SVG Working Group Teleconference

11 Feb 2019


krit, AmeliaBR, stakagi, dino, Tavmjong, myles
AmeliaBR, krit


<Tavmjong> Be there in a couple of minutes.

<AmeliaBR> Scribenick: AmeliaBR

SVG Community Group

Dirk: We're still waiting for the WG charter approval, but there is no reason not to go ahead with the CG.

<krit> https://www.w3.org/community/#support

Dirk: It would allow topics to move ahead outside the WG.
... Chris started the initiative already (link above) it needs 5 supporters to be created.

Amelia: Do we have a clear scope description for the CG versus the WG?

Dirk: That needs to be sorted out. First activity of a CG is usually to decide on a chair and charter.
... If anyone wants to volunteer, let us know.

Sairus: I've marked support, but the W3C community website seems broken. Information and comment links aren't going anywhere.

Dirk: We should probably follow up with Chris.

Sairus: First activity of a CG is usually a charter. Is there already a draft charter?

Dirk: I don't think so.
... The CG could move forward with that. Although it might help to have at least one task for the new group.

Amelia: First task could be to decide on priorities, including reviewing all stalled spec proposals from the WG.

Dirk: That could be a good start.

Tav: I'm a little skeptical about this process. Do we have any buy-in from the browsers to support the CG?

dino: I think the idea is that the CG provides a place for the community to discuss & feel like they are having input without first having to get the browsers on board prior to discussing the idea.

Tav: But if browsers aren't committed to implement, what's the point of discussing it?

dino: If people want to push ahead on work, they will have a place to do it, before moving to the WG with wider support.

Dirk: I think the idea is that the CG can gather support from developers and designers & gain traction for the idea.

dino: And it is easier to get involved without being a W3C member.

Tav: That's great. My worry is that the CG will end up doing its work on the side but get ignored.d

dino: and that's what's happened before with the WG. So it's better to have it clearly acknowledged in a CG, so that the WG focuses on things with support.

Tav: Ok. I do like the idea of reviewing existing proposals, and getting clear community support for which should be focused on.

SVG Native / Core spec

Dirk: I think the new SVG Native spec would start in the CG.

Myles: I thought this was in the main charter?

Dirk: There's currently some objections to the charter & some back & forth, not sure if it will end up in the charter. We could start work in the CG.

Myles: Is there a process for transferring work to the WG when the charter is approved?

Amelia: There's an established process for a WG adopting a project from the CG. It could probably be adapted.

Myles: OK. I have no problem with working with a CG. Would this mean another weekly call, though?

Amelia: I think it would be more welcoming for a CG to focus on async online communication anyway.

Dirk: Async is probably good for now.

Myles: One other thing: The charter calls it SVG Core, we've been calling it SVG Native. Not sure if that matters.

Dirk: Could be a first task of the CG to decide.

<krit> ScribeNick: krit

Unit type after setting SVGAngle or SVGLength via SVG DOM

GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/478

AmeliaBR: we had a discussion about this back in October. Half of the issue was resolved. We were lacking some data
... SVGAngle/SVGLength DOM properties and setting values with units did not match what the spec describes
... pasting in previous resolution

<AmeliaBR> from October: * RESOLUTION: When setting `value` on an SVGLength or SVGAngle, the current unit type is preserved if the object has a defined conversion factor from the unit type to user units / implicit degrees.

AmeliaBR: this is consistent for most browsers
... but what if there isn't a clear conversion factor?
... Edge tries figure out values: em-units is 16px if no associated font is present
... what about newer CSS units with clearly defined px ratio but have no representation in SVG DOM
... Lot of inconsistencies. Chrome has most useful: handling things behind the scenes choosing the closest unit type
... but it fails in a couple of places
... we decided to add no more new enumeration values
... long term is to replace everything with cSS OM

krit: is it worth working out the details for legacy behaviour?

AmeliaBR: need to consider long term ideal solutions. But we need to ask this question. Especially if implementations are willing to change.
... For detached objects I am happy with sepcifying: throw error when you can not figure out a conversion to user unit. I think that should be easy to implement.
... For new CSS units, I think we should prefer get/set value as string if the UA supports the value as string.
... For CSS property there is support for setting value as string in the DOM object.,
... we should get a few more implementers looking at this and give feedback how difficult it would be to update their implementations.
... I can create a PR for review with a recommendation. We wouldn't merge it yet but implementers have something to look at.

krit: Are there issues for each implementation? Can we point to your PR then?

AmeliaBR: there is one for Chrome.
... wanted to file issues once we have the text and decided about a solution.
... I'd recommend the Chromium behavior with the one fix I talked about with Frederik in the GitHub issue.

krit: What does Frederik think about the proposal?

AmeliaBR: That it would be an easy change and I filed a bug.
... this includes the throwing behaviour described before.
... other browsers on the call

myles: no comment

krit: objections?

Proposed RESOLUTION: Amelia write proposal as PR and gathers feedback from implementers. Idea is to follow Chromium with some fixes described in the issue

RESOLUTION: Amelia writes proposal as PR and gathers feedback from implementers. Idea is to follow Chromium with some fixes described in the issue

<AmeliaBR> trackbot, end telcon

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Amelia writes proposal as PR and gathers feedback from implementers. Idea is to follow Chromium with some fixes described in the issue
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/02/11 21:37:54 $

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Default Present: krit, AmeliaBR, stakagi, dino, Tavmjong, myles
Present: krit AmeliaBR stakagi dino Tavmjong myles
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Found Date: 11 Feb 2019
People with action items: 

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