Internationalization Working Group Teleconference

21 Feb 2019



addison, Katy, jeffsto, r12a-telecon, David, xfq, Bert, JcK, Atsushi
Addison Phillips


trackbot, prepare teleconference

Agenda and Minutes

Action Items



<trackbot> action-775 -- Addison Phillips to Ping florian in place of chaals for input type=email -- due 2019-02-14 -- OPEN

<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/775

supposed to be ruby


<trackbot> action-777 -- Addison Phillips to Ask florian and kobayashi about their preferences regarding publication and maintenance of simple-ruby document -- due 2019-02-21 -- OPEN

<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/777

close action-777

<trackbot> Closed action-777.


<trackbot> action-778 -- Richard Ishida to Revise string-meta section 4.5 if appropriate -- due 2019-02-21 -- OPEN

<trackbot> https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/778

close action-778

<trackbot> Closed action-778.

Info Share

<scribe> scribenick: addison

richard: doing a marathon on typography index

<r12a-telecon> http://w3c.github.io/typography/

richard: supposed to be a key document for requirements work
... many links out of date
... hard to edit it in html
... all very messy
... so I ripped it apart and made data into JSON
... easier to add to
... page reads data and creates what you see in link above
... rationalizing use of keywords, labels
... adding links to gap analysis
... need to go through tests, mongolian stuff
... would anyone like to help, now that it is easy...?

katy: this would be working on the json file?

richard: it's a set syntax, (finding file)

katy: interested to chat about it

<r12a-telecon> http://w3c.github.io/typography/index-data/data.json

<scribe> ACTION: katy: sync with richard about maintaining typography index

<trackbot> Created ACTION-779 - Sync with richard about maintaining typography index [on Katy Mawhood - due 2019-02-28].

jeff: will you talk more about i18n techniques

RADAR and Active Work Review


richard to add verifiable claims to track page


richard: arabic not worked on recently
... so removed issues notes etc.
... view to publishing as a note
... but if working again, less daunting if no junk
... some progress
... go through the issue list and trying to figure out what is editorial vs. (etc)
... applying new label "useful discussion"
... looking at issue list, there is as much interesting stuff there as in the lreq doc
... so looking to label the useful material/discussion with a label
... so can point to from typography index
... maybe one already there
... probably remove charmod from list
... updating my description/summary of writing systems and scripts

<r12a-telecon> https://r12a.github.io/scripts/

richard: if you were to look at e.g. bengali
... (#structure) talking about e.g. how syllables are formed

katy: you mentioned SVG

richard: want to move 'characters'
... using UTF-16 code units not a good idea, but struggling with "what are text units we need?"

katy: simplify input of indic script?


volunteers for maintenance activities

<r12a-telecon> http://w3c.github.io/i18n-activity/reviews/

Addison invites group participants to review old tracker items and propose that they should be closed or other action taken

this is not a hard task, you don't need to know much since you can read the thread

goal is to (1) figure out whether the comment is resolved, no longer applicable (eg. because the spec is published as a Rec), or needs some other work - then (2) raise lists of tracker issues in advance of the telecon (so people can read and check), then put list on agenda for discussion during telecon and approve next steps

short checkist for spec developers

jeff: we have internal checklists


richard: it would perhaps help spec developers feel less daunted
... if we could ask them whether their spec does a certain number of things relevant to i18n, and if so point to specific parts of our (long) checklist
... can also help folks doing reviews in our WG to know what to look for
... so ask yourself basic questions, e.g. if 'natural language' then look at, say, bidi or metadata
... if spec has time/date, then look at timezones etc
... groups come and say "we don't have anything" and these basic questions can lead in

david: people who say they don't need a review are sometimes most in need

richard: wanted to produce a list of this type for some time


<scribe> ACTION: richard: put short checklist into a document and structure a bit better

<trackbot> Created ACTION-780 - Put short checklist into a document and structure a bit better [on Richard Ishida - due 2019-02-28].




Work is still ongoing re the rewrite. May be ready for review in about a week.


Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: katy: sync with richard about maintaining typography index
[NEW] ACTION: richard: put short checklist into a document and structure a bit better

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/02/21 16:06:05 $