformance without CSS 16:39:03 "All processing requirements in this specification apply, except parts of §6 Parsing that relate to stylesheets and CSS," 16:39:09 q? 16:39:16 scribe: nigel 16:39:18 ack cyr 16:39:32 Cyril: We don't have a choice, either we publish what is implemented or we don't publish. 16:39:44 .. We can't change what is implemented today, it is too late, whether or not we like it. 16:39:44 q+ 16:39:52 scribe: cyril 16:40:01 ack g 16:40:30 gkatsev: we can mark things at risk that today don't meet the criteria, but we can decide later if we remove or not 16:40:44 ... the style block is something we can polyfill but we need more time 16:40:55 q+ 16:40:58 ... we could potential meet the 2 implementations goal 16:41:16 ... for VLC, from what I understand, because they don't have a CSS engine, they are not implementing the style block 16:41:22 ... this is really CSS inside the file 16:41:27 q? 16:41:51 pal: what's missing is a WebVTT spec that reflects reality 16:42:15 ... it's a reasonable plan to take the spec, identify at risk, publish that 16:42:30 ... if removal of a feature creates deficiencies for accessibility, those can be noted 16:42:38 ... and then we can decide on what we do 16:42:39 ack pal 16:43:03 ... I'm a pretty big proponent to have a spec that matches reality 16:43:20 nigel: plh posted some text on style 16:43:44 q+ 16:43:56 ... if we mark at risk and meet exit criteria, the group would have agreed to publish without the feature 16:44:17 ... we need to think very hard about allowing publication without any styling at all 16:44:35 ... if you cannot indicate colors, I would probably object 16:44:39 q+ 16:44:47 ack n 16:45:20 pal: if the spec does not meet all criteria, maybe that could be acceptable 16:45:35 plh: if you look at HTML, it does not say you have to implement CSS 16:45:44 ... I don't see why we should have a different approach 16:45:53 q+ 16:46:05 ... I agree the experience would not be a pleasant one or acceptable one 16:46:18 ... but we don't require a specific profile of CSS to be implemented with HTML 16:46:30 ... what we are doing today is marking at risk 16:46:47 ... we would be blocking ourselves to start discussing if we remove it or not today 16:47:06 ... there may be a case to make to keep the style box 16:47:12 ... there are lots of engines out there 16:47:18 ack p 16:47:24 zakim, close queue 16:47:24 ok, nigel, the speaker queue is closed 16:47:33 scribe: nigel 16:47:52 Cyril: The goal is to publish what is implemented today, 16:48:05 .. it doesn't mean that it requires BBC to implement it, there are other choices. 16:48:30 .. Publication does not endorse the feature set, we can say it reflects reality. 16:48:34 .. It's better than not having a spec. 16:48:43 scribe: cyril 16:48:45 q? 16:48:48 ack c 16:48:52 ack a 16:49:31 nigel: please circulate a detailed proposal of what you want to mark at risk and we'll discuss again 16:49:34 zakim, open q 16:49:34 I don't understand 'open q', nigel 16:49:37 zakim, open queue 16:49:37 ok, nigel, the speaker queue is open 16:49:39 Topic: TTWG Charter 16:49:59 nigel: I've been reviewing the draft charter 16:50:05 ... and the issues 16:50:11 ... PR40 16:50:29 ... plh we need to enable PR preview on this one 16:50:38 plh: usually we don't on small repo, but sure 16:50:53 nigel: PR40 is adding wording for TTML3 and module approach 16:51:06 ... please have a look at if that works and look at the CSS charter for reference 16:51:20 ... I've tried to adapt that "prior art" 16:51:34 ... one question: there is a template section for adopting working drafts ... 16:51:40 ... are they required? 16:51:43 plh: yes 16:52:34 nigel: please look at the current draft and raise issues for next week 16:52:35 q? 16:52:45 Topic: Hosting additional test/example resources 16:52:57 nigel: we made a bit of progress offline 16:53:10 ... summary is that we are working out what we do with the video resources 16:53:20 plh: we don't need to solve that here 16:53:26 ... are they BSD? 16:53:36 pal: they are referenced from the repo 16:53:47 plh: I'll check with Wendy 16:54:00 plh: regarding the forking, I'm ok with it 16:54:10 ... you'll check when you want to merge 16:54:28 pal: let me know as soon as you can if any additional info is needed by fox 16:55:47 Topic: TTML to WebVTT Mapping - new issue 16:55:59 nigel: John Birch noticed a possible error and raised an issue 16:56:10 ... anyone wanting to take the editorial role and fix the document? 16:56:17 ... if so, please get in touch with me 16:56:30 atai2: we said the document is on hold 16:56:44 ... but I think I'm still one of the editor 16:56:54 ... it's really out of date 16:57:09 ... I'm not sure what sense it would have to fix just one error 16:57:17 ... not sure what use it has right now 16:57:24 ... I did not review the issue 16:57:32 ... I assume the fix is small 16:57:49 Topic: F2F poll 16:57:53 nigel: still open 16:58:10 ... but I noticed while looking at our charter that says we will meet at TPAC 16:58:23 ... which means at least I should arrange a meeting for TPAC 16:58:36 ... I raised an issue about the charter in case we need 16:59:08 -> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/34314/2019_September-F2F/ WBS Poll 16:59:42 scribe: nigel 16:59:52 Topic: Mercurial decommissioning 17:00:17 Nigel: I'll a message to the reflector - if there's anything of ours on Mercurial still that we need to migrate, please 17:00:20 .. let me know. 17:00:44 Pierre: Let's make a backup and store it somewhere 17:00:54 Philippe: We're going to have access to zip files of the repos themselves. 17:01:07 .. That's already provided. Worse case scenario is download that zip file. 17:01:10 Pierre: Thanks 17:01:16 Nigel: That's good to know, thank you. 17:01:27 Topic: ITU-R BT.2342 Update 17:01:49 Nigel: I'm in process of submitting an update to the above ITU document to bring it up to date, to be considered in 17:01:55 .. the March ITU-R meeting. 17:02:00 .. For info only. 17:02:14 Topic: DST upcoming times 17:02:37 Nigel: The US is entering DST soon, a while before Europe so I'll propose new UTC meeting times hopefully to 17:02:42 .. minimise disruption. 17:03:52 Pierre: For the meeting at TPAC, is the goal still to determine following March 7 the final plan based on the poll, 17:03:58 .. regardless of the Charter? 17:04:16 .. For those attending IBC there will be significant international flight gymnastics and we have to set the date soon. 17:04:25 Philippe: We're rechartering between now and TPAC. 17:04:30 Pierre: Understood, thanks. 17:04:59 Nigel: My plan is to agree after March 7, yes. 17:05:18 Nigel: The draft Charter would need a pull request. 17:05:30 Philippe: I can tell you that rule is not actually enforced! 17:05:42 Topic: Possible liaisons with MPEG and VR-IF about 360º subtitle positioning 17:05:54 Andreas: Let's discuss this next week. 17:05:59 Topic: Meeting close 17:06:11 atai2 has left #tt 17:06:28 Nigel: Thanks everyone, apologies for running 5 minutes over. [adjourns meeting] 17:06:34 rrsagent, make minutes 17:06:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/02/28-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:08:17 Regrets+ Thierry 17:13:54 s/long maintenance/long-term maintenance 17:16:49 s/because VLC would have no way/because video only players like VLC would have no way 17:17:47 s/that's a significant issue for accessibility/that's a significant issue for accessibility [if colours cannot be used to indicate speakers] 17:19:20 s/I would probably object/I would need to think hard about it and would probably object: it would mean that WebVTT cannot be used to meet the accessibility requirements of the UK's audience. 17:20:02 s/please circulate a detailed proposal/Gary, please circulate a detailed proposal 17:21:13 s/plh: yes/plh: yes if they have been published, otherwise use the ED and don't add the call for exlusions 17:21:38 s/please look at the current draft and raise issues for next week/please look at the current draft and raise issues - I'll try to open pull requests next week 17:22:02 s/we don't need to solve that here/we don't need to solve that right now on this call 17:22:24 s/they are referenced from the repo/Yes, they are referenced from the repo and have the same license as on the repo 17:22:58 s/still open/still open until 23:59, Boston time on 2019-03-07 17:23:28 s/I'll a message to the reflector/I'll send a message to the reflector 17:24:12 rrsagent, make minutes 17:24:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/02/28-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:25:29 Present+ Philippe 17:25:30 rrsagent, make minutes 17:25:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/02/28-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:28:11 Log: https://www.w3.org/2019/02/28-tt-irc 17:28:12 rrsagent, make minutes 17:28:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/02/28-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:28:38 scribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 17:28:41 rrsagent, make minutes 17:28:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/02/28-tt-minutes.html nigel 19:28:35 Zakim has left #tt