Automotive Working Group Teleconference

26 Feb 2019



Ted, Glenn, PatrickL, Benjamin, Hira, Daniel, Don, Peter, Harjot, Paul, Joakim


<scribe> scribenick: ted

<scribe> Scribe: Ted

Gen2 ideas

<PatrickLue> https://github.com/w3c/automotive/pull/298

PatrickL: I tend to do a series of smaller commits combined as a larger pull request to explain each piece
... it is easier for others to follow
... core idea is to have a simplification of the implementation by reducing the number of tree node types to two
... removing the different style leaf types since in my mind it makes it easier

Daniel: reasoning for the different types pertain to whether they are writeable for instance

PatrickL: understand the merits but want us to be able to avoid issues with gen2 access spec if types changes
... branch type is similar to Ulf's rtype
... I also removed all the different number types as it is independent on implementation being used
... float has a specific meaning in computer science world but not always that clear
... at the same time I introduced a default template that allows for different descriptions and ranges
... another example is date, which is really a string with formatting distinctions
... I refer to schema quite a bit, expecting each tree to have a detailed, readable schema
... to have a wide range of views is important. we want to be able to support multiple transport protocols
... unsure how much people have read through the pull request

Peter: does this mean you want us to diverge from VSS or proposing these changes upstream to it?
... I don't want to split into two data models
... not clear if the complexity is being moved elsewhere. I would need to have a closer work

PatrickL: it should be compatible with the current state, completely describeable within gen2 description
... we described what the charter of this WG is. it is to create a protocol specification that can be used in the vehicle and that is what I am after
... if GENIVI follows what we are producing, I would be happy
... what I and my company want is to follow the charter
... last week I was surprised at the enhancements to VSS which is something I can't do at the moment

Daniel: right now as you say it is compliant with VISS and earlier VSS
... do you see a benefit with different descriptors?

PatrickL: no
... it combines both views


Ted: I can see how the charter can be interpreted for previous or ongoing VSS

PatrickL: I am trying to bring core ideas of submission into this pull request
... conversation is stalled on the pull request at present

Daniel: what we are changing in the current version of VSS is coming from this group
... concerns in the VSS pull requests from Gunnar and Ulf have not been handled yet
... one could argue from charter perspective

PatrickL: my charter comments were to explain my confusion about state we are currently in
... to Ulf and Gunnar's point, it is not progressing to something I cannot pinpoint
... there are two sides working on something
... I am not getting feedback on the ideas of the pull request but the direction of it
... the direction is made clear based on description of the charter
... the intent of the direction is what is being questioned. it is not meant to pull away from GENIVI side (VSS) but to bring the core of the VW submission with the state of VSS
... VISS has evolved and being used publicly so understand starting from that is logical

Ted: my understanding of Ulf's rbranch was to help bridge the divide between VISS and ViWi, agree type for one kind of branch but not the rest is a bit awkward

PatrickL: the idea in the gen2 data model pull request for this additional description for all branches is a play on Ulf's solution
... to describe all branches in the same manner instead of having a special type

Ted: sure he would be open to alternative ideas and would like us to tease apart issues with the underlying VSS

PatrickL: it is a great idea to be able to describe branches and should not be restricted to one corner case


Ted wondering if rbranch is merged previously, believe it was

Daniel: that was before me

Peter: where are we, considering forking?

Daniel: we want to avoid going so far away from the original VSS but open to dramatic changes
... there have been some incremental changes that didn't fit well due to retaining legacy
... I am open to the discussion

PatrickL: I do not want documentation in different locations, one doesn't know what to rely on

Ted: it is common for specs to reference other works, here is is difficult having two moving simultaneously in different organizations even though essentially the same parties

Daniel: both are in flux and can influence one another, agree we want to reduce confusion
... we would want to keep them together
... I want to understand the problems better before responding to the pull request

PatrickL: simplification described at the beginning was with implementation complication in mind
... I could not come up with another solution

Daniel: by that you mean sensor and data types?

PatrickL: right, everything becomes a branch and leaf
... after that value description comes into play
... whether a value is changeable

Daniel: access should be out of the data model

PatrickL: I hope the problems I see are now clearer to the group and prepared to answer any questions that might arise
... reading Ulf's comment, he cautions against moving away from VSS in gen2
... should not be a problem if we are moving together
... it is also a question on how we work on this together
... we need a rationale for the moves
... clear we are not going to reach any conclusion so we should continue by email or on github. sidenote, unavailable for the next two calls due to travel

Peter: not sure how to proceed
... if changes should be made to VSS to be condusive

PatrickL: if people agree with the pull request

Peter: we are all in agreement that one model is a good thing

PatrickL: agenda for next week, OCF?

Don: hopefully, will confirm


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/03/05 20:06:03 $